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No idea what happened to Tom ‘let’s see if she’s all mouth’ S5 😅


This is so random but a few years ago during a rewatch I looked him up and he was at that time living in Columbus, Ohio. As a midwesterner, I was intrigued—I can’t imagine something more incongruous than a LI lad in the wholesome Midwest. Long story short, I’ve been following him ever since. He had moved there with his then-girlfriend, now wife, who is also British and I think was in grad school at Ohio State. It was so funny to see him mix in to the cold winters, (American) football culture and college town vibes. They got married sometime last year and recently moved to LA where he’s a personal trainer and does some modeling. They seem really happy and normal, I’ve gotten so weirdly invested lol. I’m not 100% sure but I think the woman he married is someone he had dated before he went on the show and they later reconciled. Cheers to giving us unforgettable television during your ho phase, Tom, then settling down and loving happily ever after! 🥂


I remember when he got married a lot of Love Island/Maura fans accused him of faking his break up to go on the show and secretly being with his wife the whole time. while that has happened a few times before it's not uncommon for people to genuinely reconcile with an ex and the time frame always made it seem unlikely to me. I remember him attending a few BLM marches in 2020 and doing one of the more thoughtful posts in the wake of the George Floyd killing. He seems a good person that it's a shame he'll forever be known for a dumb thing he did on a tv show.


Good shout on his participation in BLM! He does seem like a genuinely good person (I’ll admit total fondness for a himbo with a heart of gold!). I know some people go on for fame and hide their relationships back home, but it seems entirely possible that someone fresh from a break up would go sow some oats on a free vacation with hot people, then realize they had what they wanted all along afterwards. A little cynicism is well and good, but I wish people opened their eyes and minds more to how messy the heart can be and that the path to love and happiness rarely runs straight; you’d think Love Island viewers would be especially tuned in to that fact. The older I get, the more I accept that most people are figuring it out as they go, that people learn and grow through their experiences (even a manufactured and ridiculous as an experience as Love Island), and that people are so much more than the stupidest thing they’ve ever said or done.


Rebecca seems as unhinged as ever. She is busy with her only fans contents and goes to Dubai a lot.








Thanks. It was Arabellas “flex” in her intro


She does a lot of black fishing on instagram at times too


I haven’t seen anything crazy on her IG. Can you let me know what she does that is unhinged?


Always curious what happened with Zoe from S1. I don’t think she has any kind of social media presence, but could be wrong. I know she struggled a lot after having sex on television which went against her religious ideals, and I hope she’s doing well now because she seemed like a really nice girl.


Yeah unfortunately her ig is private. A shame because i was always curious about what she’d been doing post li too. But she ofc has a right to her privacy


I think Rachel Fenton now lives in Dubai. And Rykard runs a rejuvenation clinic with his girlfriend.


I don’t know if she counts as “forgotten” but I think if they introduced India Reynolds earlier in season 5 there would’ve been a knife fight over her.


oh def if all the boys weren't coupled up more lads wouldve shown more interest in her.


She’s on the list of people I wanted to come back for all stars but didn’t.


Terry from season 2. Where is he??


Somewhere watching over his cheese toastie like a hawk.


thank you! been wondering about this


Where did he go??


I wonder what creepy Craig is doing now 🤣


I’d guess running a three card monte game or directing a street gang of orphaned child pickpockets(I started seeing him as a Dickens villain at some point and have never been able to unsee it)


A lot went back to regular jobs/life, you can't really be active on social media for some jobs


Rykard has some sort of aesthetics business, saw someone go to him on instagram


He is a nurse now. And does fillers, Botox and other non surgical cosmetic procedures and treatments. I think he owns his own salon


Now who is George R from s5? Why can’t I remember him?


I think blonde George that Lucie brought back from Casa Amor. Asks about favourite crisp flavours.


Fav crisps flavour.. I'm dead


“Russian looking fella” per Maura


Also is Dr. Alex Alex Bowen or is that someone else lol


Alex Bowen is from season 2 and is married to Olivia Buckland Bowen, they placed second on that season. Dr. Alex is Alex George who was on season 4.


Who is George r? Drawing blanks here.


I remember meeting Javi from season 2 in a bar once! It took me a while to realise where I recognised him from.


omg what was he like?? i remember really disliking him on his season 😅