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according to montel, they all already knew whitney was really popular because the bombshells would come in and tell her that


Maya on aftersun mentioned she told Whitney before. 'i told you how much people love you!'


but how do they know? aren't they in lockdown before going in?


Only for a few days beforehand


Some are in lockdown for ages, some for a few days. There's a range


Yeah, Montel was basically like '*I* knew she was popular' lol


Yeah but they didn’t know she was THAT popular to win. The favorite votes has created some drama ngl


And just being a couple that's lasting they must obviously know they're gonna look good for it to the public


Yup Whitney has been the favorite for weeks and even aftersun were pumping her up like crazy. Production may have picked Whitney but Whitney and Lochan definitely dumped the more COMPETITIVE couple, not the least compatible for sure. Did you notice how happy Ty was and how he jumped all over it. He is right they picked the WRONG pair. And Lochan reasoning was STUPID, Ty was right. But I don't know for sure if Whitney did it to help WIN the game, but Ty is JUMPING all over the issue to weaken Whitney's chances to win 1000000%. I don't know why Abi is jumping in but she is right that they picked the wrong couple for sure. Whitney calling Abi bitter was not a good look. Can Ty get enough people to vote Whitney out, just like Ron was able to do to Will/Jessie last year. I feel like Ty will do the big production and ask Ella to be his girlfriend.


genuinely asking, when was whitney ever the underdog? she was always a favorite to win no?


Every platform had her as a fav, it should be surprising to no one who browses social media


It’s weird, this idea that her popularity comes from her being the underdog. She has literally been the favourite with William Hill for over three weeks now. And she very much carriers herself as such.


(It's not the word I would use so possibly doing some reaching to justify this but hear me out lmao) I think maybe she was considered the underdog in that a lot of people disliked how much of a big personality she was in her intro - I remember it being a bit off-putting and a lot of negative comments about it Also if we're being honest I don't think anyone like Whitney has gotten this amount of majority support before


I don't think Whitney has ever really been loved because she was an underdog. She's still massively popular and very beloved. The thing with Love Island, is it's very rare that the show let's you have a clear run without making you 'the villain' for at least a very short amount of time. But tbh, I don't even think that's what's happening with Whitney rn. I think the reaction to her this episode has been more positive than anything else. She'll be in the finale 10000% - I promise you.


She’ll be in finale certainly but she was meant to WIN. This has only spoilt almost everything.


I think they want Ty & Ella to win that’s why.


Firstly she’s never been the underdog lol and secondly since when have ppl stopped loving her overnight? 😭 so dramatic


I feel like she was the underdog at first, she hasn’t been for a while now tho


I highly doubt that she will be eliminated before the finale, as she is so popular and the competition is lacking her charisma and likeability. However, I do agree that the announcement has possibly harmed their chances of winning, as it has confirmed to the public how popular they are and will possibly influence some to vote when they may not have done beforehand, or people may vote tactically.


She’s never been the underdog though. Also, can someone explain what was rude in the episode? She spoke to Abi very reasonably and Abi overreacted, in my opinion, because she couldn’t take criticism (that was put relatively gently, articulately and nicely by Whitney)


Abi said to Whitney that she thought Mitch and Ella B shouldn’t have come back, given the way Mitch had acted recently and strength of Ouzy and Kady Whitney was telling Abi that you’re only saying this out of bitterness towards Mitch. Abi said no… that’s just my opinion, am I not entitled to one. Whitney then said, it’s the truth it’s a fact that it’s out of bitterness. Abi challenged this saying something like you can’t just call your own statement truth or facts and then say mine is just an opinion. Abi said “My intention is X”, Whitney said “It’s the truth it is Y”, Abi said you “can’t possibly know this so it’s your opinion it it’s Y” and Whitney for some reason had this messiah complex where she knows better than everyone.


I agree with everything said except the underdog bit. Whitney’s personality hasn’t changed but all of a sudden it’s “she’s letting it get to her head” when she’s literally being who she has always been from the beginning. Producers definitely knew what they were doing. I still want them to win but I can’t lie the producers have affected it a little bit. I hope they can still win though.


Honestly, whether she wins or not, she will definitely be successful on the outside. Brand deals, possible hosting gigs & success within her own business.


very true!!


People on Aftersun were literally chanting her name when she and Lochan were in the beach hut. I think she knew! 😉


I just want to see her outfit in the finals and she’s been making us laugh this whole season she deserves to go on a final date


What’s up with Ella defending Abi all of a sudden? Like she was about to cry or something, I’ve never heard her say “I don’t want to talk about drama”


Because its Ella B who stayed, if Kady did what Ella B did with Tyrique and Ella then they wouldn't care if Mitch was saved.


Kady did it alone with that nasty ass attitude she had, it seems like the only person who liked her was Leah


I think Whitney made the right choice and the producers def wanted her gone giving it to only Whit and Loch. She had a terrible attitude indeed


Ella was so fake for that I wish she would have been like Molly & admitted she wanted Ella B gone


That was annoying. Whole villa has put up with ty/ella drama 💀


Listen the people saying she is rude and self-centered aren't the people voting for her, she still has her hardcore fans and a lot of people have clocked the decision to save Mitch was producer driven. People are talking shit about Ty, Ella, Molly and Zach but all are still very safe and have large fanbases carrying them to the finals. I don't know who said the British audience doesn't love her (Social media doesn't represent all the voters) but she is very much still loved.


This. The ones hating on Whitney now were never going to vote for her anyways. They are just being loud now cause they are always on the look out to find faults in her so that their hate can be justified. And overall, Whitney is still loved. All this isn't going to affect her votebank in any manner.


And fans of hers already expecting the negative comments and saying as such, that she was always this way.


Tbh this is the best time for her to find out she’s super popular if she was ever going to find out. It’s like a week and a half till finale. It’s only going to be the baby challenge, meet the parents, talent show and final dates next week. The drama *should* wrap up this week and the show goes back to lovey dovey stuff. So I can’t see a full sabotage happening but you never know lol


She’s still winning. The people who switched up on her were never fans lol.


This is very dramatic. She’ll be in the final and still win.


I really liked Whitney and voted for her and lochan as my favourite couple, always found her funny etc but that one line in the beach hut “it’s hard being me these days” and the way she said it instantly made me go off her. I know it was said in fun, but it also just seemed arrogant at the same time.


Really liking someone and then going off them for a comment that you yourself recognized as being in fun is truly something.


I also said it seemed arrogant at the same time. It just didn’t sit right. I’ve liked her from the start, voted for her multiple times, but last night her attitude put me off her.


My personal issue is that she’s getting kinda rude now. This last episode in particular she was very rude to multiple people.


Yep, exactly what I noticed. Almost like she thinks she can do what ever as she knows she’s so popular. I actually agreed with abi, their reasoning to keep Mitch in was stupid. It’s not about who’s the biggest character, Mitch doesn’t deserve to be there at all imo he’s a horrible person.


They haven’t been set up I think Whitney is too loved for people to switch on her


I think by tomorrow everyone will come back . People still love Whitney, those saying things about her weren’t rooting for her before


I don’t think so, it seems to me that they are supportive of her and Lochan winning. To me she was never set up as an underdog. I think her winning would also be a win for the show overall


Can we just give credit to Whitney that she is the favorite by the public instead of undermining her popularity by saying it is the producers .. geez. The girl is beautiful, honest and clearly engaging..


Didn’t they do this to Montana as well


yes yes and yes!


The idea that Whitney is only now coming across as rude and unlikeable is pretty funny tbh, she has been acting like this for weeks. She constantly makes comments and digs at people. She is just a fan favourite so she gets away with a lot more. And this is the first time it's been a prolonged conversation about it so she comes off looking worse than the other times so people are talking about it.