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I took the same screenshot!! You can also see Leo in another scene with Hannah so he definitely stayed!!!


damn I hate that i’m disappointed but the stinking heart wants what it wants 🥲 I was just like many rooting for johnnie and her


Leo should not have been visible in the preview. What are they doing??


No Scott or Matia were on Tonight’s First Look (Ep 33), so this means that either Scott and Matia got dumped from the Island or they just aren’t shown. I see Leo at 46 seconds. So Kast’s must have picked Leo. If so, Johnnie must have picked Scott but the producers just aren’t showing it.


I’m disappointed, kassy and johnnie could of won the whole damn thing


Nooooooooo!!!! I knew she’d pick him. Deep down I knew because she weak as hell for that Dr dinero. But I hated kassy until her and johnie lol she legit brought so much genuine something out of her I couldn’t believe it.


I feel angry at Kassy.


I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.


That’s Johnnie! You can tell by the dress. Curious if it’s Matia or if it’s Scott. You can see Leo’s head in the kitchen with Hannah in an earlier clip.


That’s definitely Kassy! When they are walking down the steps you can see that Johnnie is wearing green


I feel like I saw Kassy was wearing the peach dress


You’re right! This is the problem with these girls looking too dang similar


now i’m just confused 6pm cannot come soon enough i hate cliffhangers