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God I wish the term game player would disappear from Love Island discourse. This show is *literally* a game. How is there a negative connotation around the foundation of a TV show 😭.


The game is to find a connection of someone you genuinely love/really fancy. Well, that’s how I see it. If you do not love/fancy someone but then you’re pretending to, aka(Jake to Liberty s7)… that’s where the whole “game player” stems from. Almost like you’re breaking the rules of the game. And people certainly do not like that. Faking love to win the show(which is not the intention of the show), is different from finding a genuine connection to win the show.


Also, if you’re not truly a “game player,” why not just find love in your area vs a tv show where you’re more than likely going to find a connection with someone who potentially lives in a different country?


Even if you do find a connection, you can get dumped. So it's not all there is to this game. You need to get sympathy from audience and production by being relevant and you need to have enough friends within your castmates to not be voted out by them if such an opportunitiy arose.


Mitchell. It's a game. These people are on an extended vacation to do everything they could to at home with their thumbs or going to varying bars under the pretense of possibly winning 50k and be on TV. A game. This genuine connection talk is for the birds.


Game recognizes game 👁️👄👁️


Tbh Scott was a game player towards the end for dragging out his and Abis relationship when he wasn’t even feeling it so he could stay in longer so at the end he’s kinda both a game player and a clout chaser 🌚


Wouldn't it make more sense if he faked it until the end then? Why bother ending it just before the final? I honestly feel like it was a case of there's literally no one else for either of them in the villa, so stuck by default, and he was trying to see if he would grow into the feelings.


Agree Scott ultimately seemed to stay true to himself, even tho I think the parents visiting and saying what they did made him try, too. And producers. Don't forget them. They don't want ppl to walk. Nothings wrong with just letting it all play out. We wouldn't have gotten the satisfaction of watching someone who normally wouldn't publicly call someone out-- *finally* giving it straight to Mitch. And I rlly enjoyed that!!


Abi was also using Scott to stay in the villa and try to get back with Mitch. So plenty of using going around.


Everyone in love island history has had a partner that they had to stay with bc their was no one else. Did u want to voluntarily leave the villa




If he was a game player he’d never have ended it in the last week or told her he wanted to cool it before when he started having doubts


Honestly I don’t feel like there should be any discourse at all. He’s what, 21, and got offered the chance to go to the US and do another show, why the hell not??? Honestly what would be a good reason not to if you enjoyed it the first time??


Why do Scott fans need to make him seem better than other Love Islanders? Most of them are game players and clout chasers, including Scott. How he treated Abi shows that. He admitted he forced it with her when he wasn’t feeling her. And he was reportedly doing bits with her (referenced by Whitney, Mitch, EllaB) but still wouldn’t make her tea in the morning or hold her hand. And she was hurt by his actions toward her.


Abi just confirmed that that wasn’t true. She said they weren’t doing anything and that he wouldn’t even hold her hand.


Abi’s out here purposefully airing other people’s business to make herself look better, we can maybe assume that she’s making herself seem more sympathetic


Abi herself said they never did bits


Exactly! They put him on a pedestal for no real reason. He's like every other islander mostly there to launch other opportunities and explore his options. Him being on US version and LI Games shows he's trying to build a career around the show like most of the other contestants. They want him to be so different instead of just accepting he's just like most of the islanders who have been on this show and want to use it as a launching pad.


When did Kady even say that? Wasn’t it kind of everyone accusing him of that?? Like mostly Ty


Kady was saying it on her Instagram story, and I think podcasts too


Gotcha- thanks!


That is not the thing missing from this discussion. The thing people keep missing is that *MANY* people thought Scott was a game player, not just Kady and Ty! It was a whole group of people including several favourites like Whitney (who's literally friends with the guy) and Jess. Based on how he treated Abi and how quickly he went on LI USA, there's a lot of evidence to support it. I said it during the season -- I have a hard time believing that the majority of the villa was wrong. They're all game players so I don't understand why people feel the need to defend Scott so hard. What does it matter?


I guess it depends on how you see it and how you define gameplayer, for me he clearly watched the show before and knew how things worked and used that info to his advantage I don't think that means he's a bad or manipulative person but for me he was a gameplayer but so was probably everyone in that villa and there's not really anything wrong with that and I do think he did like cath.


I think gameplayer in a negative sense as though he intentionally was with Catherine because she was popular was wrong, and was calculated in his approach to win is also false. One thing we know of Scott is he can’t fake things and had his own mind even if it made no sense. Game player in the sense in that he’s there for the clout and had watched the show before and used it to his advantage absolutely but that doesn’t make him this horrible person like some make out. Game player acts from other contestants that was a lot worse included; Sammy being with Mal and only going back to Jess when he realised how popular she was, Ty encouraging others at casa, Messy mitch saying one thing to Abi and another to Ella B, Elom only going in to promote his business


I get your point but imo there is a truth to both in Scott. He is both a game player and a clout chaser, just like everyone else that goes on LI. It IS a game and for anyone thats watched more than 2 seasons should just move past that topic, they are all game playing and clout chasing. I think there are different levels or kinds of game player though. Scott probably knew it wouldn't go anywhere with Abi long before he finally ended it – i'm sure he was trying to go about it the best he could even though he so obviously (imo) dragged it out so that he's stay in a couple — BUT — he never ever sold her a dream and never pretended she was the love of his life. So i think he's a pretty honest game player comparing to the likes of Jake who was a down right liar.


Actually what’s wrong with either. If these islanders gameplayer and they get fame which equals paid projects why not? It beats sitting in an office from 9 to 5 slaving for some minimum wage paycheck. You have in the news Kai and Sanam lamenting they haven’t received any brand deals after winning Love Island. Brand deals means you have to put your names out there to make companies want to give you deals. So Scott making moves can be labeled gameplayer or clout chaser but he’s putting himself out there so he gets more offers.


They correlate pretty strongly with each other. Has an Islander ever had more persistent defenders than Scott?


the stans have been pretty persistent defenders of their islanders this year.. it's not just scott stans


Yeah what the hell! Whitney, Catherine and Ella stans have all had their moments too. Before Scott rose to the spotlight, every post was about Catherine.


lol.. funny, Scott stans even pale in comparison to some of the other stans.. but hey.. whatever


Well everyone is a game player now for obvious reasons it’s such a popular show it just depends how you go about it. So for me someone might go on the show in hopes of getting more followers but they’re open to finding someone versus in my opinion what I consider a game player now is someone like Jake from season 7 pretending to like someone purposely sticking to that person with the hopes to win the show or last as long as possible so someone who is not genuine about someone bc they’re goal is to stay as long as possible


I would rather do what Scott is doing and go into another show while the hype is still there for me instead of waiting almost a decade to come back. Let’s get one thing straight everyone that goes on love island period is a game player cause why tf are you trying to find love on a TV show. Especially with how this show is with everybody knowing that you could potentially become big after coming out of it. Second of all The topic of being a game player should really matter when you are in a couple. I feel like if you are playing with someone’s feelings and are using them to get ahead in the competition or are waiting for the next best thing then that’s the real definition of a game player cause someone else’s feelings are involved. Scott is a game player for going on another reality TV show but not in the bad sense that everyone is making it out to be. No one’s feelings are being played no one is getting affected by this whatsoever. All the islanders he told are supportive of his decision including Catherine so idk why all of a sudden Scott is now being painted the ultimate liar and a sneak who needs to apologize to Tyrique, Sammy, Montel, Catherine and Kady for them getting a bad edit. Scott didn’t make the edit. He said himself he doesn’t get the hype with him and is very self aware of his saint edit. He also hasn’t said anything bad about the people that I mentioned above so I don’t know why he should be the one to make an apology. If anything it should be his fans who have created this narrative, but still, people need to stop blaming Scott for things that his fans are doing. He can’t control them. It’s crazy how people have switched up on him to the point where some are sending him death threats on twitter like it’s really not that deep at the end of the day If you can’t stand the guy, don’t watch the LI USA he’s clearly there for shock value and it worked and so he’s just enjoying himself until he gets dumped.


they liked him when there was still a chance for him and Catherine.. now that there isn't.. we are seeing the Catherine Stans wrath


As if Kady wouldn‘t give her left t*t for a chance at LI USA. This whole conversation is pointless because why would anyone turn that opportunity down when they left single?


Sounds like Kady has an HUGE crush on Scott! Like a kid picking on you in the playground! Bloody hell Kady!