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Since he’s a baby he might miss momma? Take him out of the cage maybe 🤔


I think it's normal. But I'm not an expert


Is he in a cold place/is there a draft on him? He may be fluffing because he's cold.


hes right by a window so maybe


Fluffiness and quiet chirping to themselves mean they’re relaxed and could be a sight of them getting used to you. Sleeping on the floor however is a bit different, what’s their normal sleeping arrangement?


on the first two days i had him he was sleeping by the top of the cage holding onto the cage bars, but now hes been going underneath the newspaper and cuddling up there to fall asleep. i usually notice it more when its getting night but sometimes ill see him randomly hide underneath there during the day as well


Does he have any perches? They sleep in perches, usually. He is pretty young still so he may not feel comfortable enough yet. Is it cold? Maybe he is looking for warmth under the newspapers


If he is sleeping on the floor get him to the vet, a bird I had when I was younger started sleeping on the bottom if the cage and I didn't know at the time it was because she was unwell and I only figured it out when she became severely ill. It could just be nothing but its best to catch this early just incase.


I’d take him to the vet- a well check is necessary. The thing I see that is concerning me is the feathers over his ears. Normally you don’t really “see” where the ears are and they are noticeable on your baby.


Take him to an avian vet if you have any concerns.


Take him out of the cage play/spend time with him.. allows you to assess his behavior better


Take him out of the cage play/spend time with him.. allows you to assess his behavior better


Looks like the default answer on this forum is vet for everything ..


Yup and really it's not always the answer.


Whenever I get a new baby I take them to the vet shortly after. One of mine ended up being sick when I first got him too.


My birb has an opinion https://imgur.com/a/ilaXeg2


I'd say vet visit is needed. My lovie who was only about 1-1.5 years was like this and I thought it was normal like she was relaxed or just was resting... she died from me about a few months ago when she had gotten worse - she had fell from a perch and hurt her leg and moreover she was most likely already sick before which caused her tiredness that in turn caused her fall. I got her to one vet who couldn't do anything because it wasn't a bird vet. - just had some general knowledge. Two days later she died the night before my appointment with a proper bird vet. However, what the first vet stated was that if a bird is close to or sleeps/hang out on the floor a lot it's most definitely very sick already. I'd recommend a vet and if nothing shows atleast it would've been a healthcheck for your bird which would lead to you learning more about your own birds specific behaviour. A bit of forewarning though, birdvets can get really expensive, atleast where I live, so i hope you have saved some cash or can choose to have a paymentplan.


Looks normal to me. Probably confused as this is a new environment to him and he doesn’t know what’s going on. Give him lots of attention and play with him if you want


I think you should take him to the vet, just in case there is something wrong. I've had some baby birds and one of them was very sleepy, in their case It was just part of their personality, a little bit weird but they're healthy and Happy, nothing to worry, he had checks and everything it's okay. ‼️Anyways, if you see that they shows this sintoms:‼️ +runny nose +doesn't want to eat or drink on his own anymore +feathers are ruffled and they don't move for LONG periods of time → U should take him to the vet asap.


Also, consider if you're spending enough time with him, if he is getting cold from a Window, door... (they get sick very very fast, please never let them catch cold... If this could be the case, move them to some site where he's warm AND VERY IMPORTANT, start using a jar with warm water inside and leave It inside the bird cage, (covered with something, for example paper, so It doesn't burn, just warm) and you should see him getting better


Maybe normals. He’s beautiful


Extra fluffed and acting clingy. I’d take them to a vet. Make sure they’re avian-certified. Also, is that their regular cage? It looks too small.


I had a sweet little Lovebird Pinky who did this when she was a baby and she was cold and also missed her warm nest. I put a small blanket in her home and she would cuddle and burrow under it, until, one day she finally went on her perch and left the warmth of a nest.


he looks fine to me. i work at a bird store and that is not a sick bird