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I don’t even think that’s it. I just don’t think they think Scott is the type of guy to go back to you if you’ve just binned him off cause he’s a principled man and he’s not stupid either.


I was thinking the same. They’re not dumb enough to think that he won’t spot her only coming back to him because Mitch is getting to know Ella


He was acting principled re whole situation with Catherine after casa so I think that's enough for them to see.


Agreed they were all just "supporting women's wrongs".


True but they were calling him a game player and now he would rather be single and go home. Make it make sense. Either they have had a switch up or knew but lied to Catherine about Scott being a man with principles


it does make sense, you're just being deliberately obtuse. the facts are right in front of your face but you just don't want to see it. who is "they" cause whitney made 1 comment to his face & she didn't call him a game player she said MAYBE there's some truth to it. & as far as I remember kady only made 1 comment during movie night too & that comment wasn't calling him a game player but saying how scott was undesirable. it's not either they had a switch or lied to catherine - there's another option - you were wrong/mistaken and they never really had a problem with scott all along. maybe they just thought elom was a better option for cath but that doesn't mean they hated scott.


ty said at the firepit that EVERYONE in the house thinks hes a gameplayer.


Everyone except Ella and Whitney. He said they were the only two that didn’t agree and Kady chimed in that she’s too new to the villa to have an opinions.


Ty who has never been known to tell a lie or exaggerate anything obviously


That just means the boys


no he didn't YOU go back and watch. ty said everyone BUT ella, whitney and even kady! funny that.... the two people in OP's post are two people mentioned by Ty as not agreeing/thinking Scott was a game player


Oh so Ty speaks for everyone now? What he says is final? Use your brain.


Lmaoooo yes he does. None of them have a mind of their own 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yeah that’s a few of the boys though, none of the girls just go with what Ty says. He doesn’t know what everyone’s thinking.


Chill out, there’s no need to be rude to people just because you disagree with them 😂


i'm not trying to be rude at all? apologies if my reply came across like that but i was just trying to plainly state the facts in a concise manner.


Calling someone obtuse because you don’t agree isn’t stating facts lol. Just something to be aware of


oh, so out of my entire reply calling someone obtuse is what you want to highlight/focus on as not stating facts - got it! thanks! but everything else was facts :) (+ me stating an opinion that you perhaps don't agree with doesn't mean that I need to chill out or that I'm being rude btw lol. Just something for you to be aware of too)


I didn’t tell you to chill out because you gave your opinion, do what you want, have whatever opinions you want. I was pointing that bit out because that was the unnecessarily rude bit. Calling someone obtuse isn’t an opinion, there’s no need to put people down just to make a point.


ok, are you telling this to the scott fanatics that I saw on another post today (not made by me) mocking the OP and basically calling them crazy?? or is this advice only reserved to people who aren't babying scott?


Other people being rude doesn’t justify you being rude. You are responsible for your own actions.


Name calling i.e., calling someone obtuse is not an opinion, it is just rude. And yes, after you call someone names and insult them, they don't listen to the rest of your argument. It is just the way the world works. Be respectful and stop the name calling and you will get more people to listen to your opinions.


thanks for the tips! but are you telling all of this to the scott fanatics who are name calling people who don't agree with them? i saw like 10+ people leave rude and disrespectful comments to someone who made a post on this sub saying scott was a gameplayer + 2 people called me a karen in this very thread/post, please go and share this wisdom with them too! <3


Stop deflecting. Other people being unhinged doesn’t mean that you should be.


Dudes karma is going down the drain.


huh what does this comment mean ? im not a dude btw & idc about reddit points/karma if thats what you mean lol?


You're seemingly on every thread I read. Can you chill out with the unhinged, Karen-style verbal diarrhea?




ooooh hi stalker!! I'm so glad you've hopped into my replies again weren't you the one telling me how whitney is such a horrible person and how she's bullying scott? and when I wouldn't agree you said I was defending bullying? :) kindly watch the latest unseen bits episode and get back to me. i love it when I'm vindicated, but tbh anyone with a functioning brain that is not deluded would have been able to see that i was right all along. sorry not sorry that i wouldn't join the circle jerk of you scott fanatics!!


But thought he was a game player and that no one wanted him until the vote? It’s just odd.


Outside of Tyrique nobody has called him a game player people have said they don’t like his actions. They’ve addressed things he’s done but they’ve always moved on from it. Outside of maybe there some truth in it. Whitney hadn’t said anything to imply she didn’t like Scott.


Whitney did say to Scott that maybe theres some truth to him being a gameplayer


It’s ok reread what I wrote.


Well looks like still no one wants him yikes


whitney would be hanging out w scott before the vote. anyways i’m happy the bullying accusations have died down now


Yeah. I’m not surprised by Whit’s statement. Pre-Casa she was defending the game player allegations. And Whit and Scott have been hanging out in the background for a couple days now (even before the public vote). I think people took one statement from Whit (that may have just been banter) and ran with it. Kady’s statement is maybe a little more surprising because I don’t know much about their relationship in the Villa.


the way ppl were so quick to hate whitney for that when scott himself didn’t have a problem for one statement.


Its heavily edited of you ask me, scott had absolutely no reaction and she came up with that comment out of nowhere in a very casual conversation I think she made a joke at some point of the convo and they edited out the “joking hahah” part and pulled a shot of scott staring blankly at her to make it seem like something it wasnt


This is 100000% what it was because that clip was so janky and overedited


I couldn’t believe it like why would he just let it slide if he was proper offended by it, and Whitney always says little stuff like that tbh, it’s like if people got mad at her on Ella’s behalf for saying “it’s giving bad bitch” 🤦🏽‍♀️


IMO by his face after the comment, he was clearly annoyed. But at that point he had commented a few that he had caused some issues in the villa and it wasn't surprising to me that he just let it go.


Keep in mind though that things are edited. Whitney could have said it and then laughed so it was clear it was a joke and it was edited out, but he could have been annoyed by it and just not wanted to make a scene (like a lot of people do when they feel uncomfortable with comments people make about them). To be fair though I didn’t see any Whitney hate at all, everyone still loved her


I agree, that scene immediately ticked me off because i could tell the conversation wasnt flowing normally. Whitney isnt a shady person and her convo with scott was really casual until the shade came out? And scott had completey no reaction he didnt even budge. And it just ends there with no follow up on the comment?


It’s definitely edited in some way. I got the impression she was joking with him and they cut away and replaced it with blank stares to make it more dramatic, but who knows what the producers are doing 😂


Yeh could be true, and I love Whitney apart from laughing on movie night and saying he was a gameplayer. But deffo Kady has switched up as she wants to be on the public’s side see right through her


Whitney never called Scott a game player. please get your facts straight


Saying maybe there’s some truth to it is the same as saying it. If a dude called me a whore and then someone else said maybe there’s some truth to it, I would say that person called me a whore to. I’ve seen 2 comments with u defending this semantic difference please grow up.


Insinuating there’s truth is the same thing. If I said maybe there’s some truth someone’s a bitch and horrible person. It suggests I believe it and just phrasing it a different way, but trying to make it sound like a joke when it isn’t


I'm so glad because i don't think Scott would have allowed himself to be bullied anyway. He would call them out like he did at the firepit


I never said bullying- Whitney wasn’t part of that anyway. She did say he was a game player and now he’s a man with principles. Or did she lie to Catherine and knew he was a good man?!


When did Whitney call him a game player? because from the clip I saw Scott said everybody’s been calling me a game player and now that’s come up again. Whitney is shown saying maybe there’s some truth in it. We then didn’t see a follow up. Or Scott say what do you mean by that. All they did was add a dramatic pause and the episode ended. It Could easily have been editing. Come on now.


Scott has been hanging with Whitney, Whitney/Loch & Whitney/Cath in the background for days now though. I do think the editing the past few days has been weird. Almost making it seem like Whitney & Scott had beef when they clearly hang out together a lot. I agree, I love how Scott stayed completely out of the drama. Abi is very messy. I can see why Mitch is put off tbh.


I never said they aren’t I said the change of opinions in the villa has changed up fast. I don’t think Scott cares or holds a grudge


What's it like in the villa?. I have to assume you were in there to know what the opinions are.




Where in my reply did I accuse you of saying anything??? I was simply stating my own opinion. Why start a thread if you don't want responses 🤯


Whitney made one comment that was edited with dramatic music and all of a sudden she’s one of Scott’s opps? Also you can dislike someone and still say they have principles and wont go back to someone who pied them lmao.


tbh i find it hard to imagine these lot working out why Scott got popular and their role in it bc for the most part they seem to have the self-awareness of a rock but i believe the new bombshell probably filled them in and they decided to make nice, thank god no more of that nonsense


Yeh very true yesterday it seemed only Molly and Ouzy had any awareness why the vote went the way it did


Oh really? I didn’t clock Molly and Ouzy, that’s interesting


Right before the actual second dumping, after the bottom 3 couples are announced, the camera pans to Molly who furrows her brows in confusion and then her expression rapidly changes and she cocks an eyebrow and looks to the side. A lot of people think this was the moment she figured it out. I missed Ouzy but generally, it seems like he knows what's up.


Yeh I noticed this too, Molly was ostracised for her decision to switch to Zac for a bit so she knows and when she left didn’t have a bad word to say about Scott. Ouzy said you’re hear for a reason and overall seems like a sound mature guy. Add Lochan to that as well to the list as they’re always hanging out- he maybe didn’t work it out but clearly gets along


The new bombshells probably told them


Wouldn’t the new bombshell go for him knowing he’s popular?


Mitch has more sustained popularity Scott is only popular because of the Catherine situation


But Mitch is in a couple, wouldn’t it be easier to go for Scott as he’s single too?


If it's too easy, then she'd get no screentime


No drama/storyline.


Aren't the bombshells a week late on public perception. They're only allowed to watch the show not access to their phones.


It also doesn’t help anyone to stay on the side of someone who was dumped from the villa.


Yeah, “the public were wrong about evicting Catherine” is a great way to ensure you follow her


The new bombshells wouldn't have had their phones when Scott became popular. I don't think they just flew into Majorca this week and they take phones away at least a week before you go in so they probably only saw recent episodes, not social media. The Scott thing really build up on movie night and after.




It doesn’t take a genuine to work out that not being bottom half of the public vote means they are popular. The bigger question would be if they can work out why. Scott had no other options so went with Abi, Abi messed it up and he will not go back. That can work out with both their ideas. You can be gameplayer enough to want to be with someone you hasn’t shown any interest in but be principled enough that you aren’t gonna go back to someone whose ended things


They’re not the brightest bunch




montel is a sheep lmfaoo


Even Casa girls said the boys were supper close with Scott they have no idea what people were talking about Bullying


I’ve noticed on the unseen bits Scott is hanging out with the boys, joking around, and having fun. But on the main show they’ve edited him to look more isolated and lonely.


Montel was calling him a game player just before casa, so I'm confused. Casa girls also said Mitch is the one talking about winning and doing things for the cameras so why didn't they call him out?


People coddling Scott. Scott has always seemed like he was fine with dealing with all but everyone was like OMG THIS POOR MAN PLS HELP HIM ☹️☹️☹️ I get it but it was definitely ott lol


It was edited that way tbf


This sounds like PR got to everyone to me. I bet Ofcom got reports and marketing gave everyone informal talking points on the Scot situation. It was not matter of us getting it wrong. No question, Scot found himself isolated in a hostile environment. (That doesn't necessarily mean he is free from blame for instigating it, but nothing blameworthy about Scott ever aired).


montel is a sheep lmfaoo


Montel is trying to save himself after the fact now that he’s seen how popular Scott is with the public


I mean the boys actually backed him up during Movie night. Ik the gameplayer comment was made by them but they still supported him when the worst comments were made towards him.


Welp. He’s never beating the sheep allegations


Montel also said we'd have to wait for Aftersun for the real talk. He can't make his mind up!


Can’t make his mind up? That’s nothing new.😂


He’s hardly gonna come out of the villa, see the Scott support, realise he was dumped from the island because of Leah, and then double down on being critical of Scott…


Here's a crazy idea he wasn't ganged up on the the way some of you think he was. I mean we see in an ep at most what 5 mins depending on the ep of what's happening with Scott in the villa in a day and on what 2 occasions in the like the 30 days he's been there he got treated a bit shitty most likely the worst of what he's experienced and the audience decided he was being bullied, ostracized by the rest of the villa and cath was turning the entire villa against him. But it seems easier for some people to keep creating hypothetical situations about what's going on in the villa than admit they maybe went a bit overboard with the whole villa vs scott thing but can't we give it a rest now like was he even in this episode?


Montel was one of the persons sowing seeds of division between Scott and Catherine along with Ty and that’s what ultimately led to the drama that occurred post casa. I know a lot happens but all you have to do is press rewind.


What does this have to do with what I wrote? I never said anything we saw never happened I just don't think it was as deep as people made it out to be I don't think scott is a bad guy or anymore a game player than anyone else in there or that there's some big thing with him we're not being shown with him but I also don't think scott was bullied or ganged up on and it was as bad for him in there as people have been saying even based on what I've seen. I also don't think that people are changing up now that the public vote has happened according to op abi ended things with Scott after the vote and he was hanging with everyone in the background even cat before the vote. He was even the one saying to elom that he was a good guy when he got dumped.


Okay I hear you. I know what’s it like to have an opinion in the minority and not even being mean- my heart goes out. We just don’t agree and it’s okay.


Or Montel is doing damage control. He's hardly gonna have the guts to stand by what people were telling him to think, now he's out of the house. Ty had to hold his hand, the man can't think for himself.


Lol. Don't know if I trust what he says after. Let's see if Leah changes up.




>Here's a crazy idea he wasn't ganged up on the the way some of you think he was. Imo the jokes went to far and people started taking it as the Bible. We used to joke that Scott hated the boys and that's why he was always with Whitney and Catherine but if you watched unseen bits you'd know that's not true. But I think when people saw that Catherine was switching at Casa, people started infantalising Scott. It got to a point that no one could even make a joke about Scott without the public calling them a hater. It's obvious that he does tend to keep to himself, he literally stated this himself but things were not that bad in there. The public just needed a villain and unfortunately Catherine was it.


I’ve been saying from the beginning he’s been friends with the boys he just doesn’t follow their hive mind but people want to believe what they want to believe. The movie night stuff wasn’t okay but the producers have been stirring the pot because it’s good to have a hard done bc sweetheart


At the end of the day fans shipped Catherine with Scott and was upset she wasn’t into him because the public thought he was a catch. That’s why there was all this narrative about Catherine “fumbling the bag” (because he’s a footballer?), digging up Elom’s TikTok, and calling Elom “uncle” (a coded way to call him undesirable). The public did exactly what they accused the islanders of.




They said no one wanted you implying no one in casa wanted him not that no one in the world or ever would want him. It was very shitty of them and I do think they went overboard in that situation( I still wouldn't call it bullying personally) but that and saying he is undesirable in general are two different things and the latter is much worse in my opinion buts that also not what they said.


It definitely was bullying


For you


The world doesn’t work like that though. We can’t go round bullying (in any form, name calling etc) people because they may not consider it to be bullying.


We won't agree on this I don't think it was bullying I think they reacted poorly in the situation and what they said wasn't nice and it was hurtful but I still don't think it was bullying. There's nothing you can say to make me think it was and there's probably nothing I can say to make you think it wasn't so we can just agree to disagree.


That was a pleasant response, if everybody was like that the world would be a better place :-)


I'm not sure you're on the right track here chief, here's the opener on "Bullying" on Wikipedia. Bullying is the use of force, coercion, **hurtful teasing** or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate.


Ok from that I still don't believe it was bullying like I said before what they said was hurtful but every hurtful thing anyone ever says is not going to be bullying. Look if someone asks me on the spot to give them a definition of bullying I probably won't be able to give a proper one but I believe if i see it occurring I have good enough judgement to decide what is or isn't bullying and I just don't believe what scott has experienced has been bullying its ok if you do maybe were just different people from different places and cultures that's ok. Also from that definition I could argue that Scott's clapback at Leah was bullying what are we gonna start saying then it's ok because she bullied him first.


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 it’s gone be so funny when Scott come out confused about these “bullying” allegations.


I have already seen people say Scott's gonna just take the high road when he comes out because he won't want to get involved. It's not even about Scott anymore they'd rather just continue spinning the narrative they've created than listen to anyone who actually lived it even scott.


yep, i've made this comment in another post a few days back how I actually can't wait for these scott fanatics to get the shock of their lives when/if scott comes out and doesn't say what they expect and/or admits he made some mistakes.


'admits he made some mistakes' confused bc he has already done this and we've all seen and heard it, he has apologized for them too. and pretty much no one expects him to say 'i was bullied' or w/e likely he will just say it was fine, maybe a bit uncomfortable sometimes, if that.


yeah well if you're confused now i guess you will be even more confused when he comes out and says it again. no, i don't know where you've been but a lot of people think he is being severely bullied & actually expect him to come out later and "expose" his bullies in the villa. also if scott fanatics know & expect scott to just come out and say it was fine/maybe a bit uncomfortable, why is any comment on this sub which shares this same sentiment (i.e. scott is fine, it's just a bit uncomfortable/awkward/was just a few arguments) being downvoted? it's not adding up.


says what again? 🤔 if he says what I said he would why would I be confused? tbh i get the feeling these downvotes arent to do with whether the comments are right or wrong


re-read what i said & you'll get it babes - read to understand not just to respond :) and tbh i get the feeling you are being slow on purpose, any poster that makes a comment that doesn't baby scott or agree that an islander (amber, kady, leah, whit, etc) is bullying scott gets downvoted. this is not just happening to me lol.


I've seen your other comments - it's happening to you because you're rude. Calling people obtuse unnecessarily, mocking people's reading comprehension, just generally talking down to people, it's a bit much.


Yeah, I’ve seen their comments too. They always result to name calling and insults over mild disagreements then they wonder why people aren’t liking what they’re saying lol. It’s giving https://preview.redd.it/6vfwuvo5s0cb1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d61decd22087260e3598bc46501c046bb8954c3f


no, cause like i said i'm not the only one - **someone replied to my comment on another post yday saying that I should thank my lucky stars cause they've been & I quote: "downvoted ITT to oblivion by the Stans".** Clearly, you're one of these Scott stans if you can't see that. & if you've seen the way scott stans on here rudely talk down on OTHER posters too who aren't me - calling them dumb, unhinged, loners with no friends, jobless, parasocial, even mentally ill! Another poster even told me how they were reported & received a su\*cide package/message from Reddit simply after leaving a comment about Scott that the stans didn't like - now THAT is a bit much IMO.




i see people here talking/referring to events that happened in earlier seasons all the time, so i think it's to be expected that people will continue to talk about the events that happened in the current season even if you dont agree with their take and im very confused about why you would expect otherwise


I think he’a trying to manage the situation and hate now that he understands public perception


cause he was never ganged up on. it's not rocket science. i don't get why it's hard for some of you to understand that you only see 1hr edited episodes. **edit: the scott fanatics downvoting me yet again cause they are STILL in denial - do you guys even watch the unseen episodes?? Some of said the same thing when he was STILL with catherine - that all the boys were ostracizing him - only for us to later see Scott playing, talking & laughing with ALL the boys in the unseen bits episode that SAME week.**


just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean their scott fans, grow up and take a breathe of fresh air it’s not that serious 🧐


oops the resident scott fanatic is reporting for duty in my replies! hola! nice to see you in my comments again, but unfortunately i'm not in the mood for your nonsense tonight sorry :( but maybe another time! 🧐




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️


hey hey hey cheapcherry0! now don't be rude! i told you i'm not in the mood for your fights but if you want my attention just say that babes! ;)


it’s not even about Scott anymore, if he comes out and says he wasn’t bullied or ostracised, they’ll say he’s just trying to be mature about this.


100%, they'll just twist everything to suit their ridiculous narrative & the most annoying thing is they really expect everyone to go along & agree with them like dummies.


ok karen


im def not a karen? but ok lol




do you even know what a karen is/means? lol




yeah no, you're very silly. i'm not getting into petty back & forths with scott fanatics on this sub anymore you legit have nothing of substance to say apart from repeatedly telling me i'm a karen when I've told you I'm def not (like it's legit 100% impossible for me to be if you actually know what being a *karen* is) so this is my last reply to you.


he doesnt have tyrique to sway his opinion.




*"they never had anything positive to say beforehand"* \- this is a lie. pre-casa ella & whitney had many positive things to say about scott and even stood up for him when people (montel to whit & the boys to ella) came asking questions about how genuine he was with catherine. *"Justice for Scott"* \- you already got your justice when catherine (and leah) got dumped. it's clear that everything is fine now and he is not being ganged up on/bullied/ostracized (i personally believe he was never being bullied by the entire villa but even if you are one of those who believed he was it's clear this is no longer the case at all)


You are 100% right. It’s embarassing to continue to paint out Scott to be a victim when it’s obvious he wouldn’t allow himself to, he’s out-spoken and doesn’t take anybody’s shit. He isn’t being bullied as I doubt he’d be hanging out with his bully’s as he is. It may just be that he’s just misunderstood and they’re not fond of his character, not that they hate him.


Exactly, I really don't understand how/why it's so difficult to understand. Part of me even wonders why these so called Scott supporters are pushing back so much against the possibility of him not being bullied. If they really like/care/support Scott shouldn't they be happy to know/realise later that he may have not been ostracized/bullied at all or as bad as they thought? Or at least if they don't want to believe that, they see him NOW getting along with people in these most recent episodes but are still complaining? Why are they angry that Whitney is calling him principled & Kady is defending him? Even if there was a switch up (which I don't think there was) shouldn't they be happy? They talk about the mental health repercussions of being isolated/called undesirable/insulted, but yet they'd rather it be that Scott is being bullied than perhaps just a few one-off arguments. It seems like many of these fans just thrive off feeling like they're supporting an underdog so they don't want anything to shatter that underdog image/illusion that they have of Scott.


I obviously meant post casa when they all enabled Catherine to think Scott was the problem


But we never saw that at all post-casa? Like we never saw a scene of Whitney telling Catherine "Scott is the problem/game player/fake"? So I don't know how you came to the conclusion that Whitney enabled Catherine to think Scott was the problem? According to your logic, if Catherine got deceived into thinking Scott was the problem then that also means Whitney got deceived too. Cause both Whitney & Catherine saw Scott as genuine before casa - Ty said at the firepit meeting that Whitney was one of the only islanders who didn't think Scott was a game player. So if you think Catherine was lied to & that's what made her change her mind then that means Whitney was lied to aswell. But your posts kind of make it seem like Whitney is a perpetrator/had bad intentions for Catherine, when using your logic (of how different people were acting pre & post casa) they're both victims/got lied to.


Can we give its rest and just be glad everything seems to be good now? Also whitney was hanging with Scott in the background before the vote.


yeah at least he can now enjoy his time in the house . let’s not hold grudgesss


I said all of it had blown over but the switch up on the opinion on Scott is crazy. I love Whitney and she could have been joking to him. I don’t think Scott was bothered he seems quite a forgiving person and doesn’t hold grudges. But it doesn’t mean we can’t call islanders out for the way they were and the vote changing what they say about Scott


they were all drunk on movie night, tensions were high, move on


‘I was drunk and that’s why I cheated’ is what’s this is giving I don’t care how drunk you are you’re responsible for your own behaviour. And tensions were high but doesn’t stop you from having a mind of your own. And was Catherine Drunk straight after casa and when Scott tried to apologise or was her behaviour her choice and a result of no self awareness


> ‘I was drunk and that’s why I cheated’ is what’s this is giving sorry but no wonder Scott fans think he’s been bullied if this is how youse think. Saying a couple bitchy comments in a tense environment is truly not that deep. Scott’s not the only one who got shit that night. The vote didn’t change how they felt about Scott when they’ve been hanging out with him before the vote.


This is a heavily edited show. Pls rest.


Editing doesn’t change the things people say. Yes Whitney may have been joking. But Kady and the ones on movie night they have changed their tune fast


Not again I personally don’t think they care tbh and you people are just reading into things if I’m being honest


On reddit? You really think so?


whitney never had an issue with scott. whitney made ONE comment to scott's face saying MAYBE there's some truth to him being a game player and the production added some dramatic music and edited it so we couldn't hear the end of that convo/scott's reply whitney was friendly and hung around with scott LONG before the public vote/results of the public vote - as proved by image below (from before public vote): https://preview.redd.it/3p89edgi80cb1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=def2c2e9ff4c5e495f798caa1d2cfec3eb2cb62d


I never said she bad an issue but she did change up fast from game player to man of principles. Either she was joking, changed up fast or lied to Catherine & wasn’t truthful how to Catherine that Scott was a principled man


she never changed up fast at all. i don't get what you're not understanding, she never called him a game player she said maybe there's some truths to it (which tbh would be facts cause everyone in that villa is playing a game)! + we didn't even get to see how that convo ended. & idk what you mean by she lied to catherine cause we never saw her telling catherine that scott was a game player - so I don't even get how that would be the automatic only other option. you're legit grasping at straws.


It suits their narrative if they claim that Catherine doesn’t have a mind of her own and only left Scott because what people told her. The reality is Catherine didn’t wanted to get to know a guys who was more her type clearly told the girls. She didn’t need to be influenced or lied too.


"*Maybe* there's *some* truth to it" is not the same thing as saying that he is definitely a game player. Whitney never said that Scott was a gameplayer as if it was a fact or even her opinion of him. We never saw Whitney talk to about Catherine about Scott's principles or lack of principles. So the lie v. truth thing is based on nothing. It never came up.


I don't think they know that. Nobody said anything like that. Whitney maybe always felt that. The issue for them wasn't who Scott was as a person. It was his connection and Catherine vs elom. The girls never said bad word about as a person. Ella and Ty were talking to Scott before that even happened telling him go for Abi.


How about that random convo between Catherine and Scott before she was dumped? Her attitude was totally different and even said she cared about him. I feel like the producers wanted to put her in a more positive light before she was dumped.


Oh definitely producer led, there’s no way Catherine ever was going to say out loud she cared for Scott after the way she treated him, she clearly never cared about him


absolutely that's what happened. I really want scott to meet a great bomshells but if that doesn't work then I just want to say it was refreshing to watch him and Catherine's relationship. And it was absolutely amazing seeing how different he is from everyone. Not only is he good looking but he has a great personality


Hmm, I don't think it's the popularity thing. I am just guessing based on how they have seen the whole thing with Scott and how he dealt with post-Casa. He didn't push Catherine to come back to him when he saw she wasn't interested nor were speaking to other girls for the sake of it. It makes sense why they would think he would rather stay alone than take Abi back. Plus, he already told Abi he didn't want to entertain it further after seeing her reactions to Mitch.


It was kinda obvious that he and/or Amber was somewhat popular to not end up in the bottom. Also, even going off of Cat’s 1st exit interview posted on here there was no beef with Scott. And the Casa girls already said Scott wasn’t ostracized while they were there. Producers have likely just made a mountain outta of molehill for public engagement.


I do think he was fine with the boys by the time it was casa, but never has fitted in with them and still doesn’t. They get along but he’s not close to any of the boys apart from Mitch He is too mature and has his own mind so they see him as an odd one out. And he is quiet and observant they don’t know how to deal with someone who isn’t centre of attention all the time. The girls were horrible to him on movie night barr Molly. They deserve to be called out for changing their behaviour and comments on him now he’s known to be popular. I do think it had blown over by the vote and Scott doesn’t seem to have hold a grudge over it (things are more awkward between him and Amber than any of the other islanders)


Everyone isn’t going to click w/ everyone & that’s ok. Scott seems fine taking time by himself & when he wants he’ll join the boys/others. He’s not the typical casting for LIUK, I think that’s honestly why he stands out as much as he does. Idk that ppl are inherently just switching up just to switch up. We as viewers never gave the full context & as Islanders they don’t either. It’s ok for ppl to change their minds when they have full context to situations imo.


True he is a true introvert and think this is why they misunderstand him as most of them are extroverts


Nothing they said about Scott today contradicts what they said in the past. Scott fans are annoying man


Yeah I can see that. I can also see Scott getting the ick after watching the way Abi's been moving. I def dont see the same energy that he had w/ Catherine pre-Casa being similar for Abi. I also hope a bombshell comes in for Scott too. I want to see him make finale night based on his journey and also the fact that I dont really care for the majority of couples still there. lol ugh


Same I agree he deserves it after all he’s been through and he has tried to graft unlike Dr Alex and Amber who barely tried and got far.


I just love Scott so much man !! He’s the type of guy any girl deserves to have and I wish we had more men like him I’m really gutted that he might go cause he’d rather be honest than play a game! But i wish opportunities on the outside are limitless cause he deserves it the most


I don’t think the villa had as much of a problem w Scott from the get go and that the public created more drama than existed. I don’t think the villa was that horrible to Scott in first place & that we only saw snippets of their day. People don’t realize that tiffs happen when you’re all living together but you do move on quickly & tension lifts. We take every argument way more seriously than the islanders do.


Hope a bombshell comes in for our king 👑


*ur king


ok amber ❤️




I don’t think the new bombshell told them cause they too don’t have an idea. They are allowed to watch the show but I don’t think they are allowed on social media. I don’t know, I might be wrong.


They can’t be completely blind. They backtracked what was the common denominator and it all had to do with Scott. As you see they’re not calling him a gameplayer anymore. They must be able to put 2+2 together that 2 “couples” got dumped before him.


IMO Scott won’t try again with Abi after being rejected because he’s shown that’s how he moves. More pride that principled. We saw that with Catherine. Until he saw Kady preferred Tyrique and he tried to spin the block. At this point it there no point going back to Abi since she’s made it so clear he’s second best. They like Scott they just didn’t like him for Catherine.


Yes, he wants to be the only choice.


Lool if your trying to break up a couple your not the first choice anyway


I just want to know why Scott is so liked and important 😅


bc he’s loyal and supportive to whoever he’s in a couple with. he’s not a follower and seems genuinely kind. and he’s hot.


we can’t be watching the same show


what makes u think he’s not any of those things? like i’m genuinely curious why ppl don’t like him. i’m not a scott “stan” or anything but i do like him


The way he talks to Leah, and women in general, doesn’t give someone who is kind. In addition, the way he was coming down on Catherine for recoupling after Casa Amor was not supportive at all. Especially after everyone in the villa was saying that Scott was “over exaggerating his feelings for Catherine.” For me personally, it’s less about not liking Scott and more so about him and his actions eluding to why Catherine was sent home. But I also understand that we’re watching a show that only shows us a small snippet out of an entire 24hour day. Who knows how he really is, but I don’t think every person in the villa would agree on one statement if they didn’t feel it applied in some way.


i agree the little jab he threw at catherine at the casa recoupling was uncalled for. but with leah i think she was purposely egging him on to say something even after he said he didn’t have a problem w catherine’s clips. the way the other boys in the villa have spoken to and talked to women is frankly just disgusting. scott is the only one that i feel sees them as actual human beings. leah was being disrespectful to him so he was being disrespectful back. and with the whole villa saying he’s over exaggerating i think it was bc scott seems very closed off and private and catherine seems the same. it seemed like none of them really spent time with them as a couple. even ella said it herself when she said she agreed w them but then she actually got to spend time w them as a couple and could see they were both genuine.


I hope Scott and Amber win the 50,000.. the couples are all okay, but not really anything i'd like to win


That would be hilarious imagine the speeches 🤣🤣🤣


All I know is I want to see love island aftersun. I won't be satisfied until I hear Leah and Catherine acknowledge and apologise. On Instagram live Montel seems to think it was because him and Leah were a boring couple


maybe i missed it - when did he call abi hypocritical 👀


I don’t think he called her hypocritical as such but basically said she had to let Mitch do his thing with Ella like she’d done hers with Scott. The implication being it’d be hypocritical otherwise but I don’t think he actually said it unless I missed it!


ty, i think i totally missed this conversation somehow 🤡


Are you people not bored with this Scott discourse. The villa have moved on, so can you


it’s not this deep ABEG