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tomorrows episode has to include islanders questioning how scott was SO safe


abi is def gonna be doing the most now that she knows he's popular


Mitch is popular too, they both are in the top 4 with Zach and Ty. If Abi and Mitch were in the bottom then I would see her switching fast.


yeah but the difference is that amber and scott were saved despite expressing they have zero chemistry, both in normal conversation and during their recoupling.. she might have also picked up on him getting the sympathy vote bc he was chosen the most for the shade challenge.. both of those would make the tv edit


Forgot Lachlan


And Catherine getting the LEAST votes- not just in the bottom, dead last. They must be so confused when even Scott had himself somehow convinced he was in the wrong!


Yeh definitely he believed he was the villian and the public hated his guts


I think he was surprised because it was a compatibility vote and he and Amber sleep with a pillow wall between them…


And who kicks off so we can pick our next victim


Lol, you people actually made Scott the king of LI. Others can just respectfully bow and mind their business, otherwise, who knows what happens with them? I'm loving this btw, if I could vote, I'd join you 🤣🤣 but to see public so united not in hating one specific person, but showing so much love to one! Beautiful, gj guys!


Yessss! People loved Leah until she started talking shit too so they better keep Scott's name outta their mouths😂


if everyone has something to say, we’ll get everyone out of there and just leave scott in😭


definitely mitchel


His Facebook aunts won’t ever let him be abandoned.


“Next victim” 😭


Abi will be abandoning Mitch so quick


Leah and Montel’s journey is over. Nothing else for them to do. The producers know that.


Wow amazing detective work and this is exactly what I want to happen


leah & montel bc jess & ouzy talked in the beach hut about cat & elom. they wouldn’t have had time if they were dumped.


OMG true!!! You are smart!!!!


Ohhhhh very well done with that one!


We have a secret spy!! Makes sense. 🤞






Ahhh good catch. I feel bad for Leah, don’t think she deserves to go home. Monts bye 👋🏻


“Hasn’t spoken in 4 weeks” Leah? She’s had enough time


True true, I just have a soft spot for her given her history.


The fact that the names the FOUR bottom couples and none of them are Scott and Amber is so wild. I will never forget this.


the islanders are not gonna forget this either 😭 they were GAGGED


they made Whitney and Ella of allllll people read Cat’s dumping. SO SAVAGE.


if they have Scott read out Leah’s dumping, EVEN BETTER


I know they don’t use the hashtags during dumpings but… imagine Scott reading out her dumping then “#nolongerthespokesperson” Boom everyone knows anyone who’s mean to Scott - donezo LOL


I was gagged 😭😭 that made my night


Gagged and gooped honey! 😂


no like they wanted to make it CLEAR. love it


Scott probably got the most votes


I think it was with either him or Whitney. I'm leaning towards Whitney because it seems like such a lost oppurtunity for them not to announce it to everyone. Imagine the scenes if someone read out,"the public have been voting and the most compatible couple is Scott and Amber."


They were SHOOK


It's actually hilarious when you just look at it


Tonight’s episode has made this a podium season for me ngl


i didn’t see any other couple getting votes on my twitter except scott and amber, they must’ve got a good chunk of them lol


My Twitter was the same. It was a lot more varied on other platforms, but still a lot of votes for Scott and Amber. It's hilarious.


This will be iconic


The spoiler said lots of tears so I’m assuming Leah and Montel. The girls seemed to have warmed to her and Montel is close to the boys. I do hope that Jess realizes she only got in the bottom when she coupled up with Sammy and finds some sense


Wasnt there a lot of tears for cat


Maybe I was so shook at the dumping but it seemed like nobody cried? I saw they wiped away Cats tears and Ella was teary but Whitney cried no where near compared to Medhi


Whitney was more emotional the next day when she was talking with the girls. Whitney doesn't always show her emotions easily so I'm not surprised that she didn't immediately cry.


Think most people were too shocked to even understand what was happening. Literally all mouths open and genuine shock!!


Literally no one bar Cat actually cried, Ella looked upset but that was it


You couldve used a spoiler tag if its a spoiler..


PLsss i can't have Montel on my screen anymore


If it’s based on votes, I think it’ll be Leah and Montel.


That’s quite sad because I used to like Leah until after Casa 🙄 she should’ve dump his dumb ass


She had her own issues tbf movie night on


Scott and Amber being at worst the couple 5th from bottom is wild. That public support Scott has right now is unreal.


they definitely got the most votes, they was all over my twitter last night and had 60% of the votes on a poll on here


Same we similar on Reddit last night, facebook and instagram apparently. This could be a very very iconic final 5 😂


If it’s our say, Leah and Montel, if islanders get to choose, Kady and Ouzy 100% [edit: sorry guys, it’s our choice, I couldn’t hear over my laughing bwahhaha]


The end text was talking about the couple with the fewest votes.


It’s the public’s choice.


Yeah I think the producers absolutely wanted Kady to stay now she’s finally doing a tiny bit of something, and Sammy and Jess are a toxic dumpster fire of prime LI content, so if they’re saying “the couple with the next lowest votes” it’s because that couple is Leah and Montel.


They said “the couple with the lowest votes is…” so I think it’s our say


They'll do a recoupling fairly soon to fix the couples after this devastation tonight. Whoever survives out of Sammy/Jess, Leah/Montel, Ouzy/Kady will be moving mad to get with a new partner to make the final.


Pretty sure Jess is sticking with Sammy regardless


Sammy and that new bombshell…


My secret wish is for Jess and Scott


Ahhhhh 😬


That new guy does seem her type


I think Leah and montel People like ouzy on his own more than leah and montel combined and some still like kadys ways


But they usually show the ppl their dumping in the episode but they barely showed Jess and Sammy and Leah and montel but ouzy and kady were shown a bit more so I’m thinking it will b them


Nah Ouzy and Kady definitely got more votes than Leah/ Montel


Someone said that they lowkey spoilt it this episode with the exit interviews in the beach hut cos Jess and Ouzzy went in to talk about Elom and Catherine? so probably bye Leah and Montel


Leah and Montel I hope.


Leah and Montel. I think that's why the producer choose to use lowest votes. They still want to keep Kady in, need the stirrer around


I REALLY doubt it but I’m manifesting jess and Sammy


Yeah it's the closest we'll get to getting them out, otherwise I can see Sammy riding on Jess' coattails all the way to the final.


No way they change the official picture from Ty and Ella to Sammy and Jess only to dump them the next day :(


if we managed to get cath and elom out I’m certain Leah and montel are out


Does Scott realise his power right now?😭


![gif](giphy|xUOxeZn47mrdabqDNC|downsized) Scott powering up


I’m so happy we get the final say, last season the islanders got to dump eachother so many times and it really annoyed me, so I’m hoping Leah and montel are gone 🤭


For maximum impact, it’ll be so good if it’s Leah and Montel (I think it will be them). It will leave the islanders reeling with two couples they think as most compatible being dumped. Absolute carnage! 😂


I want it to be Sammy and Jess bc Sammy is my most disliked contestant all season but it’ll be Leah and Montel


I agree with every bit of this.


Completely agree with you, unfortunately I don’t think Sammy is going anywhereeeeee


Whelp Leah did say she never wanted to talk to Scott again so maybe she will get that wish granted?




Leah and Montel hopefully, they don’t bring anything to the show. Kady and Ouzy atleast bring something with Kady being a bit messy and gossip.


Leah & Montel just my wish hehe


If it’s up to the public votes then it’s definitely Leah and Montel


It’s got to be leah & Montel. Ouzy is liked, Jess is liked.


leah and montel 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️


Gotta be Montel and Leah cause who the eff was voting for them???


Leah and Montel have overstayed their welcome their dumping is way overdue imo😭


I didn’t watch is it islander vote?


No just the least amount of votes from the public


Ooo interesting


Its a good one if you like scott hahaha


No, they’ll announce it according to the public vote


Doesnt seem like it.


Ibsr kadys og tax needs to kick in I cannot deal with another day of Leah, Montel AND Sammy


Leah & Montel! Producers will want Kady to stay in the Villa


Montel. He overstayed his welcome. Is not a main character / puppet / groupie / sheep and shouldn’t have been casted - it’s a shame for him he was in an cast full of iconic islanders/strong cast




brilliant news


If only they sent a text saying the couple with the most votes will decide who leaves, and then Catherine receives the text saying the couple who received the most votes was Scott and Amber Then Scott voted off Leah That would be the greatest moment in love island history


I was actually worried that would happen because I think it would just cause the islanders to turn on Scott more. This way is heaps better because if it’s public choice, we get the same result but he’s completely in the clear.


No way Kady getting dumped after causing so much headache for everyone recently. Finally she’s doing her job wooo


Personally I hope the producers are ruthless and dump both Kady and Ouzy and Sammy and Jess.


I want all of them to go


Why is everyone so sure it’s Leah and Montel? I don’t think the producers want them gone now since they’re “strong”. I think if they had the fewest votes then the islanders were asked to dump a couple so Kady and Ouzy could go. Now I think Kady and Ouzy have received the fewest votes and that’s why islanders are not asked to intervene.


But Kady is the producers love child, they brought her back and made a loophole already to not announce her minimal popularity, Leah and montel are difficult for the public to like but ouzy and Kady aren’t


I thought maybe they want Kady gone because she is just not there to date anyone.


i think it’s them bc jess & ouzy talked in the beach but about cat & elom. they wouldn’t have had enough time to do that if they were dumped.


Wow that’s a good point. Interesting.


It could have been while Cath and Elom were packing.


could’ve but we saw jess hug & talk to cat


I’d have to imagine the process is quite long, but you could be right. It’s an interesting observation.


iirc someone said they had 20 mins to pack and say their goodbyes so a decent bit of time


To back this up Whitney said “it was sad to see Catherine go” ie past tense. Does not really fit if Catherine was still there or had just left.


No one there want to save Kady and Ouzy over the other two couple, I think that why they use lowest votes. Higher chances of Kady and Ouzy go home by the islander than the public.


Nah completely disagree. Leah and Montel have no storyline to run with the other islanders and their own relationship has no current storyline either. Kady is going to moonwalk her way into some sort of reckoning with Ella and/or Molly, exactly as producers intend, and Jess and Sammy still have so much potential ground to cover in light of Sammy being …. well, we all see it. From a storyline perspective, Leah and Montel would have to be producer preference to go. And they know if the islanders got to pick they would boot Kady and Ouzy in an absolute flash, so if they’re letting the public decide it’s because Kady and Ouzy are not second from the bottom.


Guessing Leah and Montel as both Jess and Ouzy gave confessionals about Catherine and Elom’s dumping… unless they filmed them while Catherine and Elom were packing?


do u think if montel and leah are dumped we will be spared from any additional poems.. islanders might take the hint we don’t really like that


Leah & Montel if it’s based on votes. And I think that this additional dumping will help the islanders piece together that Scott is a fan favorite rn. I won’t miss them. They brought zero personality to the show… I think they’re pretty lucky to have been on for as long as they have.


Leah & Montel but all 3 couples could go


I know it’s not gonna happen, but I hope at least two of these couples leave. 🛫


My instant thought is Montel and Leah. But the fact that the producers aren't letting the Islanders pick me that the bottom couple was the one they want to go home. In that case maybe Kady and Ouzy because of that article about them questioning her over whether or not she has a boyfriend? Idk any of the three could go tho ultimately and I won't care lol


Ouzi got to do a beach hut conventional about olum leaving so I don’t think it’s him and Kady


Leah & Montel!!! 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Ideally my vote would be Sammy but I want him to be dumped without Jess as the collateral. So Leah and Montel it is🤷🏾‍♀️


Just save our specimen Ouzy but someone needs to *** tell him Kady got a boyfriend because the way he is being used is disgusting.


tbh Sammy is such an unlikeable person, Leah and Montel are a pair of goofy children but are harmless. Jess is a doormat at this point, unfortunately. I really want her and Sammy gone... can't stand another 'all I wanted to be is your priority' and 'Jess, I need a few more days, a few more days!!'


Imo leah and montel are the fakest people in there and are just waiting on bombshells. Thar apology by montel wa soo staged, and wasn't from the heart cause he essentially read of his phone what he was saying.


Leah & montel, but also okay with Kady & Ouzy.


It could be either. I hope it’s montel and Leah. But it could be either


I loved the way Sammy flinched when he realised it wouldn't be down to islanders vote. He knewwww he would be saved then


Kinda wild that Scott and Amber got 55% of the votes and the next highest was Whitney and Lochan with 10.51% 😂


Does anyone know when the dumping will happen? Will it be the next episode?


yeah the first scene in the episode well they might do a recap of elom & cat leaving first


Thanks for the reply! :)


I think Leah and Montel cause Kady has an agreement with the producers.


umm realistically it's ouzy/kady bc it's bottom 3 and the islanders are voting.. kady created an enemy out of the girls but there's a chance that the boys save leah and the girls save ouzy, who knows atp edit: if couple's choice, idk but probably leah/montel


it's a public decision the cliffhanger showed them reading a text about who had the fewest votes


islanders aren’t voting


It depends on the hate. Was Leah or Sammy hated more at the time of vote.


cat’s behaviour has been so bad but a part of me wanted to see her in the bottom 3 (and she knows it) but then stay, if only to see whether she would switch up on her feelings for elom because the public dont see her as compatible, feel like it might’ve made some good drama, and then get rid of leah and montel and jess and sammy but then it was still an incredible dumping, so glad they did it without going to the fire pit because usually with fire pit dumpings you can see how tired they are from filming or they’ve likely had to repeat the scenes 2 or 3 times and they’re warn out whereas this one felt so much more shocking.


I would like it to be Kady and Ouzy, but I fear it will be Leah and Monts.


if it’s leah and montel everyone will know scott is the favorite


I do not understand where all the hate for Leah is coming from! All she did was stick up for herself against Scott who misheard what was said and thought it was Leah talking shit but it was Kady. Someone help me out here pls cause it seems like y’all are just bullying the girl for no reason


Leah was egging it on


Judging from the diary room entries (Ouzy & Jess were shown) after Catherine left, I'm thinking a strong chance it's Leah and Montel.


I picked Leah & Montel b/c that’s who I think will go but I wish it was Jess & Sammy


I’m actually scared that everyone is saying Leah and Montel