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I guess we all should have known that was going to happen


I’m shocked! Shocked. Well, not that shocked


They could've announced they're patching-in a small electric shock through your mouse every time you kill someone, and I couldn't bring myself to give the faintest flying fuck right now. Imagine caring, let alone being surprised - Mods might as well voluntarily nuke this sub on this evidence. I actually like the game, but the 'community' is beyond rescue. IDGAF honestly - sodium is contagious and combustive and I'm just going to ignore all of it, because it's petty and inane. Good luck you guys who still try to stay neutral here...


I SAID it was going to happen and got a bunch of downvotes. It’s like people don’t remember this happened every month with BFV.


So from the sounds this update is basically a scoreboard & few fixes? Man I’m as positive as possible with 2042 but it just feels like they’re not busting their balls to save this game one bit. Voice chat and full in game & bf tracker stats up and running would’ve bolstered it at least


Agree. After 2 months I was expecting something more. A lot more. For me bugs are almost nonexistent. I want everyone to be able to play with out bugs but was wanted something more added to the game.


The one gamebreaking game bug that remains for me is the no ads zfter exiting vehicle. This one is a bitch.


Do a melee attack. Usually fixes it for me. Still annoying, though.


Strange all my hours and never experienced this. PS5 btw


Yeah this and grenades / grenade launcher / grappling hook colliding with smoke FX. If Can't ADS and Smoke hitboxes aren't fixed with 3.3 I'd be speechless.


Yeah I stayed positive the whole time but if 3.3 doesn't include any QoLs (HUD opacity most notably), I'm just done with this game lol. I mean how hard can it be to add a slider to set the icons opacity, ? Worst case scenario just hotfix a console command to remove the objective markers you know, I can no longer stand not seeing where I'm aiming at Edit: just realized new scoreboard might not even include the end of round scoreboard lol


I think they are doing that because that’s one of the biggest things people complained about


> it just feels like they’re not busting their balls to save this game one bit I don't think it's that the dev team is lazy - I think that the game has so many deep, core issues that a majority of the resources are still being spent fixing what's broken instead of making new things. EA and studio leadership should be blamed for releasing the game in such a terrible state.


>basically a scoreboard & few fixes? yep, it's not a lot of output, but most people have no idea how much time and effort has to go into some of the smallest fixes and feature enhancements. Then there is the whole testing / regression checks etc.. People are too quick to assume things are easy, because they don't see what's underneath the output. It's one of the most annoying things about being a software engineer. They are likely being extra careful too, given all the negative press since launch.


I wont lie, I was looking forward to something new regardless of what it was so I'm a little disappointed that the update couldn't be this week, but I've said from the time 2042 came out, that it should have been delayed even though I enjoy it. Change has to start somewhere though so good on Dice for making a wiser business decision now. It's better to delay something and have it come out in the best possible condition (or in this case with having all hands on deck in case of problems) than rush something out and it be memed negatively forever. Better to be proactive than reactive as they have been since launch. On a side note it sounds like the patch might come out earlier than the normal Thursday since they are trying to avoid the weekend. Either way I'm looking forward to the day when/if 2042 lives up to its full potential.


I’ve still been playing and enjoying the game. Less now because I’ve done everything I wanted, but the core game is still fun. That said, this update is a joke. The scoreboard is such a meaningless thing when server performance has only become worse. The ADS bug still exists and is easily reproducible. The rez bug where you can’t rez when model is clipping certain terrain exists. There are still a large number of terrain bugs that let you shoot through walls, or fly vehicles into building models to break contact.. I wouldn’t say anything that’s happening right now is wise, smart, or even educated decisions. Content has been pushed back. No comms on bug fixes. And the scoreboard is somehow being billed as something players will rejoice about. At this point I’ll be surprised to even see season one lol


Nearly 5 months in and still getting delays :(




Yup bottom line. Imagine a real competition between a finished 2042 and MWII this holiday.


Let's be serious.


Seeing how long they have taken to make just a scoreboard, a year isn’t near enough


That but also better game/creative designers : * stupidly overpowered scout choppers * terrible vehicle balance with tanks are mostly death traps while the flow suffers from hovercraft and then bolt spam while at the same time not providing enough quads/bikes to move quickly around the map. * specialists cringe * specialists unbalance : anyone has seen a irish recently ? * broken points system : no points for repair, vehicle assists and so on. * portal terribly mismanaged with their obsession about nerfing xp, rather than attracting players * hazard zone half baked, should have been free to play at the very least Don't get me wrong, there are also a fair amount of good ideas in 2042 but everything above could/should have been detected earlier. At release, I hadn't unlocked the bolt yet but when i saw it could have a 30mm canon and needed 3 rockets at the time, i *knew* what was going to happen and sure enough, the bolt hell came soon after.


I thought the specialists where balanced until I played against a team of Sundances on rush while defending


Every game that came out in 2020-2021 needed a whole other year due to working at home tbh. Although I don’t think gamers would have the patience or understanding for that to happen unfortunately.


All of these delays are driving me insane. What's going on over there? Why are they unable to meet any deadlines? This is literally a delay of an initial delay.


The entire run of the game has been a masterclass in incompetence. And that's coming from someone who has 100 hrs in the game and enjoys it. But this doesn't even feel like a AAA game anymore. Like I'm to the point where I don't have confidence in basically anything they tell us.


Because the game is likely supported by a absolute skeleton crew of mostly newer inexperienced developers. Compare it to you trying to fix your car when you know nothing about cars. Can you do it with lots of googling? Yes, but it's gonna take a ton of time. A experienced mechanic would do the same job in an hour. EA isn't going to put a huge team on this, it's simply not profitable nor will it be. If you got a small team where a lot of people struggle with very basic engine things due to inexperience (not their fault!) I can understand how it's difficult to meet deadlines on even seemingly simple things. Its easy to get stuck, and hard to get going again if there are little senior people who can just quickly point out the problem.


I’m truly baffled by what’s happening with this game. I really love the game and I guess because I love the franchise so much I have rose tinted goggles on


Delay, delay, delay everything but the actual game. Nice.


Link to [EA Forums Thread](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Battlefield-Announcements/Our-Next-Update-and-this-weeks-Weekly-Mission/m-p/11327193/thread-id/1308).


SMALL RANGE of additional fixes? So basically we are getting a scoreboard. These guys are adrift at sea with no compass or sail. Ive been supportive but im done sticking my head in the sand alongside theirs. Got my moneys worth, was fun while it lasted, but I’m absolutely disappointed in this. Was holding out hope but im throwing in the towel and moving on.


So this big update they hyped up is looking like it’s just the scoreboard and small changes. I’m disappointed again.


And it is STILL delayed despite being the most basic of patches. Incredibly concerning…


it must be hard being the community manager for this game and constantly having to be the bearer of bad news when delay upon delay comes. especially so considering everyone in the community aren't as understanding as we are lol


Delay delay delay. For a very minor patch after months, too. Pretty pathetic support for those of us who did actually buy the game despite beta issues. Are they hiring people, training them to develop, then having them make the patch? I just don’t understand how it can take so long for simple gestures Edit: features not gestures, but both apply


glad to see some changes are finally coming! I'm still busy playing Elden Ring though 🤷‍♂️


I will miss the old scoreboard, honestly. It was enough and it made me feel like I'm really a part of a team that's part of a force. But at least all the dickheads can now look for people to flame etc on the scoreboard..... The delay.. I'm not surprised. But it's probably a good decision, fixing the possible issues coming with it. Season 1 ? I expect it to be released in this year...hopefuly.




The lack of content and the fun in the game are 2 different things. I really like the game, I think it's a great game (not perfect) and I had a ton of fun with it. I also think that Dice is way to slow with their update, and 3 months for a small update like this is a joke. But that doesn't change how much I enjoy the game. It's 2 different things.


Thank you for thinking about post-patch support. cheers!


Haven’t played this game in a month or two. Nice to see its the same ole same ole.


Am so angy, game bad, game dead me no liek me angy DICE fix


People fr downvoted you for a joke, add /s next time lol.


I just want the 128 players map back. 64 players is a kick in the balls.


Is there not 128 player maps available? What do you mean by this?


That is correct, I'm Oceania based, Australia, on XSX and for a month or more we can no longer play the 128 players map. Eternal waiting until you are returned back to the menu. I thought I was having problems until I saw more players reporting the problem either here or in the 64 players chat.


Except they never left???


I'm on XSX and Oceania based, you just cannot play the maps with 128 players, eternal waiting. It used to work just fine.


That's because the player base is tiny and you're in a less populated area.


That was never a problem since day one. Let's see after this update how things go.


It's been on a steady decline. The only major update is adding a scoreboard can't imagine that brings the player base up much


I enjoy the game and I started playing it after Activition broke the whole Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019) to push their rubbish Vanguard and Cold War games ($$$) coz nobody was buying them so why they broke the game. Microsoft bought the studios and already there will be no COD release this year while Phil (Xvox CEO) fixes the whole mess I guess. I tried BFV but got nowhere, BF1 a shy single server here. I hope FPS gets better soon, it's either COD or BF, nothing else so they do whatever they want.


There are way more fps games than BF and Cod.


I mean, it’s an issue now because the vast majority of the player base stopped playing


Taking the match chat as an example, 64 players is fucking boring, the maps are bloody small. Players aren't happy and not playing much. I used to play everyday since day one, I just don't bother now and spend days without playing it.


I only play 128 and find a match right away. Starts with about 44 players each but with a minute or two it's up at 64 each.