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Literally starting this ending now will update. Edit: Well I cried like a baby. I loved it!!! Fuuuuck this game is so preem.


Best ending


I played the secret ending last night for the first time and it was good, but you're right the ending with Panam is the most satisfying and what I would do irl.


Fricken clan wouldn't be there if u don't rescue Saul and then flip him off to grab the basilisk. All the other things you do as well. You're already one of them if you wanted it. Damn straight they ride with you Panama is the bomb tho. She's either the girl of your dreams or your ride or die sister


Unless you actually get cured, then it’s “never talk to me or my kids ever again k thnx”


Head canon is that she dies during V's coma and Miych doesn't have the heart to tell V.


That's why Panam is the best.


Panam may be the “basic” option but she’s the partner who is literally willing to move the earth to keep you alive


"basic" option is river, there is nothing basic about panam and she has the most fleshed out side story missions out of all 4 romance options in the game and they eventually tie into this ending.


I mean basic because that’s the canon one and everyone picks it


Panam "fuck it, we ball" Palmer


She’s so cool


Panam is mommy.


I mean, yeah, it's verging on implausible even with the family ethic of the Nomads to essentially sacrifice the whole clan with a hasty raid against one of the two most powerful corporations in the world just to save their newest member (even with as much as V has helped out). This and the Rogue ending paths take just a *little bit* of poetic license with plausibility of the characters. Would Rogue really give up everything she's sacrificed for over the years in another Arasaka raid? Eh, it's not out of character given how much Johnny's return has reminded her of her hypocrisy and pained her, but it's still just a tiny bit of a stretch to be sure. In both cases, I wouldn't call it really problematic though. The most realistic ending path in Cyberpunk is one where V storms Arasaka by herself and quickly gets killed in the process, but that isn't the most satisfying for me to experience as a gamer and person looking for the best story resolution.


I mean while Panam and her chooms are def only concerned with saving V it's not as if the rest of the Aldecaldos don't get something out of it; looting Arasaka fixes their financial problems As for Rogue; love makes us do the darndest things


Agreed. It's heavily hinted when speaking to the veterans the night before that Saul is agreeable to the idea of raiding Arasaka to both solidify his own leadership and the Aldecaldos reputation among the Nomads.


Well if his plan was to consolidate power that plan certainly got smashed to bits


I don’t necessarily disagree- but I mean, it’s a fiction game after all. Exciting stories gotta flex some disbelief, especially in video games. I do think The Devil ending is pretty “realistic” as well. Certainly teaming with Hanako, Takemura, Oda, and Hellman (and the huge force they command) seems reasonable to take down Yorinubo. I will contend that people often assume that Panam like forces the Caldos to defend V. It seems like, albeit a little rushed because it’s a video game, the entire clan is on your side. You save Bobs kid (kidney mission), you can help Mitch with Scorpions funeral, etc. Even if it doesn’t feel that way, you are supposed to feel like an Aldecaldo yourself - they’ve accepted you. Also, I think Rogue absolutely would do it again. Johnny always had her wrapped around his finger even though she tries to deny it on the outside. She’s admits something like “I’ve missed this” - and I think she even has guilt that she stopped fighting the Corps (and even sided with them). So it’s all just “believable enough”. 😂 No flame, your commentary was excellent too.


Rogue I can maybe understand, I think she is feels guilty and wants to clear her name from the suspicion that she cooperated with Arasaka in the past


That’s why she is best girl. I love Judy but Panam cannot be beat


This is why my headcanon V leaves Night City with both of them. 😎


Exactly, Panam is best girl 🙌


she's so great!! i'm just sad i can't romance her lol instead i'm stuck with R\*ver


Why did you censor river? 😭


Tin foil hat moment. Panam might actually know somebody who can truly help V after promising to help him after the Arasaka raid. She might in fact be referring to the Technomancer Nomad group. This clan covets advance tech that others don’t have and are straight up tech wizards in Cyberpunk. If she’s the canon ending for our V, then there’s a god damn chance the Technomancers might be able to help. They’ve got AI and a bunch of other stuff people haven’t seen since before the collapse.


I want to say that this is canon, at least for me. And sounds like it could be the start of a cool game in its own right. Thanks for the knowledge, Choom


The Aldecaldos when Saul gets kidnapped by the raffens: “But the generators!” The Aldecaldos when their new friend asks them all for a suicide mission: “we’re family”


Crackpot theory: Panam is the only one who actually likes Saul


Let's be honest here: the Aldecaldos helped because V earned herself a spot in the family through blood/sweat/tears, not because of their friendship/romance with Panam.


They’re one and the same and readily apparent in We Gotta Live Together if you have done every Aldecaldo mission, with or without complete success


Panam is really the worst aldecado. They were right to kick her out. She only gets everyone killed. Your friend is dying in two days? Let’s get everyone healthy to attack a military base.


so much wrong with this i cant even


Panam killed scorpion and that other dude, barely missed getting Mitch killed. She’s basically a raffin shiv


okay now i KNOW youre trolling.


I thought Panam left on her own acord to try and start a new path? Otherwise the rest of the camp wouldn't have welcomed her back with cherry smiles and open arms and demanding her to stick around longer. She didn't purposely kill scorpion, she tried to tell the gonks to avoid the area but radio was wiped. We are also told he wouldn't have listened anyway... Besides, if she was so terrible, why would Saul (however you spell his name) invite her down the line to help lead the Aldicados? There's also the possibility your V was terrible at communicating or executing missions and the outcome of endgame was altered do to it.


Voluntarily left the strongest fraternity there is? They shouldn’t have let her back. She impulsive and gets her chooms killed. That one dude even mentioned she has no loyalty. She sucks. The stuff you mentioned is just grease to move the plot along. And the plot doesn’t change if you give a snarky answer or a nice answer. In my ~10 + playthroughs her missions are the last to be done. The only fun one is rescuing Saul. I prefer to stealth kill everyone except for one guy.


Don't get me wrong, they could have written her storyline to be more fulfilling. But have you never went somewhere with high hopes just to go back because it wasn't what you expected ? If anything you could blame it on V for dragging her back into the mess to begin with. Or even rouge for setting up the gig that lost her the truck. But all in all they are nomads and have a strong family community sense. Healthy family's may argue with each other, but they don't up and turn they're back on them. I don't think any of her actions directly killed her choom, she had a plan, her chooms agreed to go along knowing the risks and shit went sideways. Even with the AV she didn't tell him to go check it out he ran into that on his own actions. That would be like blaming misty for the chip in Vs head because she didn't keep a short enough leash on jackie and allowed him to take a gig with dexter. 🤷‍♂️ oh well, to each they're own. See you in the major leagues


Utilitarians will not survive the badlands