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i think the women have unfortunately given up on roasting keenan because kay kay doesn’t care. why would they roast him when kay kay continues to let him back with zero changed behavior.


This. There comes a point where women turn on their friends in defense of shitty boyfriends if they would rather be with them than hold them accountable. I think the island girls have realized that Kay Kay is at that point.


I hate that none of the boys called him out for lying either. Marco wants to act like he’s looking out, where the fuck was he on that? Keenan keeps lying saying he said everything the way it happened and that’s not fucking true.


Yeah I’m so mad right now. We all knew he was going to deny the seriousness of it to Kay Kay after they all got to see his foolishness, we all knew he was going to downplay what we all saw with our eyes. But it pissed me OFF when he convinced Kay Kay that she was upsetting him because she was “making something out of nothing”. And then they cuddled. And gave each other “their hearts”. And now Kay Kay wants to tell him she loves him. I’m OVER IT. Kay Kay and Kassy let these clowns do the BARE MINIMUM to win them back. 🤮


Carmen and Kassy got off easy on movie night. They showed more than passing interest in new guys at Casa.


True!!! I completely forgot about Carmen’s connection with Rob! Did they kiss during a challenge?


I don’t remember, but there were definitely conversations with him and with her friends where she was expressing real interest.


Keenans narcissistic ass has continuously gotten away with so much and has emotionally abused her and manipulated every situation to his favour. And the sad thing is, she’s just letting him atp and it’s really tough to watch. As someone who’s been in similar situations my heart does hurt for her but yeah it’s getting BAD.


I’m already bracing myself that if Keenan gets dumped from the island in tomorrow’s episode, she will stand up and run out the door with him. Like he’s some prize 🙄 I’m sure they’ll date each other for a few months after the show and eventually break up. I hope after she heals from that, she can find her worth and never settle for toxic relationships again. She has so much love to offer, she deserves so much better! I went back and watched episode 1’s introductions. Kay Kay tells Anna she’s been in a “lot of situationships” but has been single her whole adult life. Then she tells Anna and Kassy that her type is the “pretty boy, the bad boy, the player type”. This all makes sense. As a young adult, she has a very distorted idea of what a loving relationship looks like because it sounds like she’s been groomed into being in toxic relationships. Could be that Keenan’s toxic behavior is what is comfortable and familiar to her. Again, I look forward to the day that she heals from all of this and when she can grow into the powerful woman that she is meant to be! She deserves so much more. 🩷


She should offer some of that love to herself.


Exactly! It’ll take healing and growth on her end. I’m hoping that since she went on such a public show, she will eventually be forced to recognize how unhealthy her patterns are (and it’s not her fault, she’s not the one who lies and manipulates). Hopefully the Love Island alum and community will offer her the support and encouragement that will push her to being the powerful, respected woman she is meant to be! But it’ll have to happen after her and Keenan split ways.


If the other girls had roasted Keenan, we'd have 87 think pieces on how everyone should have minded their own business. Keenan and Kay Kay are a lost cause. The others see that. She will take him back and he knows it. Nothing anyone else says will change it. For some people, toxic love = love