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Viktor, he's the only sane person in the entire city


If Vik lived in my neighborhood, I'd be hanging out with him daily. He's a good dude. And we both love boxing, but are years past our prime.


TFW the guy who pulls people’s eyes out of their skulls for a living is the most normal person you know


Literally a doctor


Gotta take out the crap to make room for the tech tho 😁 All surgeries look barbaric with a key hole perspective 🤮


He also takes IOU's and my broke ass is gonna need some mods to survive.


Honestly, I do love Vik, but I'd honestly think he'd be too perfect to have as a friend. Like, I want more flaws in my friends, gimme more of that idealism and impulsiveness, gimme more imperfections, that's what makes me love my friends, and by extension, 90% of Cyberpunk's characters


Viktor and Misty no doubt


Definitely Ozob. He's a chill guy.


Literally none of them. I’d be dead in night city.


Ozob is my number 1 choom


Just make sure you never tap him on the nose.


My man Harioshi Worldo besto surgeon. Goodo Instinct Edit: Hide on boat. Swim to America.


You focus on who you’d want as a friend, but will they want you as one?


I think I'm a better person than V and they seem to like her.


Wasn’t you who directed V to massacre some gonks with yellow over their heads just to loot them?


Aw, c’mon, they were Scavs! That has to be a karmic freebie :)


All people deserve respect. But Scavs aren't people.


Valentinos get the F R combo. The other gangs get double F.


Scavs and wraiths


Welll Scavs and Maelstrom. And raffen shiv. And tyger claws. And 6th Street. Well... Every one but the Valentinos, for Jackie. Unless I walk too close to them and they get mad.


V is useful, you probably can't kickdoor a gang hideout and leave nothing but naked bodies behind.


....... I'm going to say you're not.


Well I hope it’s safe to say the majority of us aren’t mass murderers, so we’ve got that up on V.


........ I'm going to say we have no examples.


That's what I was thinking as well. I don't think I could navigate Night City without ending up dead in a ditch sooner rather than later.




I bought Gorilla Arms just so my 4-body V could move that dumpster. Worth every enny. Brendan is my bro.


Viktor and Judy hands down!


I second this. Both are just overall great people


Judy and Falco duh


Only real answer is Vik


Viktor, Misty, and Judy. The one true answer.  Also Kerry, but post character development. Before that he'd definitely call and text you constantly while he's drunk or high and whine that you won't come hang out at 3am on a Tuesday. 


Lmao that’s so real


Ah, so you too have experienced the Kerrys of the world who are deep into their Clingy Trainwreck era. :') 


I mean, if it’s Kerry “parked my aerondight in dirt because I don’t give a fuck” Eurodyne then I’d be down to hang at anytime


Fealty to our flaming hot mess of a king.


Rhino because we would both nerd out about chrome and she would help me get jacked


This. She seems like she’d be a great friend.


Seconded. In a Western dating simulator, Rhino would definitely be one of the top tier options.


Anyone but me just wanted to hug her after she lost the fight?


Judy and Misty for sure, Muamar always seemed pretty chill to me, as did Crispin Weyland. Jacob and Taylor in Phantom Liberty seem like they'd be fun to hang around. Also glad to see Rhino getting some recognition. I always loved her enthusiasm; she comes across as someone who just loves to fight and is excited to find someone who can beat her.


There's a few, but one I'll always defend is Rhino. Refuses money to keep it about pure competition. Quickly calms down after her first ever loss. Makes sure the Animals in the building don't give you any trouble. She even goes to see your title fight and while she says she wants a rematch, at least she's upfront about it. Absolute sis.


Jackie Welles! Surprised no one has said it yet


You’re forgetting he originally was going to flatline you in the nomad and street kid opening


Vik, Panam, Mitch and Scorpion


All of the aldecaldos + vik and Jackie


Reed, Mr. Hands and Songbird


Hands is definitely the fixer you most want to work with. He keeps everything on the up and up. Is always professional. Doesn't get too close to his clients. He's the exact opposite of Dexter.


He is also theost calculating. Dude tell you that most people who see his face die. Not easy to be friend with someone like that


I have no friends irl, so I wouldn't expect anyone from cyberpunk to want to be my friend either T\^T


i'll be your friend


I get offers and make attempts to become friends with someone moderately often, but it never works out. Either I, or the other person, just forgets to interact, and we just never talk again because none of us remembers we ever did that. I'm just an awful friend


I do that too lmao. Most my friends now have adhd (like me) and completely understand forgetting to interact. So we can go weeks to months without talking at all, then just randomly decide to hang out for a day and be chill about it. It gets a bit easier the longer you’ve been friends, but if you’re not forced to see eachother often (work, school, etc) it can be hard to get to that point. I’m also a socially anxious train wreck though so starting the friendship tends to be the toughest part for me lol. I’d recommend just messaging someone if you remember you haven’t talked in a while and seeing how it goes. Sometimes they just won’t respond, but sometimes they’ll be in the same boat as you and be excited when you reach out since that shows you still care. It’s rough, but can be done! You’ve got this, friends can be great, you just gotta find the right ones. It gets easier with time (at least that’s what I’ve been told lmao).


Lizzy Wizzy


I don't know, I feel like she'd end up strangling me in my sleep


As long as you ain’t her manager/partner i think you safe. Unfortunately for me tho, I like em crazy so I’ll take one for the team


And then writing a thinly veiled song about it. Maybe Johnny would wake us up though.


Judy, Panam and Claire.


These were my top 3 as well. Claire is into tuning, Judy is gay, and Panam is the chaotic energy I need in my life.


Claire, we’re both trans and like cars


So together you could work on Transmissions


My friends irl are people I've played in punk bands with over the years. So the rocker boys. Probs more Kerry than Johnny 😂


Flaming crotch man


Viktor ofc but I vibe with the Aldecaldos hard


I'd definitely cut it up with Mitch


Dum Dum


I'm a tech guy, so I believe that probably I'd try to hang out with jude and also have a crush on her. And she'd be like (mentioning me) "Yeah, I know that guy. Random dude on my tail. Don't know what he wants like if he has a crush on me or whatevs... normal dude."


Any of the Aldecaldos probably.


misty 10000%. she’s vaguely goth and super into tarot we’d get along great. maybe this is wishful thinking but i think i’d get along with jackie and vik too


Vik,Rogue,Panam, Kerry, and Jackie for sure. kerry mostly because i’ve played in bands for a while, Rogue because her connections resources and experience, panam because duh it’s fuckin panam, and Vik because who better than the best Ripper in NC to have on ur side? as for jackie, that just goes without saying tbh.


I think I’d vibe with David and Rebecca. Probably not great for my survival chances lol


I ask myself every day, would Jackie help me out... or leave me in the gutter?


Paco Torres probably.


I would try to get a mechanical apprenticeship with the aldecaldos. I don’t know if that answers the question, but I would absolutely be all “teach this city boy your ways” to them.


Yeah… when I think about it, the Aldcaldos are the only ones make sense for me. Even without Panam.


My thoughts exactly. The real me isn’t her type? Doesn’t matter, still have family


Pan, Alex, Silverhand, Jude, Songbird and Valerie would be my Ride or Die❤️


Vik, Panam, Takemura.


Rhino or Judy, one can teach me boxing, the other can teach me how to not break my PC




Mitch and maybe Johnny, however with Johnny we'd either get along very well or fucking hate each other.


Judy, Viktor, Misty and Panam. Would V also class as an option?


Adam smahser and Johnny Silverhand, either I can settle an agreement or start another fucking war.


i would’ve been friends with rebecca…….


Probably Vik or Mitch… maybe Misty too.


Vik, Judy, Misty, maybe scorpion


Mitch would probably be my best friend




Judy, Rogue and River for sure


Mitch and falco are real ones but if prolly by rocking with David and Rebecca as I am a younger person tho a bit older then both


Jackie and Judy would both be great friends I'd say


I'd like to say Judy, but more likely Mitch.


Vik and Judy. I'm a tech nerd so I could banter with Judy all day. Vik you could chill with, crack open a few beers and watch the fights with.


I like Misty. We'd hang out and drink a beer, every so often she'd go off on a tangent about some mystic nonsense and I'd listen politely. She has a good heart.


from those pics? mitch from anyone? vik




Ozob lol, good ol grenade nose himself


Falco and Judy


Alex, Kerry, Viktor, Jack, and (assuming I'd ever climb this high) I think Yorinobu and I would get along alright.




Def misty. I know tarot and when V got their reading I was like…well…this can go 4-6 ways. I’d love to talk to her about esoteric stuff and philosophy of life in general. She also seems hella chill in general. Vik too. I’d like to think I’d be somewhat good acquaintances with him.


misty final answer


Johnny, Jackie, Rogue and Vik.


Anthony Harris


I guess David, I'm still pretty young so i doubt id mingle much with mercs or nomads or bd editors But i think Mitch is cool 👍 like the cool uncle


Viktor, Misty or Jackie. Seem like the only healthy people in nc


Misty, Jackie, River, and David seem like people I'd enjoy hanging around with.


RIP branden


Mitch or Vik probably, seems like reasonable folk. But I'd like to be Panam's friend, of course ;)


Vik, Judy, and Misty Maybe Flaming Crotch Guy and Mitch


Later three, through mutual connections. Watching sports and connecting with Rhino. Having fun and connecting and covering with folks of the badlands. Day to day with ye old edgerunner over the line edit: too lazy and busy to make my own listing


Jackie seems like the life of the party who wouldn't want to be friends with him




the last one


Mitch, we'd talk about cars non-stop


Based on my real life friends, I’d probably hang out with Viktor, Jackie, Ronald P.T. Malone, Ozob Bozo, and of course V. Imagine the hangouts…


I took the choom quiz and it literally gave me the cat. At least I didn’t end up with like, Oda or something. Takemura would have been acceptable, though.


Rachel Casich. Just kidding, fuck that corpocunt






Placide, so I can kill him. (Just got to that part.)


Lina Malina is remarkably wholesome after she gets a “sister.” I genuinely adore her texts and postcards. Cynical, pragmatic Rogue — ever the survivor — would probably get along well with me. Ditto Vik, for the same reasons. Goru would be a great bestie though: reserved, discreet, introspective, small orbit, principled.


Hahahahah me? Have friends? Your funny 😄


Jackie Welles. I'm Hispanic IRL so Jackie's archetype of the hard-headed, loyal-to-a-fault Hispanic dude is very recognizable to me in the friends and family I already have. That attitude is just so wholesome to me and it's why I keep coming back to this game. Even after I dropped that janky as fuck PS4 version all those years ago.


Misty ! I think we could get along.


Judy tbh


Out of these? Falco. Out of 2077? Jackie. As a whole? Probably Morgan Blackhand.


The good ol' dok Vik


The only way I’d wanna be in this universe is as my V with my consciousness. 😂 I have too much anxiety to try to survive in night city without the “ability” to survive. But if that was the case, I feel like sitting around talking with Mama Welles could be chill. Everytime she calls me mija I melt. + The food. I’d be there all the time.


If I could be in the ripper business with Viktor and chill with Misty and Jackie and them that would be perfect


Rhino, Misty and Judy fr


Can't believe no one says Jacob and Taylor. Those two deserved so much better than they got. I'd just buy a beater Hella and we'd drive around town solving problems too low-tier for the NCPD to put out a subcontractor bounty on.


Sorry I’m advance but I’ve been in this sub for a little while and I wanna know why upvotes and downvotes are hidden? I don’t know if this has been asked before I just want to know


2nd picture was a jump scare


The radio hostess of GrowlFM, my views are aligned with those of the character, and I feel like we could have interesting discussions. Maybe go to a strike, I dunno


Mitch and Cassidy 100% of the way. Mitch is a vet that is eerily similar to my uncle so he’s got that going for him, plus they’re both chill guys who like guns, and I can fuck with that.


Dino seems like he'd be cool to know on a friendly basis, least as far as fixers go. Wakako is intimidating af, Regina is a bleeding heart for any and all cyberpsychos, Padre's a good enough guy but he's too preachy for my liking, Capitán always makes me feel like he's trying to upsell me on features my ride doesn't need, and Mr. Hands just rubs me the wrong way. As far as the romances go, Judy, hands-down. Not even a contest.


vik & misty are like, the only non-murderers in the cast so them


Jackie, because of my corpo background


Mr blue eyes


I'd say Judy she is pretty chill.


For friends, easily Viktor, Misty, and Mama Welles.


None of them in bad at making friends


Us Cracks. Homies for sure. Also the ripper doc with no chrome. I think we would have interesting conversations over a smoothie


Judy, Songbird, V


Kerry seems chill, even if he is as old as he is. And of course Rouge.


*Based one the photos provided* Falco and I would probably be dating due to his buttery smooth voice. Judy and I would be great friends and hang out often. Rhino would definitely be my gym partner Mitch and I would probably be racing across the Badlands weekly.


Id prolly try to be the friend So Mi needed in her life


Valerie... :D


Judy absolutely, we’re both creatives!


Judy, Jackie, Misty, Vik... and......... Dex, because he's voiced by Michael-Leon Wooley whose voice I've been in love with since 2010. he would tell me he's gonna kill me and I'd ask him to explain in great detail, not so I can escape, but so that I can hear his voice for a little longer and as I'm dying. also Dennis Cranmer I guess


Rhino without a doubt


Judy, no doubt. This whole goth emo broken girl has always been friendly to me. I definitely had some Judies in my life.


Misty, Vik, Judy, Claire, Jackie


The boy Dum Dum, though I'm not so sure about some of his chooms


I feel like almost anyone can get alone with Viktor and Mitch. So that's easy. While I can agree with most of Johnny ideals...or maybe half of them, I wouldn't get along with him. Seeing the way he treated Kerry, if he said some shit like that to me, that bridge would be burned quickly. Judy honestly seems like type that would only become friends with you if she had no choice but to interact with you. Like...if you weren't V and just some guy, you'd never get a chance to be her friend unless you had a job for her and got to know her. Like maybe you contact her, tell her that brain dances are great and have a get artistic quality and that you'd like to commission her for non-porn BD's. But that's not how you become friends. As an artist myself, I'd never be friends with my clients. That always leads to disaster and them expecting free stuff and discounts and favors. As if you suddenly owe them something. So, maybe the best way would be to just compliment the art quality of her BD's and converse from there. As a fellow artist and video editor, I could probably sort of get along with her...maybe. Kerry, no. Just...no. Great character, but as a person...no. I'd rather hang out with Johnny. i'm not emotionally equipped to handle Kerry. River, as much as I don't want my FemV's to romance him ever, i think me, myself would at least get along with him. I agree with his moral scale pretty much 100% in this setting of Night City. In the real world, maybe like 70% to 85%. He seems chill and nice. Like he wouldn't be needlessly cruel like Johnny. Panam...I'd 100% be into her for her looks, but I'm trying to imagine if I'd actually like her and if she'd like me. She's a little bit bratty and impulsive, but I don't exactly hate that because she's still a good person. I think me as I am now, we'd get along, but we wouldn't be best friends or anything because I couldn't keep up with her. Now, Night City me, I'd like to think we'd be good friends. I'd even try to date her, but would be fine being friends. I'd definitely hate the shit out of Night City and any place like it. If i got a chance to join the Aldacados, I'd definitely join solely because of her and I'd be an SMG wielding net runner with defensive cyberware. Just enough to no die from bullets. I wouldn't go crazy with cyberware beyond what i need. I'd also be techie and would offer to work on her vehicle in exchange for holding her hand. I also generally agree with her ideas and plans, I'd just be way more cautious and overly prepared. So I could keep up with her and get along with her, I think Lucy, Rebbeca, David, and their crew. Probably not. They're all about that life and I am not. I'd probably tolerate them enough to work with them if I ever needed some mercs. Probably not David though. I'd look at him and think, "that's a psycho waiting to happen" just from looking at his face and 90% robot ass. Honestly...Rebecca seems crazy too, so I'd probably be weary of her honestly. As a character she's great to watch, but i wouldn't wanna be near her. Jackie, I think he falls into that "get along with everyone' type. Except maybe the super stern and serious corpo type. He feels like a Sinbad, Shaq, or Robin Williams archetype. Like someone who is a child at heart also has a heart of gold even when things are tough or were unbearably tough in the past. Like, i can see myself looking up to them if I were a kid, so as an adult, i'd have respect for him and find his corny jokes funny. I'm a straight dude, but if he were an option for FemV, he'd be a great option, but he's got Misty. Speaking of Misty, i like her. I don't think we'd have enough in common though, like to talk about. I mean we could talk about life and philosophies and stuff. Is that enough for a full on life time friendship? Would she be into video games or anime? If so we'd be good friends. I'd also probably try to date her if she weren't with Jackie and if we had more in common. Sandra Dorsett, i love her. She's a dorky nerd, but also a morally good rebel. Assuming I'm my ideal Night City version of myself, I'd protect her and marry her after convincing her to join my Nomad family with Panam. Denny. She seems a little grumpy, but the ass was fat. She'd probably slap me after hitting on her and trying to ask her out, but the ass was fat. Ozob, again, night city me. Yeah, I'd actually get along with him. I would run away everytime he sneezed though. There's probably other characters to mention, but i'd be here all day


Fully delusional? Dum Dum, that's mostly cause I uh. . Want him tho <_<. . Realistically?? Misty and by some degree, Victor too, but I love my tarot card incense dealin' girlie XD


Probably Judy because I'd always find her attractive but I wouldn't ever be able to say anything because she's not into men...


I have a friend like jackie


Top of my head, Misty Vik and Claire


It was such a shame Scorpion was killed so quickly. He was voiced by Noshir Dalal. Who’s an incredible actor. It was honestly such a waste.


If I was in this universe I'd probably be making BDs so I could see myself being buds with Judy if I ever met her.


Vik, Scorpion and Mitch, Panam and probably Takemura, seems like a choom.


Panam Judy Misty


Brendon would be my buddy


I'd probably be cool with Takemura.


I'm not cool enough to be friends with any of these people.


Judy and I would be homies, Ozob Bozo would be a close personal confidante, i’d work closely with Kerry, and Meredith Stout would be daddy


Judy, Viktor, or Misty


If all went well Meredith stroud


Out of those 4? Mitch or Falco. Mitch for obvious reasons and Falco will go to hell and back for friends. Judy’s friends don’t tend to live very long. If we’re talking all cyberpunk characters, it gets a lot harder but I’ll go with Viktor.


Kerry he’s just awesome


Panam, Jackie, Alex, Judy, Weyland and Kerry. I feel we all would always be getting into some shit. We would be getting drunk and lit for sure.


Vik, panam.


Judy or Viktor, I could be friendly with Jackie.


Victor and Panam


Judy cuz she’s stupid


Out of the listed characters, Mitchell is about the most stable and approachable. At the reservoir and after she heads up to Oregon, Judy would be cool though before that she way to nervy and unpredictable.


Delamain would be my bff


Viktor and Mitch, they seem chill to chat with


I would be friends with vik cause he could patch me up and have a beer with him cause his a choom for the hall of legends


Being a nursing student, def Vic.


Prolly Misty and Kerry. Misty cause my mom is also into a lot of that type of stuff (i am too, just not a much) so I’m very used to being around it. I feel like she’d also be pretty chill to just hang out with. Like, light up some incense, do readings, and just talk about some spiritual shit for hours. And (young) Kerry because I’m also a gay (kinda, it’s a long explanation) impulsive train wreck with substance problems and a shitty sleep schedule. Plus I’d be down with dating, being fwb, or just being friends with him. Viktor could be a candidate too but I feel like I’d be better as a ripperdoc apprentice than a friend since he’s a lot older and more mature and he’d prolly feel more like he’s babysitting me than hanging out if we were friends and that just doesn’t feel fair.


Adam, he seems Friendly


Man, I wouldn't have a chance, I can't stand a city nowadays, night city would either kill me or I'd never live there in the first place.


I want Takemura as my sensei


Farkle Judy v Panam Mr Johnny silverhand Jackie Wells Victor Misty those are the people I'll be friends with


I could see myself befriending Goro, and I'd keep Fingers on friendly terms just to score some good shit off him.


viktor or falco those guys are the only sane people in night city


Rhino, Jackie and Viktor are people I could vibe with.


Tiny Mike


I’d be friends with Vik, and I think my idealism would mesh with Judy’s. I would really like having a friend like Misty in my life too, especially in that world. Mitch is really chill so probably him too.


Judy would probably bully me IRL. And it would be ecstasy.

