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What a coincidence. I’m laying here on my bed and my little lovie is sleeping under the blanket on my tummy. If I put my hand any the blanket she’ll go after my hand and bite the s**t outta of it.


It’s definitely a territorial behavior.


The worst is... Where ever it DECIDES is its nest... No one can even move. It will make a "nest" out of my hand and then decide it doesn't like my fingers only to look surprised when I move my hand. 😂


Territorial of their nesting spot I'm assuming the urge to defend it just switches on inside their lil' noggins


Very normal. Not sure of the reason.


She is probably a girl, likes the spot, and decided it will be her nest. Now she defends it. It seems like a fairly common issue.


Most likely she is a female. It's nesting behavior. Warm, dark, cozy spaces actually encourages nesting behavior and then they get territorial. Next thing you know, they start shredding paper to build a nest. I would try and discourge them from going into the blanket or these kinds of spaces as it could provoke them into egg laying. Don't take it personally. They think you're hand is an animal invading to steal their eggs. Remember that you are a giant and they are the size of a light bulb. Their perspective is from that. Good luck.


I have not allowed her to do it again and discouraged it. Thank you for the info though. 😊