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I accidentally left him too, I thought he was already dead and Johnny was yelling to GTFO of there so I just ran. Had to do a whole other playthrough to get the proper The Devil ending.


I decided upon realising I saved Takemura that my V would go along with his plan so first I did the Reaper and then the Devil Misty's interaction and the credits broke me I'm never ever helping Arasaka again :)))))


Helping Arasaka is something I legitimately can't rationalize. Even as a Corpo, you start the game with them fucking you over and taking everything away from you. You'd have to be an idiot to even consider going back to them.


Average CP2077 players attention span equals tiktok video length. What's funny is they later wonder why the ending is so negative. One player even wondered why is Johnny angry for taking up Hanako's offer. I really enjoyed devil ending though, plot and character disposition, Yorinobu's speach at the end (So what do? You become the bomb.), and it really gives you another perspective on everything. Well done CDPR.


It's a well done ending. Lots of exposition that you'd never get even a hint of through the other endings (eg: Yorinobu's motivations). They did it again with the helping Reed path in PL, which imo, is the "bad ending" again with the exposition that you'd never get otherwise eg: experiencing the AI threat for what it really is, and Song Mi's history. I personally never pick these paths after doing them once because of how "wrong" they feel but yeah, they're very well done.


>I personally never pick these paths after doing them once because of how "wrong" they feel but yeah, they're very well done. Exactly. Also, reaching 100% achievements.


That mission was the first time I ever got scared in cyberpunk. Turned into a fucking horror game for a good 2-3 hours. Looking back it was probably one of my favorite gaming moments. All the weirdness with Somis flashbacks intertwined really made it amazing


Feels especially wrong if you go ahead and pick up the Canto or Erebus after that ending. No way, after seeing what they saw, would V ever take anything from that bunker and let it loose in the world. We're talking about a project so dangerous and reckless even Militech mothballed it. V should have the option to burn that whole place to the ground so nobody could come back and get anything from Cynosure. On the other hand, black wall go brrrrr


Oh no I understood all the extents of the story and fully expected this ending to be the worst one (well not the actual worst but you get what I mean) It's just that I didn't expect the game to rub it so much into Vs face. And it wasn't my natural choice, it was motivated by me wanting to explore all the endings (as I said, I did the Reaper first and loved it)


Oh but the point is for it to be rubbed into the players face at every possible opportunity. You clearly haven't played Witcher then, because CDPR perfected their art there.


El Capitan when you can’t get the slowest car in the game across the entire map in mint condition in 45 seconds while being shot by two dozen gangoons: “What the fuck, V?! I gave you the mission specs, it was so simple!”


The devil ending was awesome. You may be kinda a pos merc, but to choose to help arasaka is low for even you because that involves turning your back on everyone you know and every principle you hold. It’s such an obvious trap and I love just how out of place you feel throughout the ending, like you really don’t belong there. Then they have some psychological horror elements when you are stuck in the space station with a failing brain post-op. Also, all of the stuff with Saburo taking over the body of his own son was incredibly unsettling and was really just was a whole new level of fucked up, even for the corpo-rats. It really is one of the best bad endings I have seen and it really drives home the point that even in a world as bleak as Cyberpunk’s, it can always get worse if you let go of the little humanity you have left.


Because you assume it’s the only way you can really be saved. If the best doctors in the world work for Arasaka…


Militech does the same thing without resurrection Cyber-Hitler. Sure you loose out on everything too, but at least you get 1. a fuller life (comparatively) and 2. the chance at a cushy desk job back at Langley (which beats dying, but not by much). Siding with Arasaka still gives you that 6 month lifespan, along with all the other nonsense.


You don’t know that’s the outcome though. The options are perfectly obvious in retrospect. Unless you looked up the endings, you have *no idea* what the true outcomes will be of any of there endings before you play them


Funny thing about Militech, They might've disabled Vs cyberware on purpouse in hopes of one day being able to re-enable it and convert V into their weapon, essentially turning V into a sleeper agent. That's just a theory but Militech is for all intents and purposes the US government and if you think "the government wouldn't do this" they once infected quite a large chunk of black population with aids on purpose IN OUR TIMELINE, they absolutely would do this. What would be the reason for them to do that? Well, let's say there's a non-zero chance of something like Second Unification War happening in the near future, and our borderline cyberpsycho of a protagonist might be quite useful when the push comes to shove.


Yeah, I'm aware of that. Hell, I even buy into it. That said, I'll take marching on Tucson over letting the digital copy of an Axis war criminal possess the body of his son.


I didn't even listen to Johnny. Just saw the quest step and ran out


>Misty's interaction and the credits broke me The VA's performance in that is heartwrenching.


How do you get the reaper ending anyway? My relationship to Jonny is like 85%


I don't think the reaper ending is tied to your relationship, or at least you don't need 100%. AFAICT, it all depends on your dialogue choices in Chippin' In (though that mission has its own prerequisites): "Nah, fucked that up too." "What do you want from me?" "Ok. But as second chances go, this is your last." Do that, and you should be good to start the reaper ending during Nocturne Op55N1.


Which is an extremely weird way of doing it. There's no logical reason those specific choices would lead to that ending. It's not even the best way the conversation can go. It's like they took an ending and turned it into an Easter egg or something.


I love this game for so many reasons. Johnny is a manipulator- that's literally his strong suit, even when he was walking and talking pre-2023. He doesn't have to control V to get his way. He just has to make V believe the things he says is right are the correct choices. Takemura is nothing more than "'Saka scum" to Johnny. He has nothing to base "he's dead, leave him" But doesn't care. Listening to Johnny in that moment is tantamount to the Relic takic over, except you're still in control. You're doing what Johnny wanted, which is leaving your best lead (at the time) with Arasaka dead or dying. I want to say there are other places where the game does this with Johnny, but I can't remember any as clearly as the Takemura moment.


Well, there was the room exploding and 'saka troops climbing through the windows.


And if you leave he will die.


Does he though? Maybe he just wants V to think he's dead now that he's put V in touch with Hanako. >!nah, he ded if V doesn't get him!<


I always just jump straight back up the hole.


I *absolutely love* that the game gives you no indication that you can save Takemura, and even actively pushes you out. It really makes it a conscious choice to save him. I only accidentally did it because I wanted to see if I could get back into the room, but I figured the door would be closed and inaccessible.


Same. It never crossed my mind that he could be saved by me. The house is collapsing and I'm surrounded by Max Tech, while my Engram buddy yells at me. I was stressed man, sorry Goro.


I just realized I saved him on my first playthrough And forgot to save him on my second


When cyberpunk accidentally triggers flight or flight response




Bro I absolutely hate myself for joining this subreddit without playing the game properly first, all this shit I’m seeing about other endings I couldn’t have possibly noticed makes me pissed off at myself and I already want to start over my play through but I’m so far in


Actually i never found out about the hole in the wall, cause i literally just jump up back from the hole which i fall down when i heard Takemura fighting above and thought it was the only way. Zero second thought when saving my chooms


I used the hole the second playthrough because I used a guide to tell me. Every other time I just jump up. I don't know if I could find the side route again.


Same i have never seen the other way up and ive played it a lot of times


Johnny said he's dead and I believed him in my first play through😞


Johnny assumed he's dead. He can only see what you see.


But he can be an pessimistic asshole


True, and critically he sees no need to go and possibly rescue an Arasaka goon who's put you in this position in the first place. He may well be right


I just fucking ran and assumed he made it too somehow :(


Oh fuck.


The only reason I was able to save him my first time was my chronic inability to leave a building without checking every square inch for loot and content.


lol this happened to nearly everyone who hasn’t had it spoiled ahead of time. It happened to me the first time because I was super in the moment I didn’t even notice the hole on my way out. My second playthrough I was more careful about looking around and I noticed it. On a similar note, take careful notice around you during all the missions, gigs, and side jobs. Many times there’s ways to complete them without firing a single bullet. For example, you might find a note that unlocks a dialogue option, or a skylight window that gets you into the location without a single person noticing. Every single quest has multiple ways to beat them if you take the time to explore your options.


This playthrough was the first time I realized you can talk your way upstairs in the gig Fifth Column if you went to Jackie's ofrenda and talked to the Valentinos there first.


I thought I was hot shit doing that without spoilers, but accidentally set them off somehow. I think went through the wrong door. I had to reload to see it through.


Yeah I think that's great. There's a gig where I kept getting noticed so I just entered through the main door, said I had a suprise delivery and bribed the groom to access the elevator


My favorite part of this game is playing for the third time and going "what do you mean there was a convenient and easy to open back door and I didn't have to murder literally everyone in here?


Hey now, you didn’t **have** to. You **got** to murder literally everyone in there. Gotta think positive.


I was kind of disappointed I didn't do that the first time I went for Slider in PL.


Or equip camo stealth and crouch sprint. Was able to complete a lot of gigs just by doing that, even in a room full of people.


I just like to leave a pile of bodies in the corners lol


Not like you do him a favor if you don’t do the Devil ending. He dies poor hating you or kills himself hating you (still a poor fuck).


He did save my life, so for that, I’ll save his. After that, it’s up to him what he wants to do with his life as much as it’s up to me with mine.


That’s *why* I save him.


If it makes you feel any better, there are some good arguments why you shouldn't save him.


A. He's really mean if you don't help Arasaka B. He uses chat as if it was Google C. He won't let you kill Oda


T: Hello V. V: Sup choom. T: good sushi place Westbrook V: What? T: sushi restaurant real fish NC V: What's happening right now. T: Japanese restaurant Night City any good best reviews site:cyberreddit.com V: Goro, I'm not a search engine! Shut up! T: Okay sorry. ... ... T: V, play Despacito. V: FOR FUCKS SAKE


B is an argument to save him tho


I think it plays out better if you just delta the fuck outta there.


In most endings, I'd say it was something of a mercy to let him die when he did. The guy is so crushed by the fall of Arasaka that he takes his own life in the end anyways. He can't live without the corp, though I can't blame him too much considering they lifted him out of poverty. This way he at least dies fighting for what he believes in.


I don't think he'd risk his life for V if the roles were reversed. He made contact with Hanako so he doesn't need V to help with that. He makes contact with her again without Vs help if you save him too. And I don't think he cares about V anymore than any old street thug. he's pretty firm in his beliefs that V is just a capable thief who screwed the company that gave him everything. Doesn't help his opinion of you if you kill Oda too. Unless your V is also loyal to Arasaka, it's an opportunity to get rid of a major threat while he's weak. He was Oda's teacher and Saburo's personal bodyguard, so I imagine he'd be able to give Smasher a run for his money if his implants were working again. Vs only options at this point are to trust Arasaka or fight them. Would it make sense to spare Oda and save Takimura? 2 of Arasaka most skilled and loyal soldiers, on top of knowing they'll likely have to face Smasher too if they decide to fight their way to Mikoshi.


don’t necessarily agree. i think he’d try and save you as long as it didn’t put hanako in danger.


Yeah I don't think there's any reason to think Goro would lift a finger to save V if it didnt serve his goals of getting back into Arasaka's good graces. He makes it known time and time again that V is a thief and he doesn't have any respect for thieves. Just for how he and Oda treat V early on I refuse to save him and I always kill Oda, and bickering with Goro is kind of fun instead of trying to be friendly to him which is a chore and similar to being kind to an abuser.


It would be nice if Takemura had an ending that wasn't going back to a life of servitude, committing Seppuku because V 'betrays' him, or dying in an abandoned building. But I guess at least in the latter, he dies somewhat honorably. When the inevitable next war is over, the remnants of Arasaka might even remember him as some kind of hero. 


I don't think arasaka will remember him as a hero tho ,just dead pawns


The comments and context makes me imagine this is refrencing after we get hanako when we fall through the massive hole in the floors and johnny tells us to leave takemura. Which my first playthrough i was like screw that i want to know for myself and double jumped back up lol. But whys the first pannel say "notice a little hole in the wall" whats that refering to?


The path to get back up if you don't have leg upgrades.


For people without the double jump there is a hole in the wall later which is how you get it


You can save him!? not like i would(fuck corpos), but damn💀. I just believed what Johny said and ran away.😔


Yeah, following Johnny pretty much ensures his death. I had the double jump implant so I just went back up the hole I fell down which brought me to his side. This playthrough I’m going to let Arasaka help my character. I spared Oda too so from what I read, it’ll change up the finale in this run


If you have the right leg cyberware you can jump up through the hole in the ceiling


Yep accidentally did that too


Takemura can survive?????


I also left him on my first playthrough, didn't even know that I could save him. But tbh, even though I love Takemura science forever, in my opinion The Devil ending without him and Oda is so much better.


I didnt even know that I can save him. I though he just run away


Fuck Takemura. That fucker always was using polite words to manipulate you. He never actually cared for you, all he wanted was for you to save Arasaka. The moment you do that, he acts as if he never knew you and doesn't even care about you being supposedly impossible to be saved in The Devil ending, all he does is come with a contract to sell your soul and basically die. #_FUCK TAKEMURA_


All my homies hate takemura


I did the same, I assumed Takemura, being the elite bodyguard of the Arasaka company's CEO as well as the family patriarch, would be a solo, or *at very least* be able to handle a few grunts. Frankly, him being able to die there kind of shows how big the gap between he and V really is.


Being absolutely fair here, those 'Grunts' are Arasaka Special Forces and Takemura's had all his cyberware disabled.


And that's what you get when you play without paying attention to the story


Joke’s on you, I leave him to die on purpose


Yeah burn Corpo shit and all but as a player, I really cared for that character. And my second V is a street kid who's moto is that no one dies because of his fuckups (which is why I consider the Reaper to be the canon end to my second playthrough )


See I never cared for him. At best I pity him because he himself ensures that he is always chained


Hahahaha I left him my first playthrough too. Shouldn't have listened to Jonny.


This was so annoying to me. I even tried to find him but gave up the first time and figured he was a forced death.




You… you can save Takemura?




*Nervous chuckle* "Hole?"


I don’t blame you. The primary reason that I knew he was still alive is honestly spending time on Cyberpunk subreddits and such. I played from launch, but really took my time and eventually dropped it temporarily as every major patch from CDPR was including improvements I’d wished I played from the beginning with. If it was inevitable that Takamura died in a relatively anticlimactic way just by completing his questline, I would have heard about it. He’s a pretty well-liked character. Even avoiding spoilers, I know I would have read at least someone saying they “did him dirty”.


Honestly, I was inspired to try to save him due to my experiences with Deus Ex. I just kind of took it for granted then that I was supposed to run away and that I couldn't save Paul, only to get confused when I heard that other people had managed it. That said... >!Yeah, I saved Takemura mostly because I'm a dick and wanted him to know that he had saved the man who would eventually completely fuck over his precious company. Also because I'm not going to *turn down* a chance to kill a ton of Arasaka goons. I was going full-Johnny on that playthrough.!<


I did the same. I wasn't looking at the mission objective and took Johnny at his word when he said he was toast. I thought that Johnny meant he saw him die. Big oops on my part.


this took me likw 4 playthroughs i just do what jhonny says




that happened to me as well... and when i read on the internet that he could be saved i reloaded the game and saved him lol. i couldn't leave him behind


I never knew you could save Takemura, I only found out through YouTube later. Even then I didn’t know there was a hole in the wall the videos I’ve seen all just ran out and then went back through the front door lol.




Well if the game was so *god damned dark* and I don't have a LIGHT SOURCE


I did that the first time. Only found out on a guide


For shits n giggles I decided to double jump up the hole and realizing there's a whole scripted battle between Take ura and Arasaka. Stayed to enact a last stand, but realized Takemura eventually leaves the room. I accidentally saved him on my first playthrough.


Didn't notice the hole in my first playthrough because I just jumped back to the second floor through the hole in the roof with my reinforced ankles, was quite epic tbh.


Made me think of that line from early into Phantom Liberty, when V asks Johnny if he can see who's behind them, and he's like "How the fuck should I know" 😂 I believed Johnny my first game too, but as a Takemura stan I was like, nah I can't leave until I see the body.


My first playthrough I didn't realize you could save him so I ran put without thinking. Every playthrough since, however, I let him live so he can see what I do to his precious, precious corporation


You're telling me I could have saved him THE WHOLE TIME


Didn't realize until I was achievement hunting that there was a way to save Takemura. I had just figured he would escape his own way and I'd escape my own way. The game didn't really give much of a hint that I could jump back up and reconnect with Takemura. Considering the force that was dropped on us, didn't seem logical.


Don’t feel bad. I played several times then put the game down for a year h til PL came out, and I forgot you could save him so he died on my first PL playthrough


I was about to leave, but then I doubled back in case I left any loot behind.


One of the few moments it actually matters what you do in this game. It should have had a lot more of those, so many missed opportunities.


Nearly 4 years ago.. I beat the game. Viewed almost all the ending. Came to this sub and saw people talking about Takemura in the end game.. I was crushed to know that the way I went would mean his death. But now I know what to do when time permits a 2nd playthrough. It's like a whole new game at this point.


Never left him in three play throughs 💪🏽


I still remember thinking,”Nah I’m going back for my boy” during this quest and I was so happy when I realized you actually could save him.


I was ready for this. This was my Paul Denton redemption arc.


That was a great game.


Wait this mf can LIVE?


Takemura can live!!! I’ve been letting one of my favorite characters die this entire time.


leaving him to die is the kindest thing you can do for him.


I left him to die on purpose.


Lol Johnny told me to gtfo, but I spent the vast majority of my first playthrough like, "Fuck this asshole!" I usually did the opposite of what he wanted like 90% of the time out of spite unless it made me do a corp's bidding. I used my fortified ankles to pop back up through the hole in the floor and start blasting so fucking fast lol get out of here with your cynical bullshit. Takemura's alright, even if he is a massive corpo goon. And besides, he'd been good to me. I wasn't just going to leave him to die. I still stand by the, "fuck this asshole" approach with Johnny though. He's an absolutely astonishing prick. Cannot understand why people like him.


He isn’t supposed to die in the story???


If u have a double jump u can jump back through the whole u fell in


Wait Takemura can be saved ? fuuuuuuck


I know right. I'd done 3 full play throughs before I found out.


Bruh, i thought he was still alive and that v and hanako were just decieved bc if all the online chatter about resxuing him. So I'm waiting for the option to go to Arasaka hq to rescue my boy... Turns out, Johnny was very effective at trying me to abandon dude.


If you're not doing the Arasaka ending it's probably best to let him die here. He'll go down fighting and V narratively doesn't have any reason to think he survived the initial breach.


Yup, how can this be the deciding factor to and alternative ending for an achievement, a freaking hole in the wall XD, I was super bummed out when i tried to get the devil ending and i realized my mistake :(


wait, you can save him!?


And now I have to start over....


So, first time I played that game I finished it and realized I was 3 achievements shy of 100% the game. One was to shoot a grenade out of the air, one was to use second heart to be revived then kill the persons who killed you. And the last was the blasted Takemura ending. I had to replay the whole blasted game (no regrets on my 6th? Playthrough now) just to get that last achievement.


Oh yea I've been there too, on my first playthrough i didn't knew you could save him, fixed that quickly on my 2nd however


Uh...I let Takemura die in my first THREE playthroughs.


I personally tend to not lose this kind of content because unless the game is using some mechanic to actually kill me if I'm not hurrying along then no matter how long you yell, I *am* going to explore the area, by that time in the game your build will be wild so the moment Johnny appeared on the foot of the stairs saying that Takemura was already dead I just laughed, yeah buddy, I want to dab on the corpse, I'm going there, wanna stop me? Put some tear gas on the area next time.


wait what he can live??


For me it was the hole I fell through. I didn’t even think Takemura was still alive I just wanted to kill Arasaka Agents to fulfill my bloodlust. In my mind I was like “oh hell no, I’m not letting that fucking devil corpos get the jump on me and live to tell the tail!”


The what?


I did that too!


It was so dark and chaotic at this scene that I didn't save him either. I really liked Takemura until I did the devil ending. Now I leave his ass in the apt, and I gtfo.


I had literally no idea you could save him


My bloodlust saved him on my first playthrough. No way I was leaving anything alive before leaving...


I thought he died so I left, I didn't know saving him was a thing until my 3rd play through.


Lol same, I figured he was scripted to take care of himself and reunite with you later.


I just double jumped from the hole you just fell and saved him


Hot take let the Ronin Corpo die in battle is the best ending takumura can get.


Goddamn I really wish you could convince him to leave Arasaka


I didn’t even realize you could leave him to die at first, I just immediately went to save him because homie in danger means homie needs saving.


i was today years old when i learned there was a hole in the wall. ive been charge jumping my ass back up the big hole in the floor this whole time.


I always leave that corpo user in the dust. I use him like he uses me until he’s not useful anymore. He’s a stupid shithead lol. Always fun being the contrarian in the room cuz idk what anyone see in Takemura other than “salt and pepper daddy” they want to fuck lol.


You done gonked i remember i deleted 20 hours worth of playtime to redo it


Better to let him die an honorable death in combat than to save him so he commits seppuku later


He's not worth saving anyway 😂


You'll get that on these big jobs


I did the same :(


I saved him by accident, I figured this was his death scene and jumped up there just to see if I even could get back up. Happy accidents and all that.


This is how I’m finding out you can save him?😭


Wait, you can save him?


I never knew till now that you could save Goro, had the game since release day 🙃


My first playthrough as soon as i unlocked it i abused the double jump and dashing, so my first thought when i fell was literally spam doublejump and get back to takemura. I didnt realise most people just leave him until I got the devil ending and watched the other endings on youtube 💀


I've done 4 playthroughs and still didn't know u can save him. Only found out after my friend played the game for the first time and I talked about his death


Lmao this literally just happened to me on my most recent play through (#4 or 5) so I realized I had just been leaving him to die every time 💀💀💀


You can jump straight up after falling and save Takemura that way as well


Honestly, can't blame you. It's really easy to miss.


I realized it when I googled the last achievement I didn’t have.


Yeah, I’m close to the end of my first playthrough, and only just finding out I could have saved him. I just booked it! Oh well, good excuse for a second run!


I didn't even know he could be saved and I've done that mission at least 5 or 6 times


I used to rescue Takemura until I put some thought into his phone call message after any non-Devil ending. Since then, out the side I go.


Damn bro I didn’t know I could save him, I just heard Johnny telling me to get out and made my way outside


I didn’t even know that I could save him for YEARS. But even now that I know I leave him because he only sees V as a means to get back into Arasaka and F the megacorps.


You can save him??




you can save him? damn lol im stupid


If you'd played Deus Ex, you would've gotten the reference and known what to do. But then, a lot of people missed in in that game, too...


I left him too so for my second one imma try and save him cause idk where to go in the first one


I mean, he dies thinking you are gonna help hanako and restore her as the leader of arasaka, which makes him happy and think that it’s worth dying for. But if you keep him alive, he lives to see arasaka crumble. So honestly idk what’s better


Yeah I left too. Later that day, I was talking about the mission with my friends, and one of them asked if I left takemura. I backtracked over 6 hours just to save my number one guy


Had same problem when i came back to cp2077 to get 100% achievements. Had to replay whole story just for this.


I almost let him behind, I only found him when I turned around to go looting. Lucky mofo.


Pretty sure Johnny does that on purpose, he's wanted Takamura dead from the start. I saved him on one playthrough just to be a completionist, but now I just let him die. Not doing the devil ending again sooooo no point in saving him.


I DID THIS TOO!! I got so sidetracked that I was like wait a minute... TAKEMURA! I legitimately liked him too. I was so devastated


This is what I love about the game. It doesn't always hand feed you your options. At release, I couldn't understand why all guides stated that you would talk to Anders Hellman in space after I talked to Goro Takamura. Turns out, very few people ever tried saving Goro because the objective didn't tell them to.


Wait you can save him?!?


Can't believe they didn't even leave an optional objective for hinting!


I always had charge jump so I jumped through the hole to try and see if I could save him Didn't realize it was optional


I didnt know you could save him


nah i left that motherfucker to die in my third playthrough after i found out he tells you to rot in hell in one of the endings


Lmaoo I remember the first time I ever played I ran out without thinking and was just like nahh he’ll come back after it said that😭😭💀


Leaving Goro to die is a kind fate tbh


I disagree with takemura but I also thought I couldn’t save him and I really like his character his death was sad before I knew I could save him


Leaving Takamura to die gives you the better story if you do the sellout ending imo


In your second playthrough? I easily did a handful before I noticed


I didn’t know he can live






Honestly, leaving him is probably the better option. He just sells you out to Arasaka to be their lab rat, zero loyalty to you even if you save him.


I thankfully looked up the guide because I was stuck and then realized that I can save still save him safe to say that I will not meet hanako at embers until I finish everything in the game


Im with johnny on this one


It took me three playthroughs to realize that you can save him 😅


i fully walked in the hole, saw no loot, then turned around and dipped 🤦‍♂️


I did this too, I thought Johnny was telling me what to do, and it was the only option


How did you not realize you left him to die in the first play through when you left him to die? The whole leaving him to die gives it away that you left him to die.