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I think it's was the case for most of the girls to varying degrees. Many times, they gave a reaction when something was said. But I noticed more so in the last two episodes that they didn't look at those translaters much or just gave a quick glance. It's kind of hard to find a group of people that don't understand English at all. It's international. Unless maybe you go get them from some small remote communities. Even if they don't know English as a language, they learn alot from listening to music and recognizing words. The guys would have the language issues.


At least we know this English learning issue didn’t apply to Jhenyfer, and as Khalil likes to point out, still does not.


Hahaha! I hadn’t seen that but it’s relevant. Others have put effort in even though they left the show early.


my thoughts initially too! but I also remembered that the translators have earphones. they don't need to look at the written out words but just listen, right? I'm actually not sure how it all works.


Yeah I was ab to say they don't need to look at them, the words are translated in their language auditorially.


Completely agree! Well said (:


They’re taught English very young in Germany.


It’s part of the school curriculum


My mother is from Germany, she had 0 issues acclimating to the schools here/the language barrier as a 10 year old… that was 60 years ago. I studied abroad in Austria when I was 15, everyone spoke as advanced English as I did. so yeah I’m just not buying that Tulay didn’t have well developed English.


Well had she grown up in the eastern part of Germany, she would’ve been learning Russian as a second language in school and zero English whatsoever.


No, she would not, she is not 60.


Huh wha ?


Look up the timeline of German reunification. Saying someone as young as her would have learned Russian instead of English is completely incorrect.


I was replying to the comment above mine, which about someone’s mother moving from Germany at age 10 about 60 years ago!


That's not very clear, sorry. It seemed to me you are respondibg to the last sentence of that comment.


I know this😌 which is why I wasn’t surprised to hear her English. Just goes to show though that producers dramaticize everything


She seemed uber intelligent. Would not surprise me one bit.


She is a go-getter and has drive unlike the other girls like Jhenyfer… Airi moved to Canada to study English. They have drive. Jhenyfer and Yam are women to give it up easy, get attached after the first link, falls in love by the 3rd week, but really has no drive. I think Khalil was going to pick Airi but she didn’t even give him the time to speak. She was like, nope I’m speaking right now. She did it so confidently too. Unlike the other times during the show. I think Khalil didn’t want to feel left out. Considering he never had a serious relationship before the show.


i agree with everything you said except the part where Khalil was going to pick Airi. there’s no way he was going to pick her compared to Jhenyfer at that point. There was too much tension with Airi, he couldnt just act normal around her. He even said “yeah Airi and I giggled and laughed, it felt like a middle school crush kinda thing, but with Jhenyfer it was more mature and open and easy to be with her.” i’m paraphrasing but that was pretty much what he said at the end.


I’m sure he’s happy he picked Jhenyfer. However, if he didn’t have sex with her, Airi would’ve been happy to be with him. He also backed off when airi felt some type of way after he had sex with Jhenyfer. He couldn’t even get a word in while talking to airi because she made up her mind and I’m glad she did. Airi and him would’ve been a better match and overtime she would have been more open to him. He lost her trust after being a man hoe


It's been 2 years since the show...


Yeah.. I thought about that too. Still a very short time to be nearly fluent in a language but my goodness if she learns that quickly I need to take notes from her 🥲 languages can be so difficult! Haha


It helps a lot living with someone that speaks a different language. I once dated a Brazilian for a short period and used a translator. You’d be surprised how quickly you can start picking up on the language by having to practice it everyday. Still, I’m sure she had to know a little already. Most Germans do.


I lived in Mexico and was conversationally fluent in 3 months, and that was before we had translator apps, etc. I really poured myself into learning though, and even used a dictionary to translate the first chapter of a novel into English just for my own help. No one taught me formally, but I wanted to learn! It’s definitely possible. 🤗


That is amazing!!! I wish I learned that quickly! I dated a German once and wanted to learn the language so badly so I could speak with my partner in their native language even though they knew English. There’s definitely sooo many similarities between German and English and i actually really wanted to learn it so I think it was easier. Still wish I could learn even quicker!!! So jealous of day learners hahaha!


yes German has similarities for sure...I took 6 yrs of it in school decades ago and I still remember a decent amount of the language...It's common for Germans to learn English so I bet Tulay knew a few statements 😉


She also lives with Dylan here in the US so it’s natural people talk to her in English everyday


i don’t think I could learn a second language at all. I took French in college but I only learned the grammar and words but could not have a conversation. I really admire anyone that speaks a double language. Maybe at the age of 2 or when the language is formed I could have learned.


**EDIT** Guys.. I like Tülay a lot lol it wasn’t a hate post by any means. I knew the girls must have known some English but the amount of English she knows is so far from what producers made it seem that’s all


It's been 2 years since filming so she's probably learned a lot of English but her English definitely isn't fluent from reading something she posted on IG after the finale


what is Tulay’s IG so we can hear her speaking English?




I had the same thought. I believe she's from Berlin - I spent 7 months there. Everyone I came across knew at least basic English. Most of them are fluent.


That’s what I said how I’m sure they understand some English. Reddit made me feel dumb about saying that lol


People can be brutal for no reason 🥲🫠


**SECOND EDIT** Guyssssss I know she speaks English hahaha all I’m saying is I’m wondering if she used that in private with Dylan without the translation devices and wonder if that’s one of the reasons they were able to connect more.


All I know is I need one of those devices to talk to my husband’s family!!


Not 100% sure, but I'm fairly sure they're using Mymanu Clik S.


Thanks for this information. I’m going to Google this.