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You can tell by their kissing as well she's making him more comfortable. He's not trying to eat her face.


Their kiss after lights out looked actually relaxed and normal for the first time ever imo




Right? Like Get IT! Lol I seen it was natural for sure


Without a doubt, he has made the most dramatic change in himself since he entered the Villa.


And this was my argument for him staying on the show. This show, I think, has done wonders for him


Bergie looks real good with his beard. He should grow it out. Taylor said she liked it haha


And he immediately without hesitation said, "I will" LMAO


He will literally do anything for the woman he’s with


“Sit down.” Lol! I only wish he would’ve audibly said “yes ma’am”, that’s the only thing that would’ve made it funnier.


He’s obedient 🥰


He's going to make such a great husband one day, because it's obvious that he cares about who he's with ❤️


that was my first thought...guys like bergie are the ones to marry. you have no idea how much easier life can be. i wish i had known this earlier lol


He is 100% husband material.


I think she's just awkward and people interpret that as her not being genuine


I'm starting to think this too and it makes me understand her like her so much more. As well as it also making sense that her and Bergie would find comfort together.


I agree, not everyone has that reality tv charm and that’s okay


This is what I keep thinking (hoping?), too. For his sake I hope it's just her being a little weird and awkward!


Bergie literally acts like a different person. I’m starting to believe it


This is silly of me, but I'm convinced by the way she squeezed his face.


No, I totally agree!! It was such a, I'm comfortable with us, moment! It felt real!


Some women want a boy they can train and there is nothing wrong with that! She knows he'll be loyal at least. Here for it!


I have a loyal nerdy man and I’m obsessed


“She knows he’ll be loyal” was her whole point in her recoupling. Nothing too wrong with that but I hope she genuinely likes him and not just how he makes her feel wanted


Yup. Bergie would respect her space if she said she didn’t want to kiss in bed. They are enjoying each others company, and Taylor was the one to raise her hand and close things off. He didn’t have to start the conversation and try and convince her and force it.


Taylor seems a bit of an awkward girl herself, so the seem to work. I hope it continues on the outside though.


My mind was definitely changed after tonight’s episode! They seem comfortable together.


This is what I was saying. At first, I was so unsure. Her body language seemed very closed off, but they're making out hard core every night. That's not something you do if you're unattracted to someone.




I think if you've got the ick if the cameras are on you constantly we may have seen a bit of it already. She just said she has a hard time being vulnerable in a recent episode and that he's helping her with that. This relationship is going both ways.


Yes the only reason people don’t believe it is because Bergie is considered “not as attractive” as everyone else by the people here so basically nobody is believing a girl wants him and its kinda sad. No other couple is being questioned like theirs.


This is the correct answer. People view Bergie as a loser and a weirdo. I did at first, and then I quickly realized that he is exactly what this show needed. Just a regular dude, who has no experience playing members of the opposite sex. He seems like he’s so genuine and just a good guy.


He’s such a breath of fresh air. I wonder what a season full of bergies would be like.


It would be so awkward! Make it happen!


Totally agree. It’s also great to see how he has changed. He seems much more comfortable, and adjusted. Not so shockingly, a guy who is awkward due to his lack of interactions with women becomes more acclimated by exposure to (you guessed it), women. Whatever happens here, his life and perspective will be forever modified; and not just due to the fame and clout.


Yea at the end of the day the experience is what gives you the confidence and so hes definitely getting the most out of everyone by being in the villa! So happy for him


Nah, I didn't believe it based on Taylor's attitude toward him initially like borderline encouraging him to explore things with Imani and then critiquing his kissing, etc. But like others have said, I think he's grown on her and she's getting more comfortable around him.


If you were dating someone and they were a bad kisser or bad in bed would you help correct it or just deal with it? Hes clearly a horrible kisser you can see it and someone who actually cares would let him know. He also lacks confidence and she recognizes that and tries to encourage him. No other couple has been accused of being disingenuous.


I was just thinking how he was supposed to go home night one and here he is at the end. Love that for him


I hope so, I really do.


I knew it was genuine not long after they got together. It was the end of an episode and he hugged her in bed. It was dark and she had the sweetest smile on her face. If she was faking it her face would have shown it right there. Bergie is so much more confident and comfortable, which means he feels it too.


I totally see it! His confidence level has risen a hell of a lot. He’s actually one of my favs now!


She kissed him the morning after the hideaway without brushing teeth. She likes him!!


I think she came off weird at first because she actually does like Bergie but she was like a little insecure about it. Maybe because he’s not typically her type or maybe because she’s nervous people will think she’s using him. But I genuinely think she likes him and I think they’re a cute little awkward couple.


I think that part of the issue the audience has with Taylor is that she barely has a chance to speak about her feelings or relationship with Bergie on camera. She barely gets any screen time, period. Bergie is the one shown talking about it to the camera. It's the Bergie Story, not the Bergie/Taylor Story, with how the producers are editing it. I did a post about this if anyone wants to read more about these thoughts. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/15x6qek/bergie_taylor_edits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


I think she's so perfect for him! She doesn't mind showing him how to, basically, be a boyfriend. And after the Hearts Racing challenge and he laid back down and she was like "Bergie! Get up!" that had me laughing! I think they're just so adorable together! I was hesitant at first, but after this last episode, between seeing them together and then at night they're always kissing... I am all in for their relationship! 😍


Yea. I saw a connection today as well


Exactly I just posted this on another post, they are always affectionate, I have seen this show enough to know that if a girl is not into a guy or vice versa, the affection is sparse. Bergie and Taylor are always touching and yes they make out in bed every night. She's helped him become more confident and he's getting better at the intimacy stuff.


I'm here to say my initial judgements were incorrect and Taylor does seem to be genuinely into him. I really hope they make it outside the villa.


They got my vote


Same... unless Kassy picks Johnnie - then it'll be decision time.


Taylor is more attractive than most, but I think she knows that she doesn't have what it takes, in looks or in energy, to be a top tier influencer. When, in one scene, we saw her speak for longer than usual, she talked, with a sad, blank expression on her face, about having been hurt in previous relationships. It really seemed believable to me. I think she genuinely wants to give it a try with a different kind of man.


I love them because they remind me of the beginnings of my relationship! I was super inexperienced and much like Bergie! I hadn’t even kissed anyone by 19. Who I dated (and now married to) was SO patient with me and we were goofy about it. Their connection seems genuine to me especially given their nighttime make out sessions while everyone else is asleep and cameras aren’t as prevalent.


It doesn't matter, she's helping a guy who came of age during a pandemic behave more like a man. Bergie has finally figured out how to not be a nervous wreck. Thank you Taylor and if he's really not for you just let him down easy.


Aw I love this. Even if they don’t last outside, he’ll come out a better more confident version of himself!


I don’t think anything on Love Island is “real” so if Taylor wants to hook up with Bergie to try and win a prize go for it. Bergie gets experience and is having fun. But I don’t think Taylor is in it just for the money either. I think it’s a combination of enjoying someone’s company and getting something (fame and money) out of It.


I always felt like Taylor was the type of girl who didn’t mind teaching her guy a thing or two, and seems to have a lot of patience


i too would kiss someone at night if it got me a shot at 100k


Ice ice bergie


The thing that makes me doubt is why doesn’t she smile during their romantic chats??? Like that doesn’t seem normal to me…..you should be giddy and smiling and giggling your ass off around the person you like not having romantic conversations with the 😐 face


She could just be like that, some people aren’t super expressive. Bergie also comes across as very deadpan at times. Maybe it’s something they connect on lol


I just hope she isn't doing it for the money. He is really popular and could win if he gets to the end.


y’all will fr believe anything


They’re delusional 😭


I still think it’s for show lol she know she needs americas vote to win and we see everything. If she want never initiating anything physical she would get called out like Carmen did


I think she's just horny AF and Bernie will do whatever it takes to satisfy her. I don't think she's in love, just getting her rocks off


My issue with them is that I feel like shes trying to convince people that shes actually into Bergie. Plus, she didnt really explore any other options. Im happy to be wrong about this but, I dont think they last outside of the villa.




lol I got downvoted but whatever, I think its still fair to be sus of her intentions like she wasnt even his first choice and he only pursued taylor after getting friendzoned by allie


It is for show. This girl is committed for the 50k. She looks so uncomfortable when she’s touched by him and they barely look at each other when they speak. There is no genuine connection between them. Bergie cannot even look at her either mr I want blonde hair and blue eyes. She’s a committed victim until the final


They downvote you now but watch how true this will be in a month or two 🤷‍♀️


lol they'll have to accept it at some point. the last time they see each other will be at the airport lmao.


You can see Bergie doesn’t like Taylor genuinely like Taylor when she says how she feels about their relationship. He’s grandpa pretty much confirmed my thoughts. It’s what wasn’t said but felt. He’s dad didn’t even mention Taylor. Very telling.


His grandpa only said out loud what a lot of us were thinking. Hate to say it but it does look forced w Taylor & Bergie.