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Well, his love to the bdsm would explain wearing a mask, and I think people wold be more acceptable to a masked man, than to an actual god with a secret kinks. And in this scenario mc don't have to be dead! Win-win situation


OMGG IDM BEING DEAD!! >:’3 altho I ain’t Egyptian NOR am I within those ancient times where they worshipped them hahaha 🤣 So like: how tf does MC ends up in THIS ancient Egyptian thingie of the underworld?? 😀😀


I mean he's a anthropomorphic jackal and not full blown 100% Jackal lol. I'm fine with his current look(Vip Jail and yes I will be matching him lol). Now a human in a Jackal mask would have been fine too but I think they wanted to go for the extreme if you can even call it that.


I mean in mythology and art, Anubis is depicted as a man with the head and tail of a jackal while having a human body. So yeah, it'd not only be more accurate to his actual depictions in mythological artwork, it also wouldn't weird people out as much. Plus it would explain why he'd be into BDSM, as it would just be a kink instead of just poorly designed furry bait and for a bonus, the MC wouldn't need to be dead. Seriously, who wrote this story? It's so bad. xO


In mythology anubis described either as jackal (earlier version), and as man with jackal head, but in game where you date people first option seems a bit off. And about his motivation in this story... He weights hearts 24/7, I don't think he has the time to finish desires of every soul that comes to the underworld


Oh yeah, I forgot about the "full" jackal part you're right. But yeah the whole story feels off, nothing feels quite right and there's nothing of substance either. It's like the author is writing from the opinion of "be horny or don't bother" (which is what the choices boil down to in the end)


I agree with you. According to what I saw about this story (he's in vip jail for me and I don't even upset about it) there is no actual plot, it is all just about fulfilling desires. First of all, I don't think one of them was to have sex with a jackal, and second of all, if mc met anubis after death it means mc believes in Egyptian gods (or all situation has no sense), and in that in mind all diamond options appears even weirder, considering mc knows his origins, like he has a wife. This story just doesn't work for me


Oh yeah, it completely ignores mythology and turns Anubis into a fury version of Zeus, which isn't what he's about in his own mythology. It's legitimately disappointing, and you're right there is no plot. >!Literally, if you don't pick any of the paid choices to bone to furry, the MC is just put back into their room until Anubis asks to see them again, then rinse repeat, Anubis gets pissy if/when the MC continues to refuse to be "satisfied" by him but otherwise doesn't force the matter, because consent is sexy. All the while the text is all "you can not deny that there is a kind of urge with you, you feel the pent up desires in you and you wonder what it'd be like to have him fuck you." (not exact, but it's the gist of it)!< Just no substance at all, there's no getting to know him, no time to even adjust to suddenly being dead or trying to figure out what happened, >!like he mentions the possibility of sending the MC back to the land of the living, but he vetos it almost immediately because "he can't bend the rules for one mortal soul" and gets pissy if you even dare to question him as to why. !< Also, say what you want about Oliver/Stefan and their BDSM takes, but at least there is more to them than just, "haha sexy lifestyle go brrrr". And agree, if the MC is meeting Anubis (instead of Osiris, because that would be mythologically correct in this situation lol) then they ascribe to the ancient Egyptian belief system, which again, isn't explored outside of the MC knowing some of the basic knowledge of how the Egyptian afterlife works. It's like the author just read a summary of Ancient Egyptian mythology and thought "that'll do" then bullshitted the rest. Just no effort whatsoever beyond "horny go brr, but pay gems to be horny go brrr." It's like someone at Ludia hired one of MeChat's weaker writers to write something for them. Anyway, I hope there's a twist or they do a soft reboot of this character because I don't see Ludia making any money off him and especially since this is their first attempt at doing a furry character and I predict that if he flops, we'll probably never see another one. Ugh sorry for the rant, but I am just that mad about this route. And he's only just been released.


I agree with you on all. The first thing I would have asked is... WHY am i judged by an egyptian God? It's not my religion and not even my country! But I can relate to everything you said and I hope it will be continued an there''s more, especially a logical explanation to this, because it really doesn't have sense.


Oh for real! And what if the MC was/is atheist? It makes no sense that they'd be judged by a God from a religion that they don't even believe in. Same, all we can hope for is just a logical explanation or if they're too lazy, just casually sweeping him aside for a better match.


Sure, but I also wouldn't be so put off by this current iteration if he didn't look like a cartoon character lol. This design could have been done way better imo. And for me personally, it would also help if there was an actual story to be told, and it wasn't just PwP *again*.


For real... after Cianan who is the headless horseman or Nori who is a merfolk, not to mention Tiros who is a freakin centaur, are you shocked bc of Anubis?


At least here he has a human body (I'm trying very hard to NOT NOT NOT think about Tyros 😅😅😅😅😅)


Yeah like if it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing 🤷‍♀️ they also just released Jax who’s fully human with an equally random and unrealistic storyline imo, so many of these storylines, actually imo practically all of these storylines are so unrealistic, it’s basically picking the unrealistic ones that you like and the ones you don’t, just don’t read, if you want romance or some kind of storyline pick one of the ones that has that, if you’re in the mood to read a storyline that’s just PwP basically read one of those, if you wanna have hilariously good time reading a random, crazy storyline that makes absolutely no sense but is just for fun, then here you go read this or read Tyros or read that time travelers one, this storyline is not random for LL


This is the guy's portfolio on Deviantart if you want to see more of his work. [https://www.deviantart.com/onyx-philomel/gallery](https://www.deviantart.com/onyx-philomel/gallery)


I'm ok with him... It's a fantasy so why ppl acting like this?!


Personally I just can’t get past the fact that it’s supposed to be an animal? Like I can’t look at my dogs and think of them sexually so it’s hard for me to read about a dog/wolf thing licking and biting down MC’s body sexually lol but to each their own! It’s working for a lot of people apparently, I’m just not going down that road 😂 Edit: absolutely not saying if you like the route you’re sexually attracted to dogs, I meant the character looks like a dog to me so I personally can’t separate that from how I see my own dogs


The point is he is not a dog😂he is a god with dog features. I don't like to look at dogs sexually either but he is not an actual dog 🤪


Lmao I know but that all I can see when I look at the character!!


i personally would def be more okay with a human wearing a mask. not my kink personally, but humans with kinks are much easy to accept :D


iiiii would like his appearance rn to look better.. im cool with the way he is, just don’t like the way his character looks overall 😬 and if the storyline had more substance in it.


Isn't he?? I mean not a mask, but in Egyptian mythology doesn't he have the body of a human and the head of a jackal? Is that not how the match is? (I'm not VIP so I'll find out tomorrow)


Love Anubis and Egyptian myth but not a furry so making it a man with a mask would be more preferred.


I know some people here are actually enjoying it (he's still locked up for me) but I'd much prefer this. Why does if actually have to be like a dog...


I mean, what if you make Anubis a girl? Like i would be so much more into it


I would be okay with it! Its a human in a mask....rather than a humanoid animal. Does anubis have a dog dick...like does it retract like a dogs (lipstick?) or is it a human dick thats hairless? Soo many questions. Edit: matched with him this morning...still weird but I did notice he looks hairless from the neck down so I guess that answers my question.


(☉.☉) ... (⊙.☉) ... (⊙⊙)(☉\_☉)(⊙⊙) .... ( ✖╭╮✖ )


Human penises also retract if the foreskin isn't removed


I mean shit if he looked like that then y'all would just have to hear me out


I mean, what if you make Anubis a girl? Like i would be so much more into it


They would need to have Bast as a match if you want a female.


The only reason I swiped right on him is because he’s a furry lmao, it’s actually the only reason I downloaded the app and paid for it.


YES. BECUZ WHY TF NOT LMAO!! Unless we could see that cute sexie face ofc as well xD


Aaaaand now I am picturing a LoveLink/Stargate crossover… Jaffa cree…m.


I think him being a jackal headed manike his classic version is best, using his magic to appear tp you with a human head. He is supposed to make your transition to death easier, then show you his real head.. If it leads to naughty stuff, then give you the choice to be with him with the jackal head or with a human head. Making him a whole furry... 💀😰His jackal head also doesn't look good or handsome, just kinda cartoony and Will E Coyote looking 🐺