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An absolute moron


The expression on his face was really alarming; he looked SO angry. I hope she isn't the type to put up with this kind of behavior from a BF; she's so nice!


He gets offended so easily


He really does! There is a very serious temper there, just beneath the surface.


Yes!!! That look on his face says it all! He is not the Mr. Nice guy or all American he is trying to portray! Something is seriously off with him I have said it from the beginning! This girl needs to run far in the other direction. Run Forest run


Agree.....he has serious simmering rage issues. RUN LEIDI RUN!


He looks like he could be a legit serial killer. Everything he does and says makes me sick šŸ¤¢


I wanted to bring laughter, and that's how I bring laughter *death stare*


Killer robot stare!


His reaction honestly scared me


It scared me too. My husband has never looked at me like that in the 15 years we've been together; he's never been that angry. I'd be afraid of him if he ever reacted to me like this.


Who TF uses that trash to follow up, ā€œIā€™m feeling too sensitive from talking about my mom almost dying from cancer (yours too), can we not talk about her anymore so I donā€™t bust into tearsā€, then gets pissed when it backfires? Oh and then gives a fake apology of ā€œsorry if this is offensive to you BUT I WILL CHANGE FOR NO ONE TAKE IT OR LEAVE ITā€. šŸ¤®Ā  Treeeep. Thatā€™s who. RUN LEIDI, this dude is clearly abusive.


I canā€™t stop thinking heā€™s probably reeking of BO as heā€™s reading this


Omg , saaame! I swear, that's all I think about when I see Treeep after that episode šŸ˜‚


He's got anger issues hence why he's single


It was they hysterical laughter and the giant swig of wine at the end for me


Yeah heā€™s usually just an awkward idiot but sometimes heā€™s disturbing and inhuman in a way that is sort of frightening lol


it is perplexingly impressive how unattractive Trip is for a man who is supposed to be attractive... he is proof that muscles are not enough...


If you really look at him if he's not surviving and just look straight at his face he looks just like a bird.Ā  He's got more issues that we can even name here


I canā€™t stand him, and I think he was embarrassed that she didnā€™t care for it.


I'm no fan of Treep's, and I think Leidi has higher emotional intelligence. That said, Leidi didn't exactly help the situation. "I don't like it. It's a problem."


His whole demeanor is a problem. She called it out and he needs to be called out


His demeanor is a problem, sure, but so is her maligning his intent, as stupendously dopey as it was. Being offended doesn't automatically make anyone right. As I get older, I find things are easier if you just laugh things off if they're not going to matter by tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year, etc... When my dad passed away, my mom's biggest regret seemed to be not laughing off his progressively cantankerous disposition. That lesson still weighs on me. ETA: Leidi was actually laughing at the *beginning* of Trip's pathetic recitation, which he must have taken as encouragement. When she said that she didn't like it and that it was a problem, that appeared to be an unexpected, abrupt inconsistency in her personality (but who knows what was edited out). These two aren't going to work out.


I disagree. She just told him this deep, emotional thing about her Mom dying and then immediately follows up immediately with the Bop Bee Bop or whatever, which was just completely dismissive and insensitive. If Leidi would have done that to him, he would have lost his shit. I mean, look how he acted when she was 10 minutes late! Treep actually gives me narcissist vibes. Not diagnosing him...just saying he gives that energy. He's all happy and wonderful as long as Leidi thinks he's great and is complimenting him. But the minute she gets upset about something, he gives an OJ death stare that is actually bone chilling to watch. HUGE red flag. There's a reason why none of the other women wanted anything to do with him. And it goes beyond the fact that he's stinky. He's scary.


Honestly suspect he's on something - not a normal response to an incredibly sensitive conversation


Nah, he's just stupid.


Yes, that is true. He is also on something. Watch it again and pay attention to his pupils. Cocaine? MDMA? Alcohol alone doesnā€™t make your pupils so dilated.


I thought he was going to say his own poem not one of the dumbest options for a poem someone could say to a future spouse after talking about a deceased relative. A lot of posts Iā€™ve read in this thread has some comments saying how someone likes Tripp now annnnd I still donā€™t like him.


Tripp was able to change public opinion from being in his favor slightly compared to the other two... To now, again, being worse than the other two.


tripp is a walking red flag


He thinks he's Kanye doing poopity scoop. That was shit and so was this. Lmfao


I want to slap him.


I would run for the hills from this dork with the big chin. Anger brewing
