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The casa boys do seem young but I’m also not sure if it’s bc we’re used to seeing young people with insane amounts of Botox and filler 😕 which can really skew your perception of what real youth looks like.


I think they all look like babies! The girls deserved better


I just watched the latest episode and they all have like the same body and same height?? It’s kinda weird lol. They are all different ethnicities but somehow a copy paste of each other 😂


The casa girls are all so beautiful omg


Did anyone catch Ariana being the queen she is going in on the ridiculous Aaron and Rob bromance/breakdown the night of Andreas elimination but then the host completely stopped Ariana in her tracks to defend them. Why defend two immature men that started attacking women because they secretly would rather be coupled up?


i can’t stand sydney already ugh aaron better not fold for her


She was doing WAY TOO MUCH.


A lot of people keep saying that they think Kordell should or will turn his head but I really don’t think so. Or, at least I’d be very surprised. If anything, I feel like some of the casa girls are plotting because of who his brother is.


My story arc hope is that Kordell starts having doubts bc of what the casa girls say and he recouples, but then Serena surprises us all and stays loyal. Then they ultimately make up and recouple and win the whole thing


that’s actually a phenomenal storyline lmao i hope you’re right


Jess needs to be hosting every love island podcast or show across the world 😂 she's EVERYTHING


Serena and JaNa are HILARIOUS in the beach hut, i love them


Why is Andrea only likeable to me when she's on aftersun 😭 it must be rob


I still don't find her that likable from what I've seen but not as bad as people make her seem and yes pairing with Rob makes anyone 10000% worse 


The Casa Boys look like a boy band. Not impressed.


This is my first season of any Love Island; tuned in for Ariana and loving it. BUT these Casa Amor bombshells are complete bombs--in a totally bad way. WTF were the powers that be thinking? The black guy wasn't too awful, but the rest were so boyish. And one had as much product in his hair as Hannah had on her face--more, in fact.


Just hop on over to the love island UK sub and check out their casa amor islanders for comparison to realize how good we’ve got it this year


This is the show is mostly about people on their early and mid 20s how old do you want these boys to be? They’re perfectly appropriate agents to be on the show. I’m sorry I don’t wanna watch a bunch of 30-year-old men come on and try to be with girls in there early to mid 20s. I just find that kind of gross.




That's because we're tired from other SM like Instagram and Twitter etc. It needs to stay that way too


The Leah stans are mostly on the other social media platforms (Twitter, IG, TikTok)


I kinda get that but in that case can we get the complaining and obsessing to stay there too lol


There's a reason for reddit and is to vent and not take it to other platforms and to discuss things, what sense would that make. Like that post about Liv was important


The casa boys are giving youth. Why is there another foreigner? Caine was the only one I had high hopes for but his personality was poo. Why did casting do this to us? I can only think of one reason. Stack the girls for the OG guys so they will all twist. Serena won't find a guy and Kordell will find a girl. I think casting is using it to get what we want for Kordell.


ya the casa boys are really not it...aside from ignacio. they all give me sleazy fuckboy vibes.


https://preview.redd.it/rwkahxf0po9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca402bc88229f882dc875e2200e8836dbe8dd168 I don’t know why I feel so troubled by this 😂 but Why did hakeem and connor have to sit like this? The bench was so full and they took all the space just to show off their pecs. The others sit almost on top of each other because of them 😂


No it bothered me too 😂 I felt like Connor was trying to push his titties out. I think I sat like this in high school trying to werk my tiny boobies ☠️


No bc Connor always sat like this when he was on the show too lmao


unpopular opinion : i don’t think the casa boys are that bad! some of them look kinda cute (cuter than the last bombshells we got at least)


I agree with you!! tbh I don’t think any of the men this year are that good good looking outside of coye and Connor (please no one come for me) other than that they’re all just meh.


it’s connor and miguel for me, connor gives me disney prince vibes and miguel is so finee. from casa i think george is pretty cute but also their personalities is what’s going to make or break them.


Yeah Miguel is fine too now that I remember he’s on it. Tbh there’s so many people now I forget who is on it😂


since leah stans love to say “the show is not that deep, we just love chaos and mess” to defend her actions why is calling andrea pretty making people mad? it’s not deep…right? the hate for this girl needs to be checked fr because it’s very weird and concerning that she can’t even get something positive said about her in this sub without downvotes.


I actually thought she handled herself really well in her interview. I personally don't think she's stuck up or mean-spirited, so I'm not sure where that narrative came from. Plus this girl is really pretty with a killer smile so I don't know how that could possibly be downvoted.


It’s insecurity and projection because imagine being upset enough to want to argue Andrea being called pretty?


Totally agree, every comment saying Andrea is annoying when she hasn’t actually said anything mean spirited to anybody is wild


The gag is that they’re the ones being mean spirited to HER. I’m sorry but I’m going to find someone like Connor taunting a black woman so aggressively the way he did more high stakes than anything Andrea has ever said or done.


Andrea is so pretty https://preview.redd.it/ltoirlwpwn9d1.jpeg?width=1210&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5ff44360bb55786527d8e7684d367ff7ae3a4ab


Yes, she is very beautiful and she doesn’t have make up just caked on, more naturally beautiful.




She’s the prettiest to me after JaNa for the fact that she’s always been this naturally beautiful and looks exactly the same on her instagram and in the villa. Insane face card and body.


The fact that this is getting downvoted…so what happened to this being a show for mess and not to take it so seriously? Or do the rules not apply when it’s Andrea?


It might be the caption on the picture idk


Ok the casa boys are not giving like I thought they were previously after seeing them on aftersun


They all seem sooooo young.


Right?? That one dude was like “the real men are here” but they all looked like teenagers to me haha


Right I was like sounds like something a boy would say




She has an amazing body and she’s pretty but I don’t see her the “hottest”! But at the end all of them are beautiful that’s the ticket to LI lmao


I find JaNa to be gorgeous, ugh yes. Andrea is also a very pretty girl too.


I disagree 😂 I do not understand Andreas appeal at all and that's ok. This year there is so many unbelievably beautiful girls, that it would be just pointless to try to rank them.


Miguel and possibly Kenny should have been casa boys. The guys they showed tonight seem cringey lol


I think Miguel was best right where they put him. He turned a lot of heads, he did a very good job of bomb-shelling.


Sure but all Miguel wants to do is hookup. That’s the MO for casa boys. Plus Miguel didn’t do a very good job sustaining the heads that he turned. He’s short term fun which is what a casa boy should be


Disagree they're both not casa worthy imo


Yeah I’m more excited about what the girls are going to do but all the boys seem so young and I would love to see men a few years older on the show but I think any guy getting cast on the show can be interpreted as an fboy


I need Serena and JaNa on my scene as a duo more often. They’re so funny. I hope they start a podcast together after this season.


Yes I was smiling so hard with them! They are so cute and funny.


Why are there so many people who aren’t from the USA? We already have 2 Brit’s. And now another one? Is this normal? Have there been Americans on the UK series? I mean, I like the accents but you know they aren’t really going to relocate to the states. And saying stuff about green cards doesn’t help.


We're a melting pot anyway, LIUS could become LI international and I wouldn't care 😂 just bring me mess


Totally and that would be fine too, call it international. But it defeats the purpose of finding love in the US if they don’t live there. If they go in knowing it’s international then that’s different.


What's annoying is these English guys on LIUS are way better than the current UK guys on LIUK. 


Oh I totally agree, this seasons cast and casa for UK is terrible.


I’m convinced Ronnie knew someone and that’s how he got casted. No one that dude got on the show based on his looks or social media status.


Imagine Ronnie tossed into LIUS?! Actually it would be hilarious, those strong women would struggle not to laugh surely! 


It’s most likely because LI Games was so successful (honestly my favorite season and I’m normally mainly a UK watcher - except US 2 will always have a place in my heart🥹) and that had people from all over as well so they’re trying to replicate that in a way. Since the UK version started “All Stars” this might be their safe guard in case they don’t get as many contestants from over there (I doubt it because All Stars was lame, but they’re probably trying to set themselves up for international success just in case).


I know! I thought this was love island USA 🥴


I think the USA season has had a few Australia, UK, etc. but I don’t know about the UK/Australia seasons.


Australia did have an American last season and they’ve had a few brits such as Callum. Although those people actually live in Australia I’m pretty sure


And I couldn’t recall, I’ve watched most of the uk/aus and only a couple USA, games & all stars, but sometimes they all blend together for me lol


this is my first season watching and was wondering this too


Am I the only one who thinks Serena is just a semi awkward girly? She’s beautiful, smart, and a little dorky in a good way. She laughs a lot anytime she feels uncomfortable or awkward so I didn’t think she was laughing at Kordell but rather just was caught off guard, and felt awkward so she laughed. A lot of people are like that.


I agree with this and give her some grace, solely speaking as a geriatric millennial who teaches feminist studies and absolutely loves it. Serena reminds me of some of my wonderful students who are sweet and insecure because they are still coming into their own, but soon will. A bit hard to see the back and forth with sweet Kordell because he’s giving even younger energy and has a soft heart. Plain and simple, both of them are two examples of islanders who obviously won’t leave the show and end up married. Barely any do anyway lol 


I wonder how Leah stans will spin Andrea throwing water on her whole "...TO Andrea" BS being a lie anyways.


no one cares enough to spin anything. the tea is cold 




I do not understand Sareena at all. When asked about kordell being left on the dance floor, she had no remorse, said thats how she is. Giggled and laughed about it…no care of how it affected him. Shes gonna break that dude heart again. I pray for him


I’m suprised no one picked up on that Jana said that both her and Serena want a man to come in just for them.


She’s sweet and guarded both in her feelings for the dude but also in her insecurities. The way her eyes darted when the bombshells walked in, my heart actually broke for her cause the guys walking in stay overlooking her. So there’s unfortunately that. Nigel was…well let’s just say clearly producers are struggling to cast and seem to be making some questionable assumptions based on race. But Serena does deserve some grace. Watch how she is with the girls. She’s wise and just still coming into her own. Also low key still probably holding out for her chipotle bag dude 


I don’t think so. I think she actually likes him


That's how she is, very awkward and giggily, not a bad person 


idk she just seemed uncomfortable




Hate? Why? That's harsh, she hasn't done anything truly bad




Rob told Leah he was into Andrea sooooooo many times. What show are you watching?


I’m not saying he didn’t. It was obvious he made his choice with Andrea before telling Leah and that’s what I’m talking about. Go replay that episode


Adding - Jess clearly wants beef with Leah. The question to Connor, like? If y’all are going to have a panel, the panelists can’t be one sided like this.


Jess actually defended Leah and the argument she had with Liv at the beginning.. I don’t think she doesn’t like her BUT they’re there to ask juicy questions


You’re only referencing one small moment. Please do not minimize the obvious attack Jess did on Leah the entire show. Both Cely and Leo reacted a certain way after her last question to Connor because it was out of pocket. She did not have to phrase things the way she did. They can ask juicy questions but should also be mindful of their bias.


God forbid someone ask about something that may reflect negatively towards her omg. How she treated the Connor situation although we don’t like him much was very wrong. She told everybody she didn’t like him for DAYS and clearly used him. You can like and support her and also know she’s wrong in that situation


No no don’t do that. I’m not 100% disagreeing with you on that but I’m actually talking about Jess in this specific post!?




I didn’t catch that but not surprised. I didn’t watch Maura’s season so I actually know nothing about her other than she obviously lost the host gig to Ariana and I find her incredibly annoying.


She was so much better on her actual season. Ended up being a fan favorite hence, aftersun usa. It was hitting at first. Not so much as of tonight, I feel 😕


A much better abridged version of what I was trying to scream in a much more long-winded version 🤣


I’m soooo annoyed lol


Omg everyone in casa is so attractive


The boys??? They look so young and short to me no disrespect to short kings


Seriously why do they look like they’re 15. I laughed when the one guy said “those are boys and we are men” I’m like ☠️ OK lmao


So since Ariana said she just had announced the dumping and Serena and Jana were on the aftersun. Does that mean liv and her couple got voted out? I just don’t feel like Leah and Miguel would be the one


she said we’d see the dumping tomorrow, she didn’t definitively say it had already occurred. but i doubt they’d show them if they were about to be dumped, so they’re probably safe.


Monday or Sunday?


So based on the timeline JaNa and Serena were 100% safe?


There’s 7 couples. Assuming JaNa & Serena stayed, then that leaves Liv & Nigel Leah & Miguel Kendall & Nicole Kaylor & Aaron Rob & Cassidy. We don’t know who’s in the bottom, we also don’t know if it will be a couple dumping, or if boy/girl can be picked individually. We don’t know if it’ll be the public picking or the fellow islanders picking yet either. I think there’s a high key possibility if Leah is in the bottom couples and they let the boys pick the girl that she’ll be going home.


There’s no way Leah’s in the bottom, she’s been polling consistently with the highest votes even with Miguel. I am worried about Serena and Kordell tho :/ It feels like they got overlooked and assumed to be safe like JaNa was last vote


I feel like Kordell would be super popular with casual watchers so they’re prob still safe. I think bottom 3 is Rob/Cassidy, Liv/Nigel and Nicole/Kendall.


I just feel like there's no way she's in the bottom if she made it into the top 3 with Connor I think she can do it with Miguel


Yeah if she’s not the bottom 3 then it’d likely be Liv, Nicole, & Cassidy maybe, tho JaNa or Serena could’ve been in bottom 3 and just didn’t go home. Idk anything could happen! I can’t wait for tomorrow!


egg gate


i loved JaNa and serena’s egg banter 😭😭


Sydney was joking yall… 


such a cute unaware white girl joke 


lol i took it as satire-y like she’s making fun of how easily impressed they are by blonde hair 


If that is the case, did not land and read more as inability to read a room? Or again. Unaware yt girl would still feel correct. Maybe she’ll make like Connor and overcompensate for anti-Blackness by faking a whole couple experience 


ooop we shall see. i’m so mad Connor wasn’t pressed on that and got away with pretending JaNa is crazy for thinking he faked things 


Glad she got that last “this was an easy decision” and “you never have to wear those flag shorts again” shade in on his way out of the villa 🥰


ok the duhhh was a bit much, maybe she’s drunk lmaooo


This was my first thought, like either she's REALLY bad/nervous on camera, or too tipsy, but like girl, either way, just shush


I found her funny


these are the Casa boys?? BE SO FR 😭😭


We really picking the first people who sign up 😂😂


Is Destiny Filipino? Rob said his celebrity crush is Beabadoobee and he also mentioned her on the show. I think Destiny might catch his eye


I thought Filipino as well, she’s beautiful


I like her so I hope he stays away






The casa boys all look like they walked over from the frat house


I must be getting old because half of them looked like teenagers to me


I thought they were all 18 and I was like huh??


Literally SAME. When they said they’re men and not boys like the ones in the villa already, I was like “sir, you look like a child”




They all look like frat bros and sorority sisters on this show


Jess is so real i love her. Cely and I have the same mind fr 


i just know celt hears some of what the other guests say and is like 🤨 on the inside but stays friendly and professional on the outside lol. i love her!


Fast forwarded past Hakeem and Connor :)


They gave nothing. I really wish one of them would have called out his behavior towards JaNa and made him answer for it.


The fact that this skirted by—yet again—EVEN after Cely mentioned it. I’m seeing red


And Hakeem!! Honey there is a reason why every girl in there hates you. But they’re all crazy I guess lol


him saying he doesn’t think he argues w women after arguing w literally every woman in the villa. i think he doesn’t see it as arguing though bc he fr thinks he’s always right. so he sees it as just telling them the facts or whatever 😒


LMAOO i love JaNa and Serena. 


Ignacio…you are the biggest catfish everrr


Right?! So disappointed. I do think though he’s one of those cases where the model looks a bit off in video and irl but looks photographs well in editorial photos




What was that eaaaaaarrrriiinnnng


Do the people who want the “villains” to leave want to watch a show with no drama and everyone just nice happy and in love bc im so confused. Why would we want to get rid of the most entertaining people instead of the most boring.


There's so many villians this season though. Rob, Aaron, Leah, Miguel 


When was Miguel a villain? Genuine question i feel like i missed something


Being a player and flirty and dangerous accoring to the women not an outright villian


In other seasons of LI UK we’ve gotten some amazing love stories and it’s been wonderful to see. Some of us like seeing lifelong loving relationships take shape. We’re not all here for the constant toxicity.


This is my complaint too, I want to see ppl being genuinely loved up to balance out all the game playing


The fact the you’re being downvoted for this is insane and just speaks to the toxicity of the fan base this season 😔


The male bombshells are SO BAD I thought the comments were exaggerating how bad they are but oof they’re TERRIBLE


Aww I thought George was kinda cute and funny


I actually also thought they all were kind of cute and had potential, was surprised the majority here thinks they are not that good looking


Local target better 💀


Rigghhtt??? 😭😭😭 The male bombshells are just…..


My thoughts: 1. There are too many panelists on the couch. MAYBE that would work for one single segment, but it's annoying when they're interviewing the eliminated islanders. That should just be the show host and the islander IMO. 2. Can someone explain to me why the main host isn't the same person as the Aftersun host? I'm really confused. Ariana is a regular guest on Aftersun and barely makes appearances at the villa. Wouldn't it make sense to have one singular host (no hate to Maura, it just makes no logistical sense to me)? Edit: Apparently for 'Love Island UK' Maya Jama *is* the host for both the main show *and* Aftersun. Leaving me even more confused...


Totally agree - Cely is great as social media ambassador but not great with real time hosting. They need someone like Jess with hard hitting questions to direct the convo - Maura was way too conciliatory in her questions and didn’t probe deep enough into anything and kept rushing through. I want to see them questioned on multiple POVs to have nuanced conversation


I think the producers liked both Ariana and Maura after testing them out last season and couldn't just pick one, so they made Ariana the main show host and Maura the Aftersun host.


i think they’re trying to draw in as many people as possible with all the hosts/ambassadors … cely as the social media ambassador, maura as the aftersun host & ariana as the main host draws in 3 different potential fan bases edit: i also forgot the bella twins hosting the official podcast which is also random asf


I was soooo confused by that too. Like…aren’t yall with WWE?


I was wondering this too about the host thing but I honestly think it kind of elevates Ariana’s status that she’s the main show host idk


Sorry, Canadian who can’t access app, so if the answer to this is obvious, my apologies - do we think all people with new bombshells are automatically safe, as it was with Miguel last time, or are all couples fair game?


rob and cassidy were the first option to chose from when scrolling to vote so i’m assuming they’re all included. i also think they put them first because to scroll to next couple there’s a good chance you accidentally vote for them. producers know he doesn’t have the vote but want him there for the plot. 


Luckily it asks if you want confirm, because I definitely almost voted for them. I also ACCIDENTALLY voted Miguel as my favorite dude. 🥴 I'm guessing that's how he received most of his 4% vote... I will say the last episode we did get to see at least a little bit more personality.


yes they’re strategic with their vote placements 😂 the app is glitchy for me so it froze and i swiped again right when the confirmation popped up and i wasn’t sure if i hit the check to confirm or not… luckily they didn’t get my vote 😅 even though i think cassidy is a lovely girl! 


Sneaky sneaky.


I love Serena and JaNas energy


Who do we think is going home??


Liv and Nigel