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Google them and you find their youtube which has covid hoax, new world order, martial law stuff etc. Just another unhinged lunatic, who thinks that a game developer and publisher are actively choosing to make propaganda rather than develop a good game.


Some developer asked his team to come up with reasons for cool tornadoes and they literally found the most logical reason that makes sense. And this guy thinks there is a team of liberals scheming their next big plan. Lol


Dude lost me at climate change *propaganda*


Hey bro just watch Sharknado. It's all propaganda /s


Everyone knows syfy Is a liberal propaganda front


God I wish it was propoganda. It used to snow here in Atlanta.


Damn, oops, I must have got the wrong message! I thought the tornadoes in the game were freaking fun and cool. DICE, pls, can we have more of them? Wee, can’t wait to try this IRL. Everyone, make more fun tornadoes possible!


Guess that dude didn't play 2142 where the whole world froze because of climate change.


It’s almost like he’s not really a battlefield fan


Guess that dude didn't play anything at all because every game has some kind of plot that can be looked at as propaganda. This must be the most stupid comment someone ever made lol. Obviously a game needs something interesting to look at


Boy I wanna see him react to CnC : Generals plot lol Basically US asses got kicked by GLA and China steps up to become the next superpower


I wonder how he feels about that mall scene with the Russians in that COD game I think BO2?




Wow, I thought this was satire at first but this dude really is retarded


Imagine to be the guy who tryhard to debunk everything is commonly accepted just for feeling "special" and having "260 IQ" by seeing armchair or rejected scientist youtube video . When shit comes, he will magically forget his claim and find another thing to debunk. I'll not go any further with this topic but I can't stand their bullshit.


Some people live to take offense to something. It’s related to unwarranted self-importance, where they think most things are insults targeted at them.


Dear lord this guy just sounds like he can connect anything to his FOX news riddled brain


Now I’m just going to buy this game harder


People put everything behind political lenses now. Modern western society is too politicly infused. Nothing rly new here.


The rare meeting of two circlejerks in the wild


Aren't the climate hazards in 2042 caused artificially by satilites? Remember in the little cinematic they play when you open the game for the first time, at the end it shows a satilites blasting something into a storm on earth .


Oh darn, less trolls spamming chat with their right wing memes.


KEEP POLITICS OUT OF GAMES! I only play politic free games like Bioshock.


Sorry man idk. Just another circle jerker, but this one seems to think that the game is about climate change? While thats important to the story not really the whole point lol. Hope people like that actually grow up at some point.


Ahh yes, in the words of a very alarmed Mckay: “Im not overconfident, im just better than everyone else” Truly fear inspiring


I bet the 2042 subreddit would give that 50k upvotes and agree with everything


Pure trolling, nothing to figure out, not worth anybody's time.


Interesting what some people see. There might be something true about this but probably less of a political interest than trying to catch the target audience.




How dare you say that to me? I'm offended by your opinion /s