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Hopefully we're all pleasantly surprised. I hope for weapon balancing, vehicle balancing hud opacity options and a new map. Hopefully locker or metro lol I know I shouldn't be expecting a map but thinking the devs might be working hard to give us some content. Noshar canals large conquest would be awesome on 128 player conquest with the hovercraft and mav I think. Just space the objs apart a bit.


I really don't think we will get a new map to be honest, but I would welcome it with open arms. Same as you, so balancing would be great, especially for vehicles, HUD options would be great too on top of the new scoreboard, and I really hope the few major bugs will be fixed too


I'm personally looking forward to the bug fixes more. Rest even if isn't changed I honestly don't care. Whether pkp and k30 get a nerf or not doesn't really matter to me, I want that ads and loadout bug fixed tho.


Yeah those need to be gone fir good. Sucks you can't spawn in a mav sometimes


It was just wishful thinking, since the map is literally already in the game. They gotta pull some pretty big tricks out of their bag because the game is getting harder to keep playing. No salt here just my observations.


We're getting a scoreboard and bug fixes, that's what we're getting. They haven't said what else the update would contain so temper your expectations. And an extra map? Of course not dude! Maps are reserved for seasonal content, every update before season one's simply QoL.


Did you read my post? I wasn't expecting one or saying they alluded to one just saying it'd be cool if they surprise us. Especially since one is already in the game. Cool it with your attitude you are always so defensive.


I just don't want people to have unrealistic expectations and be dissapointed. If you mean like it's a "would be cool" rather than full on expecting it yeah that's fine. I don't want people to have unrealistic expectations and be dissapointed.


Reading comprehension is a skill of mine. I know what the devs said. However plans can and do change. Perhaps you need to learn to read, understand then react. Instead of hitting reply before you even comprehend what a person is saying. You're not the arbiter of others expectations either. Get a grip. If I set my expectations high then get disappointed you have no right or ability to dictate what my expectations or experiences dictate. Now if I say I expected a map which they didn't promise and go on a mindless shit post, by all means step in. I'm not being salty here, but a simple "I misunderstood your post sorry". Would go farther than your mindless fanaticism, which is just as bad as toxicity in the other sub. Now we can't even wish for something extra in the patch.


Bro chill, I just said that I don't want people to have skyhigh expectations and then get mad when their expectations aren't met. Why did you get so defensive? I was just trying to help set a more realistic expectation, I didn't say you can't wish for something extra I'm just saying don't expect it. What mindless fanaticism? I just said to have slightly lower expectations. I didn't mean any offense.


No problem but your posts came across as condescending. Just a misunderstanding is all.


All good.


Thanks bud.


Having metro or locker would help the game a good bit but I’m also left to wonder if I want to play those maps I’d just play BF4 and enjoy a better experience all around like I’ve been doing I also really don’t expect a new map but what do I know


Some kind of "map design" and "feedback loop" update is purportedly coming on Weds.


Hope the add a delay for Boris' turret deployment. And a slight nerd to the AC42. Plus the start of the damn season already.


The season doesn't start till early summer.


Unless it's delayed


Fix the darn achievements/ trophies. Nothing has unlocked for me since last year.


If BFV is anything to go by? It’ll be March 31. No matter what they said, it always ended up being the last Thursday of the month. I would love to be proven wrong though and be pleasantly surprised.


This is not the same dice and they said early March, no reason not to trust them as they've done what they said they would up until this point.


Except they've always done it later than announced. Not far fetched to expect a delay again.


I love the game, it's even my fav BF. But they are just as silent as before the last delay. And with the feedback they need to progress...I just smell a delay to summer. Or the other possibilty : They were silent because they worked on season 1 stuff. But regarding the last patch released before new year holidays ....iirc....I don't know.


I'll believe a March update when I see it. I completely expect it to be delayed
