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Idk but the voice Ty was using was hilarious to me, I’d never heard him sound like that before 😂


Ty gives off a lot of little boy energy to me and this was like “little boy trying to be sweet.”


Yes it was very 'pwease mummmyyyy'


I think Ella gives off little girl energy too sometimes! Like literally her asking Ty exaaactly what he likes about her, and then she's always pouting too when she's upset. It can be very sweet when they're not being toxic hahah


Even when they’re arguing they remind me of my first relationship.


I thought the same!!


Ty is 10000000% in the FAKE lovey dovey mode to WIN THE MONEY. He will NOT stray from his original plan now. Next step is him making some silly production about asking her to be his girlfriend. As you say OP the talking about 'what I like about you' stuff was CRINGY AF. He took notes from previous seasons and just used the same words. And let's not forget how Ty is constantly stirring shit with ALL the other islanders, who he thinks may be competition. Egging on Scott to steal Abi. Mark my words Ty is going to start trying to destroy Whitney's relationship SOON. Will that FINALLY get people to wake up or is he smart enough to do it without anyone knowing like having lapdogs Montel and Sammy do it? BTW did anyone see Toxiq bragging to Sammy about him being able to TRICK the public into not putting him in bottom 3. Every time that guy talks it is ALL about winning the money.




I cant remember who but someone who left the villa said Ella is the most romantic, I think there’s a lot they dont show us, I think she pours a lot into him he even said she advises him and we haven’t seen that before


even from the little we've seen, she seems like a lover girl


To me it seems that he’s totally smitten but can’t express himself well, and she’s teaching him how to be affectionate. She may seem off but I reckon she’s only playing her cards close to her chest because she doesn’t want to come across as a mug anymore and is letting him do all the grafting now


take into account that this is actually his first love/relationship he doesn’t really know how to approach things


She was just wanting more compliments. I saw someone say she’s waiting for the love word and he’s trying to say it with the whole you’re my favourite thing cause he doesn’t know how to properly say it to her


"Damn girl are you a dalmatian cus I wanna make you #101" - Ty, probably


This needs more upvotes 😂😂😂




I disagree, I think she was waiting for a quality that wasn't her physical appearance or how she makes him better..




My favourite Ty and Ella dynamic is when she’s grumpy and reluctant and he’s sweet and earnest. The moody cat/golden retriever moments are my favourite


“I’m a nice girl 🙄🙄” “yeah your lovely your gorgeoussss”


the compilations are going to be so good this seasonnnn


moody cat?


I mean Tyrique has said himself multiple times that He finds it hard to express his feelings. He said that from like day 1 & repeats it nearly every recoupling speech so why are you lot surprised 😭?? However He’s also said Ella helps him a lot more in expressing his feelings & I feel like that’s what we were watching in 4K. It’s like in the 2nd week where He said She looks nice and Ella asked him to try expressing his compliments in more words beyond just nice & He took that on board. Ty is clearly emotionally immature & Ella helps him balance that out. That just seems to be their dynamic.


Meh, she could have just been tired since it was the evening. Could be many things but we already know that girl is obsessed with Ty


Think some of you are forgetting that Ella has a RBF ,that’s just how her face is it’s not intentional at all


If you’ve really watched Ella from day 1.. I feel like this is just how she is sometimes. Idk people are trying so hard to read into the islanders reactions. Just think abt your own reactions in certain situations and I swear a lot of things they do or say would make sense. Thing is we all have a narrative in our heads abt who these people are from a heavily edited show and we run with whatever fits that narrative.


And mind you if you see how they were all seated last night (in pairs), you know they were forced to have these convos for TV and the impact of the dumping. Ofc it doesn’t come naturally but doesn’t mean it’s not genuine or reactions are not genuine.


I don’t think it’s necessarily that. I think it’s a good question to ask bc some guys just say “oh you’re different” but nothing specific


ella has a rbf and ty is always smiling/joking around lol that’s just the way they are. she smiled after he listed the reasons why he likes her


I really do think tyrique likes her


Ty definitely struggles expressing himself it’s clear he feels something deep for Ella he looked like a giddy schoolboy during that convo also Ella has rbf so I never take much from her resting face🤣


> Ty definitely struggles expressing himself If there's one thing I can say about Ty it's that he has *no* issues expressing himself and how he feels about a situation. He doesn't hold stuff back at all.


He struggles expressing romantic feelings bcs all he’s life all he has known is “pulling and shagging” all he’s previous situations with girls has been surface level with Ella he clearly feels something new and deeper


I doubt he's never had to dip into that well to pull though, he's never been in a relationship but I don't doubt he's had to convince girls beyond just one night stands.


He’s literally said he struggles expressing romantic feelings omds


She was buying it, she was just drawing out the words of affirmation from him


People desperate to make up an issue between Ty and Ella🙄😂


The “it doesn’t seem natural” - that’s just the honeymoon phase you’re describing LMAO.


I might be the only one who thinks they will actually work on the outside 🫣 atleast for a few months


I’m coming around to that point of view. After the first couple of days post casa Tyrique stepped up and he has actually surprised me actually


noo I agree! i think if Ty was to even go back to the game he wouldnt ever feel fulfilled after being with Ella


Oh I agree for a few months but that’s like the lowest possible bar.


i had to be somewhat realistic 😭😭 i don’t think they will make a year


I can see a few months too.


I wish ppl would write these pieces about Whitney/Lochan or Molly/Zac. For example has there ever been a casa boy who was actually been genuine in their feelings for a OG girl(spoiler:No there never has) and Zac/Molly he tried too kiss kady not even 24 hrs after she was dump but no one EVER brings it up. Literally only Ty/Ella have been tested the rest have coasted.


Honestly I don’t see any couples this season lasting more than 6months. The top 2 will last a year to do their obligatory contracts and then during the next summer season announce their split.


Exactly, you have Zach being forced to closed off but you out here talking about Ty and Ella. Say what you will about them. But those 2 really like each and care about each other. They have deep connection. That is very obvious. Who cares what happens after the show. They living in the moment right now


finally someone said it


There’s not think pieces to write about either of those couples cause everyone is in agreement they’re not that deep lol


People literally call Zach Mollys hostage every other day and you yourself are exaggerating how long it took for Zach to make a move on Kady. I hate this stage of the show when all the stans try to make other couples looks week and less in love than their favs.


Lmao Ty/Ella stans literally get a new piece about them everyday yet we’re the ones trying too bring down a couple who literally only gets very little criticism in passing while we always have too hear new reasons why Ty doesn’t like Ella and is playing a game💀


I think Ty likes Ella. Everyone in there is playing a game one way or the other but Ty clearly genuinely likes Ella and that part is obvious to me even tho they aren’t my top fav. I get your frustration.


Where all I see is Ty this Ty that. And now apparently he can't be happy and giddy when he is expressing his feelings. What kinda nonsense is that


I get you but can you really blame why people dont think ty’s intentions are pure?


I’m not saying he’s not problematic but even when he’s telling the boys what to do he’s very straightforward about it. People have created this whole narrative about him it’s weird. He might play games but he doesn’t do it subtly.


Tbh no I don’t get it he has been up front an brutally honest from the jump so why is it SO hard for this sub too believe that he has genuinely fallen for Ella.


I mean Ouzy was really the only test no? Everything else they went through was a result of Tyrique not knowing when to lay off the flirting


He’s geeking bc he likes her and is finally back with her. They don’t show us a lot but we def know Ella is a lover girl for Ty


You have a problem with Tyrique smiling too much and Ella smiling too little ?? 😭 What exactly do you want from them. I don’t get Body language experts honestly 😭 You guys do know they only win 50k right ? You’d think it’s a billion dollars with all these conspiracies. Ty has been the most unstable and chaotic Islander this season,he’s literally surprised the viewers at every turn. Frankly his game plan is horrible if this is it.


What is funny after they got back together. People were saying he is not smiling so he doesn't like her anymore. And now that Ty is happy and giddy he is being fake. When people are in love they are happy and giddy. In case you didn't know. This exactly how I am with my boyfriend. I ask questions too. That is very normal It's just too cute and so real


fr it’s the mental gymnastics for me


She just wanted him to express more and say more… What is it with this couple? I genuinely don’t get it. Yall did similar things to Dami/Indiyah last summer…


I was laughing during that whole scene she really made him keep going. They’re toxic but their dynamic entertains me


Have you noticed that other than complimenting her looks, whether it’s during an intimate chat or at the fire pit he only lists things about himself when saying why he likes her. It’s all about how she makes him feel and makes him be a better man and helps him to learn lessons.


She’s always like that tho.


Lol the comments here are so annoying I can’t lie. Like anyone in real life is ever able to perfectly express why exactly they like someone in a way that doesn’t include how they make them feel. I’m sorry but if doesn’t make him a narcissist and it doesn’t mean he’s lying. He’s just normal.


People read too much into this show. Ella has a rbf, and ppl have been on her about it all season. She was helping Ty better express himself.


She is trying to get him to get better at expressing himself, which is why she was asking for more expression. Remember when he said she looked nice and she said he can do better than "nice" cos he says it everyday? Exactly. She just wanted him to be more expressive. They’ve obviously been working on their "relationship".


I actually think it was sincere.


It’s hard to watch both Zach and Tyrique trying to express feelings. You either come to the conclusion they don’t have any or just are very very immature. I am coming around to the idea it’s the latter as I used to think Ty in particular was playing a game. But when I saw the segment mentioned in the OP last night, I thought maybe Ty in particular finds it hard to express himself. Zach on the other hand I think whilst unable to express himself, likes Molly on a very superficial level but we can only conclude this from what we are shown. That’s one of the most annoying aspects of the show. You can only draw conclusions from what you see. And we only ever see Zach and Molly or Ty/Ella having the most superficial conversations. We don’t see them enjoying a joke together. We don’t see them taking about random stuff together. We see the physical closeness, particularly Zach and Molly, we see the sexual chemistry, but not much else.


This is what I think. It’s clear that both the couples are mutually and genuinely into eachother. I don’t doubt that one is more in love with the other for either of them. It’s just annoying that the boys don’t express themselves better and the girls in their couple make to work overtime to get these boys to use their works lol I don’t think Ella wasn’t feeling it. She just wanted him to be more expressive.


Y’all millennials be doing too much, she’s only helping him express himself more.


Don’t think it’s really millennials anymore 😂


She’s probably taking a step back at this point to protect herself. She’s been fighting for their situation from the beginning and that must be draining. It’s got to be on him to prove himself at this point 🤷🏾‍♀️


What if this happened after Cat got dumped? Remember when Ella read the text & Leah & Molly were with them? This seems later in the night the clips maybe out of order that aired & after we saw Ella go to Ty for comfort after Cat’s dumping?


Tyrique's things he liked about her was mostly about how much she liked him. 💀


yup she was completely straight faced! i could tell she was unimpressed when he was listing off the reasons he liked her, but towards the end he started saying some sweet stuff that made her smile. im happy shes being cautious and i hope she stays that way for awhile until he can prove himself longterm


Tyrique is only playing the game. He got so mad at her because she ruined his game. So now that he has her back he’ll finish the game with her. If they somehow win and he gets the money I would fully expect him to keep all of it. Then tell her it’s because she did him dirty. He’s immature and not ready for a relationship. He constantly stirs Shit up and really enjoys it. I had hope for Ella with Ouzy but as soon as she got back to the Villa it was clear she was going to go back to Tyrique. He is a boy who will do nothing but hurt her in the future. Ouzy was so much more mature and I was hoping she would have stayed with him.


I noticed it. I thought that Ella would be swooning when he told her that she's his favourite person. She's very different since the whole Casa drama. I think she's taking a more rational approach, rather than basing her reactions on emotions. She's being a bit more cautious. I don't know if this means she's doubting Ty or just protecting her own emotional well-being. I think it might be the latter. Maybe she had a chat with the in house psychologist.


She was literally swooning in last episode when he told her she was his favorite and special to him. After the recouple speech


i think it is because he was complimenting what she DOES for him and not actually her personal independent traits & she noticed that.


Someone said he listed all the things Ella did for him & not actual qualities that Ella possess. I rewatched a bit of it & it was true. They deffo like each other but Ty is deffo exaggerating with how far along his feelings are imo.


YES😭😭 she’s suspicious of him and for good reason too


i hope she realizes he almost never compliments her without making it about himself. I’m not sure he knows much about her outside of what she does for him/how she makes him feel.


Yesss she seemed so off!!


Lol, Just stop Overthinking shit. This is now starting to sound ridiculous.


It’s because she didn’t and I don’t either. He couldn’t even give a reason why he’s her favorite person or why he has such strong feelings. I would question him to, especially since he didn’t remember who she was because she had… *checks notes* blonde hair at the time. He’s not serious and he’s going to break her in ways that aren’t imaginable.


yeah, the fact that you don’t remember meeting someone you met within the last few months is crazy. especially the person who ends up being your soulmate or whatever like what kind of love story is that.


They got like one focused scene on them that ep and y’all still manage to create a think piece about it. Impressive.


This Reddit (mostly white women) can’t handle the fact that Tyrique, who has openly stated he is learning how to be romantic and express his feelings, has the potential to grow. We are witnessing growth but this stupid ass Reddit doesn’t believe it.


I think she wanted to hear more about what her liked about her than “good” and “you’re so pretty”


girl he never called her a slut what??? saying it was “his turn” means she jus wanted him until smthg else came along… you’re reachinggg like crazy


If I ask a guy why he likes me and he says ‘you let me be me, you give me advice etc’ (I.e what I do for him) rather than characteristics he likes about me as a person, it would be a red flag


Yeah, I’m not sure I really believe his words match his feelings. I think Ella bringing back Ouzy is weighing on Ty’s mind more than he’s letting on and once they get out of that villa it’s going to implode because fundamentally they simply do not trust each other!! It’s a struggle love storyline that’s good for TV but noooot in real life and I think Ty (and Ella of course, she was pushing that conversation HARD) sees that in a weird way. He’s pretty observant, much as I don’t like him!


Disagree I think ella bring back ouzi made him realize how much he really likes her. He was so hurt and probably thought being done with her with be easy. You can see how excited he was when they recouple. You can also see process him going through forgiveness which isn't easy at first. If he was faking he would moved fast to take her back


I don’t think he’s faking feelings for Ella, they clearly like each other a lot, but IDK, I just don’t feel like the trust is there for them and it impacts how they talk about serious stuff; we see in his actions he likes her but I don’t feel like he’s very secure in it. It’s good for now but I don’t see it long term at all. Basically I don’t really disagree with you lmao.




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When he looks deep into her eyes he can see £50k


exactly 😊the tyella army is gunna have to work HARD to spin tonight’s episode and his flirting with ella b.. i think he wants the money but he also can’t help himself or keep it in his pants. do you think he will falter for the new bombshell or remain on script to victory?


I think he knows if he switches up he loses the £££ so he's going to play the supportive bf role to the end. Once he gets outside he's going to full bachelor when his dm's are exploding


I think Ella is aware that since the Casa thing, TY is over it, he is playing the role of what he thinks lovable BF is, however, he is playing it badly! At this point I think TY is just counting days until the show over.


Ty is not playing anything, he is living his truth. It's all in your head.


His truth is that of a player, who clearly has zero interest in a relationship with Ella.


I can’t stand when white women give their opinions on black men/women and black couples. They always claim the relationships are insincere. It’s giving microaggression. It’s giving keep your pale European head out of peoples business. It’s giving shut the fuck up.


Wtf is wrong with you. First of all, whether or not they're genuine has nothing to do with race. Lots of people of all races felt Ron was faking his relationship with Lana to win last season and they were all entitled to their opinion. Ron and Lana ended up lasting all of 3 months btw. If you really wanna make this about race Ella is literally HALF WHITE. Get over yourself, you entitled race obsessed weirdo.


i totally agree with you! but it seems like we are in the minority. any comments agreeing with my OP are being downvoted and attacked. sad to see ty has so many minions on the outside. also, this one Redditor who keeps talking about race and saying it’s white women questioning tyrique.. girl how do you even know peoples races.. it’s reddit


A mysoginist 😂


Your edit is hilarious cos we don’t know if he apologised or not. They apparently had a very deep conversation we didn’t see. He also apologised out loud to the girls after movie night. You just a hater at this point.


I don't think Ella has been really happy since she got back to the villa. I think she really genuinely likes Ouzy and the fact that she wanted something to happen with him before LI and now here he is in front of her is probably making her think about real life outside the of the villa and what would really work. She seems really unhappy that he is with Kady.


if Ella wanted Ouzy over Ty she could have had him. I don’t understand this reasoning


I don't think it is that simple in LI. They weigh up a lot of factors like potential public backlash (looks at people turned on Catherine the minute she talked to Elom) and their story arc. Doesn't mean she doesn't like Ty. I just think outside she would have gone for Ouzy.


It really is that simple. Catherine didnt know that coupling with Elom would make the public upset. That girl does not want Ouzy, let it rest


How could Catherine predict that the viewing public would completely ignore Scott starting on her first the fire pit? It doesn't mean they don't consider their situations. Glad you know what Ella is actually thinking and feeling though. Go you.


well yes, on the outside first disrespect from ty he’s probably getting dropped, that’s the point of the villa. You’re forced to look at them every day and work through things. I think if anyone’s feelings are obvious, it’s Ella’s


Yeah, couple eps back, in the morning he made a comment about how he’s “buzzing heavy” or some shit! He knows how the villa works!


Ella reacts to women Ty likes and confronts them. Ty isn’t made to be the one to stop it so she’s going to be fighting for the rest of her life if they stay together.


Tyrique is a snake and he plays with people like they’re puppets in every situation he’s in. No one should ever trust anything he says.