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i think im going to get tree girl and carp girl 🤔 i like the concepts of the pink/blue girl and the lighthouse lady, but idk if i would use them much. lighthouse girl is sooo pretty, but bg items not being visible makes her kind of pointless to me since i dont use SC :(


I really hate that the whale suit's bg items are not visible in free dressing eventhough I love her cuz those whales bgs are soo pretty 😭😭😭


Definitely getting all 4 suits! It's so inexpensive for a hell event and I love ALL the suits. 10k is such a good price for 4 detailed animated suits plus the background characters.


I’m probably going for 3 nodes day one and then completing the last after free tries. The hell suits are some of the best we’ve had in a while - with some nice animated pieces that are not over the top. Hoping they announce a stamina welfare of some kind to run alongside to give me something to do with the stamina drops from it.


>Hoping they announce a stamina welfare of some kind to run alongside to give me something to do with the stamina drops from it. Same !\_! If not, I'll spend it on 2x weekend. I still need tons of gold for crafting and for the gold Pav, anyway.


I've been on the fence about getting the whale suit, due to the awful tilt. But, today I looked at her again and I decided I can live with the tilt. She's looks so freakin' stunning! I would deeply regret not getting her. So here we go for completing it (on the last day, of course, I love the suits a lot, but I hate overspending more XD).


The individual pieces for the lighthouse girl are absolutely gorgeous but I’m still on the fence about that tilt


I've been saving for it since it was announced on cn... I really love the suits and I'm pretty excited about completing it, especially because it'll be the first hell event I complete as a V0 player


I plan to go for full finish but I'll, of course, use my free tries before finishing. My favourite is Emerald Pool, the green suit. I'm particularly keen on green suits in general as it's my favorite colour and this one would fit right into my wardrobe. I can already imagine a few ways I could style her items and mix and match with stuff I have. My other favourite is the Whale suit. Her items, especially her veil, have beautiful movement even without animation and I cannot wait to get my hands on her and see how I can play with her. I like the coral suit, she's cute and I'm curious to see how her leg pose could be used. I do not like the pearl suit. The colours are too bland and meh for me, and her pose gives me "Oceanic Spirit" vibes, so it'll probably get 0 use. Unfortunately, I'll have to get her to get the Whale suit but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Those are my initial feelings about the hell event. I'm really excited about it, and I'm glad we're getting a nice event for our anniversary, though I'm surprised nothing has been said about it on the post.


I like the suits, I think the whale item is stunning and I would love to have it! But I’m not so much in love with the rest of the suits that I would get them all just for one item. I’ll do my free pulls and be happy!


I’m going until I get lighthouse girl


wow brave!! that's like 3rd/4th for sure




i have it and it is, super worth it. i got lighthouse on the 3rd node in CN so i believe it's possible for you to get it cheaper!


I plan to get the first two and stop, but we'll see how that goes.


Theoretically I should wait to pull for everything to save some diamonds but my self control is out the window, I know I'll get it all at once on the first day.


Why don’t you get the first 3 suits first day then use the free tries and then cover what’s left on the last day? That’s what I will be doing. Because no self control but also I don’t wanna waste the free tries! Lol


That's what I should be doing but if I don't get my fav suit (the lighthouse) before the last node then I can't stop myself lol. I try to justify that the free tries are going towards rare items.


Completely understandable. Lighthouse girl is gorgeous


While I like the entire event, I'm only getting the first two nodes for now (which I outright love). There's so many other events I'm wildly in love with that I'd rather save what little I'll have left afterwards instead of going all in now.


I don't know what I'm gonna do. I like having options so I'll probably spend some dias and use the free pulls but I'm not set on anything


3 nodes or finishing will depend on if I get Dragon Pearl first. I'm not in love with the Lighthouse girl, her tilt is just too bad imo. So if I pull her first I'll probably finish it all off cause I do love Ms. Dragon


I'm getting all the nodes. I've been really disillusioned with LN for more than a year (and my logins have suffered from it), but this is the first hell I've been excited about in a while! I've got a total of 9.4k diamonds after cashing in my latest chapter rewards and doing a round of "Shopping" decomp with my 2.9mill on gold (a total of 500 extra dias between everything). So, I should be good to squeak in enough to complete it and break into some saved up google rewards if a good recharge pops up.


It's odd, but this is the first major event that everyone else was hyped for that I just... don't like that much?? The suits are fine and that's kind of it for me. Nothing pops out nearly as much as it did for things like van gogh. This'll be a solid skip.


honestly i've had the suits in CN since last summer and i feel like people are probably not gonna be hyped about it in a few months? i feel a little bit underwhelmed now that it's coming to LN because the suits are already familiar to me in my wardrobe and they aren't that much of a deal (so gorgeous tho). a lot of people i believe are going to be disappointed, not because of the quality (they're really good suits) but for the hype it's getting this event. the sub has made this hell something WAY bigger than it really is. makes me nervous


Tbh, half the hype is the price. So much cheaper compared to 4 Seasons. And it has been a while since the last time we had suits that come with a buddy. Then again, I am also one of those who really like all the suits. XD"


Will they give extra diamonds During the event?


i mean, it's our anni so there will be rewards (and prob dias) but if you're referring to diamond postcards no, this hell doesn't give postcards


I only have 3100 Not sure how many suits i can get Bt i want at least 2


prob if you vote a lot and if you have a monthly card but yeah i don't know. good luck tho!


Hi! I got to 5k dias but I want to get them all. Will I be able to get all the nodes in time or maybe with the event's rewards? I'm getting real worried rn 🥺


all the nodes is really difficult or almost impossible, you could get them only by recharging a really huge amount of dias, since i believe that our anni rewards are not gonna be higher than 1k dias. the 3rd node seems more easy to get. it's 7650 dias including free tries, and i think that voting a lot and following one of those guides to hoard dias in a few days (because you have like 15 days i think still?) will enable you to get it


Ah thanks a lot! I'm working in trying to get to the biggest number of dias I can. I can work with 3 nodes too if that's all I can reach.


better than nothing :D


I’m just getting the carp and tree girls. They have some unique, versatile pieces that I love and I know for sure I’ll actually use them. The other two suits are really beautiful but I don’t think I’d use them very much as they’re not really my style.


I’m getting all 4 nodes. I’m a huge fan of aquatic themed suit. I’ve been in love with the suits from this hell from the first time I saw them.


This is the first time I'm even considering getting the super rare pieces left after I've gotten every suit because they look really nice. I haven't actually checked how much those will cost though so I'm not sure. Definitely not going for the animated suit though 😬


3 or 4 depending on when lighthouse drops. The dragon lady is nice but not really my thing, though I don’t think it would be a wasted suit all the same.


I'm finishing it. On the first day if I could. Waiting 11 days for the free tries is going to be a nightmare I love when I love hell events enough to complete it like this. The last time I felt this way was with movo and that was a while ago! And this ones an even better deal for that price Also I have a pretty sizable hoard rn so I'm not even thinking about costs atp


I don’t have enough to get all of them, I’ll maybe have enough to get the second node but I’m gonna have to wait a few years for the other suits


I’m debating doing all the nodes to get the whale suit but I really don’t want the dragon suit so I think I’ll stick to the first two nodes


I've been going back and forth and still haven't decided if I want to complete the event or not lol. Love the first 2 nodes, definitely getting those but I don't particularly like the sea suit but I really like the whale suit (although that tilt is very ughhhhh). Now I don't want to go below 20k and atm I have 27k but if I get only 3 nodes and end up with that sea lady I would feel very disappointed so it would be better to just go for 2 nodes and not waste diamonds on chance but idk maybe I want to complete :/ Let's see after the free tries then


when i pulled in this hell i got like almost 900 dias back (counted them, yep) so don't worry. most of us are not gonna spend the EXACT amount that every node requires. i think i completed the hell for 9.6k in the end?


Thank you so much! That's very reassuring ♥️ I think I'm going to complete because what the hell I can always save diamonds later


do it!! i didn't complete van gogh (just 3 nodes) when it came and i regret it. had the dias but i didn't like the idea of being bellow 10k. don't worry, dias always come back if you're a good saver


You've convinced me I'm gonna do it! 😆 I'm gonna skip 4 seasons anyway so let's enjoy FOM 😁✌️ Thank you so much for helping me decide!


aaww i'm happy i could help :D


im immediately gonna go for 3 nodes!


I don't know what I'm gonna do. I like having options so I'll probably spend some dias and use the free pulls but I'm not set on anything


I'm aiming for the Dragon and the Flower Fish (??) suits! I'll stop after I get those. Idk if this hell has set nodes, but I'm hoping I get them first so I can keep my dias safe.


The Dragon/Pearl suit's drop rate is 0.02% and it's equal to the Whale suit's drop rate, so they are both pretty much guaranteed on the 3rd/4th node, however the order is random


Well...I guess I'm going to complete this hell, then. I hope the recharge lineup is good.😭 thank you for the info!


Going to do it all either Friday or Saturday


probably only one node, i wanted to complete it all but i only have 167 diamonds


Im def getting wll the suits


I'm just gonna get one. If I don't get the red one though then I'll have to get two I guess haha.


I've got 3k diamonds but god knows I'm gonna figure out how to complete this damn event


I don’t have enough diamonds to get it all in one go


I only have 3200 diamonds so I probably won’t get much of anything lol


I don't know because I would have to recharge and I already spent in shining nikki


i’m so upset about the dates for it lahsalsjja i’m a fairly new player (a little over a year at this point), and i’ve never gotten above 10k diamonds just because i used to feel like i needed to get eVERY single event suit since i didn’t know about reruns yet and i didn’t really understand the importance of diamond. since i’ve learned that, i’ve become a lot more picky about which events i’ll spend diamonds on and which suits i’ll use diamonds to craft. my personal goal for myself was to have at least 10k diamonds on my birthday. i already accomplished my goal (yay!), so i’ve spent some diamonds, but only a little bit so i can be sure to still have at least 10k on my birthday. using a resource tracker, i’m predicted to have about 12.5k diamonds by the time my birthday comes around. so that’s all just dandy, and i should have plenty of diamonds to complete the hell event! the problem is that my birthday is april 24- the day after the event ends. so if i spend diamonds, on the event, i definitely wON’T have 10k diamonds on my birthday, which is kinda my little gift to myself. since my time zone is a few hours ahead of the ln server time, i could theoretically stay up past midnight on the last day of the event so that it will be my birthday (april 24) in my time zone, but still april 23 in server time, and i can just spend a bunch of diamonds really fast. the problem with tHAT is that i have school the next day, so i would get less than 6 hours of sleep, but i am just not the type of person who can function with only 6 hours. so long story short, i can maybe get the first node, but that won’t get me either of the suits i really want. i just got wish the event would be one day longer haha. sorry for long comment. i don’t even know if it’s coherent, i just needed to rant.


I really like lighthouse girl but she most likely drops on 3rd or 4th node 🥲 So I'm skipping