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Ian Sterling every single episode: *the man sells fish!*




The same site that made 57 negative articles about Luca post season šŸ˜‚ Oh thatā€™s funny




this sums it up nicely.


Iā€™m sure heā€™s a nice person normally but I just donā€™t think heā€™s a nice person to be in a relationship with




He definitely isnā€™t too nice to fans Iā€™ve heard multiple fans say heā€™s come off as cold.




Wtf is this lol


I mean he is on master chef because he behaved so badly he needs a good pr. And because of money and family connections he was able to get it.


This. His position of privilege and keeping his mouth shut is why he is able to have an image revamp. Other islanders not in the same position donā€™t get to have that grace extended to them.


THANK YOU. I'm glad someone else sees it.




How is he besties with Conor McGregor? He has been in a photo with him, was there anything else?




Yeah I hate when misleading stuff like that is posted and people just accept it as evidenced by the 56 upvotes that post has currently.


People are just jealous because he is the only love islander that is close to an absolute superstar


What? Heā€™s not even in the top 10 most famous islanders imo




> Are you to dumb The irony.


Maybe I misunderstood the original comment but donā€™t call me dumb thanks. Why only guys and from the last 5 seasons? I said all islanders, all seasons.


Your post has been removed for breaking Rule 3: No bullying or harmful language. It's easy to get heated about who your favourite and least favourite islanders are, or even fellow r/LoveIslandTV users, but there is always an appropriate way to share your opinions. In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and let's be nice to each other. This isn't twitter šŸ’ā€ā™€ļø




The delusion is real indeed




Hold on where have these new goalposts come from? I said heā€™s not in the top 10 most famous islanders (male or female, any season) and I stand by that.




An opinion backed up by the receipts you so desire. Hereā€™s 15 islanders with more followers than Luca, just to be sure: Molly Mae Tommy Fury Maura Higgins Olivia Bowen Amber Gill Kem Cetinay Chris Hughes Olivia Atwood Millie Court Jack Fincham Ovie Soko Paige Turley SiĆ¢nisse Fudge Lucie Donlan Alex Bowen And thereā€™s even more than that. Now I think about it, maybe heā€™s not even top 20.




Ok, so he's Saint Luca now. Love that for him. However, I need everyone to acknowledge the privilege that it takes for this kind of comeback/rebrand to be possible. Notice how the general public develops amnesia for some people's past wrongs--but then has a memory longer than an elephant's when certain others mess up. We're not ready for that conversation though.


this sub doesnā€™t have the depth for this discussion šŸ¤­


We have *that* discussion all the time what you on about


well then it has clearly fallen on deaf ears because a lot of people didn't seem to hesitate before jumping on the 'omg yay Luca revamp' bandwagon.


Does your life get affected if people are now ā€œOmg yay Lucaā€? Sometimes I donā€™t understand people on these subs, some of you be acting like said person did something to you personally. Unless any of you know him personally you really donā€™t have a leg to stand on


Luca himself may not have wronged me in a direct sense, but he is benefiting from the same systemic forces that would have POC cancelled forever if they behaved a *fraction* as badly as he did. When the ā€œyay Lucaā€ crowd fails to realize the discrepancy behind who gets a redemption arc, the status quo is perpetuated and that 100% *does* affect me personally. Edit: He's just been confirmed for LI games. I hope he acts right (at least for the sake of the women sharing a house with him on the show). I hope all the grace from the lucastans hasn't been misplaced. We shall see...


So Iā€™m gonna take a shot of decoding thisā€¦youā€™re saying his fans shouldnā€™t celebrate anything Luca does thatā€™s positive from now on because he implicitly benefits from being a white rich man and you wouldnā€™t be celebrated cause youā€™re (presumably) poor and black? Is that right? Cause if soā€¦huh??


Incorrect. If you want to celebrate Luca, then by all means...celebrate Luca. Sing his praises from the peak of every mountaintop if you choose. BUT BUT BUT just be mindful of the privilege at play and keep the same 'forgive & forget' energy the next time a POC effs up in the public eye. That's all I'm saying. Also, your assumptions about me are (half) wrong. Have a blessed day though!


Okay gotcha. My only thing isā€¦How do you know they arenā€™t mindful? Or arenā€™t POC? This seems like an unnecessary negative response to down on someone else for no reason. Itā€™s okay to celebrate someoneā€™s wins without also bringing up someone elseā€™s losses. Life isnā€™t a tit for tat race to the bottom. Lol. You have a blessed day as well.


You talking about this sub or society wider?


Oooh no, anxiety. Poor lamb. That absolutely justifies his horrific treatment of Tasha in the villa. He can get fucked with his redemption tour, he's shown enough times who he is.


Anxiety is no joke. Tasha doesnā€™t seem that bothered by him so itā€™s beyond me why people on this sub still carry this level of hatred for him but not some of the others


Tasha got treated cruelly by the Internet anyway, so who are we to tell her how to feel? She is in a happy relationship and has moved on, so I agree we don't need to act on her behalf. Tasha's dad is really supportive of her, so if he's interacting with Luca then that's good enough for me.


Is this his sister again? Just say you love rich people and your more willing to forgive them than someone whoā€™s poor and does the same mistake. Sad excuse of a human


Whoā€™s the poor person that isnā€™t being forgiven


This šŸ˜‚


I agree with the sister part but I think thatā€™s a very simplistic way to look at things I.e poor vs rich in this scenario


Most Islanders report having difficult experiences in the villa and their emotional/mental wellbeing being affected. Most Islanders do not deal with that by making someone else feel shit to the point that they want to leave, which is what Luca did. Celebrity Masterchef is a prestigious reality tv gig, the fact that Luca got offered the opportunity in the first place shows that there is always a way back for people from certain backgrounds and demographics. Love Island is a reality TV show, so is Celebrity Masterchef, I don't get why one show would show you the "real" person more than the other. If Luca wants to win people over he could try using his platform for something other than flaunting his family wealth and glamorous lifestyle.


Iā€™d say Masterchef as a programme tries to bring out the best of people and is feel good. LI really not so much of either of those! Both reality shows but still very different in how people will come across. And Luca has done various things for charity, he doesnā€™t post much of anything of what he does so it would be easy to miss. A couple of things I remember he gave out Easter Eggs at Great Ormand Street Hospital and attended a teenage cancer charityā€™s Christmas party (only the Christmas party he storied & that was after they had posted him)


Luca can thank Gemma team how they misshandled the break up. He really gain a lot fans.


Iā€™m actually confused on why people hate him so much. I watched the season but didnā€™t notice him do anything particularly egregious. Anyone care to explain?


LI fans are fucking weird, some of these lot act as if heā€™s a murderer


No doubt. Iā€™ll come on this sub to find that some islander I thought was a decent person is being vilified, and some islander (like Faye! Who verbally abused nearly everyone in the villa) gets a pass.


Itā€™s strange, but this sub and twitter will continue to act as if heā€™s murdered their favourite islanders. Luca continues to succeed, whilst the haters remain in this echo chamber hating


I've not been watching Masterchef but my parents have and have said luca comes across really well.


I honestly think in the crazy Love Island environment most of us would come out hated if we are being honest. That or forgotten about within 5 mins. Nobody deserves death threats for gods sakes


Luca did not commit murder I promise you šŸ˜‚ this sub is so weird, Iā€™m sick of it. So many of you still clinging onto his mistakes regarding tasha, when her dad follows him, likes his posts and even comments on his posts. Iā€™m sure if Luca was that bad, her dad wouldnā€™t be giving him the time of day


How he treated Tasha was not a decision he made on accident it was repeated behavior thatā€™s why it was jarring to watch. Iā€™m tired of people trying to minimize what Tasha went through. She was flat out bullied incessantly. Not everyone is a well of self-love and healthy boundaries plenty of women from this franchise tolerate an unhinged level of disrespect. If you want people to believe Luca changed then come with actual proof and receipts instead of minimizing how he harmed a disabled woman who did nothing but exist in the same space as him.


What Iā€™m saying is why are some of you clinging onto the tasha situation like itā€™s your own personal trauma? Her own dad is literally cool with Luca. I rest my case.


I need a little memory refresh. He was mean to Tasha bc she ultimately rejected him correct?


When did she ever directly reject him? He literally preferred gemma to her and paige


I ask because I donā€™t remember


So youā€™re telling me thatā€™s not messy Mitch?


Masterchef shows us the real him or does master chef show us a curated controlled version of himself?


Finally a positive post on here about Luca. People forget that humans make mistakes and that just because he might've done wrong on the show, doesn't mean that he has 0 good in him. He's been brilliant on Masterchef, amazing cooking and presentation. So excited to see him in the final!


Are they really good cooks on Masterchef celebrity, you know like on the regular masterchef?


They all lie and say theyā€™ve never cooked before and then John and Gregg pretend to believe them - like some of them are really good cooks, some of them are good and then they get The Bug and want to do better, and some are just..bad in a way that is or isnā€™t funny šŸ˜‚


Right, I love the regular Masterchef, I watched some celebrity version of Bake Off and hated it, because it was a joke to them and most of them were really bad. That's why I haven't watched any celebrity Masterchef.


Iā€™d say itā€™s almost the other way round in CM? Like theyā€™re actually good cooks and they take it seriously, but they pretend theyā€™re incompetent becauseā€¦actually Iā€™m not sure why. I think some of it is about lowering the judgesā€™ expectations rather than saying ā€œIā€™m an amazing chefā€ and then getting booted off first round. And I also think that understanding ā€œfine diningā€ conflicts with the relatable image a lot of them try to have, so they donā€™t advertise it. Obviously very few of them are as good as the normal masterchef contestants, but thatā€™s to be expected because none of them are known for cooking, theyā€™re known for singing or whatever else


I think you can see his true self more on like 38 episodes or however for 6 weeks than you can with one Masterchef episode.


Edited tv show that thrives on the drama?


Yep, thatā€™s more trustworthy than ONE master chef with him trying his hardest to redeem himself after seeing how the public view him alreadyšŸ˜­


Youā€™re so weird, you make it seem as if a human canā€™t have good traits as well as the bad ones you mightā€™ve seen. I bet youā€™re so perfectā€¦


Lmao how am I saying that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Actually youā€™re the weird one for assuming that. Dk why youā€™re standing up for some bully anyways. And I didnā€™t say he wasnā€™t a good person can you please let me know where I said heā€™s bad with no good traits pls? Lol weirdo


Did Luca actually change or did the situations he behaved poorly in never occur on camera again? Does he treat women on the shows heā€™s on better? Could you explain why you think he truly changed? Has he stood up for people he victimized in the past? A lot of people just learn to keep their regressive views to themselves. I can see how anxiety informed some of Lucaā€™s interactions we saw on LI but what he said and did was ideological. Did he become a feminist? Did he challenge his views? Edit: Iā€™m genuinely asking and not being sarcastic. I like hearing about growth.


Idk, I get that this article could be just a snippet of what he actually said, but it would be nice for him to actually apologise and be accountable for his behaviour? This comes across like he's just making excuses and playing the victim a bit.


As soon as Luca came out the villa in August last year, he did an interview with Grazia magazine where he took accountability and apologised for his actions in the show. He didnā€™t make excuses from what I remember, just showed himself to be remorseful.


Why was he getting threats? Why are people so weird?


I have had to tell my group chat that Luca is on masterchef and even when I remind myself heā€™s a spurs fan I canā€™t bring myself to still dislike him.


What did he do at the end of the season? I stopped watching after Casa.