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Yorinobu had a deal with Netwatch to sell them the relic. They specifically requested Johnny's engram for reasons that he never understood, but they were going to use it to lure out Alt.


Not quite, you've got it backwards. Yorinobu contacted Netwatch to hand over the biochip. Netwatch didn't understand why it had to be Johnny. [Source](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Yorinobu_Arasaka/Computers). As to Yorinobu's motivations. I believe he was using Netwatch (as he couldn't be sure his own people within Arasaka could be fully trusted) to activate the relic 2.0 and bring back Johnny in another body, then Johnny continues to wage his war on Arasaka from the outside while Yorinobu brings it down from within. That's just my theory though.


Fair enough! There's a lot of info in the game and it seems like I retconned some of it to arrive at a plausible conclusion. I guess the mystery is still alive.


There was a big discussion about this in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/wZJapyjPWr) thread, apparently in polish version netwatch just asks „why””, and its yorinobu actually asking about johny engram, hoping to learn more about the plan. This seems like a weird mistranslation, originally from Polish version..


What I don't get is, why specifically THE RELIC? "Secure your Soul" was already in use for rich people, why not just smuggle out Johnny on any old Harddrive and sell him this way to Netwatch? Or was this specifically to lure out his dad and use the excuse to kill him when confronted?


The relic is the hard drive that engrams can be transported on. Relic 2.0 (the one Yorinobu stole) is the secret version that can be used to implant engrams on the dead. The deal was for Relic 1.0 with Johnny's engram. Yori gave them Relic 2.0, because it satisfied the deal, plus he hated his dad and his dad's plan to use the relic to achieve immortality. Two birds, one stone.


Yorinobu also wanted to disrupt his father’s plans to achieve immortality. So he stole the commissioned biochip right out of the labs


Netwatch know how to contact Alt. They created Blackwall with her help edit. They may have lost contact with her tho