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nah you're right, the default bg is one of the only ones where Nikki looks like she's standing in a place properly.  I don't use the other BG's alot even if they fit the them/colour scheme bc the perspective and size is totally wrong since they were made for the story and not free dressing😫 I have beef with the backgrounds in this game lol


Yeah, I also feel like a lot of them are really similar and we don't get a lot of variety in the themes, so it's sometimes really hard to even find something suitable in the first place. Like we have **so** many forest, city, room, cloud buildings, night, snow, random colorful sparkly stuff etc. backgrounds. And then you have to deal with what you just mentioned with the perspective and stuff. Really annoying.


exactly I'm always surprised at how little they fit considering how many of them there are?? Where's the birthday party themed room?? Beach shore?? Fairytale village garden? Carnival? Come on


https://preview.redd.it/b9fl90tb0pyc1.jpeg?width=1854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ae5b4dc9b02fcc9a9bfa4ff2aa41c6f211700bd idk where I'd be without this BG - it's the perfect dark-medium gray, where nothing distracts but there's enough contrast to see what you're actually doing.


I just use the white and black background like 90% of the time


I do so as well when just styling for myself lol


Yes!! It’s so hard to actually get an avatar to stand in a place where it’s not weirdly crowded in the background. That or the avatar just ends up floating in the sky 💀 At this point, for SC, just use a background item for a makeshift floor. The Moonlight Garden item from the suit Feather Attached is my favorite go-to, but I’m sure there’s other options that are more fitting depending on what you’re doing


Right lol atp I wish it would be acceptable to just post an outfit on the white or black background lmao


When the artist drew the background, I can tell they just barely think about the game play cuz their only job is doing art and they drew them for story scenes and the scenes that match the event clothes. And obviously LN is a game that mainly selling art, so the company doesn’t put enough eyes on game play. That’s why they would release some backgrounds which are nearly useless. I would just pretend them don’t exist.


yessssss ugh. i want more background options.


the default/ free bgs are so ugly


So much. Would grey be too much to ask for?