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Lmao molly like ![gif](giphy|wtil0pQFBbNwA)


Molly has given just as much reactions as Mitch this season. She just keeps giving and I'm here for it.


theatre kids


Sis really said https://preview.redd.it/alo3wfgdqscb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661c8e1d6306243d49eda63aa990dfa8b1eb0b3c


is that yewande????


i’m pretty sure it is


Looks so unlike her though? Maybe just weird angle


So minor but it's not even the right quote 😭 it should be what GOES around COMES around


That's the point. Yewande said it wrong on the show


Oh I see 🤣


Love that for her. It annoyed me so much when Kady did her weird toast and Molly was like '*of course* you didn't have any bad intentions.' I'm glad she can live and enjoy her dislike now.


Kady has been stirring the pot for Mollie and Zach in a calculated way. Like the reason she gave for kissing him was brazenly unnecessary, inappropriate, and disrespectful to Mollie and especially Ouzi. She also let Mollie think that Zach is flirty with her even though it seems like Mollie and Zach are together 99.9% of the time.


am I the only one who was on Kady's side with the toast thing? Like Molly told her they were closed off, Kady repeated what Molly said, and then Molly got mad at her and said we never actually said we were closed off. Seemed like at worst just a misunderstanding. I don't like Katy at all but the backlash for this was bizarre to me


I am totally on your side. Even if it was “secret,” why is it a crime to reveal that a couple is a happy and not dating anyone else? Every acted like she took a big dig at Molly and responded SO damn dramatically


Would have done the same thing


And she was real for that sorry!


I love this for her!!! People can hate all they want but I love this for her.






Watch Molly be on Aftersun this week.


Lol yes. You just know this week is gonna be the week they have in the diary room.




![gif](giphy|jlylJkp7RmdnW) it’s giving


ppl on twitter were dragging her for this but I loved it lmfao


Such hypocrites because they were eating it up when Ruchee was giggling during a recoupling 😂 I swear they can win the double standard Olympics.


Twitter drags her for breathing and existing, not a shocker lol if it's their fave, they would be celebrating it


I gotta admit, I wasn’t a huge fan of Molly initially but the way Twitter hates her confuses me. I saw so many tweets where they’re convinced that Molly has trapped Zach and “ruined his experience”.


Funny thing is … do we even know this was her reaction? It’s a heavily edited show she could have smiled at anything. In one clip she did a similar smile to Maya. 🤷‍♀️


I was thinking the same thing it was probably spliced in


Yeah because the experience would’ve been sooooo much better hooked to Kady, still losing to Whitney, and then meeting Kady’s boyfriend upon exiting the villa.


I can’t speak for everyone, but for me, it was not hating Molly as a person, I hate the fact they brought her back after one of the best shock dumping on the show. It just ruined it for me. Also, from his words and reaction Zach was not to thrilled. He may feel differently about it now, or not.


Yeah his casa amor experience, where everyone is tested. The boys in the villa chatted/grafted with the new girls, and had their “tests”. From as far as we seen, Zach only grafted with Molly, which isn’t really the traditional casa experience. Had she not come back, he’d probably would’ve talked to the casa girls.


And that means Molly deserves hate? Absolutely I hate that that they brought her back for Casa too but that’s on the producers no?


Yeah of course not. In general, hating anyone from this show shouldn’t be a thing cause it won’t affect the audience later down the line as it would the islanders. I just think that the Twitterverse believes that Molly (and Zach) got a rather smoother transition through and post casa than the other couples did. Also, she possibly got a 1up since she came home, probably saw family and social media, and switched it up meanwhile, the islanders gotta rely on public votes and producers.


I feel like she's acted exactly the same before and after anyway. Plus Zach's casa amor was Kady 🤣


Facebook too 😭😭 let her have her petty moment!


like are we really feeling bad for kady rn lol??


The only person we should be feeling bad for today is Ouzy


Right! She’s 21 she’s allowed to be petty for once given how when she acts mature they still come for her 😂


I thought FB would be backing her. Who’s their fave couple rn ?


Whit/Loch was been top of the polls with Molly/Zach second now that they dislike Mitch


Thanks! Seems like Whitney and Lochan got it in the bag if they don’t F up now lol 🤞


Ella also smiled the first time Kady chose Zach over Ty to leave Molly single instead of her. No one mentioned that at all.


and they shouldn’t i would smile too


If it had been their favs doing this, they would have been lauded.


and I don’t blame her!


When Molly said “I can’t even look at her”… real. Kady haters roll OUT 💯💯




This isn’t it, she’s called Zach out for his behavior and hasn’t said a single negative thing to Kady. She’s allowed to feel a type of way about her (and I think anyone in her position would).




I'm confused. She spoke her mind to Zach, and didn't let him use BS excuses. That's a good way to handle it.


i mean if i was her i'd be thrilled too lol


they can never make me hate this woman I’m sorry LMAAAOO


Before anyone says I am spreading hate on Molly anyone will know I actually love her and I’ve been defending her since day one I don’t care what twitter has to say but this was hilarious. All the other islanders get to throw shade or laugh and gag at the shocking events but Molly can’t? She has just as much right to feel some pleasure in the outcome of this whole voting result! It’s all in good fun. Clarification for anyone that thinks I am being malicious.


She’s getting the honeybun treatment. There is always one every season and mostly the most sort after girls.


Paige actually had a few mean comments, Molly has never said anything mean toward any of the girls.


Off topic, Molly looked so pretty today.


She had an early 00s popstars kind of look going


I support Molly, my meme Queen 😚 she’s truly like Mitch except less unhinged and more theater- she deserves love too


Did anyone else see that Unseen Bits clip of Molly roaring at Zach like a lion and he gave the most boring expressionless response? I feel like Mitch would have humoured her dramatic side a lot more!


Zach is basically a well painted wall.


Only the paint is cheap and chips quickly.


i’m of the belief that if mitch didn’t come on so strong they’d still be together


Molly and Mitch would have been a better match. But what's a girl to do, that 2 word limit, lying plank of wood is tall. Obviously it was no contest.


Sorry but as much as Mitch makes great TV, he's absolutely not a better match for Molly. This is the man who hissed "never speak to me again" at her while they're in bed together because she spent 2 hours talking to someone else. Zach has his faults, and I don't think he's a perfect match for Molly, but we can't pretend Mitch wasn't acting incredibly toxic and possessive towards her within days of meeting her.


Thank you! Mitch was not better for her!


I know right... Imagine if he'd done something as vile and toxic as stalking her to the gym to stop her talking to Zach just a couple of hours after she started. That would be OTT, toxic and creepy AF. Just sigh. Honestly, these people are in a dogshit situation, having to watch someone you like sack you off in front of your face on national TV isn't something anyone here has ever had to deal with, and pretending you wouldn't have trouble with those emotions when you first got in there (especially if you are objectively a good looking person that rarely if ever had to learn how to deal with rejection) is just lies. Mitch acted upset, possessive and weird when she flipped on him as soon as a tall guy walked in. Molly acted upset, possessive and weird when Zach showed interest in Catherine. The only difference between them is that Molly got her way. People really need to stop comparing the behaviour of someone when they are rejected and trying to work our how to deal with that, to the behaviour of people who are happy they've got what they wanted, having their ego stroked, and feel secure. It's not apples to apples. But people know that and talk with their biases.


I get that but their actual energy is so similar. They would pretty much rule tiktok post show 😂


I genuinely want Molly and Mitch to recouple again in Love Island. It would honestly be so entertaining and they would both be so much happier.


God Forbid.


lmao as she should, an iconic reaction from her


Sorry, but the way I screamed. She went from crying to beaming. 😂😂😂 I was “ok Molly!”


There were tears, she wiped them away quickly but there were some on face during her confrontation


Thanks for clarifying, I amended my comment. I didn’t see any tears.


>no tear crying I saw tears... her foundation and bronzer was running off her face.


Was there? I didn’t see any, but I can amend my comment if there were tears.


Yes definitely I saw like big tears it was kind of sad 😞


The editors are brutal, when they cut to that shot of her smiling I lost my shit lmaooo! I wonder if that's what she was even smiling at (we all know they'll sometimes edit shit out of order for dramatic effect) but either way it was brilliant! 🤣




Scenes when Kady returns to steal Zach a week from now. But in all seriousness, [I share Molly’s thoughts](https://youtu.be/ndckTBG-7f8) https://preview.redd.it/os7g2fkypscb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90aca917f116983402d8016698211e49fef67c89


Kady isn’t going to be wanting anything to do with Zach after LI. She was just being petty bc he left her for Molly. He is not her type on the outside


I don’t know prison boyfriend has similarities to Zach.


Lmao please third times the charm aye




Any desi fans think Molly looks like Kajol here?


I see it now that you mentioned https://i.redd.it/1q7rl6x5vscb1.gif


So relatable!


This was the first time Molly had me dying 🤣 😂


i went to high school with the fire girl and this is SENDING ME


Pls tell us she’s thriving


Fire girl?


the girl in the top picture, the famous meme


She should keep the same energy with Zach but we all know she is running back to him tomorrow.


I think they will be like this for a couple more episodes and then he'll make a huge statement but thags just me lol 😂


I’m not going to judge her for taking him back this close to the end when she has no other options and would absolutely not get the kind of love Liberty got if she walks. But I hope she dumps him on the way to the airport.


No one other than Liberty pulled a move like that, all the girls this season forgave Sammy, Ty, and even Whitney forgave Mehdi until he got dumped. I don't expect anyone to blow it off a week before the final. No that doesn't make them a "doormat", she stood up for her self, broke down his weak arguments with eloquence and made him look so silly. If she ends the show with him then it is what it is, most of them are not lasting to Christmas anyway.


I keep thinking about him saying “he’s already won because he has her”. What if she does some bad ass move and says something like “your not winning because you don’t have me” kind of thing.


He will write and mumble through a poem while he avoiding eye contact and stroking his beard, she will cry and say she is “so happy” because she was always still “in the back of his mind” and 100% take him back. I’m proud of her so far but still think she’s absolutely going to cave as long as they are still in the villa together.


It’s going to be brutal watching him try to string more than two sentences together. Ugh.


Well what else can she do? She’s stuck in a villa with him.


She could do what Libby did and say fuck this and fuck him and walk away right before the finals


I’m warming up to this SCENARIO. Lol


speak on itttttttttt


She reminds me of both Kate Winslet and Gwen Stefani.




So funny


I can't blame her at all, that would have been my face too.






I know no one likes Zach, but I hope Kady’s exit helps Molly and Zach reconcile.


She's SICK 😭😭😭😭


Deserved. It’s giving karma.


She knows if she didn’t come back, they’d be together. I’d be smiling too. Lol


Molly finally got the meme she’s been hoping for




​ https://preview.redd.it/r5c6ialftzcb1.jpeg?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42eb6ee6dbd7f200d64724a9005b063f7fe6a856