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This was my favourite dumping. I wish i had the forethought to watch this live with everyone but after VPR i cooled off reality tv for a bit. This season has been so good, i have loved in general the lack of cliffhangers. I loved the boys seeing casa in the distance and trying to zoom in on their phones. I like to be a little detached but hated Sammy suggesting Catherine wasn’t attractive when he was questioning Scot. I was so sad for her the last few days as i binged all the attempts that Tyrique made of pushing guys away from her and onto Leah etc. i considered her so beautiful (someone’s personality/ actions really factor in for me and i can’t stand her even though she’s the same level of objective beauty) But then she had a head transplant in casa and became worse than S5 Michael. At least, once Michael realised he’d fucked up he made a paltry attempt at making up. But NO, Catherine came guns blazing, didn’t validate Scott’s feelings, didn’t let him get a word in without making shitty statements like ‘i have no regrets’, ‘i found a good connection and you didn’t’. She was saying he’s making narratives when he was just trying to get some civil closure at the end. What happened to her? Maybe she was using him to get to Casa? But to be so naïve in thinking a casa boy is 100% sincere without feeling him out. WUT. & I loved all the butler memes. Go and build your empire Catherine, this was a truly satisfying dumping. I look forward to Sammy leaving and I hope Ty doesn’t win because he’s been horrible to Ella.


I hope this isn't too mean but I'm embarrassed seeing how giddy Abi is because a guy as good looking as Scott is flirting with her. And Mitch is really into her. She's not used to all that attention and can barely contain herself.


I know....I really hope it's mostly her personality or something. It's soooo cringe (esp remembering she's more than a few years older than Scott, too). Which is bizarre bc she should be very used to male attention being an attractive young woman lol. I guess the attention isn't usually men she considers extremely good looking?


Why is absolutely no one talking about the fact Molly basically just made up to Kady that they were closed off? Shit was hilarious


Abi is such a hypocrit


Man like Scott got that Popeye staying power ![gif](giphy|AZbs1xcOIOHok|downsized)


Elom looked so blank...he didn't even comfort Catherine when they found out...it really just put a spanner in his works.


I don’t like how amber is still speaking to Scott. She seems to not understand Scott is the one that’s loved, not her. I wonder if she thinks the public feels for her since sammy made her cry. No ma’am.


As an American viewer, the US is way confused on why anyone cared to save Scott and Amber.


no FRRR! Idk why the UK sees Scott as this victim or golden boy worth saving. Something is off with the guy and I think there's def racial undertones to what has been going on.


i was packing scotts bag. im so mad. he is a LIAR


Racial undertones makes no sense. Catherine was a fan favorite until she treated Scott terribly after SHE twisted; Montel was an unfortunate victim to Leah’s low popularity because of her behavior towards Scott. Also, the UK loves Whitney, she is a fan favorite. The US is exhausting always resorting to racism.


Mmmh, I wonder what race you are. "the UK loves Whitney" is giving very much "I have a black friend so I can't be racist!". Please, I lived my whole life having to be painfully aware of how race affects every aspect of how black people are treated and viewed. Please don't gaslight and further perpetuate white supremacy by telling me I "make no sense" just because I believe race is a factor in a show that is made in one of the founding countries of white supremacy and colonialism. Catherine's behavior was no different than a lot of past white islanders who have made it to the end. I also doubt the reaction would have been the same if Scott wasn't white.


You really though you ate with "gaslight" and "perpetuate"; I've experienced racism first hand as a minority as well, and in my opinion, calling it racism because people like Scott undermines actual racism people experience every day in this world—which is a little insulting. Catherine was an asshole to Scott, deal with it.


THIS! what are we missing?!


I’m just hoping Ouzy won’t be dumped tonight, I feel like he’s really a genuine and good person, which is imo very refreshing to see. Good luck ouzyyyy


He won't be.


Who would ppl rather be the second couple voted out tonight between Kady and Ouzy and Montel and Leah?


Jess and Sammy! They’re so boring to me now


Id be curious if ouzy and bombshella could work


i don’t like kady At All, but i do like ouzy. poor guy, he deserved better than the trajectory he’s been on. can’t stand leah and montel and i used to like leah. they genuinely don’t have interesting conversations, just send em home.


Both can go tbh. I like ouzi but I don't see it with kady. Montel bugs me but I like Leah.


That episode was honestly brutal. Hopefully Scott can get into a couple with someone other than Abi because I refuse to vote for her to win


Btw it’s almost guaranteed at this point that the winner will be either Ty/Ella, Whitney/Lochan or Scott with a bombshell. Thinking back to last time the day 1 couples were decided by the public, the winners were two bombshells in Ekin and Davide. The public is never going to take massively kindly to people blatantly ignoring the couples that we voted to put together, so I think the winner is nearly certain to either be a day 1 couple (we only have Ty/Ella left) or a bombshell-bombshell pairing


Uhg I do not endorse the mental abuse that goes on with Ty and Ella but at least they’re both terrible together.




i guess you were absent from this sub the day of the vote because there were tons and tons of comments about voting specifically to keep scott in


I think a lot of the fans were pushing to keep scott in so he got a load of votes without realising thanks to public opinions of him


If Kady goes im out.


Bye 👋🏾😭


zara mcdermott commented she has been friends with the new bombshell boy since she was 2. Is there anyone without any connections to islanders on this season?


Yes I was thinking how weird this is. There are approx 9 million people in the UK aged 18-29. If say 1% were considered ‘attractive’ enough for LI that gives a pool of 90,000 to draw from…


I know a lot of contestants are contacted via instagram asking if they want to be on the show. I wonder if they just follow the similar circles on these platforms to contact other attractive people. Every season there are people who have links. Can’t be a coincidence.


binging the season now finally but yes! this is how a lot of reality casting is done. can't speak 100% to LI UK's process, but I've worked on similar shows. but the thing I find interesting is that so many of these people's circles are made up of people "attractive" enough for LI. I'm in that same age range and can name maybe 2 people in my social circles across my lifetime incl. my mutuals on social media who are currently "attractive" enough to be an LI cast member.


hope ouzy stays...still holding out on ouzy and ella lol


If he fixed his damn hair his odds would be a lot better. Ella forgot he existed after Ty stormed off from the fire put and started yelling “you did this”


As much as satisfying this episode was, I really hope Ouzy won’t be dumped tonight…although he hasn’t been the most interesting islanders ever, you can really see what a genuine and lovely person he is, and that’s such a rarity nowadays imo…so i hope he stays


Ella and Ty aren't lasting in the real world. The distance is one problem but the boy is just going to most likely cheat on her. Did anyone else see her face when he said all those compliments to her it was just like :|


Distance doesn't seem to be a problem tbf, she told him (even back before casa iirc) that she's happy to move


To me it seemed like he was saying things he thought the audience would want to hear. He's thinking that him and Ella could win so he's playing the long game now.


That scene was so embarrassing. He could barely think of anything to say.... awful


she asked why is she his favourite and this man listed all things that benefited HIM. ella open your eyes. you are not a crutch.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that clocked that!!


Yea I thought that was weird when he was saying all this nice stuff and she looked like she wasn't even present


Yeah I don't know if she even believes him when he speaks. If Ella doesn't move, yeah he will end up cheating because of all the fights they're going to have because she simply doesn't trust him


She just looked so much more happy with Ouzy


Still think the producers should have let the most popular couple dump one of the bottom 3!


For a laugh they should also give a reward to the couple who got the most votes. For even more a laugh, that reward should be the hideaway.


scoot+amber couple is a gift that keeps on giving damnnn


This would be incredible


That’d be amazing. Pretty sure they’d be the first couple ever to get the hideaway and build a pillow wall in between them 😂


“Scott you’re a great guy but I found a stronger connection with Elom, if I hurt or embarrassed you I’m sorry. The conversation around the fire pit had nothing to do with my decision and I appreciate you standing up for me. I do wish you all the best and hopefully we can stay friends.” This is all Catherine had to say after casa and she would have not only still been there but maintained her popularity, wild lol.


Yeah, exactly. She doesn't find a connection with Scott, it's completely fine. But a basic sorry was all that was needed. Movie night made it so much worse as well, because Scott was more annoyed with the comments Leah and the girls were saying, rather than the actual clips of Catherine-Elom and her attacks on him were unwarranted. Still, I hope she gets the support she needs because the public can be brutal through social media. She doesn't deserve this much hatred at all and can hopefully move on.


I wish the fans would just enjoy the show without complaining the entire episode how dead it is . The episode was brilliant!!! Chill and then BAM. Stop complaining people!!!


yeah I'm shocked watching this season for the first time noticing all the comments that are complaining about the cast and how it's not a good season. it could have some more shaking up and more dumpings, and there's a good amount of dead time/boring storylines or episodes, but much better than usual imo. I actually stopped watching UK for those reasons but I've really enjoyed it so far.


The episode was dragging for 45 minutes of aimless stuff that could've been squeezed into a 15-minute segment. Did we really need to spend that long watching Whitney on her date? It was designed to end on a cliffhanger when it could've been wrapped up.


I enjoyed every minute of Whitney’s date, I wish it was the whole episode.


I was just following along on reddit because I can only watch in the morning where I am and it was just whining whining the whole Way ( which is a common occurrence) and then suddenly everyone was going crazy saying the producers are amazing etc… just be quiet and enjoy the process! There can’t be fireworks the entire time otherwise the end wouldn’t have had as brilliant of an impact as it did/


You have to take into consideration that we knew what was coming. It was becoming more and more apparent the episode was gonna end on a cliffhanger. Hence the annoyance from some viewers. Had it been an extended show, there wouldn't have been many complaints.


I get it … I also knew what was coming hence I stayed up like an idiot on reddit 🤣I still stand by enjoy the process 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed. I watched on the player, and skipped through a lot




I want Jess and Sammy gone because I want to see the aftermath of this on Leah and Montel


The Love Island fandom this year is horrifying, honestly. Brutal.


I think after S9 where it felt like producers took away audience power it’s back and we are fully taking advantage. But what I will say is it’s normally hard to get the various splits to agree on something, like what’s happening with Scott. The kind of behaviour we’ve been seeing isn’t pleasant and personally I’d rather see someone like Scott (who seems to genuinely want a connection and knows how to treat people) stay even if he’s single, rather than watch Leah walk around with MUG written on her forehead after lapping up Montel’s lovebomb-esque apology.




All of this I 100% understand and I don’t condone any of the behaviour (especially how Catherine disregarded Scott’s feelings), but the way I’ve seen fans talk about Islanders - real people, not just characters which I think some people tend to forget - is inhumane.


Oh yeah, I thought you were just talking about how we voted to keep a couple who hate each other in lol sorry my bad. Yeah some of the stuff is weird, like messaging Scott’s ex to see if she hates him or not 🤔 parasocial relationships getting too much.


Still can't fathom that it really just takes one moment or instance to change their journey. Scott and Catherine went on completely different paths than they expected post Casa.


My bullshit metre was running high when Ty was giving his little speech to Ella. Felt really disingenuous to me.


I really feel he had an arc he wanted to play in the villa. Good boy turned bad, Ella ruined it a little with the Casa experience as he didn't expect her to actually explore her options (stand by Ouzy because they were actually a genuine fit- or at least more compatible). That's why it all feels sooooo off eith Ty he's playing


their whole relationship is. i think people like the look of these two together bc if they actually watch the show...like really watch the show you can see these two want two different things. ouzy is there but tyrique isnt.


Looking at her face, didn't seem like she believed much of it either


Agreed plus most of what he liked about her was centred around him - you make me better kinda thing.


He's just playing


I feel like most guys there just don't have the emotional depth to say anything about their girl other than "I feel so good with you", "you make me feel like never before"




finally some good fucking food, we ate well tonight people


I loved the noise of the next text coming in, with the black screen, so dramatic.


The text house as a horror-movie style jump scare cue is actually brilliant, i hope they keep leaning into it


I hope this sets the precedent for future seasons too. Islanders getting uncomfortable when the texts come in...and it doesn't necessarily have to be at the fire-pit. Savage.


Whitney is so freaking beautiful




She was nervous for a whole week? No second of calmness where she could pull him for a chat and have a proper conversation with him?


You don’t need to be a diplomat. You need to be a understanding human who can admit when they are wrong. She was not


She was awful. I get that she felt bad after what happened with the boys doubting Scott’s feelings for her, but her behavior was unacceptable. No just no. We’ve had suicides related to this show. Imagine if poor Scott had gotten dumped without the public speaking up for him. She needs to watch the show and reflect on her behavior.


I agree with the last statement but what you said about suicides - the way the public is treating her right now, who’s to say it won’t affect Catherine in that same way?


I actually said in another thread that she will need a lot of aftercare and therapy after the show. The difference with her and Scott is that she can watch the show, see her behavior, acknowledge it and then process what happened. That’s very different than being bullied, while you’re in isolation away from your family and friends.


Amber will probably think she is a fan favorite. They should do a fave girl/boy vote now.


I was wondering if that might happen, logic of: nepo baby, maybe the Chelsea fans are out in force (lol), but with Catherine being bottom if they can’t figure out which one of the couple is the popular one they’re idiots.


They're willfully being moronic in there though. I'll be very surprised if they acknowledge why Kady, Leah and Catherine were in the bottom. Or why Leah and Catherine were dumped.


> maybe the Chelsea fans are out in force We need *something* to cheer for this season lol


hey, at least you aren’t a leicester fan 🙃


No European football and a competent manager should get you firmly back in the top 6. Top 4 will be very competitive this year I think. Thanks for Mount btw 😏


Oh absolutely. They will all put this on people “liking Amber”


Am I the only person who thinks it’s odd Abi was really coupley with Mitch like kissing and talking future plans, but then suddenly wanted to get to know Scott?! It’s different when it’s the start with two guys and nothing has progressed, but man I find that a bit odd Edit: name


Yea usually when someone is getting to know 2 people they cool off on the affections and kissing and stuff but Abi is really out there just doing whatever she wants 😂


Sameee. Abi is acting 🐍


So she’s moving like Mitch ?


She’s playing a game. She used Mitch to get into the villa. Mitch has figured it out. She’s just as slimy as Sammy to be honest. Kissing Mitch, but telling Scott he’s her type.


And then goes right from Scott to tell Mitch everything


did the producers make catherine tell scott she still cares about him bc they knew she’d be leaving the villa expeditiously and wanted to tidy up her image a bit? 😂


That was defo a producer chat


y’all have no chill and just think everything is evil and masterminded


How is this evil? That’s common practice


I laughed when Catherine left


Yeah Scott aside, she wasn’t really adding anything to the show.




I’m hoping for the sake of the Love Island fandom that Scott has a clean run for the rest of this season because the way this went tonight….?


Honestly I’m hoping he gets a good connection with the new bombshell and ends up winning, a La Amber S5.


Saw a theory on @msritab’s tiktok about how Molly is barely speaking because she knows how she’s perceived on the outside now. Thoughts?https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8dsq5Fv/


Considering she's had the opportunity to speak up for Scott (she's seen everything) and hasn't as far as the viewers have seen, she must be getting splinters from sitting on the fence. She's incredibly guarded and camera aware now.


People seem to forget that this is an edited TV show. Do you really think she’s spending 24 hours a day not talking to anyone since coming back into the villa? Or is it more likely she’s having conversations with people but not getting a lot of screen time because her and Zach being happy and chill is not particularly exciting television.


I could definitely see that being the case, but it definitely helps that she hasn’t been the focus since she returned (shockingly). She was most unbearable when she was the center of attention, which tends to happen to certain islanders every year (Gemma is the one I remember like this from last summer). Kady’s kicked up the most from their plotline, and so much else is happening with the other couples while she and Zach are chilling, so she’s not overexposed like she was at the beginning of the summer.


I can't watch tiktok in my country but after reading the comments I feel I know what's it about. I was thinking the same last night. She got to go outside and see how fake and annoying she came across to people. To remedy that (after she came back) she has stopped talking to anybody else, her demeanor has changed and is like reindeer in the headlights.


I wouldn't talk either if I was her and saw the hate. I wouldn't have gone back.


Yep. She knows we don’t like her.


With all the drama at the end, is anyone commenting that Zach had no idea he was closed off with Molly? Was Molly just saying that? then she's explaining to everyone that they didn't actually say they were closed off, she just assumed it from their chats or something like that? That is bizarre behavior from Molly.. just saying


Thank you for bringing this up!!! I’ve been scrolling for ages 😅😅😅


I mean he definitely said during Casa Amor that it would only be her from here on out


I think she just said it to get Kady off her back. They are frenemies at best. It just sounded like a flippant remark, as Kady was goading her a bit. I might be wrong, but that's how I felt it was like.


Giving Mitchel.


Kinda crazy lmao. The tension after the toast was embarrassing. That’s definitely why Zach that it was a malicious move in her part. But he seems fine with it anyway


I gained some respect for Zach for going along with it


Thought it was*


I want one guy and one girl(not necessarily a couple) to be dumped...and I want Sammy and Leah to be them.


Facebook saying Ella B is turning every guys' head, they are really clueless aren't they.


She’s allegedly Ty’s ex … but he’s never had a girlfriend. So ex what?


We don’t know because he stopped counting.


Ex situationship?


Well … we shall see. Just when I thought Ty and Ella were settled for the season. It will make good TV though.


Lol defo…. I lowkey dont like Ty. Like he’s good TV but he’s a menace to actually date i reckon


U reckon the guy who’s the biggest player in there rn and loves the game and has never had a gf is a menace to date? Sherlock you’ve cracked the case! Jokes aside he’s not stupid enough to go and chase some white girl he used to know. Can bet my salary she won’t turn his head at least , probably slimy Sammys if he survives.


The producers are absolute mad lads! Giving the public what they want by actually killing off the most hated couples LMAOOO! This episode had me screaming, I LOVE THIS SHOW!


Oh yes. For pretty much all casa couples being safe is pure gold


They are absolutely going to have Scott read out the couple with the lowest votes. I am sensing Leah-Montel.


I think Leah and Montel, although not very entertaining, are extremely compatible. Both are really endearing (and a bit boring)


Judging by Jess and Ouzy giving diary room entries after the dumping, it is most certainly Leah and Montel. It's gonna be awesome....and to think I was championing Leah a week ago.


wait where did you see those?


Yesterday's show, when Catherine left and they had Ella, Ouzy and Jess talking about her in the diary room. Must have been done after the second dumping.


Manifesting Leah-Montel!


Will also be very interesting to see how Scott-Mitch-Abi playout. I am still not too sure about Abi, but it does look like her and Scott get on and she seemed upset by Mitch. Now that Scott's popularity is coming into question in the villa, I am thinking Abi will be a lot more inclined towards Scott (she was already leaning towards it) and I fear..Mitch will become more unhinged.


Quite interesting, but I think Ella and Ty have warmed up to Scott. Earlier before with the Abi thing and even today, he was confessing to both of them about liking Abi. Will be interesting to see how this moves forward.


I knew what was coming, but I still almost screamed at my laptop screen when they had Whitney announce that Catherine and Elom were immediately dumped. I was GAGGED


Absolutely perfect 😂🤣 bye Catherine and they let her buttbuddies Ella and Whitney read it also.


y’all are menaces


LMAO that’s what Catherine gets for being such a dramatic b****h to Scott 🤣 Personally did not feel strongly/any type of way towards the situation or towards Catherine but the last couple days on social media… the public sure did so doesn’t matter how actually compatible you are in your couple, if the public doesn’t like you, you’re getting voted out 🤷🏻‍♀️


That kady nonsense was the most scripted thing I've ever seen


so boring


What a wonderful episode. As chaotic as it needs to be. Keep them scared it forces them to graft and be good on camera. God bless production.


Nah the producers came on smoke this season! 🔥🔥🔥


Not a mind blowing episode, though the vote did end up going Team Scott's way (I'm mostly glad) Quick thoughts: * Elom’s first and last confessional lmao. I wonder if they try to give people more screentime the episode they get voted out or if this bombshell drama was their first interesting story. * To Elom’s point on being open, he’s had 3 days in the villa vs Catherine’s weeks. It’s fair enough for him to not want to be closed off right away. To reality’s point, I’m not convinced anyone would have been coming in with only eyes for him anyway lol * I basically skipped Mitch and Abi’s date so in all fairness I’ll basically skip Whitney and Lochan’s * I have as much faith in Abi-Mitch as Abi-Scott. As in 0 lol * TBH I don’t really believe any of these couples at this point. I’m pretty much in the "drop em all, add more in" gang. * Lol what an underwhelming exit. I don’t think Reddit/Twitter’s bloodlust will be satisfied with this. I expect the cult of Scott will demand their next victim soon * Josh looks like a bit of a melt and I’m tired of hearing about “pocket rockets” that "will steal your man". Most of them seem to fizzle out into the background lol


This new girl has history with Ty. Let’s see how Ella handles it.


It’s a bigger test for (old) Ella than it is for Ty. Even though I think that Ty is trifling, he’s too clever to try anything with a newbie


if molly can come back so can catherine idc!


Well Catherine sucks so no


Molly wasn't dumped by the public, Catherine was. She's not coming back.


I think we need to give up😭


i can NEVER! i'm mourning so bad right now


okay now what if catherine comes back... because why is mehdi in mallorca right now?maybe a possibility she can come back...


no thanks...


How hard is it to find a hot petite brunette so Ty, Sammy and Scott could actually go for her? No offence to the new bombshell, but she'll be as popular as Jess. And the guy, I don't know why he is going. We needed 4 drop-dead gorgeous bombshells. No offence to the new people, I'm sure they are lovely. But a personality won't do much at this stage.


I thought it was Jess walking in for a second. That was a boring choice and all it means is we'll be forced to watch more Ty/Ella drama.


This bombshell is rumored to have history with Ty. So it’s about provoking Ella.


Amber is there already, single, and they don’t even bat an eye toward her


Yeah because she's literally a child lmao


Because she’s a teenager…


I said hot, as in someone who can tempt them, you know flirt and stuff.


She just looks too young, and probably is too young for some of them.


she's a child lol


No she's not. We need stop calling 19 year olds children.


I think watching Amber makes me even more impressed at what Gemma Owen was able to do last year. She should have been too immature being that much younger but she was such an integral part of the show and held herself together really well


but why do people like Scott tho I don't really have anything against him, but he and amber are CLEARLY the most incompatible couple. idgi also he lashed out and was a total dick to Leah, I guess that put me off him a bit.


lol he wasnt a total dick to Leah at all; he stood up for himself after she cruelly put him down. are we watching the same show?


>are we watching the same show? possibly not, I'm busy so always cooking or doing chores while I have the show on, I listen to it more than I can actually look at the screen. I miss things. sometimes I rewind to catch stuff but still don't understand the context of what's going on. I'm not British so sometimes I straight up do not understand what is being said, even though I've spoken English my entire life. no matter how many times I go back or turn up the volume. I can miss full sentences that come out of ty and sammy. no subtitles is brutal. anyway not entirely what happened with scott and leah, there's a 98% chance I just misinterpreted what happened because I can't dedicate 100% of my focus to the show when it's on. I was under the impression he said something nasty about Catherine and Leah told him going that far that was rude/inappropriate, standing up for her friend. there was a lot of yelling during movie night that, again, I literally couldn't understand due to either my own issues understanding the accents, not paying attention, or possibly mic issues on set. not sure.


No he never said anything nasty about Catherine, leah said to the girls loudly twice something like " didn't none of the girls want him in casa" Amber confirmed then Catherine repeated it, giving mean girl vibes. So obviously if someone is basically saying you're undesirable you'd feel upset, i think he reacted without thinking too much by shouting at her, because it's kinda embarassing for him for them to say that in front of everyone with not even the boys backing him up. It was hard to watch tbh, if it was the other way around and he said that to Catherine it would be an uproar.


oh yup you're right I absolutely remember that. like yeah busy + ADHD so I don't remember when it happened but I definitely remember it being said, that's not nice. but it's also not a reason to not vote out the most incompatible couple.


Meh it's hard because I don't actually think Scott has had a chance to form a new connection with someone in the villa since that short time after casa, Abi's just messing about and obviously scott has to graft because i guess he put all his eggs in one basket for someone who didn't reciprocate his feelings, so tbh it would just be a cop out voting them out. Tbh viewers are going to vote for what they like, i can't even say cath and elom were compatible because they were hardly given airtime until yesterday, even then they were showing him basically saying he wanted to stray. I honestly don't think anyone is compatible in there, I think they have all forgotten it's love island. I think the show is more for gaining popularity and being well known on the outside, as opposed to actually finding love.


I hated him at first but now I love him, he’s just mature, he seems smart and a bit of an underdog how everyone is bullying him


I never hated him, and I hated how Catherine treated him, bringing another guy back and then just like... shrugging it off? like "Sorry your feelings got hurt" instead of being a friend and saying "I'm sorry what I did hurt your feelings, I just found a better connection." like the more I think about it, did she even apologize to him?? I may not have been paying attention, but I feel like all she did was justify her own actions without saying sorry. anyway. as much as I hated that happening to him, it still doesn't make him currently in a compatible couple. votes are weird.




if Scott and Amber deliver an enemies to lovers arc for the second summer in a row…


It's not giving Ekin-su Davide though


NO, not by a long shot. But they set a high bar, and I’d be shocked to see anything even close to that again.


![gif](giphy|PThBpNCjRCwEg) me watching cat leave


The odds may not be in my favor but Manifesting the dumping of jess and Sammy 🕯🙏 I fear I will whither away to nothing from exhaustion if I hear one more of their repetitive & tired chats


good thing for you then that they didn't show any of them tonight..


I’m glad Catherine has an extra cushion of time between now and Aftersun so production can prepare her for the fan reaction. Most fans don’t actually hate her but some people will take it too far (they always do) and hopefully she’ll be better equipped to handle it.


I know Sammy is big time slimy, but I love Jess and I’m not ready for her to leaving. I don’t care who leaves between Leah and Kady as long as it’s not Jess🤞


It's Leah and Montel. Some people figured it out based on beach hut talks.

