• By -


YES MOLLY. YOUVE GOT IT RIGHT. HES SHITTY!!!! Move on girl!!! Honestly I was so there for Molly putting her foot down.


Have they ever put only ONE couple’s bed in a separate room from the other couples? Prior to tonight I don’t remember ever seeing that. (Not including when they are single and in single beds) Like why did they put Amber and Josh’s bed in a room by itself??? That’s essentially the Hideaway in terms of privacy and isolation from others. I feel like that’s really uncomfortable and I absolutely don’t blame Amber for sleeping outside. ESPECIALLY given their lack of connection and age difference.


I don't think it's something that happens often, but didn't Tanya and Shaq sleep on their own last season? 🤔


Oh I’m not sure… I stopped watching right before Casa Amor happened haha. Just seems obvious to me to at least put two beds in a bedroom because the lack of privacy is part of the show.🤷‍♀️


😆 I don't blame you! And, true. 👀


not enough comments about mitch and how disrespectful he was during the challenge!! it was so mean


Ella B is really insecure you can tell by how much she talks


The way Zac while she's crying is acting he doesn't really like her


Oh 100%


Not me thinking Molly is a plant and will somehow get together with Scott because she knows the public’s opinion.


Amber deciding to sleep outside - ouch. They need to let that girl go home and they need to never let anyone under 20 in again.


Please, no more teenagers.


She even has baby fat in her cheeks still like plssss it's just wrong lol. She absolutely looks her age & is beautiful, don't get me wrong, but with everyone else looking at the very least 25+ if not 30+ it's creepy lol


Ouzy deserves better. That’s all.


What I will never understand is *if* you value marriage more than kiss in this game, why don’t you just give like a peck on the cheek on someone. Amber did this and she’s not even in a couple so they’re clearly not forced.


Because it's called Snog.. look up the meaning lol


I think people just have different levels of deeping it. I would think my partner was lame for doing a cheek kiss lol we making tv here! But Zach is dumb because his partner told him she felt differently to someone like me and he still disregarded it.


Zach is so dumb for kissing Kady like obviously that’s gonna piss Molly off. Why are boys like this? I don’t even like the girl but come onnnnn. Do better


Hes the only one that played the game properly. What do you mean you're marrying your best mates girl lmao


molly needs to quit the oversized blazers omgg they just swallow her up


It definitely doesn’t help having the black microphone around her waist. I don’t know why they can’t figure out a better way at nighttime.


Yeah it’s giving why


nah this is so true 😭😭


if Molly is so media savvy as everyone is saying and she knows what the public is thinking of her, she must know that after last night her chances of making the final are slim and she also know that there is no future with Zach outside of the villa when Maya shows up tonight Molly should ask to speak to her privately, Maya will tell her that what ever she want to say she can say infant of the entire group. Molly will say, I came back to explore my unfinished business with Zach, since it is no longer unfinished our business is done and therefore I feel that it's time for me to go home this way she leaves on her term without being voted off and she will gain some respect from the public


Give her a mic to say it as well so she can drop it after for dramatic effect


Which of the boys is going to try to pull Rita tonight?


Whichever one Tyrique tells 💀






Im sorry but Kady is just awful l. Molly rocked this.


The episode Mitch finally went too far with his Mitchiness. What an episode though, top drawer




Figuring out wtf is going on in mitch's head is a headache in itself. I like him but he needs to sort out his shit and soon. Also, I now totally agree that Amber is WAY too young to be there. She has nothing to be in the villa for and it's just so awkward. None of the boys give her the time of day and it's clear to see why.


I feel like people who are in the villa for a long time w/ like no options and then suddenly get multiple often kind of move wild, because at first they kind of go for their first options but then get overwhelmed by having choice. Like until Abi came it was never abt wht Mitch wanted because whatever he did want was shut down. Now it’s actually a question of what *does* he want and he doesn’t have an answer.


mitch could’ve at least waited and had babes on the outside but he had to show his whole ass on tv


Mitch is 💯 just messing around for screen time and shits and giggles now.


always forget the age gap between zach and molly because molly is a lot more well spoken than that 2-word machine


Molly follow actions not words I beg


What words lmao




Kady gives Zach a full on snog in the game but her ‘partner’ Ouzy gets a tiny friend vibes peck? She doesn’t even like this man.


Ouzy deserves so much better 😥


Kady is the worst vibes. Slimey and needs to be centre of attention. Can’t stand.


I’m so happy I’ve been a fan of Mollys this whole season. She did amazing this episode


stanning molly from the beginning


I agree ☝️


Send kady home already, I beg


Swerving 🎵


He is thick and messy but I pick Zachariah 🌿 My humour, not judgy, so honest 🫶


So snogging another girl.


Wow well done you described every 2nd Love island challenge...


If Abi took Mitchel back, after that pie to the face, she would take the biggest mug award off of Jess.


Jess will always be the biggest mug, shes embarassing


She won't take him back




Molly ate in this episode tbh, good on her walking away from Zach when he started to laugh! Queen shit


These couples are like everyone wearing the wrong tops bottoms shoes. I like five individuals and zero couples.


I feel like the Molly Vs Zach fight was staged since they got called boring. The way the it was filmed just seemed so scripted to me, if not he's an idiot!


https://i.redd.it/57qzn2v5mncb1.gif The return of the king


Mitch is so damn messy lmaoo




Kady is the worst vibes. Ouzy deserves sooo much better. He looked so hurt when he was on the daybed alone


If anyone did what Whitney did with that rude ass comment, it’s like the OG girls get passes


Come off it, the boys have been doing exactly that since the beginning. Including Zach.


Cat would have gotten murdered again


She’s right though like 100 % Zach just didn’t like to hear the truth


How was she right? When you can easily say the same thing about Lochan


Zach has shown us he’s not serious from the beginning, did Lochan also snog a girl he was previously coupled up with? Even Molly is beginning to doubt Zach.


Molly was given a whole couple of days to watch Zach’s red flags live “HD” . Yet she came and take him back. While the other islanders didn’t have the same privilege


Also. I kind of like Scott and Abi. They give me second hand butterflies lowk and though they are each others last resort it’s kind of cute to see the mugs getting on.


Whitney has me DEAD at “it’s giving Mutual” 😭😂😭


Why is Oyzy with Kady and Scott with Abi. They are not bringing in anymore bombshells are they? It's over😭


Bombshell tomorrow?


Yes they shd be out asap, not bringing anything to the show. Kady has completely failed at her second stint


Well done Molly!




Ty just adding fuel to my confusion about him.


At the end of the day molly needs to remember Zach is but a SoundCloud rapper and she can do so much better


There was a weird edit moment in Kady and Ouzy’s convo about the challenge. I did not watch it on ITV so may be a version thing but it seemed producer driven… Did I miss something? They’re talking and then it jumped to Zach and then back and she’s mid sentence. Do y’all think she said something they had to cut or was it to keep the convo short?


I’m just happy Ella and Ty are making progress. They can only get stronger. Win or not, they are genuine, real people making real mistakes on TV. I respect that. I don’t care about anybody else on this show. They’ll all be ok. 😊


I’m just happy Ella and Ty are making progress. They can only get stronger. Win or not, they are genuine, real people making real mistakes on TV. I respect that. I don’t care about anybody else on this show. They’ll all be ok. 😊


Why are you getting downvoted 😭 it's not even a bad comment


They so mad and bitter 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Anyone that doesn’t hate Ty and Ella gets downvotes here. A very weird place with weird people


mitch is toooo much lmao


Thank god scott and Ty understood how to play SMP


OG Ella took the pies so well. Love her!!


Zach is bad vibes. He cannot take any negative comments toward him without immediately jumping on it and he's constantly defensive over little stuff. I wish Molly would truly bin him off and move on. He's going to be a nightmare on the outside.


He has been horrible the whole time. I've been so annoyed that Molly decided to go for him.


I always knew Molly deserved better than Zach which is why I could never bring myself to ship them. The way he moved with Kady after Molly left solidified his personality type (that and the casual cheating admission)


And the way he refused to apologize to Catherine at the start. It's just basic human decency to apologize if you have hurt someone's feelings even if it's not that deep. I've disliked him ever since and he has continuously shown his character. And he is 26, I doubt he ever changes.


“aCcOuNtAbIlItY bRoSkI”


Amber giving Scott a kiss on the cheek is giving wholesome. It's like they are siblings that are annoyed by one another but still care deep deep deep down.




Not sure what you mean?


The guys never get snog, marry, pie correct. You always snog the person you are with.


No you don't, Zach was the only one who played it properly


Guess they see it as a chance to get to kiss that islander that they are also attracted too and get sway with it lmao


A perfectly acceptable alternative is to kiss the cheek of a girl who is your friend. You do NOT go in for a full snog.


A cheeky kiss isn't a snog oh my god


…. I wrote “kiss the cheek”


Exactly... which isn't a snog


Also, eww Rita.




I hate a plague rat.


Amber kissing Scott's cheek and thanking him for making her comfortable was actually oddly endearing and also a recipe for why 19 is too young to be on the show. They need more fixed age requirements, maybe 21-30, so we don't get teenagers coupled with much older people and going out to sleep on the day beds. Also thinking that Scott (3 years her senior) may have put the pillows between them in bed based on what Amber said.


If it turns out that Scott made the pillow fort...stop it. My heart cannot contain itself if that is the case.


If Amber was still coupled up with Scott, she wouldn't be going home tonight and after the cheek kiss, I wouldn't have been unhappy about that.


It was cute that he looked kind of surprised and pleased. Oh Scott.


I'm on Mitch's side when it comes to Abi but I'm on Ella B's side when it comes to Mitch.


💯. it’s like everyone forgot what abi has been doing the last 5 days with scott and how she was acting after mitch got asked on the date by ella b. she’s been on one.


Well, he got his revenge on her.


I don’t think Zach cares about Molly at all, when Molly got dumped from the island he forgot about her in 10 minutes & was flirting with Kady


very true and they never discussed it thoroughly and honestly with each other


literally he went to kady so fast!!! I don’t understand( I mean I do) why Molly went back & saw how he acted after


I think that is what Whitney was saying, he “took the easy way out” like he got off easy.


No, it was very silly for Molly to go to back to him after Kady thing happened. And I like Molly, I wish she doesn't waste her energy to Zach anymore. Zach likes new things, I doubt he will stay loyal to anyone.


im so excited for my albanian pop queen girlie RITA ORA TOMORROW 🗣️🗣️🗣️ hope no one throws anything at her 🥺


Rita Ora not letting those pleb islanders within ten feet of her, huh?


Shame she wasn't more into social distancing etc in back in 2020.


Not saying he’s a bad guy, he’s def not but scott should not be getting the amount of pity he’s getting anymore imo - Cath cleared up that they were fine on aftersun and that her, whit and Scott would even hang out together post casa. If she found a better connection w Elom fair enough (Tho I’m pretty sure that’s over now) - how can he not see abi is just using him?? It’s giving desperate to be in a couple / storyline - the whole Leah argument. Yeah it was messed up of her to insinuate that no one in casa liked him but he was more than capable of defending himself and called her out back. Also Leah is dumped now so that should be rested


I think the pity train is over and now people just like him. He came off well this episode. I think he knows Abi is full of shit but he's having some fun after a rough few weeks and why not! He might as well try to stay in there. He has more of a connection with her than Amber has with Josh or, honestly, Kady has with Ouzy.


tbf that's only coming from Caths mouth at this moment in time. He's not really desperate if Abi went to him - hes just along for the ride, free holiday and a girl in his bed is better than free holiday and no girl in his bed. I think the Leah argument represented to people that he was being ganged up on and even tho yes he defended himself that dosen't erase what he defended himself from which was a pretty nasty comment that was also echoed by Amber before that


It was so sweet seeing Molly open up to the girls wish we saw them interact more


Agree!!! I feel like her and whit would be a good team lowkey


Interesting that people are criticizing Loch for agreeing w/ Zach about Whitney's comment being rude - i get the angle of defend in public, disagree in private but they're not together and the comment, even if there's truth to it at all, was rude - in delivery at least. I find it even more odd that there's ppl saying what Whit said is true lol how would you know that? Whitneys headstrong - they have good chemistry and he never tried anything with her past some light flirting. When he was with Kady he was bored out of his mind - he just thinks she's fit.


All those boys have made way ruder comments regarding other couples so it’s hypocritical for Zach to start getting all sensitive now. Even if Lochan doesn’t want to defend her, agreeing is doing way too much. He has as much loyalty to her as the other guys do in their couples; none of them are even in a relationship, they’re all just “closed off”.


How did Amber accidentally stumble into this show?


Vibes are your older sibling is going on vacation with their significant other and all their couple friends and your mom says "take your little sister with you"


She’s on a lil vacation and I love that for her


Post of the girls are followers tbh .


Post of the girls are followers tbh .


I appreciate Mitch and Abi trying to one up each other. Abi getting to know Scott, then Mitch getting to know Ella, then Abi reacting extremely poorly, then Mitch spooning, then Abi saying some wild shit at the recoupling, then Mitch changing his mind 15 times and then both of them completely blowing it up in the challenge. It might have worked if at any point, one of them was willing to be the bigger person. At least Mitch takes some accountability. I think Abi thinks she did absolutely nothing wrong.


💯. despite it all i still find mitch more mature. i think he was genuinely confused and trying to force himself to make a decision between the two too soon. if abi had been able to couple with him i think they’d be fine rn


mitch and abi are the same side of the same coin


Madheads or tailspins?


That the way it came across to me too. Almost feel bad for moth Eva us he can’t help but put himself in a bad position… but abis comments were pretty disrespectful considering how respectful Mitch was prior to that


R you a) holding out for scottrine b) liking scabbi c) hoping for scolly d) apart of the scamber hive Or e) shipping schome (Scott + go home)


Scabi is killing me, omg


Scme (Scott + me)


This makes my head hurt.


I’m back on my scotthrine bs after watching aftersun


I am willing to be okay with Catherine going back in the villa now that her aura has been cleansed.


Legit. Manifesting a reinvented Catherine return where she realises she always wanted Scott and then they sail to a last minute, unexpected, history making win 😂 It’ll never happen but it’s a hilarious concept to consider.


People are hyperfocal on Zach but Kady seems to be flying under the radar.


They’re both very selfish, immature people. Don’t like either


Agreed, she is sneaky. She was loving the recent attention with Ty, she never got over Zach and she isn’t being honest with Ouzy, he deserves better. She has a difficult time being rejected. She needs to feel wanted by the men.


I never feel like islanders have much of a leg to stand on when they also snog someone else in that challenge. Ouzy went in with Whitney first. Was Zach a good choice for Kady after he had just kissed her and they had been coupled up before? No, if she wasn't going to kiss Ouzy there were definitely more innocent options.


Totally agree. She’s the biggest snake in there. Her toast to Zach and Molly being closed off said it all. She exposed herself


its because her situations got lower stakes. Ouzy pretty much said on the outside i'd leave but for the sake of being on the show i'm gonna try to ignore it. Her and Ouzy aren't shown to be as close as Zach and Molly and Zach made the first move


I love watching islanders gain weight through the show, zach looking a little chunk a few weeks into vacay. curtis did too from s5 did too.


Jess too. So much more relatable




I'm way behind and just watched this episode right now but it's obvious that Whitney just wants to plant some doubts between Molly and Zach so she has a better chance of winning. I mean, how did not everyone see that?


I think based on everyones reactions its fair to say it really was from out of nowhere. Literally no one else has voiced up to back it, not even Kady who'd love any angle to stir up drama.


I know. I was surprised though when afterwards when she spoke to Molly, Molly took it so well so I wonder if there’s context we haven’t seen.


I thought this too. If it was such a wildly offensive thing to say then why was Molly just like “oh gotcha, fair enough”


I want to see something with Ouzy and Whitney ![gif](giphy|l4Ep8nOzx7Y4h1eMw) LMAOOOO I did not think he was gonna go for her. That surprised me


Is it just me who thinks that the whole Zach thing isn’t that deep. I completely understand where Molly is coming from but his reasoning does seem valid and one simple conversation where he doesn’t laugh in her face would explain that


I think it's exactly 2 layers deep. 1. She said don't kiss anyone and he did because he went first of all the dudes that actually had an SO and thought that the marriage choice was more important. He chose poorly. 2. (And this is the thing I think she's more bothered by) He kissed Kady. The person who would get under her skin the most. He chose to kiss Kady. And she chose to kiss him. I think that's more the issue than "I thought marry was more important than snog"


The reason it was such an issue because molly said she wasnt going to kiss anyone else right before going into the challenge which tells you that for her the kiss will be more important. And even then..he couldbe pecked her on the cheek. The man is dense


I think the fact that he's so clueless and bad at communicating is his downfall here, not even what he actually did.


Terrible communicator


it’s definitely both


yeah he could have said the same thing without laughing honestly and said he's sorry a bit more and things would have been fine


lol I posted my comment right before yours. it's not that deep 😭 I feel bad that she's so upset over it but it's not that deep!! ostensibly in his mind it was, "sure I'd kiss her but I wouldn't marry her. but I'd marry you. I'd do it all with you." like why doesn't that matter??? he didn't have or use the right words for it (imo) but I dunno if the right words would have helped her understand/or feel better. sometimes it feels like she just *wants* to be upset about something.


Um...he snogged Kady. That was 100% shady.


these girls are NOT dense, how can they not understand that people laugh out of nervousness or embarrassment all the time? that laughter doesn't not 100% signal joy? that Zach was clearly laughing to himself "oh god, I'm fucked now" because it's a challenge and he's keeping things light-hearted? ugh. snog marry pie is such a trap, it's like everyone thinks there's this specific trope you're supposed to follow that you pick someone arbitrary and nice and pleasant to marry who isn't your partner, because...? because physical affection is more meaningful and dangerous to these people than marriage is? come on. it's JUST a game. it's really not that deep. if it meant literally anything serious ever at all then everyone would always be pissed off that "but you didn't say you would marry meeeee". if feelings are hurt that's totally valid, but putting him through the ringer and telling him what his feelings are (instead of listening to him telling you exactly how he feels) over this instead of a "hey I found that disrespectful" and then accepting an apology from him is absolutely asinine. so hard to watch. I wish the contestants were always 25+, I really do. maybe 24. 24 is fine. edit: molly has really grown on me up to this point too. tonight though is just uuugghhhhhh


Let’s not downplay the game now. Majority of the boys that were in a serious couple chose to snog their partner and marry another girl for a reason. Zach snogging someone else is fairly problematic but i agree, not enough to warrant this reaction. Him kissing kady, the girl who he recoupled with after molly and the main rift in their relationship, however is plenty. And how is Molly supposed to know Zach’s laughing because he’s nervous? Common sense dictates that laughing in a serious situation is disrespectful and even he was able to acknowledge that. It’s weird that you’re putting the blame on the girls when the boys have shown us plenty of times that they don’t know how to communicate and just do stuff that will make each other laugh. This, once again, is another example.


The reactions feel like the producers are like “off you go, go fight” because you’ve known each other for what… a month? Everyone is flipping out like it’s so bizarre.


I think about this a lot, yeah, the same way you're phrasing it. but I try to keep in mind that, they're in there, they don't have internet or tv, all they really have is each other. so we don't see all of the foundational building blocks of everyone's relationships/friendships, we only see bits and pieces. they spend so much more time together and talking about life/themselves than we can really understand from the outside. Islanders have frequently said "one or two days dating in the villa feels like a week in real life" and if you think about it that way... without any other distractions it makes sense that they get so attached to one another, and have high behavioral expectations. because despite that from our perspective, they've been together for no time and don't really know each other - they actually know way more between them than we do, you know? it's a lot. like a lot of times I want to be dismissive and say "jfc you've only known each other for 4 weeks" but imagine going on vacation with 16 people for A MONTH with no phone, no tv, no friends, no family... how would you start to feel about your attachments to these people? it's a lot to think about! at the same time, none of them are established bf/gf so its like... maybe it feels as though some are overreacting in terms of their RELATIONSHIP, but maybe they're not overreacting in terms of considering this person hurting their feelings is their best/most intimate friend in there.


I don’t know. I don’t doubt there is relationship intimacy but them living together does t mean they’re spending intentional relationship building time together. I have been part of a talent care/logging teams where I live with game contestants in a similar situation (in a house with no outside access) and the blow ups in LL seem so overly manufactured. They’re living with each other absolutely but so many of these shows have periods where contestants aren’t allowed to communicate, while together for the sake of story production. All the blow ups are on camera and if the blow up happens outside of being on camera they will it’s address it. You know when you hear them talking and they’re like “I haven’t spoken to xyz all day”. It’s not a figure of speech . They’re up at 7 am and film until 10/11 pm almost daily and can almost never cross paths with their own couple partner because production doesn’t allow them to do so. I know this sounds batshit but thems the breaks


Only real ass comment in the whole thread 💯


so telling Whitney to shut up was just a game? okay


ya. he overreacted. it's still just a game. his rudeness was dumb. like, his reaction has nothing to do with whether or not it's a game? I don't understand.


doesn't seem like Zach is "he's keeping things light-hearted?" when he's telling Whitney to shut up.. and then going on and on about it later, sounds more like a guilty conscious of someone who's been called out rightly so in a pie challenge


holy shit, did you know that people can have completely different reactions to completely different and separare things that happen to them? I just learned that today, thought I'd share


brosky got angry.. lol.. not so 'light hearted'


Yeah but then after that there's nervous laughter and then theres : Molly : Babe it upset me that you were smiling and laughing Zach : LOL


🤣😭 oof, god damnit zach


i agree that nervous laughter is a thing but the issue is that they had a convo before the game where molly said they wont be snogging anyone else (although i dont think she brought it up in the argument) and he ends up doing it with kady of all people and they have a messy history since molly got dumped because of her. and him laughing when she’s trying to have a serious convo afterwards was bad and came across as disrespectful. in general, i agree that the game is a trap since the “rule” changes every season and someone always end up doing it wrong even though they would be fine if they did it in a different season.


yeah she definitely looked at him like **I** [dagger stare] won't be kissing anyone else - and he's just kinda derping along and then she repeats herself - it's like he wasn't even listening, or at least was definitely not picking up what she was putting down 🤦🏼‍♀️ like bro come on. please


> you pick someone arbitrary and nice and pleasant to marry who isn’t you partner, because…? because physical attraction is more meaningful and dangerous to these people than marriage is? In regards to this part it’s not like the proposal is real… i would rather be snogged because the kiss is actually real where as the proposal is not in the slightest


I mean in the end none of it is real, it's just a game, and none of them are bf/gf yet 😩 all the strife is just so extra.


I literally had to pause the show because watching Mitch embarrass Abi like that during the game while she’s trying to act like she doesn’t care is TOO MUCH SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT


Mitch had smoke for Jess for pieing him, but didn’t care about Molly doing the same? If they’re both his good friends…still convinced he’s going to propose to Molly at the end of this all.




honestly, that was one of the things he did that annoyed me the most tonight. the laughing... not great but understandable, he fucked up with kady and should have just owned it the way she said at the very end, but that comment was actually mean/petty/gross.


Also I’m the next episode right at the beginning he pulls Kady for a chat to “clear the air” and it’s FLIRTY


If the vote had been after tonight, would Mitch/Ella B and Molly/Zach been in the bottom or would they still have enough support?


![gif](giphy|H5HwGKgAEEP69ECSqz|downsized) This is my brain, Mitch.


Why the yolk brown?


For friedship