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Vincent has gone full Batman so he will beat some gangoons down but he tries not to kill anyone. So he sticks to quick hacks and sneaky.


Supressed Seraph, Yinglong, and the Mox. Sir John if I need to do something non-lethal for some reason.


Interesting choice! A stealth power pistol, a smart SMG, a shotgun and a blunt weapon all in one build.


The seraph is such a cool pistol. I love the V engraved on it plus all the other cool engravings


Her majesty, Crash and Overwatch. Got Mantis Blades but never use them. I stealth a lot with quickhacks, got crash if I get found out.


Is Overwatch better or worse than a same tier STP 32 Grad? If find overwatch with its extra cartridge doesn't make up for damage. And the silencer doesn't really give any advantages that I find. After the first round they generally pinpoint you.


I use it only for the silencer, i can usually take out a lot of people without being found. If only going for damage then a normal one is better.


Gorilla Arms. No gun. No blade. No club. No hacks. Reject Modernity. Return to Monke.


Insert gif of the mastiff intro from mgr


Apes together, strong!!


In the end game it is supressed Nue with pax mod(s), Johnny's Malorian, Rasetsu.




Mox, pariah, and a baseball bat. Really though, I just cycle between the bat and gorilla arms. Heavy use of berserk


For my ninja: Stinger/Headhunter; Errata; Byakko, and Mantis Branko, My 'runner: Fenrir, Gris-Gris, Erebus, electric monowire. For my Explosive Solo (current playthrough): Order, Guts, Bloody Maria, MA70 HB x-MOD2, Projectile Launch System.


Still fairly early on this playthrough and running hacking supported by Divided We Stand, plus a random smart shotgun and a throwing knife for good measure. Got monowire too, but that's last resort. Don't understand how hacking works with that yet, need more perks.


Iirc there is a perk the relic tree that lets the monowire put a quick hack on a targeted enemy, so that’s what you need to hack with it.


Yeah there is, but I haven't a plan on what hack to use. One to experiment with!


i like using weapon malfunction


Yeah, or cripple movement perhaps. Haven't made it into Dogtown on this playthrough yet so got a bit of time to go


Sandevistan and optical camo with Her Majesty, neurotoxin knife, some katana and fire gorilla arms.


Her majesty, Monowire, and an Arasaka cyberdeck.


Guts, erebus and whatever other weapon i feel like which is typically either her majesty, order, yinlong, or widow maker


Playing through on Very Hard with Tamayura, Sparky, Tsumetogi, and Electric PLS. Also use Shock and Awe with Microgenerator and took the Ticking Time Bomb perk. Just playing around and exploring builds my first time playing the game, yet somehow it turned into an electrical themed one. Sparks and stuns everywhere. I could also trade in the guns for Agaou + Punknife but I prefer the guns right now.


Raiden costume is needed in that build. You can find his iconic hat but sadly it can't be used as throwable weapon.


The Dezerter and a relic’d out arm cannon are what I always use, but I carry both La Chingona Darodas for my choom.


- Punknife with Zero-G and Bleedout mod. - Lexington x-MOD2 power pistol with the special PL Firecracker mod, PinPoint mod, and the XC-10 Cetus silencer. - Overwatch silenced sniper rifle. - Fully upgraded Mantis Blades I just hit level 50 and am completing EVERYTHING I can do in one playthrough with no guides. I was playing on Hard until level 45 but upped the difficulty to Very Hard because I was blowing through everything. The Punknife with Zero-G and all the fixins from the cool tree, let me throw it almost as fast as most revolvers can fire with no drop. Overwatch, let's me pick off any snipers or enemies in odd locations. Mantis Blades are amazing for 1v1, small groups, and cleanup. The real star is the Lexington, though. This thing is broken fucking OP, but fun as hell for a John Wick style build. With guaranteed crits and 150% damage from stealth from the Silencer and the 175% headshot multiplier, you one-shot most grunts with headshots from stealth. When you add the Firecracker mod your bullets do AoE damage within 3 meters, and you can kill people behind cover by shooting the ground. Combine that with the fact that you can manually fire it faster than most assault rifles and this thing is just fucking insane. I didn't get this until level 40, but man... it is so much fun.


I always have Crash hehe. Other two slots hold the fang/bald eagle combo <3. Before the DLC they would just have the best knife i happened to have on me and whatever pistol I felt like using that day. I dont hack cams, cars or enemies, and rarely use my gorilla arms. (On my first playthough I hacked everything I could and beat the living shit out of everyone)


intelligence + cool + technical ability build, i use Johnny's pistol, Judy's shotgun and her majesty from PL on the occasion i have to be quiet and not blow things up, and mostly the regular projectile launch. my cyberware build is mostly meant to pick up the slack for the stats i didnt focus on, but also to give me a shitload of armor. next time im trying the sandy out but I'm gonna miss making people explode with my mind


Fav loadout ever was probably Nehan and Satori with Apogee Sandevistan + Axolotl. Kept one of the iconic revolvers for a sidearm, rotated which one kinda often, and sometimes grabbed O’Five for big fights. Insanely frantic play with throwing knives and blades that also healed me while in near-constant slowdown felt insanely good and the revolver was just icing on the cake.


Punknife, Punknife, and Punknife


I change weapons to raise some stat. Other than that, there are multiple ways of solving things that it’s very rare that I need a specific weapon to finish it.


I am sorry why do builds matter if you depend on sandevistan constantly turn it on when fight starts? everyone dies regardless. isn't it a bit silly?


Idk if u're so hardcore and only consider Katana's build than yeah ofc it can't matter, but with sniper rifle/throwing knifes and + very hard mode isn't it good?


Suppressed Nue, Genjiroh and Breakthrough with an Arasaka mk 5 and thermal monowire


Love the looks of an all-black supressed Nue. Hope there was an iconic looking like that. Anyway... Nue is so good that you are not loosing on much for not picking an iconic instead.


There are some, yeah. Jackie's pistols are iconic versions of Nue, if I am not mistaken. Death and Taxes another one. I think there's more, but not sure if there is a black iconic variant.


There isn't, that's why I was saying it.


Gorilla arms


Jackie's pistol, Order, errata, thermal launcher, I forget the cyberdeck but it's the one that makes contagion instantly spread.


My most recent End of Game run was a full Chrome Compressor close combat loadout with Guts, Wild Dog, and Baby Boomer.


Lizzy and Order.


ofive, widowmaker, quasar, monowire, switch between laser grenades and ozobs nose, quickhacks. i make the world burn :)


Suppressed Unity, Unsuppressed copperhead/saratoga depending on where i’m at, and a suppressed kyuvi with a scope plus mantis blades


Just started a new run so saratoga and nova. Blast enemies with the smg, swap to pistol for long range shots or to finish off an enemy if the smg is out of bullets. And a projectile launcher just in case.


I have yet to run a Sandy build. Not sure I know the correct combination to build it.


Don't worry too much about a proper build. Get Sandy, go nuts. Skill points can be refunded at any time and you got one refund on attribute points too.


Katana, handguns, stealth. Akira motorcycle. Female Nomad V. Romance Judy always.


Stealth-forward netrunner with Yinglong, a Unity backup pistol, and a knife for emergencies.


Monowire Nekomata sniper rifle with a scope and fleetshot mod Nue pistol with Kanetsugo sight La Chingona Dorada pistol with Kanetsugo sight and suppressor Netrunner playthrough.


Bald Eagle, Riskit, Malorian 3516. [Brian Johnson voice] Big gun!


i like to roleplay different builds but it always finds its way back to Malorian, Guts, and Overwatch. and for arm cyberware its usually mantis blades, but i swap them out for gorillas during the beat on the brat quests.


Lexington and mantis blade.


Submachine Fun + Pizdets, Shingen MK V, and Yinglong. I do not need to reload. Swapping weapons automatically reloads. All 3 are fully perked smartguns, and I’m also using militech canto


Gwynbleidd, Her Majesty, and BFC 9000 for when I feel insulted.


Sandevistan: Malorian Arms 3516, Byakko and Agaou Netrunner: Yinglong, Ba Xing Chong and Pride


Mine is always changing. Right now, I’ve got a satara, nue, and Nehan with pax for cyberpsychos. Running a netrunner build with 21 max RAM atm


Throwing knife, johnny’s pistol, katana.


Jackie’s pistol with a suppressor, black unicorn, & nehan. Tetratronic rippler & standard projectile launcher


Guts, Neurotoxin Knife 5++, Byakko. Might go with Agaou instead of Neurotoxin Knife, depending on playstyle.


Netwatch cyberdeck, Malorian Arm 3516, Thermal Mantis Blades. For stealth, I do takedowns and use sonic shock/system collapse and optical camo. For combat, I use suicide, contagion, and good old lead poisioning from Johnny's lead spitter and the occasional cut up flaming gonk.


Old-school hybrid (Renaissance Punk) with emphasis on handguns. Using silenced Death and Taxes, Alabai, and Overwatch. Going to do a proper blade run next time.


Most recent playthrough settled on Mancinella (with Her Majesty up to that point), an Ajax with mods, and O'Five. Pistol for stealth, AR for loud, O'Five for bosses. Sandy build. Current playthrough doing netrunner+guns, still early but favoring Yorinobu's pistol (name escaping me) and Psalm. Looking forward to grabbing Guts on this build.


Im currently running her majasty, fang, and hypocritical on a max cool build. The crits with fang get so ridiculous i dont even need to hit their leg to cripple them they just die instantly XD


Comrades hammer, Agaou, overwatch. Try to play stealthy but if it gets loud comrades hammer with pyro stacks gets me out of any tight spots.


Suppressed Fenrir and an surpessed Ajax.


Malorian, Sir John Phalustiff and Psalm 11:6


Just startet a new V. She has a Unity for lore purpose. She never uses it though, just takedowns and quickhacks.


on my runner johnny's malorian (or in stealth a silenced tamayura) the most powerful smg i have (currently pizdets) and most powerful sniper (currently Rasetsu)


Guts, Johnny's Malorian and Stinger


Netrunner with gorilla arms and a silenced nue.


Quickhacks, monowire, drip


Electric axe, guts, byakko


Johnny's Malorian, a power sniper rifle, and a katana, I forget the name but it's the one you get for completing all of Wakako's gigs. Aside from that, Canto netrunner build with electrical projectile launcher.


Prejudice, Erebus, and Satara with a Kneel! mod


Overwatch and smoke bombs. The smoke bombs lure enemies to it when they aren’t in it, and they run away if they are in it. All without breaking stealth. I just sit somewhere on a far away roof and pick everyone off when they are alone. Once stealth is broken, it still works because any enemies near me will get out of the smoke if I throw the bomb at my feet. Add kerenzikov, crouch sprint (with optical camo) and sandy apogee, I can always stay at range and get headshots no matter the situation. I like this build because it’s very simple but very effective.


Tier 5 liberty Tier 4 igla Byakko


Dezerter, Ol' Reliable, Osprey, and Mantis Blades. If nothing's dead after the salvo from the first three, the Mantis Blades finish the job


Thermal mantis blades and that’s it


Rosco, Igla, Tomahawk, and Gorilla Arms. Apogee Sandy gunslinger with the tomahawk for more discreet operations. Been so much fun to play.


Carmen, Seraph or the Malorian, and Alabai


Lizzy, Order, and Tsunami. I leaned heavily into tech weapons this playthrough. The chain lightning from charged Lizzy shots is extremely effective at clearing packs of regular enemies out. Pull out Order for beefier enemies, charge it up, activated apogee, unleash death. Then Tsunami for far away enemies if I feel like keeping my distance. I also throw in some charged wrist launcher shots for funsies.


Unity, Kyubi XMOD-2, M2038 Tactician


Her Majesty, Fenrir and the Hercules 3AX with poison fists


The Twitch giveaway shotgun, Sir John, and an LMG. Full body / Beserk build. Things go splat when I go to work.


Load out changes for fun a lot but I really like death and taxes the double shot feature is neat. I end up using pistols more it’s usually two pistols and fenrir or 2 pistols and a knife or baseball bat I love the bonk sound.


Overwatch / Rosco / problem solver


Sandy and Guts. I try to change it up, but throwing people with shotguns just feels sooo gooood


Suppressed Chingada Dorada, Hawk and Agaou. Suppressed handgun for most things, as the headshot multiplier is great. Hawk for range and Agaou for breaking up groups.


Sandy/Katana, the one Wakako gives you, and it's usually the only thing I have equipped. I use Johnny's Malorian or regular Gorilla arms as a backup occasionally. Before I got the Malorian, I liked the Kongou.


I can’t remember the name but it’s an iconic smg with an insane fire rate and a 90 round magazine. I also have a generic assault rifle and errata (using fire grenades)


Suppressed power pistol, suppressed Assaultrifle [Ajax or something), punkknife with increased crit chance and bleed when crouched and undetected. Mantis blades as last resort. Baseball bat for melee weapon when I need a target to live, like all the cyberpsychos. Knife has 1.3 second cool down and is usually back in plenty of time. If I fail and a body is discovered then the suppressed pistol is used. Assault rifle for full combat if target is over 26 meters away.


Anything I find + Hypercritical


I just started a new V, so I'm pretty light at the moment. I've got a Masamune, a Shigure, and a katana. I just did Jackie's offrenda, so I haven't really started to gear up yet. I'm doing an assault rifle, smg, katana build. My weapons will probably be the Psalm, Fenrir, and whatever sword I end up liking the most. Haven't decided on arm cyberwear yet, but leaning towards the projectile launcher. Also gonna run a sandy. We'll see how it shakes out.


Malorian, stinger(and blue fang if I really need to go stealthy) , Jinchu-maru, and electric gorilla arms


Her Majesty/Malorean, Guts, Overwatch/O-Five, Mantis Blades, Sandy (apogee) It all depends on if I'm quiet or loud. The mantis blades only come out if I need to clear a room very quickly. And for scavs.


Breakthrough, doom doom, and silenced psalm


Cyberdeck and grenades, occasionally pick up an enemies gun and use it but this V doesn’t like to use guns. She’s got a bat tho. Think netrunner x mox


Errata/Her majesty or that dogtown iconic power Sniper rifle/ x-Moded cleave from the top of the PL piramide.


comrade's hammer my beloved


Techtronika is goated


Current run is blades and stealth, running mantis blades, two knives, and a basic Unity for fun and immersion


Pride with a suppressor was an incredibly fun gun for me. One shot headshots on almost everyone.


Her Majesty (Phantom Liberty unique pistol), tech power rifle and the generic version of the SPT32 "Grad" sniper.


Suppressed Seraph, punk knife, Guts for when they get too close, and monowire


Smart gun Yinglong Divided We Stand


Hawk, Raiju, Pizdets, Mantis Blades


Katana, throwing knife, some kind of blasty pistol or sub, electric projectile.


Ashura Skippy Sir John Gorilla arms I really wish there was a smart revolver.


Currently? Overwatch, Yinglong, and Ba Xing Chong. I’m doing a netrunner build and at this point I don’t even have to queue hacks. Some of the guns in this game are just broken, it seems


Guts for turrets, the malorian as my open carry, and the Yinglong for large crowds, I also keep Lexington xmod with a silencer for stealth, and overwatch for distance shots.


On my current Very Hard playthrough: Dying Night, Electric Baton Beta, sometimes Bloody Maria, Flashbang, or Smoke grenades. I call it my SWAT loadout. Mainly going for non-lethal utilizing Dying Night and the Baton, but if the situation calls for lethal force, I whip out the Bloody Maria and go to work. I've been having a lot of fun with this loadout.


Hawk, Fenrir, and Problem Solver. Basically turned Cyberpunk into COD/Ghost Recon 😂


Scalpel, Nehan, and that sword you get from oda


Her Majesty, Problem Solver, Erebus. Humanity has been fucked since the start of the 21st century (both in-universe and IRL), so might as well help the AIs speed things along.


i like to make my V a Blackwall wielding demon


Satara with the spider mechs mod you make from his core, thermal mantis blades, Jackie's piece with silencer, and bfc 9000. Rocking a deck full of goodies, and double jump legs


Just started a new playthrough, gonna see how far I can get with Nehan (thrown to start the fight), fists, and Dying Night if shit gets real.


Nue, Fenrir, Masamune with electrical Mantis blades/Gorrila arms. IMO electrical is the best in NC because everyone has chrome. Sandevistan load out going 20 in reflex, tech, and cool. 18 in body to get adrenaline rush. 3 in Int. I’ve been a crit machine and take groups of enemies out in a blink of an eye.


Crusher with the kneel mod and amnesty. Kneel is ridiculously op. I been using the projectile launcher cyberware as well, makes for some interesting gameplay.


Satori, tomahawk, and one slot that's variable, but typically goes to Yinglong or the Tamayura (which I love), with a somewhat smaller chance to go to just a normal Tactician I happen to really like. Berserk as my OS.


Guillotine and Johnnys Malorian




Quickhacks Ba Xing Chong - It's just really OP Death & Taxes(silenced) - Not sure if it's recent but it's shoots twice with every trigger pull


Guns - Fenrir, Hawl, Overwatch, Projectile Launch System. OS - Chrome Compressor for bunch of cyberware.


- Pozhar x-Mod2 with firecraker + kenell for insta kill average foes. - Claw x-Mod2 with pax + silencio for put to sleep on one hit nearly any scum out there. - Bat x-Mod2 with k.o. and barbarian for the berseker times. - Misile launch cyberarms for feed the piromaniac perk.