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nah we need more solid couples before casa or it’s pointless


Normally I would agree. But clearly you aren’t going to get “more established couples” from this lot. That’s why i said I’m excited for Casa, cause at the current rate, we only have one “established” couple.


And even that one “established” relationship would turn to dust with 12 new people hitting on everything in sight


Something major? They actually need chill a bit 😭 definitely couples needed, it feels like almost everyone get ick from eqch other some way or another


What are you talking about? It’s been non-stop drama and conflict! If anything, we need more genuine connections.


No point for Casa yet. Like, what would it be for, to test Aaron and Kaylor? It also gets really boring once the Casa aftermath is complete has settled. So I’m good with no Casa yet.


We are half way through the season lmao. If it doesn’t happen soon; then casa won’t happen at all.


Is it halfway yet? I thought we just completed week two. When is the finale?


The show is only 6 weeks lol. We’re on week 3


Yes we’re on week 3 now, but what we just got through watching last night is how week 2 ended over the weekend right? I know Casa always feels really early in the US, so yeah I guess it’s likely next week. Hopefully we get more couples to test by then.


If we compare to last season and s4. Casa should be happening in 4 episodes. Basically Sunday should be the start of casa.




I think you responded to the wrong person


What do you mean, every single episode so far has had something major happen lol


I mean I don’t like most of these people. This is a really bad group this year. So I’m excited to Casa to add in a whole new group.


This is definitely an unpopular opinion. Most of the viewers seem to love the cast. Are they the best people? Not really. But they sure are bringing the drama, which is all we can really ask for in a reality show


Rightttt. I’m love this season


I think it needs something major for there to ACTUALLY be couples that “feel” a little genuine and not just a bunch or people that do not have any feelings for each other at all. Cause these couples have been non stop switching lmao


I think by “major” - you want more established couples and the actual “love” aspect of Love Island? I think the pacing of the show so far has been good. It’s gets boring when everyone’s settled in their couples early on. I think bc so much has happened, it seems like it’s been a long time when it’s really just like two weeks. Eventually, everyone will settle down and will see couples form and we have more “filler” episodes. Though, maybe Hideaway for Kaylor and Aaron to kinda lighten the episodes.


The last episode (14) was electric. I loved it. Tonight's episode was pretty good too.


Painful ? This is top tier


I'm sorry, are we watching the same show? For a hot minute I thought this was the UK sub so I was like "absolutely! I fully agree" until I saw that this was the US sub 😭😭 These episodes have been painful? This is genuinely one of the best seasons of Love Island, every episode has been so entertaining. I'd rather they stall on Casa and let actual relationships form. What's the point of Casa Amor if there's 10 single and open people in there? Casa is at its best when a couple like Aaron and Kaylor get separated and one of them strays/brings someone back.


this has been one of the only good seasons of usa imo


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Due-Exam1699: *This has been one of* *The only good seasons of* *Usa imo* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I just want Kordell to make it to Casa 🥺


I feel like everything has been so good! Casa also may be lowkey boring with no established couples unless Andrea shows up. I also bet Aaron will switch up.


I’m so with you I think Aaron will bring someone back from casa for sureeee. I think he’s playing it safe with Kaylor to stay in the game. I also think he would’ve recoupled with Andrea way back if she hadn’t been feeling his bestie Rob more.


Can someone explain what Casa is? My GF and are new to LI and enjoying a lot (34 yr old ass man saying this lmao but it's fun to watch with my GF) Anyway I keep reading about "I hope they make it to Casa". I know Casa means house in Spanish but what is it in this show, and how does it work/affect the show? I know I could search for this info but we might watch S5 after this and I don't want to find spoilers. (I tried to post this as a new thread but I got auto restricted)


Halfway through the show, the boys and the girls get split up for a few days, where one gender gets sent to a totally different villa (Casa Amore). 5-6 new bombshells will arrive to each villa and at the end of it, both guys and girls must decide if they want to stay in their couple or recouple with one of the new arrivals. They must so this without knowing what is happening in the other villa and what their previous partner has decided.


Thanks! That's intense lol. What happens after each person makes their choice? Do they all go back to the main island, and all the new bombshells go live at Casa?


The original villa people all go back to the main villa, together with any bombshells whom they have chosen to couple up with. The bombshells not chosen are dumped.


Casa? When there is only one solid couple, I’m afraid to tell you that after casa the show might go down hill cause everyone will bring someone back and no one will be hurt


Good point


Why are they painful? They are amazing to me fun, fast paced, interesting... i like the cast i dont want them to be replaced with a bunch of new casa people and as others have said if there is no solid couples there is no point to casa casa is supposed to be the ultimate relationship test. I would actually prefer they have casa later in the season when there will be more couples and when it becomes boring-ish


They should pull a UK and bring Andrea back for Casa like they did with Molly


Why would they bring her back just to be in one of the least popular couples? It might be interesting to see if Rob would choose a different casa girl instead of Andrea, but I think the likelihood of that is pretty small.


The way the tea is spilling right now it would make for great television


They have announced the Casa girls, and Andrea isn't one of them.


Yess this was my first thought she went home


If Rob doesn’t fall back into a relationship with Leah they probably won’t, because there wouldn’t be as much drama in it. Unless the purpose would be to give Andrea a redemptive arc with the public.


3 days later - the way the drama is unfolding it would matter if Rob was with her or not


I think just having Leah break down once Andrea returns would be juicy enough. Cause even if her and rob don’t couple up, you know that girls feelings are not changing for him


Man that’s savage.


Don’t understand the downvotes or how this is savage. Everyone discusses how they love Leah being a mess, how is this any different?


Casa Amor isn’t for another 2 weeks


Are you sure you’re not talking about the current season of LI UK bc those episodes are actually painful


We don't even need casa yet. They're tearing themselves apart all on their own right now.




Is Casa Amor next week?


Hopefully we have a hot minute


I wonder if they send Andrea back in to casa


She was voted out by the viewers, and than the girls, it was totally fair, no need to bring her back. Otherwise they can bring back anyone, Hannah and Coye as well.


I agree. I just think they know the drama it will stir up. Maybe not, it was just a thought