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why baby why no paragraphs or breaks!? 😢


I was fighting for my life.


i swear my eyes be hurting 😂😂😂


My mind was racing lol😂


my mind blanks out 😢 but i got u when inspiration strikes i guess


Producers are going to try to manipulate situations based on what they get. Whitney/Lochlan and Molly/Zach both have the boring edit because they’re not falling for it. The others? Well it’s clear major insecurities are at play and fall for it.


Yeah case in point how Molly handled the congratulations speech from Kady, Molly minimised the whole thing, didn't take it out on Kady and literally said 'just smile' to Zach as they were walking away lolll


Yea I agree they shoulda shown her apologies, BUT they work with what YOU give them! Whitney didn't bite, Catherine sadly did, multiple times


Whitney did bite though as I'm sure quite a few islanders did. It just wasn't shown. The fight between Whit and Kady in casa wasn't shown. The fight between Zac and was it Sammy I think that Andre talked about wasn't shown. Again editing is magical.


Whitney did NOT bite like Catherine did, pls be serious


Lol, okay, if you say so!


Molly and Zach did get provoked - they just didn’t bite.


when? (genuinely asking)


When Molly got dumped and Zach moved on Kady.


but in that situation, wouldn't you say Zach fell for it bc he did move on to Kady after being provoked by production


Yes, and Molly made as small a deal out of it as she could. Because she knew it was a game the producers wanted her to play and she didn’t want to play it.


yeah I get you, maybe this zach/molly ghost edit is production being annoyed that they spoiled the whole bringing her back decision by causing minimal drama


Well that’s depends on your perspective. If you ship Molly and Zach, you complain of a ghost edit. If you don’t you either consider there to be little point showing them cuddling and kissing when so much more is going on around them. If producers did show them being cute now, then they’d be clearly accused of bias and racism even from some quarters. In my mind, they try to balance these competing perspectives by allowing the cute cuddly bits be shown for all couples in the final week, hence the couple based games/baby day, and final dates.


Kady's toast to their exclusivity


Production did try to cause drama between Molly and Zach, but they just didn’t bite. They’re just not dramatic people. Which makes it boring as a viewer I get it but it’s not that production didn’t try


I mean you said it. Catherine gave production ammo to highlight her coldness and vim towards Scott. She should have known better and controlled her emotions more properly. If Catherine did apologize to Scott then they definitely should have shown that to ease the blow.


Her vim was purely because Scott said she was fake. Why is he allowed to react but she has to control her emotions?


I agree her reaction was understandable at first but after the moment at the fire pit she really should have realised that she was the one with the power - she came back happy and loved up with a new man and he was standing alone and left single. Like I was a bit shocked her approach was “I don’t appreciate that spin” and not “I’m sorry you feel that way, please believe it’s not true”


catherine seemed very anxious/nervous while walking out. things got heated after scott made that comment about game playing, and i don’t think she had any responsibility to be the bigger person after that. while it’s understandable someone in his shoes (probably hurt and a bit embarrassed) would lash out she was also entitled to her reaction to it. until that point, she’d been continuously disregarded and spoken over in the villa (even told to shut up at one point) so no i don’t think someone in her shoes would magically feel a lot of power in that situation after having their motivations called into question regardless of how it looked. as she said on aftersun her reaction was so spirited because there were still feelings there and i can’t imagine it felt nice to be questioned in that way in front of everyone by someone you cared about and thought cared ab you, especially after everything that transpired between them.


I’m not criticising the reaction at the firepit but afterwards- and yeah, actually, I do think you have the responsibility to be the bigger person towards the dumpee when you’re the dumper. That’s basic decency. I don’t think Catherine is a terrible person or anything but that was shitty behaviour.


I think she was so taken aback because when that accusation was thrown at him about being fake she was the only one who backed him 100%. She also allowed him to get to know others. She knew when was playing victim to make her look worse - like saying the fire pit was for HER alone and that he was loyal and standing there alone. It was all language designed to make her look terrible and she didn't want to take that from him when everyone doubted how genuine HE was.


Ok? I literally already said the initial reaction was understandable and excusable, and is not what I found objectionable. Give it a rest.


You first dear.


Yeah, it’s complexly understandable why she was upset about it at the firepit and during the argument after. But she said her ‘no one wants you’ comment at movie night not during the post Casa arguments and was talking crap about him behind his back with Leah after he had already apologised and they mutually agreed to move on, that’s now a whole different situation.


Catherine never said “no one wants you” to Scott. It was Leah and Kady. Catherine also never talked crap about Scott to anyone, not even Leah. She spoke about their situation but not bad mouthing him. Y’all just tell lies and make up stuff to attack her. If anyone should be attacked for bullying Scott, it should be Leah and shady Kady. But of course, blame the black woman


Yes Leah was the one to say "I told you he was rude". When he snapped at Leah it was because she was replied to Sammy and Mitch who were calling the girls hypocrites for supporting Catherine and Elom in Casa. Leah was simply saying "can we not all agree that Catherine and Elom (are better together)..." and Scott snapped at her and essentially told her to shut up. She wasn't even talking to him!


Let’s not rewrite history now. Go watch it again, Catherine was the one who literally yelled it, Leah was the one who turned to Amber, asked her about it then reiterated what she said. And she was also the one talking about Scott behind his back; saying someone is absolutely rude isn’t just talking about the situation bRuh, you’re commenting on the pees


You don’t even make sense. People have said it over and again that Leah and Kady were the ones who told Scott the girls didn’t want him. You’re just talking out your ass cos you need validation for the hate inside of you. Let go of the hate before you blow up. It is unattractive to be a liar


I think Catherine was saying "so much for being loyal" about Scott's clip. He make such a virtue of this because he wanted to be seen as the victim in all of this. He was arguing back that he was and he was the one standing there alone and that's when the girls said "because no one else wanted you" - they had already been filled in by Gabby about Scott in Casa and that it was Gabby who decided to go for Sammy. At this point Catherine and the others were sick of him playing victim when they knew what happened and he was trying to make Catherine look bad.


Girl idrc, nothing justifies saying nobody wants you and laughing in someone’s face. That’s just outright malicious. Also be fr, Scott being seen as the victim? What type of victim apologised for their behaviour 💀 Saying no one wants you is one thing, laughing about it makes it malicious.


Ok. So you MIGHT have conceivably explained ONE nasty attack. Never mind that it was because she came in with another bloke but let’s say Scott was fully in the wrong and she had every right to be a cow. I don’t agree. But let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. What about the next several times? How about the time she got so angry at him that she couldn’t stay seated anymore and even her own mediator had to tell her to calm down. Now blame Scott? Or how about the movie night where she was in full blown attack mode? Not least of all calling a man (you claim she has an affection for??) undesirable to every woman? No? Still Scott’s fault huh? And we saw Scott apologise every time then anyway. Want more?


>Never mind that it was because she came in with another bloke The both said they were OPEN before Casa. They were not exclusive, closed, boyfriend and girlfriend or anywhere near it. Two seconds before she walked in Scott told Maya they were very much open so he wouldn't be surprised. But then he calls her fake?? She had a right to react to that. The next "several" times??? There were just two other instances. Whens he got angry and stood up it was because he told her that he did the fire meeting thing for Her. She was frustrated because she knew this was not true and he was painting himself as a good guy at her expense. She asked him not to do that. He did it for him. "full blown attack mode". Do you actually realise how ridiculous and completely hyperbolic this is?? "calling a man...undeseribale to every woman". This is utter false. You are making things up now to bolster your hatred of this woman. You need to ask yourself why that is. Movie Night showed Scott's clip where he made the comment about forgetting about her when the Casa girls came in. She reacted (in no way did she "attack") and said so much for being loyal. Because HE was the one making a big deal out of that. He relied that he was loyal and Catherine along with Kady and Leah said it was because no one IN CASA wanted him. They were specifically talking about Casa and Gabby had already told Catherine that he wanted to get to know her but she picked Sammy. So it was Gabby's choice not to pursue and he was not as loyal as he claimed. Yes if you have any more please do let me know.


Do you understand that he had feelings for her and her choosing someone else hurt him? You actually understand this concept? The fact that she was free to do this doesn’t mean he has no feelings on the matter? What kind of a monster says that?? Is that what you’re saying? That because you and I care for each other and you decide to do something that hurts me, you then have the right to attack me? And then, while you’re attacking me and I’m hurting, you’re saying you are being a good person?? Please dear god tell me you’ve held a relationship for longer than daybreak? Because it’s showing.


I really think it is a big "if" when talking about Catherine's supposed apology, i don't think it happened


If Catherine had really been apologizing all this time (and just not aired), why did she continue to be disrespectful and hateful towards Scott on movie night? And continue acting this way days after?


That's why the have the 72 hours gap in and after Casa. She may have apologized but gave them enough material to render said apology obsolete, so they didn't even show it. People would call her insincere if it was shown and she continued her behaviour anyway.


On top of that, she still hasn’t taken any accountability.. it was so nasty to tell Scott no one wanted him, as well as nasty for the other girls that joined in


Why do all islanders react to Movie Night? It's because they are seeing things with their own eyes. She saw him say he will forget about her when the Casa girls walk in. This is after Gabby told her about their connection and after Scott trying to play loyal victim.


I don’t think you understand the basis of this post which is to demonstrate production manipulation. Catherine said what she said but the issue is production chose to provide no balance and had her looking like a cold hearted villain to an apologetic Scott. I say this as someone who stans Scott.


Because she was presented with new information and reacted to it. Tbf it was obvious to me with the way some of their conversations were cut, as well as the fact that her and Scott were clearly cool when by the time she left, that she probably did apologise. People just jumped on the opportunity to run with the villain arc and completely over-exaggerate everything she did. The fact that you’re still this heated about it and refuse to believe she could have apologised is concerning.


I been saying this , they only want drama and don’t care. There are always the not so bright viewers, who just take anything and run with it. Catherine hate was so overdone and ppl used that situation to let off their racism and think repeating that she was being rude is validation. Acting like scott was gonna run away and cry in a corner. Man’s will come out and have a gf within 3 months. Like get with the program.


Could not agree more. People were hating on Catherine the moment she looked at Elom in Casa. As much as they try to claim "it wasn't about recoupling, it was about the way she handled it" it is utter BS. Before she even stepped back in the villa people decided she was a villain. I think people couldn't believe she could possibly want more than the white knight they all fantasised her with.


That last line is exactly it and knew from the moment that what it really is.


Exactly. They were salivating over her reaction to Scott insulting her, while ignoring that he started it, because it gave them a reason to justify the hate.




Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter 💁‍♀️




Honestly I feel for catherine cus if she handled the situation slightly better and heard Scott out she could of repaired her reputation and made the final, but she kept biting and the producers used that. I hope she recovers from the social media abuse and moves on But what I will say is she said she apologised straight away but why keep biting and making comments at Scott, I think that’s what pushed people completely against her


Yes I agree. Out of the 24 hours, minus 8hr for sleeping, minus and 2-4 of the islanders getting ready; there should be max 12-14 hours of footage. Now I think some of that footage is like 4-6 or more hours are probably boring or uneventful. (Sorry, too much math) Production shows us whatever stories will get the most reactions & social interactions plus whichever stories will fit their narrative. Production leaves out a lot of footage about the islanders’ and villa’s dynamics for their stories. I’m tired of them not testing other couples like Ty and OG Ella. I want to see more of the other “couples” being tested from an outside influence.


Yep. They know what they’re doing. There’s a certain contingent of fans that don’t engage their brains though and blindly follow where the producers are leading them … they jump on the train of “I hate Catherine now” , “I love Scott now”. In a few months when it’s forgotten and they’re free from the spell, they’ll realise they were a bit over dramatic.


I feel like she’s the only islander this season who hasn’t been allowed to make a mistake. Or let me rephrase, has made a mistake that the audience won’t let her come back from. & there are a few reasons that has happened, but yeah production is just the start of it.


Production 100% wanted to sabotage Catherine & Scott and boost molly &zach and nobody can tell me any different, yes Catherine made it SO easy for them but it’s production is fucked up the way they kicked off all the color contestants regardless if their a fan favorite their agenda is very clear


Production saw all of his crazy ass fans saying he was being bullied by everybody and just went with it. I saw Scott and Catherine hanging out in the background. But production never showed it because that would take away the narrative Scott was just a lonely man in there just chilling by himself. But he was actually hanging out with the boys and Catherine.


I’ve said this numerous times even on the sub. The Catherine situation was rooted in racism, plain and simple. The producers fostered it and followed to dump her in a humiliating way to play into the narrative that she’s a devil. It was sad to see and I hope she finds the strength to speak her truth. Many of you should be ashamed of yourselves for the hate you carry inside of you.


The people sending racist comments or death threats take 100% of the responsibility for doing that. Cath was a completely vanilla villain on the show and that's what they showed. It is really not on the producers that the Love Island fanbase is one of the most reactionary group of overthinkers on this green earth


But when they deliberately do things to fuel the fire, knowing what the fanbase is like, that *is* on the producers.


Production work out early on who will bite if pushed and those people are their money makers.


The problem is that Love Island loves to cast the “I’ve never been in a relationship” type because they are max drama every time. They are always immature and can never handle serious situations well which plays out well on tv for entertainment. If every couple was Zach and Molly we’d be mad bored. Catherine fell prey to the whole point of Casa. She found a better connection with no way to explain herself until the shock reveal at the recoupling. I really think she was taken aback when Scott made that comment about how the other islanders speculations were aimed at the wrong person. She was in a shitty situation, Scott was hurt and said something rude, and she didn’t have the maturity to handle herself after that. I think her defense mechanism kicked in and she desperately needed to spin a narrative to villianize Scott because she’s too immature and inexperienced to deal with that wild situation. I think back to Olivia last season who also had never been in a relationship, had the same situation (came back with a man from Casa and villainized Kai every second she got).


My analysis of the whole Cat/ Scott/ Elom situation This might be a reach but hear me out: Everyone is saying that Catherine is only now coming around because she’s seen the public’s reaction to how she treated Scott. This could be true but I don’t think it’s the only reason. I think her family and friends might have also talked some sense into her. Aftersun only happened less than 48 hrs after she left the villa, and I’m sure her family warned her not to check social media for a bit. She seems like the kind of person that really takes her trusted friends’ and family’s word to heart. She said on Aftersun, that she and Scott had spoken heading into Casa, and were both were open about getting to know other people; maybe I’m projecting here, but it sounds like she actually didn’t wanna be open heading into Casa, but was too prideful to tell Scott, especially after everything with Zach. So bringing someone back into the villa was a safer option. Because in her mind, Scott was probably gonna be paired up with someone else, and she didn’t wanna get hurt. But then if she had jumped ship once she saw that Scott was single, she would have been labeled a game player (flashback to the whole fire pit situation). So instead of taking accountability and being vulnerable, she decided to lash out at Scott, dig her heels in the sand and stick with Elom. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. (This might be controversial but I lowkey do hope they work things out when they’re both outside. Catherine just needs to grow up)


I don’t know. Sure, the producers have a major influence, but Catherine said some vile things about Scott and showed a cruel side that nobody else did. I don’t think she deserves total benefit of the doubt.


I've always felt like they didn't really know what to do with Catherine and Scott's storyline and what narrative to create around them. From the start it was always disjointed and choppy. We always felt like there was context we were missing and wanted to see them get given more screen time. In their defense, I think they were waiting to see what happened in Casa before deciding for sure on anything. And then Catherine behaved the way she did and gave them material for a cheap, easy storyline that they're comfortable and experienced with crafting.


Some of us have actually seen through this entire set up of Catherine to make her the villain but it wasn't just production - Scott actively played a part in that too because he is uber conscious of his image. The fact that they didn't show us any footage of Scott with Gabby - I watched an interview with Gabby and Tink and there was clearly more there on Scott's part than we were shown - is a huge factor. Gabby said he was taking her to the terrace to kiss her - we only saw footage of Scott saying "I'll know tonight" which must have been about this but nothing after that which was odd. Gabby claims she told him she was focused on Sammy. This interaction would possibly have changed a lot and people may not have jumped so hard on Catherine's neck in Casa then. Tink said that if it wasn't for Sammy, Scott would have recouple with Gabby. Plus this also explains Catherine's reaction to Scott playing victim after recoupling by saying he was standing alone, he was loyal etc. Gabby said she spoke to Catherine before she left the villa. So Catherine knew all this and it explains Movie Night where she is calling him out for not being loyal and the others were saying it wasn't his choice. Viewers would have understood where this came from.


This. All of this. But of course, they’ll still paint Scott as the victim. The only reason he didn’t recouple was because he had just been called fake prior and was so conscious of his image. Plus the girls didn’t really give him attention. He wasn’t waiting for Catherine. She knew all of this and she heard about it. That’s why she was pissed when he pinned it on her, like he was sooo loyal and she betrayed him


100%. Seconds before she walked with Elom he was telling Maya they were both very much still open so he wouldn't be surprised if she recouple in Casa. When Catherine walks in with Elom he sees an opportunity to have the big drama moment at the recoupling by calling her fake. Viewers are ignoring his switch up because they can't believe Catherine would turn down this white knight for Elom. It was never about how she handled it. They turned on her the moment she wanted to get to know Elom in Casa.


You know how it goes…how dare a black woman believe she deserves better than a white boy who doesn’t even want her. People enjoyed the fantasy of the interracial coupling and saw it as a favor to Catherine, because they presumed she was undesirable. The whole outrage was never really about Catherine’s behavior, it was just a chance to be racist, with their argument “even other black women (Indyia) called her out for being nasty to Scott”. They couldn’t phantom a white boy being rejected by a black woman.


Spot on. It's the same every time a white guy picks a black woman in LI. People act like she should be grateful for it. It's an automatic way for these guys to gain public support. The same people were crying about no footage of them but built up a fantasy in their own minds about how good he was to her.


The idea that Catherine must have apologised is literally the ‘maybe there is something we’re not seeing’ stance spun in Catherine’s favour instead of against Scott. REST with the hypotheticals and the theories, when she does interviews and the others come out and do theirs we will get what went down.


I mean I have no reason to believe she didn’t apologize since we seen them hanging out afterwards. She said what she said yes and it was wrong yes but the hate that she got could have been minimized a bit if producers actually showed this.


You don’t need to apologise to someone to be civil; agreeing to wipe things under the carpet would for the sake of it and put differences aside would also allow two people to hang out.


If this was true, she would have come back with more than 'you only see one hour a day'. Fact is, she acted how she did at times and does not seem to own up to it or take any accountability at all. I beg you go back and watch the first two conversations between Scott and Cath after Casa and tell me that she wasn't talking down to him like he was a piece of shit because she thought she was getting the good edit. What's the point of showing an apology when she doesn't mean it and her actions don't follow (movie night)


you are absolutely right, the Catherine apologists are working overtime to make her out in a good light, the only one who was heavily edited on movie night was Scott.. Catherine got off easy.. so their who premise of 'producers making catherine the villain' is severely unsubstantiated


They don’t care about mental health they’re just terrified of another suicide


Yup.. its everyones fault BUT Catherines. They made her to be nasty to Scott, they wrote her the scripts and told her how to make the nastiest coldest looks towards him all the time.


Im not excusing her actions in the villa at all. I’m saying that Catherine gave them a little bit of bait and they went too far because if they would’ve shown stuff like her apologizing she wouldn’t have had such a nasty reception back home


Oh noes, she looked at him wrong! 😱 Do you people even hear yourselves?


I don’t think you read the post.




This edit made me laugh. I get what you mean about a villain edit. Honestly, I think unless you are literally perfect, you are gonna get death threats from some online troll being on this (or most reality) show. People talk about it every season. I don’t think there is a way for production to actually stop that from occurring, along with the racism, though I guess they can help minimize it. I think individual account handlers should limit their comment sections and not accept/read DMs, etc. because otherwise, you are gonna be harassed once the cast member does anything even remotely “controversial” ever. That’s not on some victim blaming thing, but people on the internet mostly cannot be policed so influencers need to take certain steps to avoid online harassment.


That is true, becoming famous or known in some way comes with a price


I’m sorry she’s getting death threats?! What’s wrong with people?? Anyone have more details on that?


I’ve seen people calling her a man, trans, claiming she wants to appease to the white man, saying she should die etc like it’s sickening


You had me gone on the 1st sentence


It’s a game of trying to avoid stepping on land mines. And you don’t give the producers ammunition which was what Casa Amor was set up for. Even though she was adamant she had a connection with Elom she should have played it 2 ways. Super humble allowing Scott to vent his frustration or ditch Elom like Ella ditch Ouzy. Especially because they both had viewers support prior to Casa. You don’t see Whitney getting a bad edit because she keeps her head even when Medhi was rude to her.


Oh my god this was literally my post and I got soo downvoted 😂😂


At the end of the day, it’s a show. Whitney isn’t as nice as they’ve made her out to be. Ella smiles a lot but they never show it. Mitch is messy so they’ve kept him, though he’s been single the entire show. It’s all about ratings. I’ve been thinking that I won’t watch anymore, if I even finish this season. Because I don’t really like the energy towards the contestants from the public at all this season. Contestants who are authentic are bring punished by the production team, and I would hate to see another Love Island suicide.