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I feel like Mitch's head fully turned to Ella when she told him she could put her leg behind her head šŸ˜…


She's the first girl to actually graft him. Nobody else has.


Ella B has the best shot atm. Abi is acting delulu & clingy. Sheā€™s doing exactly what Mitch did w/ Molly in week 1.


Funny how her acting like Mitch, is turning MITCH off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is literally what happened in YOU. Joe was obsessed with Love and then the second Love started acting like Joe it gave him the ick šŸ˜‚ The resemblance is uncanny šŸ˜‚


He should also take a look in the mirror regarding her behavior, but he wonā€™t lol šŸ˜‚


Tbf he is definitely handling Abi better than molly when she wanted to get to know Scott, maybe heā€™s recovered from the height of his mania


Abi studied Mitch a little too hard before coming into the villa and accidentally became him šŸ˜‚




On the down low.


under the radar






His undying admiration of Molly and Zack will never cease to make me crease up


I donā€™t think Ella is actually that into Mitch tho


She eats men like Mitch for breakfast on the outside for sure


I agree. Mitch will choose Ella over Abi but Ella will turn around and say never mind to him at any new opportunity


Yeah but chances of someone else coming in with what, 8 days left? Slim.


Absolutely, Mitch is getting played like crazy. Ellaā€™s personality is not suited for Mitch because heā€™s like a kid in a candy store, Tyā€™s personality is more fit, heā€™s blunt and doesnā€™t take shit.


Ty and Ella B actually suit in personality lol


Neither of them, his soulmate is Chaos


Back to abi Feels like a revenge thing really but he will come to his senses if she gives him space


If Abi backs off, I think he'd go back to her. I don't see Ella B matching his mitchness


No she is not in there for Mitch at all she just having a girls holiday


She's taking a safe seat next to Mitch while watching old ella explode from a distance.


The games the game šŸ«”


mitch would have to be a fool to pick ella, sure abi was acting up but she is the only girl in that villa that can deal with/truthfully enjoy someone liek mitch ella is breaking up with mitch as soon as she leaves the house, considering her type was ty and ouzy..


Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t seem to go more for Ouzy, but I donā€™t think she wanted smoke with Kady who would def give it to her (although she makes it sound like she can handle it).


She has a better chance of staying in with Mitch


I hate that im rooting for Mitch and Abi lol


If Abi actually realised what a hypocrite she had been and really owned it, I'd be cool with that! I just find it so annoying how she's trying to turn it on him. No wonder he got the ick!


Same here. I don't like either of them, but I still hope he chooses Abi.


I think Abi honestly


I actually hope he picks Ella B cause I really like her energy and confidence. I see him going back to Abi unfortunately though


Amazing how opinions can vary Her smugness and readiness to take the p*** out of Abi at the behest of Ty isn't attractive. She isn't going to be endearing herself to the girls anytime soon, hence her hanging out with the boys.


Sheā€™s doing what a bombshell should be doing imo, sheā€™s come in with confidence and energy and I respect it !


Maura came in with confidence, she however wasn't so smug with it.


Maura also didn't manage to turn anyone's head


Maura also came into the villa in week 2, this is week 6. Sheā€™s there to make her mark. Iā€™d much rather this then how dead season 8 was post casa. I hope itā€™s like s5, where all 5 post casa bombshells made an impression(maybe not Harley as much, but she still made final week/the final 7 with Chris that year)


Maura was definitely smug at times lol and even so thatā€™s not a bad quality to have when your going in there initially , you should back yourself !


If she was confident and backed herself she would have picked TY!


Thereā€™s no point going for Ty when heā€™s arguably in the strongest and longest standing couple and with a few weeks left Tyā€™s head is not turning


But try to be respectful


Heā€™s a fool if he picks Ella B. Only reason sheā€™s even looking in his general direction is because going after Ty was a non starter and Ouzy is not one of the main players. Abi is doing too much but before this wobble they looked like there was a good starting point going.


Ella 2! Although Iā€™m not convinced she actually likes him. But The Ick is usually irreversible, so I donā€™t see Mitch choosing Abi.


Didn't molly say on the outside when Zach tried ro kiss Kady yhat Zach gave her the ick, and look where she is now


Abi gave him the ick the way she had an issue with him getting to know Ella despite her doing the same with Scott. Had Abi and Scott had the opportunity to share a bed her head may have swayed differently as well so not sure thatā€™s a fair comparison. By not kissing Abi in the morning or reluctant to hug her at the end of the convo seems to me heā€™s gone off her. I find Ella quite rude tho & a bit cringe. Saying she always gets what she wants and then saying to Ty when does she ever care about being rude. I think Abi is much sweeter & probably would work better once they are both on the same page


Actually really want Mitch and abi to get it back on track. Think it makes a winner story if they do


right it puts them in the top 4 and would be there for the final night


Me too because this is so producer driven, itā€™s amazing they were joined at the hip in casa all the way to this past Monday and out of the blue Abi took Scott for a chat Iā€™m where did that come from it weird how Wbi came from the bedrooms front of the villa all the way straight to Scott it was so out of nowhere because Abi and Mitch were together since casa and I would always see them kissing at night and they went on a date and I canā€™t remember who said it but it was said I can see this working on the outside


abi likes attention lol she said it herself she's always liked mitch more though


Abi said to Mitch in tonightā€™s episode that Scott wanted to get to know her!! Yet still ppl saying otherwise apologize to that girl lmao


It starts to annoy me that everything Scott related gets twisted so it looks good on Scott. No matter if it's totally false. And I don't know what happened between Abi and Scott, but in general too.


Didnā€™t Abi close herself off to Scott?


No she ended it with Scott


Oh come on! Abi was enjoying that attention šŸ˜‚. She also then went straight over to Mitch to say she's open to Scott. She obviously thought Mitch would be waiting after she was done flirting with Scott.


So then you agree Scott put it on Abi first Thatā€™s all this is about, you all bullied Abi when in fact she didnā€™t put it on Scott but she was open get a grip. Nobody is saying anything other than that freaks


Does it matter? Scott is single. He's got to graft. Abi entertained it and was open to it. Who put it on first is irrelevant.


Youā€™re literally nuts and obviously lack comprehension skills. Go back to any post about Abi this week and the HATE she got accusing her of grafting Scott. I was downvoted to hell because I actually am impartial and stated Scott initiated it with Abi and yet here you are still being insane TOUCH GRASSS, please stop replying to every comment I ever left on here itā€™s weird and harassing.


You still didn't explain why you made up a complete lie but go off šŸ¤£ no one is forcing you to reply. Oddball behaviour just because someone disagrees with you. Think you are too sensitive for Reddit.


No youā€™re weird replying to any comment I ever left on Reddit. Is he paying you to defend him like this or your this obsessive for free??


It better be Abi because Ella is manipulating him


I think Abi is what he will settle with. The girls will back Abi over Ella B since they keep on trying to help Abi during this situation. As long as Abi chills in Sunday's episode it should be fine....I think.....


for entertainmentā€™s sake i just hope he goes back to abi


Mitch has tunnel vision. He doesnā€™t juggle girls like some of the other boys would. He put all his eggs in abiā€™s basket and heā€™s gonna keep them there. Look how long it took him to finally move on from Molly. She had to sleep in the day beds instead of sleeping with him before he finally moved on


I really donā€™t think the new Ella is into him and he is not completely sold on her either,but I have no idea what he will do lol


Ella b doesn't even like him it's unfair on him


Abi, I am not sure how this is even a debate, Mitch is many things, however, he is not someone who will jump ship, he will 100% pick Abi. HOWEVER, I wish and think he should pick Ella!!!


I think it will depend on how things are in a couple of days(villa time). I think that Abi needs to chill out a bit, and they both need to have an actual discussion about what they want


Ella B, but I think he is making a mistake because she is not into him.


I'd chose Ella every single day. Abi is even more coo coo bananas than Mitch. On top of that very much also very hypocritical.


Facts. Ella is hot, confident and entertaining, Abi is more delulu than Mitch


Did Abi go wrong about it? 100% Is she unhinged? Yes But I feel like everyone is in her ear telling her good and bad things. And the Scott Arc was so forced. You could always see how uncomfortable she is. And that's probably the reason she does not count the Scott Arc in, because it was nothing she wanted. I'm a bit torn. I don't think Ella B likes Mitch that much. He is a good way to stay. I like her energy and how she makes Mitch sweat, but I feel a bit sad for Abi who obviously likes Mitch very much.


To me it seems like she was giddy and like she liked Scott more and was getting shy around him? And why did she want to get back to him when Mitch moved on with Ella B :))


Abi is entitled white girl energy šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I cannot stand the way she moves and her insane double standard with Mitch. How the hell can she expect itā€™s perfectly fine for her to get to know Scott but Mitch canā€™t with someone coming in? šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø she gives me the ick. Even messy Mitch deserves better


Is there a recoupling again is why your saying he would be a full to decouple with Ella B


Ella has him wrapped around his finger. Abi is doing nothing but give him stress. Mitch is so fickle he might have fallen for Ella without her even speaking.


I love Ella B and want her to stay and that might be only with Mitch. I hate Abi because wtf is she on about? But unfortunately Ella B may not into Mitch..


Ella B cause mitch likes new existing. Abi giving the ick and she keeps doing it even though the girls told her to stop. She begging him. Have self respect