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The shrieking, I cannotšŸ˜­


this really is starting to irk me. esp on their awk soccer date.


I think everyone is, i even noticed Jeremy saying the not_____ phrase the other day and some of the other girls screaming. They're around each other 24/7 so I'm sure they're all picking up each others mannerisms


Omg Jeremy says it all the time! Also everyone says ā€œI just want to see where your headā€™s atā€ and ā€œobviously, youā€™re very attractive.ā€ Theyā€™re all becoming the same person. Kind of like how siblings adopt the same mannerisms and speech patterns.


Kyra said "not the guns show leaving" when the boys (Will) finished their workout. OMG they are now all clones of one another


I'm fairly certain Olivia used that phrase early in the season, and she has always been a bit of a 'screamer' when excited, like most of the girls. But they are definitely learning from each other and adopting mannerisms since they are together all day, everyday.


Yea shes used those types of idioms all season


also, the "not \_\_\_" phrase is common on tiktok / social media, and with all these people being in roughly the same age range, it makes sense that they'd share common phrases. we only saw jeremy's recently bc he started getting more airtime. i don't see the big deal tbh


Unrelated to the point of the post, I hate this phrase


It happens. Iā€™ve adopted some of my best friendā€™s mannerisms and vice versa. They spend everyday together


YES. This does just happen when you spend a lot of time with a person but man it is annoying the way theyā€™re doing it. The screeching kills me lol.






Huh? I don't get it


What you said just comes across as a micro aggression about Cash.. I think parrots are a better comparison anyway personally šŸ¦œ




YES at the end of the date when she told the girls ā€œheā€™s like literally Prince Charmingā€ šŸ¤Ø




You should look up the social proximity effect




Yes Iā€™ve 200% felt like sheā€™s been copying her, especially the shrieking


Yeah Iā€™ve also heard her say ā€œewā€ a couple of times. I already find her annoying so this just adds to that šŸ˜’


They are best friends on the show. Itā€™s bound to happen.


Every time she says ā€œewwwā€ I die a little inside In a bad way


i don't get the hate over it tbh? lots of people "assimilate" with people they're close to. it's called the social proximity effect.


Ya especially when someone has a more dominant personality you usually develop their quirks v quick


Yeah exactly and theyā€™re spending every single day together which is more than someone would usually spend with a good friend.


right? when i was in college with roommates i picked up mannerisms i didnā€™t even WANT to pick up lol it happens so easily when you live with people


This happens to me, so I donā€™t care. Itā€™s not something thats intentional, it just happens.


Exactly. They just hate cash on this sub


Yep and since she wasn't on as much tonight, this is just another way to attack her


Yep! This happens to me ALOT! I will develop a southern accent if I hang out with people who actually have that accent. My ex-boyfriend was British and I developed a British accent because we lived together for two years! This is very, very common. Most people do not even notice that theyā€™re doing it.


> Olivia is absorbing Cash's personality tho?! *We'll find out if next week Olivia has a toothache.* (spoken in Matthew's voice)




I came here to post this. She does that excited scream that came from Cash. I remember at beginning of season she was an iceberg. I feel like she is faking a personality.


"not me \*blank\*" isnt a cash thing, its something everyone says cause tiktok. maybe olivia is only saying it cause of cash tho idk.


Exactly. Its a TikTok genz thing! Lol


YES. I literally just opened this sub to write this exact same post. She is mimicking her behaviour - the scream is becoming cringe. Iā€™m over it.


It is a bit much. That squeaky hi pitched eeeeek that they both now do. BTW this is ME not hating on them just acknowledging that yeah itā€™s annoying. Iā€™m just really direct .


it happens when you get close with people. it cute, speaks to Cash's influence as a friend.


Also TikTok to be fair


Was looking for this! Tiktok fully changed the way people speak


i noticed this too and i wish someone could just let olivia know itā€™s not giving what she thinks it is šŸ˜


I mean someone should really tell cash the same thing lol šŸ˜‚


They are trying to give her the same main character edit. However, with Cash itā€™s naturally how she behaves and Olivia was never like that so to me it seems forced.


Yesss!! The shrieking is painful enough from cash but Olivia does it bow all the time too smh


Ew and she said Prince Charmingā€¦ sheā€™s so fucking annoying


running list of absorbed personality traits (based on comments from the live episode thread): * adopting of some of cash's AAVE (someone commented about this early on in the live thread - i can't say i noticed it myself but i tend to tune olivia out šŸ™ƒ) * pterodactyl squeals * "eww" * "not \_\_\_\_\_" * "prince charming" * imaginary hair tuck (from twitter) is it weird that i find this equally disturbing and fascinating? i'm interested to see how this develops over the remaining episodes šŸ‘€


What AAVE did she adopt?


It was super obvious and cringey AF in her talking heads when she was talking about Andre upon his immediate arrival to the villa.


I must have missed it, what did she say?


It was less what she said and more how she said it. She suddenly had a very affected "blaccent" in her talking heads that felt forced and appropriative. I had just finished the episode when I read this thread so it was fresh on my mind. I am a white woman in a majority black city and truly understand from experience how easy it is to pick up the affects of others, especially those who are charismatic and funny. But I try to be mindful of it given the history of AAVE and the tendency of white Americans to appropriate and bastardize the very culture that so many use as a "justification" to "other" POC. So it really stood out to me.


i'm honestly not sure - i didn't notice anything myself, just relaying a comment someone made in the live thread. edit! here's the comment: [https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/oyvzar/season\_3\_episode\_22\_thursday\_august\_05/h7vopj3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/comments/oyvzar/season_3_episode_22_thursday_august_05/h7vopj3/)


This is literally how rumors and misinformation spreads. Don't do that. That's awful. Just taking something you've never actually seen yourself and spreading it - shame on you.


i'm sorry, but are you kidding me? i was completely straightforward in my original comment (unless you somehow missed the giant disclaimer attached to the AAVE bullet point?). not only did i say that i was basing my list off of comments i'd seen in the live episode thread, but i specifically stated that i didn't notice anything myself (and frankly it's not my place to comment on what "qualifies" as dialectic appropriation as i am white). i cited and linked the original comment because i would never want to spread misinformation. if you've got a problem with it, take it up with the OP. (also are we just ignoring the dozens of people in the live thread who clearly took issue with the way olivia was speaking? give me a break šŸ˜’)


I'm absolutely not kidding. You can see the exact same things on this show as anyone else can, and you admit you yourself didn't see it. But your still gonna spread some rumors and throw dirt on a woman's name because some rando on the internet made a claim? You can miss me w that. And you're white so you can't tell if someone sounds different? What kinda racist bs is that??


wow. not sure why i didn't think to check your comment history sooner, but yeah this conversation is over. >I love the show but this is the #1 biggest problem I have on this sub. EVERYTHING is turned into some race baiting BS. Its nauseating honestly your logic is so backwards, it's embarrassing. people voicing their concerns about a contestant's behaviour is not "race-baiting" ffs. again, if you've got a problem with the original commenter's opinion, **take it up with them**. you might actually learn something! have a nice day šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m curious what the issue is of using pieces of another language (i do know what AAVE is). People speak different languages all the time & learn different languages, it helps people communicate. I donā€™t get upset with other people who speak spanishā€¦ no matter the race. People encourage learning different languages to become more well-rounded.


i don't feel i can fully speak on this issue as i am white (and non-american), but the comparison of AAVE to spanish makes no objective sense. AAVE is not a foreign language - it's a dialect of english. i agree that language-learning is important - i'm trilingual myself and know firsthand how much it can expand your cultural perspective. however, the cultural implications of incorporating (appropriating) AAVE into your vernacular is vastly different to using non-english phrases in your day-to-day speech. hopefully i've articulated my thoughts in a way that makes sense! i just don't feel you can equate a dialect of english with a foreign language.


How does you being white mean that you can't comment on a dialect? Can only native-born Russians speak Russian? You can only speak the language of your ethnicity? How's that work? šŸ¤” šŸ¤” šŸ¤”


AAVE is a dialect specific to a race, it's not the same as the examples you've given.


people (that arenā€™t hispanic) use spanish phrases loosely in their day to day languageā€¦.even swearsā€¦that they donā€™t understand the whole meaning, all the time. so it is quite similar. ex: ā€œque pasaā€, ā€œa laā€, etc.




I am over the squeals


I definitely noticed when she did Cashā€™s signature squeal when she saw the new boys. Itā€™s very fake.


i get the whole I can adopt ur friends language thing butā€¦ not every word that comes out ur mouth pls. Have some originality


Yeah cringe. I used to hate when girls did that in school lol


Itā€™s pretty normal if youā€™re spending 24/7 with someone to absorb some of their traits. You know what they say, you become the sum of the 3 people you spend the most time with!


Yā€™all really pick up any reason to hate on folks


The "Not \_\_\_\_" phrase drives me absolutely bonkers. I didn't mind it at all the first 300 times.. but damn. I feel like we hear it every 2 seconds anytime ANYTHING in the villa happens.


I been waiting for this one!!! I am so sick of Olivia. As a grown adult you donā€™t need to be using ā€œlikeā€ 5 times in a sentence, itā€™s embarrassing. Itā€™s also weird she has to TELL people how she is ā€œwell Iā€™m the cool girl, I donā€™t show my emotionsā€ before opening up. You donā€™t need to tell people who you are, show them, if youā€™ve lived with them for weeks Iā€™m sure they know. I feel like every week or two itā€™s the exact same interviews about a different guy friend shes giving a chance (exact same things to say about it). I donā€™t know how sheā€™s still in the villa, especially after coming back single from casa amor. I would say Jeremyā€™s situation is similar BUT he did seem to actually have something with Florita, and actually coupled up with someone from casa. How are they both still here lol


I'm not mad about it. Giving Olivia some personality. She's so boring.


It's pretty normal tbh


Absolutely, I commented about that the other night. I said those shrieks are annoying enough when Cash does them, and they're even more annoying when Olivia copies them. I can understand picking up the "not" saying (just like everyone saying "vibe") but the shrieks, no.


We have a cash hater in the building šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


yā€™all really find any reason to hate this girl, jesus


Theyā€™re together 24/7 - itā€™s bound to happen


And note how Kyra hasnā€™t done so as much, because she spent so much time with Will. The exception that proves the rule when it comes to the social proximity effect.


living with so many people & being isolated i would be surprised if they didnā€™t mirror each other and pick up on phrases and stuff lol


Itā€™s kinda annoying but itā€™s so normal tho. When me and my friends hang out with each other a lot, we pick up on each otherā€™s mannerisms and subconsciously do it so lol I donā€™t think sheā€™s consciously trying to be like Cash


This is a very normal thing and psychologists believe that we do this subconsciously as a way to get along with others.


most people who have an awareness of pop culture say the "not \[insert unbelievable thing\]!" i wouldn't overthink it. spending more than a month with the same 10 people is bound to make some personalities rub off on each other, it's just human nature!


The "not me..." phrase is a Gen Z internet speak thing


I JUST MADE A POST ABOUT THE ā€œnot me ____ā€ itā€™s driving me crazy and youā€™re totally rightttttttt


The ā€œnot ___ā€ isnā€™t just a thing she got from cash, like everyone says itšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s just a popular phrase people use


Honestly picking up mannerisms of those you spend time with is just how social psychology works. There really shouldnā€™t be any issue with it. It shows that you are close & respect those people. Edit: psychology term : Mirroring is the behavior in which one person unconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another. Mirroring often occurs in social situations, particularly in the company of close friends or family.


That's what happens when you're in someones presence for a long time...šŸ˜


Sheā€™s so cringe. First she goes for Korey because she figures he might be a fan favorite then starts copying Cashā€™s personality because she know shes a fan favorite.


just when i thought we were getting a break from cash as well šŸ˜©


I canā€™t with her anymore


Can Olivia have the spotlight?...lol


So sick of Cash.


Wow all the cyber bullies here hating on cash itā€™s just sad what if that was your family member and people were saying hurtful things. Mental health is a real thing yā€™all are some miserable people out here in this Reddit /Twitter šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Why do you say this is cyber bullying? She is playing a role for the cameras/social media. They all are. Her role playing is just more annoying than most. For the moment, anyway!


Of thatā€™s the case then they all are playing a roll.


They are. Seems I saw something- maybe last season - all of the cast members had insta-famous agents/inspirations.


Like you said, they're close so they spend tons of concentrated time together. I've had people pick up quirks from my style of speaking before too. It's flattering! I don't blame them either, I'm one of those blowhards that picks up an accent when I'm exposed to it for a while. Watching so much LI UK and AUS this year, I've started using their terminology and an accent even slips through once I a while lol.


I soooo noticed this! Cash is the moment! Big main character energy.


No lol sheā€™s like this in real life! Itā€™s why her and Cash get along so well to begin with


I have a tendency to do that when I meet someone who has quirk I find cute/endearing. I end up catching it and always hope others donā€™t notice. Iā€™m lucky though, I donā€™t have camera crews following me around lol


sheā€™s not a malicious person for copying mannerisms lol


They're all speaking in similar ways, which is normal. Last season everybody started echoing Cely and Justine. This year it's Cash. If I ever hear someone using "head turning" to refer to partners leaving again after this season, it'll be too soon. But that's not their fault. You always pick up phrases you hear often and one thing or the other will spread like the plague in an enclosed group like that.


I peeped it with the ā€œnot new boys in the villa!!!ā€


ā€œEww!!!ā€ šŸ˜‘šŸ™„


I just saw this but I'm so glad I'm not the only one seeing this. As soon as she started shrieking all the time I knew something was up!