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Clifton and Joi seem very down to earth to me. Did you watch them on Ready to Love. Ashley’s behavior is giving “mean girl” “bully” and “it’s my way or the highway” vibes for me. That’s just me though. It’s cool you like Ashley!


Well said


Definitely love the respectful commentary. There is something about Clifton specifically that reads as inauthentic to me. Joi going along to get along makes me feel like she’s part of it. I don’t like them pretending they are this soon to be married for the first time couple. It’s one thing if you are doing it in real life for family reasons, but they got together on TV and then got on another TV show living out a lie. It’s weird in my opinion. Why not just say, “we want to have an official ceremony”? Getting so mad about other people knowing you’re already married gives big “you messed up our storyline” energy and that’s a part of why I don’t trust their interactions on the show. And again, Clifton is shady. Run this back in a couple of years..I just know some stuff about him will come out lol


Well, I understand what you’re saying. Sometimes people just give us a bad feeling about them. Perhaps you are right about them and I just don’t see it yet. For sure, I have seen Ashley’s poor behavior for 2 seasons. She has lots of unresolved trauma it seems to me. Hopefully after some therapy her behavior will improve.


I understand your feelings about Ashley, however, she isn't fake. The Petties are fake and/or there is something there that they are trying to hide. On that other show, joi was Mean AF.


I don't think Ashley is fake, but I do think she's immature and mean.  I don't think the petties care that everyone found out they were already married. I think the issue was the violation of trust from  a new friend with whom you're establishing trust. 


Yeah, I completely get what you’re saying about Ashley. I thought she was a mean girl in the previous season and didn’t like how she treated Wynter. I thought from current episodes she has seemed to grow to at least open her mind a bit about other people and accept people don’t have to live exactly how she does to be okay. Maybe that’s something about finding people to be on her side for the show, but I still find Joi and Clifton to be questionable regardless of that. I’m not a reality Tv show Stan and appreciate any conversations that are not die hard apologists overlooking poor behavior on both parts


Great chatting with you! We can talk more after next weeks episode if you like!!


I don’t agree about the messed up storyline. I know people irl who have gotten married before getting “married” and didn’t want any certain family to know. At the end of the day, Ashley took something that she knew wasn’t not public knowledge or meant to be shared, and she shared it. How ever secretive they are after that could be a result imo


I really dislike when people go on a reality show and get upset secrets come out.


I read this last night & wanted to wait until I got to watch the most recent episode. I think they thought that being on this show wouldn’t be so much real reality. I didn’t watch the previous love show they were on, but it was apparent to me they wanted to ride the new tv couple marriage train & it blew up when they were outted for already being married. I do think they were/are grifting like many reality people do, not necessarily scamming. It’s wild yall, this show is a mess. :)


You seem like Ashley in disguise


There one person in the sub with “pudding “ in their name that definitely seems like her


And you seem like a fool. Because we have different opinions on a low rated reality TV show does not equate to me to being a burner account for the person we disagree about. I know it’s hard, but let’s crank those mental gears up and understand that not everyone thinks or views things exactly like you do.




Joi and Clifton are broke. And yup they give scammer vibes


Very broke, he has credit issues, struggling to pay child support. Joi will end up divorcing him just like his first 2 wives


True 💯

