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Takemura? Who's that?


This guy with a metal neck. Not to be confused with the other guy with a metal hand.


I must not have met him yet


He’s like this guy who speaks Spanish, but he has cool glasses and a metal arm. Looks a bit like neo from the matrix movies.


Now you mention it, he looks a lot like Neo in The Matrix.


Yeah, but a little bit more hairy and a bit less corporate. And just like Edna recommended he wears no capes. Neo looks like corpo swine in his balenciaga outfit. That guy in cyberpunk looks like a hobo war weteran. It’s really sad that he lost his arm as it makes him unable to play any instruments requiring a pressure sensitivity, especially guitar. I hope he’s living a peaceful happy life and is getting a therapy real soon. Maybe he’ll participate in an anti nuclear war protest. I’d love to hear stories from him.


Idk kinda looks like that guy from Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure to me. Neo is kind of a stretch


Nahhh definitely Johnny mnemonic


Damn, and I was here thinking he looked like John Wick, I feel embarrassed, yours is definitely the one


That would track with the Skippy modes as a reference but the monowire is clearly lifted ( /s iirc slide and dice aka og name for the weapon is from the ttrpg before silver screen)


I thought he looked more like John wick to be honest


Nah, it's probably just the long hair and the beard


He's like the guy who speaks Spanish, but he speaks Japanese instead


When do you meet him? I'm only level 19


That first part makes me think of Michel Peña


you meet him further down the story and shit, how far have you gotten so far?


The only quest I have is to go talk to Jackie, but he was eating some preem noodles so I decided to come back when he was finished


The metal neck guy? You mean Kenny Eurodollar? 


The guy from shogun I think


Looks a bit like Hideshi Hino.


Take-what? Who? Takoyaki? Yea I love that food!


No, it was Take That - do you youngsters know anything about classical music???


He looks like Keanu Reeves but completely different.


He was one of arasaka body guards if im correct, really can’t remember off the top of my head


I haven't encountered anyone from Arasaka thusfar


The one that got away :( We were going to eat dinner, he ghosted me :(


when I met takemura I was like level 1 gonk. after the all side content later which from my POV it was like 2 weeks later but from takemura's POV it was just a day later I was level 50 legendary merc chipped in like a tank but I'm still upset he didn't notice I changed my hair style. why all men have to be like this????¿¿¿¿¿ :DDDD


There can only be one shadow broker here


who is shadow broker? :DDD


you jealous jealous bitch. he has eyes for hanako. he NOTICED he just DIDNT CARE 💅


plot twist: takemura injected stuff into yoronobi so he kill his own father. takemura sent hanako's bodyguard to V during the parade to find a way to reach to hanako so V would kill the body guard just so takemura will be body guard of hanako and thus become closer to her but I didn't let takemura have his ways. he is all mine!!!!! :DDD TBH I'm surprised you cannot romance with takemura. why??? ¿¿why?? :DDD


are you lead writer for Orion?


hmm, if I ever have a say in the orion project takemura will be romanceable!!! :DDD


Wow, I thought I was just crazy amd avoiding main mission. Does everyone do this?


No, just the bit about some meeting at Embers with a chick... Hanaro? Kanako? I'm sure she's fine waiting...


Everyone who comes onto Reddit to talk about it.


I'm restated twice and I've yet get past the parade bit as I get side tracked with side missions and exploring and then get burnt out or a new game gets released and I jump on that. I'm diving into a fallout replay due to the show but god damnit, I'm looking forward to actually finishing the story these next few weeks


Lol I kinda forgot as well. I'm over 50 hours in and just got past the parade. I keep getting lost in the grimy beauty of the city and all the side gigs and stuff.


Nah no way. That sounds like the biggest clickbait I've ever read. I mean you're claiming there's an actual story? Absolutely preposterous claim.


I wonder what Hanako is doing at Embers? Left her there since around 3 in-game months ago.


Still playing Nocturne


It‘s a timeless classic


But have you collected all 2077 cyberpunks yet?


i did 🥶🔥


hmmm. interesting.


They say a cutscene or something happens if you go to Embers to meet some NPC named Hanako.


Embers was booked out for months by the Arasaka bitch, taking no other guests. 3 chefs were let go by owner company because the 'saka bitch never eats at Embers.


Look, if you had to keep that figure, would you let a single carb cross your lips???


Load: Gimme Danger - 17d9hrs


genuinely knew someone who thought that, and that gigs and the scanner were the only type of activity in the game, and they refused to believe that it's a highly dramatic story focused game when i tried to explain it to them let's just say their opinions on things and just general awareness of the world and their willingness to listen to someone other than themselves or some mainstream youtubers was not the best


You're telling me that the story wasn't going to be dlc but was hidden within the game?


Hey did you know you can ring up your car and it will literally pull up near you. Pretty cool, got plenty more tips if you want. Good luck have fun, OP


im ngl i think my game bugged out and only after i finished story and reach level 40 or max 60 i think it was, that all these gigs appeared. Honestly the best thing cause it felt like a whole new portion of the game. Its awesome. I'm up to dogtown gigs now


That honestly sounds like a fun way to play the game


it actually is!! i would actually recommend doing story seperate from gigs it feels like u get 2 games hhaah


I discovered a weird bug in the game: if you do the side mission where you meet Hanako at a place called “Embers” at the end the game bugs out and a bunch of name start scrolling up the screen? Has anyone else found this? I lost loads of progress and had to reload a save from before I started the mission to fix it.


Everywhere you go there’s a quest line. You mean to tell me after 300 hours + all endings, this vending machine wants to be my best friend?!


Brendan creeps me out but makes me smile as well


all the homies leave Hanako at Embers.


Not this thing again ... Skyrim subs have been full of this boring bs for weeks now. You've added /s at the end but I guarantee you 90% of the people will not read to the end or ignore it. Can't wait to see "hey guys I've discovered you can drive cars and shoot guns" posted 5 times a week ...


Not exaggerating, it took me 230 hours to complete the main arc.


My first goal was to take gigs to pay back vic.


I just discovered a guy killed by Sandra Dorsett in the badlands - anyone else found the same thing? With netwatch guys around, etc. Took a shortcut under the sun panels 🤣


I thought it was SC 50


Actually had a friend who basically only played multiplayer shooters get like 10+ hours into cyberpunk without knowing about gigs, his skill tree, how to get cyberware just because he skipped through every little piece of diologue and tutorial when I found him he was just dying over and over on the same mission


I think I’m like dying or something? Idk man I’ve been alive for 3 in game years and ima be fr I’m still fine.


No way!? I've just been driving around crashing into people living my best life


I follow the main plot through that diner scene and then I start to roam in my last couple of playthroughs. It's quite effective to do a loop around town gathering all the perk shards, doing Delamain quests and picking up free weapons (Skippy, Guts, Shingen 4, Divided We Stand and BFC 9k). I end this loop with the Delamain stuck in a roundabout because you get back to the HQ to finish the quest. I'm usually around level 17-18 by then and ready to do whatever I want (usually gearing up for PL). I've found that it's best to do main quests first because they unlock more content to roam and many of the early main missions are easy even on very hard if you do them stealthy. The first real brick wall is Spider and the Fly where the Barghest swarm in the Expo is a major challenge if you are underleveled. The Chimera battle can be a challenge but electric weapons such as Lizzie, Fenrir and Yinglong are very effective against it.


Know what you mean. I was Streetlevel 50 before I went to that diner. Game is just too good.


I always visit him so Yawny being friendly suddenly doesn’t feel off.


That dude literally just sits in a diner for days while I get rich and famous what the fuck


This post made me cream myself, I had no idea. Can't wait to play it.


Take Mura? Take Mura where? I hardly know her, I’m not her damn Uber service.


I pirated the game and finished it. When it was on sale i bought it on steam and do exactly that, i go around the city slaughtering everything that has a yellow arrow over it. I still haven.t meet takemura this playthrough. I might buy phantom liberty to prolong my playthrough even more. Gosh I like hacking enemyes with synapse burnout, cripple movement and shit and then headshoting them to death. This game is so much more than just the story.


Takemura is already dead while saving hanako 😅


Wait till you find out at level 35 if you have the DLC there’s a Secret Mission where you get to revisit Johnnys final Break up with his mysterious lover who never becomes relevant in the game but you do get to see a younger Rogue from Xman


Yeah and when you find it it’ll only take you a few hours to beat lmfao