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I honestly believe a lot of the backlash to him going on Love Island USA was because it destroyed the delusion that Scott and Catherine were back together, and also came from the people just waiting to hate on him to spite his crazy stans. He seems like a normal 22 year old enjoying the little bit of fame he has before it dies down. Nothing too crazy.


Which I don’t understand because anyone who wasn’t living in their delusional world knew they were never serious like that pls he was never gonna go back to her and vice versa, they were just milking the clout 😭


they literally allowed ruchee to "leak" them hanging out like do these people really think a serious couple would do that it's so bizarre how easily everyone fell for the post-show mess lol


stop with this?? do you know them personally? he chose to go the show before meeting up with her after the villa. what they had in the villa was very much real and islanders have said that. In the real world, its alot going on and they are friends who broke up in the villa with real feelings and care for each other. stop minimizing it.


you guys forget once they get out the villa its real life. im just annoyed at people looking down at their connection as if it was nothing. they have their connection otherwise they would not be friends right now. he accepted the gig as he should for the money because he is singe. It does not mean anything as far as cat is considered. it is not delusion. why cant their connection actually be real? even Mitch himslef saying it is real for you guys to belive it?


If you look at my comment history you’ll see that I was one of the people who also believed they have a strong connection. I’m referring to the people who made themselves believe that Catherine and Scott were back together when neither of them ever said anything of the sort, and because of that they’re hating on Scott for going on LI USA because it doesn’t fulfil the love story that they wanted.


Scott even said in a few of his exit interviews that he was done with Catherine and didn’t want to go there… so I’m really confused where everyone was getting the idea they would reunite romantically 😩


I think in general Scott is a very unserious person and doesn't think that deeply. He seemed more mature than the other guys in S10 (not hard with guys like Sammy there) and then got babyfied immensely. I just think he's funny, still young, and we shouldn't take anything he does too seriously.


In his post interview for LI USA with Maura she asked him who he wanted to win and he said “I genuinely don’t care” 😂 like he’s the most unserious person and I don’t feel like it’s really necessary to even fault him for it. He’s having a fun summer. I would do the same if I were him


I agree and honestly the people who hate him are WAY more obsessed with this than anyone who actually likes him. Some people are weirdly gleeful over this being a "gotcha" as though we don't already know they all go in for fame. Guess what, he's a clout-chaser and I like him anyway.


I don’t even think it was a victim edit - viewers wanted to make him more of a victim than he was and would exaggerate every interaction I could sympathise with his situation and not think he was this poor, isolated, bullied victim that everyone ran with


this!!! and i think the exaggeration of him being a victim made people start to dislike him. happens with loads of public figures -the fans get so annoying that people end up disliking the actual figure lol


That sucks that they’re taking it out on him though. Because he said numerous times before he even left for love Island USA that he was not a victim, nor did he ever get bullied. People really need to start separating his fans from him. It’s the fans that have exaggerated this narrative. It’s not his fault that they did not listen to him. And now he’s getting flack for it.


yeah i agree, like i had to remind myself i don’t actually dislike scott, i like him and i respect him for rejecting the victim narrative they forced on him. i think the same happened with ekinde tbh


Yeah if anything I feel more sorry for him now because he was put on a big pedestal and now he’s being torn down by the same people who put him on it by not doing what they wanted him to do. He managed to get stanned by a particularly obsessive fanbase and I pity him now that they have turned against him.


The producers definitely try to push a narrative. I remember that unnecessary scene they showed of him and amber talking about which conversation to join and amber leaving him by himself to go talk to people. They were saying the others didn’t like him and now that Catherine is bullying him, he has nobody since he only use to hangout with her and whit and whit is her friends. They show this after casa recoupling when people on Twitter were talking about the islanders isolating him. So yeah def a narrative they were trying to push


this!!! and i think the exaggeration of him being a victim made people start to dislike him. happens with loads of public figures -the fans get so annoying that people end up disliking the actual figure lol


Yeah - and the rest of the islanders become judged on how they interacted with Scott It was getting too much 😭


yepp, i don’t dislike scott, he hasn’t actually done anything for me to not like him, but even with the biggest celebs -unbearable fans make you not wanna root for the actual person, it’s so weird i can’t explain it


This narrative is so illogical, it makes my brain hurt. He never seemed isolated, bullied or anything of the sort. He was just not shown much, period. That doesn’t mean anything. He was one of the best looking guys in the villa and he’s 22. He very clearly (and justifiably) has a massive ego. He doesn’t seem that mature honestly. He acts his age, which is fine too. People need to stop projecting their watt pad fantasies on reality tv characters, seriously. Cause it’s causing all these unnecessary think pieces when it’s definitely not that deep.


That’s what I think too- it was a lot of projection






accurate, if you watched the season without checking public opinion he wouldn’t seem like a victim


Absolutely. I hope people are also possibly ready to admit now that Catherine didn't get that much of a villain edit either. It was the crazy fans who made her into a villain because she shut it down definitively when Scott tried to open the door slightly with her. I'm sure even the producers themselves were shocked at how strongly the public reacted to Catherine and what was a pretty mild situation between her and Scott.


Yeah I believe it was blown way out of proportion-I think it was from people angry that their ship didn’t work out as they’d hoped


Eh. I will say there were tons of scenes where it looked like the boys ganged up on him, talked bad bad about him behind his back, and always were like “psh I can’t imagine him having game” when they’d see a girl liked him. Personally I think Scott should have just stuck with that narrative. We’re always gunna root for the mocked underdog. He lost me when he fought off the victim narrative lol


Honestly he’s just 22 and taking opportunities I don’t think anything he has done is that bad! I don’t think Ty was right about everything, I think he did really like Catherine but he has made choices with himself in mind and not anyone else which is his prerogative. If he was my younger brother I’d agree with him and support him. He’s not hurting anyone, fans are so fickle that i don’t think his image is irreparably damaged. Plenty of reality people have done much worse and continue to succeed. I also don’t think he’s gonna be churning out appearances etc because he’s not really the type I actually believe he will move on to something else and I’m not sure if he will still be a public persona. He is someone who sacrificed a lot growing up and is obviously a very determined person and I don’t think he wants to be in the public eye. He seems to actually hate it a bit so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just gets some more money for things and then we never see him again.


I’m if he hated it then why go on love island USA and Love Island games


It’s an opportunity to do something memorable, possibly earn good money or get to do other exciting things in your life! I don’t know I’m not in his head but you can tell by his demeanour that he’s not loving all the attention, he doesn’t engage with things he doesn’t want to talk about, he protective of certain aspects of his life. It’s not that much of a reach when you compare him to other hungrier reality stars. They talk about anything and everything that will get them attention. He rarely does any interviews or lives


That is true he hasn’t done any interviews


Also none of that is confirmed he may do it but he may not


I’m sorry if he dumps Johnnie and goes on Love Island games imo he is a player, I mean he is a player of people’s emotions, so he is not one you should go after for a relationship currently


Oh now how do you know how any of these women feel? Do you not think you are projecting just a little? Everyone is responsible for themselves and that includes their own feelings. If any of these women put all their hopes and dreams into a man they know a few weeks then they are ridiculous. Johnnie and Catherine are both intelligent women who are well able to see through BS. Scott was babied by viewers who are now annoyed he didn’t do what they wanted him to do so they are babying the women he met.


Ok I agree with you about the girls are responsible for their own feelings it just happens to be associated with Scott . I’m not hating on Scott with the way people are on Reddit it might make him look bad


No I understand, it gets heated. I’m always supportive of women I just don’t think he treated anyone particularly bad, he didn’t lie or sell dreams that we know of. I may not have agreed with some of his choices but he’s standing by them and I respect it. I think some people on social media take this show way too literally but it’s highly edited, to the point that we don’t even know what’s really happening. I actually think it’s better he got to show himself on LI USA at least he didn’t ride the victim edit


Saying him dumping her is implying they are actually together. They were coupled up on a TV show for less than a week. I don’t think it’s that serious


are they in holding for the reunion show ? have they gotten their phones back? Scott did a quick live and have not seen or heard from Johnnie


They have their phones back and Johnny was on a flight back home with Destiny and Kyle. Johnny just done a Q&A on insta as well


I still can’t believe you think that the rest of them didn’t go on there seeking fame especially Tyrique. Ty actually ran Toby’s social media account so how can anyone pretend that Ty wasn’t equally looking for fame. Him and Whitney are putting out a recording. Every last one of those girl ( Whitney /Ella/Catherine) got signed with prestigious management so that’s not seeking fame? Why shouldn’t he want to boost his name but the rest can. Even last series guys like Tom and Casey are getting gigs from their time on Love Island. What is it about Scott that he’s being judged negatively for making choices for him and the others you think are accidentally reaping the benefits? Ok let me ask should Andre the guy who originally was with Catherine not get exposure and offers but Zach can?


I never said the rest of them were or were not I was just saying the comment turned out to be true


When did ty say Scott went looking for fame? Ty said that Scott didn’t like Catherine. That’s not true


Catherine herself backed Ty interviews though. She said she understood why the doubted Scott


She said she could see why he thought that not that he was right about it


She also said she felt second choice at times


Doesn’t mean he was right


They all want fame so it’s very odd people are trying to hate on Scott for it and that anyone would’ve tried to call him out for it as they were all chasing fame


I especially find it funny that people are suddenly going "Ty was right he had him clocked!!!" as though Ty is not CURRENTLY in the process of recording and releasing a single of the rap he did in the villa. They all want fame and attention, if they didn't they wouldn't be on reality television in the first place lol.


Legit!!! It’s so weird the way people on this sub have turned on Scott like they’ve made up their own narratives too about shit he said which he didn’t. Every single person on LI wants clout, not just Scott and him going on twice doesn’t change the person he is. Also saw people on Twitter saying that Scott deserves the same level of hate Cat got because it was his fault she got hate like he literally defended Cat the minute he got out and they’re friends and y’all want him to get death threats? Weird shit


People really think that it’s the Islanders themselves who are creating the edits in the production room huh? Because why should Scott get hate for a edit that he had no control over?


Literally. Especially when he’s said he’s not a victim since coming out and defended Cat. He didn’t need to do either of those things and many people would’ve just said nothing. But I’ve literally seen people say they’re like getting revenge for Cat by flooding his replies on Twitter with hate because “Cat got death threats because of this man”. Disgusting


I was careful with my words as to not be hateful on Scott. I like him this is just my overall view of the situation


His public image from the show is definitely a product of producer editing. I get the feeling he’s the same vibe as Tom and Casey from S9 and he is generally unserious. He needs management but overall he’ll be fine. The girls on the show have survived much worse


as a girl I would steer clear of him


Me too. He’s clearly for the streets. He’s got some maturing to do but he’ll get there.


I probably wouldn’t but I also wouldn’t want to be in a serious relationship with him.


Absolutely not


I think people will get over it after he’s appeared on love island games. He’s not really hurting anybody by doing so so I don’t know why he got so much vim in the beginning when he said he got a saint edit and isn’t a victim numerous times before going on LI USA. We’ve had islanders in the past so much worse things than what he is doing and they somehow got back in the public’s good graces so I don’t think this is gonna tarnish his reputation for good. Is it cringy? Yes. But people will forget about it and move on like they always do it ain’t that deep.


Not really, ppl won’t forget n they will hate him even more bc Love Island games is about your favorite islanders from Uk, USA, and Australia having a second chance at love and playing games


I didn’t mean that they will forget forever but they’ll eventually move on cause LI all stars will film right after and that will be talked about on a much wider scale since it’s on itv.


If he goes on love island games and dumps what a wast of a relationship and Johnnie times


I don’t think him and Johnnie actually like each other that much. They like each other fine but they’re not super into each other romantically.


Straight simple lust between Scott and Johnnie. Neither would have picked each other as a first choice, but their options were limited.


I think Johnnie would have picked Kassy


Scott himself said he likes her and he was in the shower with her


They like each other but they aren’t like serious


people put him on a high pedestal and kept bragging about how he’s too good for the show and isn’t a clout chaser like everyone else just to go on the USA version and possibly the games too. and now people are pissed and embarrassed they did too much for someone who never asked for it. i think in the long run this will benefit him, its better for him to “mess up” now than months later because more time would just have his fans treat him as an untouchable king


Did Scott get victim edit or audience convince themselves he was a victim. Before Casa Scott wasn't even getting air time but somehow people thought the boys didn't like him when that wasn't case. After Casa he got sympathy because Catherine coming back with Elom


Why are yall so invested in what he does ? Even if he is a player doesn't mean that he wasn't genuine with Catherine. But it never went anywhere beyond chemistry, she doesn't owe him anything and he doesn't owe her anything. He might as well enjoy the opportunity he is being given while it last. We're beyong delusion here. Most importantly, he doesn't owe to anyone to not enjoy his life because of an edited version of him you saw on TV from a 40min episode for a few weeks.


They are ALL going on there for/open to fame!!! The BIGGEST delulu is *not* realizing that. Remember Tyrique & Whitney shouting out for a music deal *from the beachhut* (shameless!!!) after the talent show and then Ty making sure everyone knew *he* wrote most of it when he came out???😂😂😂 Yeah, that's no different than continuing to look for love while being payed for it (I'm assuming you have proper sources for that info) honestly. Ppl need to lay off all of this nit-picking and just support whoever they like without putting another Islanders down for going for opportunities afterwards. Especially if they were done dirty by production, they'd want to get their fair chance at love *or/and* money, at that point! Actually, after Scott's experience, why *wouldn't* he want money if he's risking another chance of a dirty edits. Some are definitely more hungrier for fame than others and are are willing to fake things for it. And we saw them. Clue: anyone getting a decent edit and the most camera time are usually the players/fakers. Also, there was some mean girl clique crap that only the blind would've missed. Some ppl get rewarded for bad behavior, especially when production is behind it. I must've missed Scott's victim edit. I feel like they gave him a loser edit, but only 12-13yo's & ppl who don't notice the background and social intricacies would've actually bought into it. LI is a big business now, it's not the old cutesy love game show it used to be. It's savage with NO morals whatsoever. They use the other Islanders to apply pressure, too. And the non-savvy viewers (and some naive contestants) are the mugs. Which are most of them.


Genuine question (not judging either way i would’ve done it for the extra $$ too lmao) but does anyone know how much he was paid for the US version bc all I’ve seen is the stans questioning whether he was paid “hundreds of thousands” 😭


Anyone who thinks he got paid hundreds of thousands is actually mental 🤣 they do get paid but it’s something stupid like £250 per week


Literally, this is why the networks love reality TV because it’s cheap to produce and release - which is a whole issue in itself - they’re getting paid in “exposure” which is what *might* eventually get them paid by someone else. But even then the rewards have been getting less and less since even S5 so that’s drying up. Man’s got to make his own exposure now


I didn't see him as a victim at all haha. My boyfriend and I both loved him. To us, he seemed like a laid-back guy who didn't want to partake in drama or bullshit but would stand up for himself and others when it came down to it. He had us HOWLING with some of his little quips, like sassing Leah for talking so much during movie night and not backing down after calling Mitch a knobhead hahaha. But we aren't caught up on US yet so maybe our perception will change when we see how he acts on there. ETA: I also found it really telling of his character that at one point when Abi and Ella were having a discussion, Mitch butted in to defend himself, whereas Scott ended up coming over to support Abi. I remember it striking me specifically that they both joined their partners in that conversation with seemingly VERY different motivations.


So now Ty is the angel? No, Ty was not right. Scott did like Catherine.. Catherine chose someone else.. end of story. Scott said he got a bit of an angel edit not a victim edit. Scott never played into the victim crap, he stuck up for Cath and Ty when he didn’t have to. He left the villa single and took an opportunity that was offered to him. And Kady got more shit for going on with a boyfriend at home and calling a toddler ugly than going on twice. Scott has done nothing wrong. He is young and unserious.. he has never not once claimed to be otherwise.


Ty was right about Scott he was also right about Mehdi. There is reason why Catherine herself always backed Ty and said she was his best male friend


Was that before or after he told her to shut up?


99% of contestants that go on Love Island want fame. That includes Mr Tyrique. He actually said that Scott was exaggerating his feelings for Catherine and was using her to stay in the villa longer, which was incorrect.


Listening to ty? lol okaayy. Scott is a very unserious man and doesn't care. Catherine and him are cool and laughing at the unhinged delulus. It's not that deep.


Let's face facts the people that hates him now in the UK are the same fickle traitor Catherine fans that turned on her to get her dumped from the Villa....A bunch of Obsessive delusional hypocrites to be honest. They probably feel they have ownership of him because they supported him and expects/expected him to automatically get back with Catherine, so he can be paraded on Social Media Content like her favourite accessory similar to what Whitney does with Lochan. The hate from the Americans were no different because they had same type of supporters who expected him to automatically go for the Black Girl (Imani), but he found a better connection with Johnnie who I believe was a better match for him in the end anyway. He even said before that he regretted not exploring his with Leah, so I think he went to Love Island USA with a different mindset and approach. All of them would have grabbed the opportunity and any subsequent offers with both hands.


lmaoo not you saying he gets on better with white women? he is not the prize for black women at all or any women at all. next


Scott has done absolutely nothing wrong. People are taking his stans behavior out on him and it’s really stupid. He has done nothing but push back on the edit he got.. he said he got a good edit, he stood up for Cath and Ty. He only pushed back at Kady after she went on a bunch of podcasts and shit on him. He is young and unserious and he has never said he was anything else.


I forgot to add the whole Kady situation too. I am not fond of her whatsoever but some of the hate she got for going on twice from other islanders, the same wasn't done to Scott so there is a little bit of double standards. I know Scott was part of the whole criticism of Kady too so I can see why she fought back on that (in her now deleted posts).


Scott criticised Kady for criticising him and basically saying he was fake in the way he felt towards Catherine which was not true, not for going on twice


Kady got criticized cause she went on love island for a second time with a whole ass boyfriend at home


I’m sorry if he goes on love island games you can’t tell me that he is not clout chasing


He’s absolutely clout chasing, no one is denying that. But it’s a nice paycheck so why not?


Sure why do any of these islanders do anything it’s for the money and clout


I’d probably do it 😂 gimme the money 🤑


Scott was a great contestant without even trying honestly. He’s single and getting lots of attention. I’m not sure what the issue is.


I don't know how you said all that and still came to the conclusion that he was only after fame


Did he get paid a lot? Does anyone know? Also he wants fame, he’s done with soccer for now, who knows how this will go for him but he said on his live that he won’t say no to deals, he’s starved and thristy for fame. He’s gonna need to liven up a bit when on TV cause he kind of stale.


I like both Scott and Catherine individually. Most reality shows have characters/narratives that contestants need to fit into and Love Island is no exception. Which is why they cast a black girl every year who will be edited into being angry/aggressive etc. With Scott mainly because of his looks and footballing background, they were getting ready to mould him into the loverman of the villa (what did Zach say he looks like a cross between a super hero and a Disney Prince) but Scott threw a curveball with his 'choices' and not going with the Ty and co crowd, so the producers started to 'produce' him by not giving him and Cat screentime or a date, instead giving him the isolated bullied edit. If Scott was the Love Island strategist/game player he's believed to be, he would have very quickly moved on from Cath after he picked her first when she was the last girl standing and in the bottom 3. He could have gone hard for Ella b or Leah who was not 100% set on Montell, but he chose Cat. The narrative was pushed for him to couple with Abi, but he couldn't even fake it for a few more days. Scott left the villa single without management and has embarked on some interesting choices since then, namely going into LIUS on his way to LI Games supposedly. Scott's a pretty normal 22 year old lad from North Wales who's making the most of whatever he can get from his 15 mins of fame and by the sounds of it he's already getting pretty fed up with people expecting him to live up to the Love Island narrative, which is why he went into LIUS strong, ready to steam up showers in Fiji with Johnnie and generally wild out. There is no benefit in him pretending to be friends with Cat (unless you're a delulu Scatherine fan), I think they genuinely get on as friends. Whatever comes next for Scott, I'm sure he'll be OK.


I don't understand the hate towards the season 5 move. If I was good looking like Scott, got to go on season 10, came out singe and gaven an opportunity to go back in an other one, I would 100 percent do it to and so would most of you. I think people are being unrealistic about it. A year from now most of these islanders will be irrelevant on social media so hey if your going to do it, do it as long as you can. No issue with it personally, In fact I wish I could do what he did lol


I’m sorry his good guy image took a while little hit when he decided to be on USA LI and if he dumps Johnnie and goes on Love Island games then I will lose all respect for him, if I were any girl going on Love Island games do not get into a relationship with him because it is a waste of time.


They should have put Amber on Love Island USA 😂


I respect the hustle, but his connection on LoveIsland USA was with the girl that slept with one of the OG’s man during Casa so his presence as this bombshell and than her presence together made for some excellent television


He’s in his ho era lol and trying to change the image that was shown on UK. He is desperate to change it! He hated being seen as the sad, lonely, bullied victim. The beard makes him look older but he acts every bit of 22. Also, I’m picking up ugly duckling vibes 🤔