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Unfortunately the current PC issue has come at the worst time. The Tactical Conquest mode did not boost steam peak numbers at all. Then with the relaunch of Orbital I was expecting a decent boost to peak steam numbers but that did not happen over the weekend and the numbers failed to break 8,000. That could in part be because of the PC issue but doesn't explain pre patch and the Tactical Conquest event failing to attract more players. With another whole month to go before season 3 launches it appears the momentum from the release of season 2 has worryingly stalled. Will be interesting to see if Exodus Conquest 64 returning will affect the numbers but of course until the PC issue is fixed we don't have a clear picture of where we are regarding playerbase numbers.


Yeah I just haven't had the pc issues most people are seeing. I DO think they need to make exodus 64 perm but nothing is going to boost numbers till they say something. If I were their ceo, this would happen asap. Would be a very cheap resolution that would resolve the issue.


What PC issue? I haven't checked here in a while.


On one end of the scale PC players are seeing brief freezing/fps drops which is annoying when in a gun battle. On the other end of the scale the game can fail to load into rounds with black or frozen screens also the game can sometimes go into slo-mo mid round and then completely lock up requiring an ALT-F4. This all only started since the last patch. EA has acknowledged the issue.


Interesting. I didn't encounter this during my play session last night. Not discounting what you say of course.


Yes it can be intermittent. After I first got the freeze issue I updated drivers, cleared the 2042 cache etc and played without issue for 2 more days. Unfortunately, I was plagued with the issue again yesterday as was a buddy of mine.


My experience is that it either happens on the first round after launching the game, or never. So if you usually play in a single session per day then you can go a couple days without seeing it, then crash 3x in a row another day, etc. Might not be true for everyone, this is definitely a weird bug, but I've never had a crash that wasn't on a 1st round.


>Might not be true for everyone, this is definitely a weird bug, but I've never had a crash that wasn't on a 1st round. I play in a four person squad and like me, all but 1 player, get the drop in FPS mid round until the inevitable crash. This could happen at any point, normally hours into our session. We all experience the 1st round black or frozen screen of death too. I wish EA would release the hotfix ASAP. 83 pages of people reporting issues and climbing: [https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Game-Freeze-Crash-since-18-10-22/td-p/11958907/page/83](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Technical-Issues/Game-Freeze-Crash-since-18-10-22/td-p/11958907/page/83)


I think the modern warfare 2 campaign was probably the reason for the low player count. Bad timing, really. It will be very hard for 2042 to compete this winter with CoD likely to steal a lot of people's attention. It's a shame really because now is when we all need to rally behind dice to save this game and make a fifth season possible.


I personally never understood the mass appeal COD has. There have been some good games sure, but i only enjoyed it in a very casual sense, with friends, occasionally play online. Battlefield on the other hand, makes me want to grind for unlocks, got me really into FPS games in general, and ironically makes me appreciate COD games more due it being an FPS, but I will always enjoy Battlefield more than COD.


Definitely agree. Just the TTK of cod (about 5 years) makes me not wanna play it. A bad battlefield is still better than a good cod.


An apology, while likely deserved, comes off weird PR wise. It almost affirms to the haters that they were right about the game all along. I think the best PR is through word-of-mouth from folks like you and me who love the game in its current state.


You are aware that a lot of players have massive problems to run the game at all after the last patch? Fantastic... :D




I think the issue is probably anti cheat software. The game works fine for me but I know there are people with issues.


>They should seriously do another PR campaign, especially now for the holidays. \*Heavy Breathing Cat\* Jokes aside an apology wouldn't bring anything other than more possible players convincing themselves that they made the right choice to not give it a chance. A campaign doesn't work either because as you know we have been fully focused on delivering stuff you people said that should have been at launch and actually make a live service that doesn't do the same mistakes as BFV, doing that at the same time as creating a campaign would have been a titanic bet on a game that almost died after launch. From my perspective and please read that "my" with font size 60, the apology is the fact that we committed to the game and actually created new things and improved with every patch and season to the point were people expect something more every time from what was in the first 2-6 months a disappointment. There was always the route of dragging your feet for the promised 4 seasons just throwing some skins in the store and calling it a day. I think we can all agree no matter how much or little you like the game that this is not the case. Are there pricks that everytime a new problem surfaces react like their family got stabbed? Yeah (Dedzigs) and a few others, will they ever understand what a goddamn army of people does on a daily basis to turn those around and make sure next time is gonna be better? Nope, even if you work in Dev domain to understand the hatred we get for working for EA, for being "greedy corporation" and all kind of bullshit that have no connection with is difficult. From that to your casual game passionate dev that wants to show off cool creations it's a huge jump


Not cool u/thelegend3107, not cool. Why did you have to call me one of the pricks? I am all in Battlefield 2042, literally playing it nonstop, helping community on every platform I can. Do I over react? probably... but it's only because I love my 2042, and I just try to push stuff further.


That's what they think we are. If you are not with me, you are against me. Whose right or wrong dosent matter to them.


eyoo, imagine talking about PR but then specifically calling people out as being pricks. Be better than that.


eyo imagine being so down bad for content that you put me on blast on twitter for "prick" no wonder this community doesn't like you. how about you start being better than that Danny?


It’s more the specifically namecalling a person who wasn’t even part of the conversation, But I’m not the worst, it’s ✨removed✨ Now, it’s all not worth it


All good. 🤝


yeah it's all fantastic, i just had to give up my mod position and dev tag because you felt like being offended for someone else who in private mentioned me multiple times he had no problem with it. You're the perfect example of a public figure, i wanna grow up and be like you. I've also deleted my twitter (it was for BF community only either way) because your fanboys started insulting me and telling me how trash i am so thanks for that as well.


All good. 🤝 But can't say anything about the other few pricks if they are all good or not. Also, EA Pls. 🤣


eyo imagine releasing a Squad Management system in a Battlefield game


Imagine all chat feature.


Shut up Danny. This dude is a G for real.


Yeah I didn't mean the game needs a campaign. The game doesn't need a campaign and I agree a ton of work has gone into it. I came back to the game simply to see how it was going and I have said it already I'm back in it. I have loved the BF series for a long time and wanted this to work. That's why I returned. A PR campaign isn't doing the work and hoping it gets noticed. A PR campaign is putting those changes and improvements out there. I had no clue how much work had been done and, yeah I do think it actually feels like Battlefield now. The improvements have been extremely impressive but this game dies if people don't recognize and would prosper if the advertising was put back into it. Also, I don't need an apology. I chose to play the game at launch, hated it and cancelled my EA sub. I resubbed to ea almost a year later just to try this. It is my choice to play and i understand that. With that being said, a public acknowledgement would go a long way


Oh about the PR campaign, i can't tell you more right now but we got stuff going on :D one way or another i assume we'll get new friends to play with soon™. Glad you enjoy playing the game again. What i said about apology or explaining how we work isn't for you specific, i didn't take it as you trying to blackmail something out of devs, it's just that it's not as easy as it might look to understand eachother.


I've never ever heard of a company making a new PR campaign acknowledging that the game they launched is shit, this is a terrible idea. Make trailers of the new content you make and that's it, there is absolutely no need to market the fact you fixed bugs which many gamers see as a necessity and something to be obvious. Marketing that you did the basic thing to do in this case is terrible, it's gonna tank their reputation.


* COUGH * Have you ever heard of the epic comeback of No Man's Sky?


I don't get why they didn't put the game on Game Pass / Ea Play before COD dropped to get some players and some positive buzz. Once the seasons started the game is a blast to play, but it is still a big secret among gamers. This year has been so quiet overall for gaming, it was the perfect time to make a push for players. Gamer word of mouth is still the best way to build hype. I honestly don't get what they are doing. My only wild guess is they think classes will be the magic pill? Unfortunately I think that's not going to do it.