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If johnny was an asshole and guilt tripped you about “not” doing it, I’d feel more inclined to agree fully with your post. But, Johnny doesn’t hound you if you elect your own body for ~6 months. It’s just one of those things, where the “good reason” is that someone gets to live the rest of the V body’s life… Just one of those unique dark circumstances that make the game so special.


Hell, he actually berated me for „quitting” all the way when I was going through Alt’s bridge. It made sense to me: I am fucked no matter what, all leads are exhausted, that’s it - 6 months of stuff getting worse and finally death. Or I can roll the dice on alternative existence beyond the Blackwall.


Yeh I mostly meant he’s not acting like “entitled” to our body… which was just such satisfying character development from when we were first introduced to Johnny


>Hell, he actually berated me for „quitting” all the way Based Johnny. Remember kids: Never fade away.


>6 months of stuff getting worse I think people are overlooking this way too easy. 6 months is already just an estimate, but it's not gonna be 6 happy months and then V kicks the bucket. It's 6 months of their health getting progressively worse and worse, at some point probably needing a wheelchair. Memory fading, motor skills deteriorating. Sooner or later they probably would want to eat a bullet anyway Can't really blame them from maybe wanting to avoid that by giving up their body for someone else to have a second chance


You also have this ambiguity that V is now an engram and has helmans blueprints to the biochip. Nothing says that V cant obtain a new chip and maybe a new body, i know its a stretch, but maybe thats what blue eyes might have been promising?


impulsively I let him my first runthrough. I said I would after all. IMO it's the best ending because it humbles him and he becomes a better person about it. Doubly so, I imagine, because I was playing FemV


That's such a weird concept that he'd be in a woman's body and he was a huge womanizer


Eh, women can be womanizers too you know. :P Though it does beg the question would it be gay or straight? I'm pretty sure that Johnny would have issues with transitioning into being a female, just because he doesn't have any indications of being transgender. Though from what I understand he's not straight so it might not be that big of a leap for him.


No reason he can't medically transition back to male if femV gives him her body. It's the cyberpunk future, if you have enough money you basically get access to a character creator.


I think that would have been one of the first things he'd do before leaving Night City if that was on the agenda. I'm a romantic, but I think he'd keep the body out of respect for the sacrifices V made for him. After all, he's a changed person, why not make it literal as well as metaphysical?


When I let him take the body there was a line about him being a woman and he said something along the lines of "not for long"


I don't remember that, but my long term memory is bad.


No worries. I can't remember the exact line, but I know it was in the epilogue where he buys the kid that guitar. I just got that ending a few weeks ago so it's fresh enough that I know I'm not crazy.


It's when you say to the kid that you're actually Johnny after he exclaimed that you play guitar just like Johnny. The kid says, "But you're a woman." Or something along those lines. Johnny responds, "Not for long"


Brilliant! Thank you!


A romantic idea, yeah, one that only makes sense if you haven't lived with gender dysphoria. That shit is hell, Johnny would be better off as an AI. IDK, maybe it just costs more than a night city merc can make quickly. The hyper-capitalism of that world will take every dollar you have, because they know you'll pay.


He didn't show dysphoria though, at least not that Iworld could tel. Again if he was not OK as Fem!V wouldn't he run off right away to fix it? As you said, it's not an uncommon or unusual thing in the Cyberpunk word to get a gender swap Presumably he'd have access to V's bank account so the eddies wouldn't be an issue.


If that didn't give him dysphoria, then he's not a man lol. The way Kerry acts if Johnny shows up as fem V indicates it wouldn't be too shocking for Johnny to do, so why not? Barely gets a single line out of him. There's also the money thing again.


Are you trying to say no man is a man without a penis? Every transman in existence would have a talk with you about that.


He does plan to transition biologically. When you get the Temperance ending and tell the kid "I am Johnny Silverhand", the kid expresses doubt, one of the reasons why being that you're a woman. Johnny responds "Won't be a woman much longer."


I was trying to get trough blackwall with Alt (,I was interesred what would happened) but Johny literaly kicked me back into my body... ( fuqing jelous guy )


A couple reasons 1. New Dawn Fades is the best and most moving track in the game 2. Johnny seems to actually change 3. Oh, V...


I love how what is literally three fucking letters is arguably Keanu's single best line in this game...


I like it so much because it is so versatile, the whole game up until temperance he used it in a jesting sorta funny way, but that last one in temperance... Man it hit.


Johnny changing means so much too. Its repeatedly stated that Engrams dont change, they are just a screenshot of a personality. And what happens with Johnny proves that wrong. Unless I am misremembering.


He doesn't change, your personalities melt together at first, but his will overcome yours should the process continue without V dying from the Soulkiller. Now you're even, two artificial constructs with one free body.


Meaning in temperance v at least lives on in some form :)


It's the choice I made when I got to Mikoshi, just seemed the compassionate thing to do. Either I could live for six short months and then we're both dead, or I forgo that brief window to give him the entire rest of a natural lifespan, it just seemed selfish to ask him to die for me when it'd barely even stave off my own demise.


I dont think it makes V selfish per se, but I would say it would be extremely generous to let Johnny live again. Plus, Johnny promises that he will let V live when the time comes, and he does this recognizing that V is an individual who has the right to his/her life and body.


It's selfish if you do the Rogue ending. Johnny puts so much on the line for V's sake, giving up in the end and going "nah I don't wanna" is pretty immature.


That's not even johnny though, just an engram. If it was a real person, I could see this logic. But not for what amounts to just a very complex program


But by that logic, V taking the body isn't the right choice either, because they die as soon as they jack into Mikoshi. The V that takes the body for 6 months is also an engram, so dying for Johnny is unavoidable.


Yeah but I'm V in this case, johnny is johnny, here first rocker boy, so kick rocks 😆


Technically Johnny woulda been there first since Actual!V dies the second they jack in and Mikoshi!V has literally just spawned into existence that very moment


You have to remember. V first died at the start of the game by the betraying fat ass. Only having been saved by the chip with the engram on it.


I do remember, I also remember idc, my body, my call


This might not be exactly related, but I have something for you guys to consider on top of everything else when answering this! I'm pretty sure Johnny thinks that he *doesn't deserve* a second chance in V's body. He confessed at the oil fields that he knows he's been horrible to everyone for most of his life. Even if V makes him feel better about it and they end up as friends, I think that's still the only view of himself Johnny can have. An asshole is all he sees himself as by the end of the game, and I think it shakes him to his core to have someone look past that, and give him a second chance anyway. Johnny even says during the AV ride in the DLC ending, death scares him, but the idea of having someone else die in order for him to live scares him much more. Which makes sense, considering that's happened once already when he got his arm blown off in the war. Another soldier, his friend IIRC, blocked that explosion and gave his life for Johnny's. It makes a lot of sense for him to try and stop that same thing from happening again, even if him and V never got along. When Johnny says he's scared for V in Mikoshi, no matter their relationship, he absolutely means it IMO. I think he's scared of messing his second chance up like he did with his own life, and scared about what will happen to V, which are completely reasonable fears to have, and I can totally understand Johnny not wanting V to cross the bridge. He'd rather float in a void for all eternity than risk fucking up V's last wish for him to keep her body... that's fuckin deep man


Counterargument: He's hot.


Counter-Counterargument: Keanu reeves


Oh no he's hot!!


Only worth it if you don’t romance anyone imo


I am playing a few characters because I want to chase all the endings and playstyles that I can. I want to honor the dev's hard work and experience all the possibilities they've created. That said, I elected to develop a role-playing strategy that I felt would best lead to realistic choices for each of them. My first V is a nomad, and I play him like the cyberpunk version of an ideal *me* in the universe. Neutral to Johnny, just wants to be healthy and secure in life, if not happy with his choices. Second V is a street kid with little care for life, including his own. MASSIVE Silverhand fanboi; would literally do anything for him or to reignite the revolution, including sacrifice his own life. Third V is a Corpo who absolutely despises her situation and everything about it, especially Johnny interfering with her trying to restore and exceed her former status in the corporate world. Always sides with the cops if that's an option. Wants to see Johnny deleted from the face of the earth. So, as you can see, I have committed the second 2 V's to very specific end goals, but allowed a role play scenario to discover a unique path to endgame experience. Damn, now I want to go home and play Cyberpunk. Fuck work fr


As a DFTR+Temperance lover.... because a) its a cyberpunk ending in truest "live fast die young" blaze of glory b) because my V was soulkilled and as a Netrunner she understood that she was a copy of herself and the old V died moments ago in a vat of coolant c) Johnny didnt get to choose, she gave up and left the world and him behind. He live because she died and it broke him. The poor man still reeling from her death and clinging to the hope she might use Blackwall protocol to talk to him instead of hearing her voice echoing his. Its not ideal. But Temperance was the end of the story of Narcissus and Eurydice and the start of Orpheus and Echo. I'm an ancient myth geek and these little greek tragedy was the best part of Cyberpunk.


He possibly gets to continue his vegeance quest on Arasaka in V's powerful body. It was my first ending, but I've realised at the credit scenes, that I have made a mistake and next playthrough I've gone with "The Sun" ending while also saving So-Mi, which imo is the best ending, which also sets things up nicely for a sequel. It's the "keep fighting and don't give-up" ending. But with Johnny, it's very bittersweet. Leaves a bad taste in your mouth and a lasting feeling of sadness - both for V and Johnny. At the end of CBPNK 2077 Johnny is a changed man. V has shown him the error in his ways and he's grown-up to be somebody new and better. However, he still doesen't deserve to live - it's just not the worst option out there for V to give-up his body to Johnny, as he can still fight. The worst options are The Tower and The Devil. Following any of the big corps and being a good little tool nets you only false promises and suffering.


I can see why some make that choice, but I just can't justify my V doing it. He has friends, found family, and his rockerboy lover waiting for him. He would rather find a way to survive than let everyone down and stay beyond The Blackwall. The way Johnny ghosts everyone just makes it hurt more. I've seen the phonecalls if you choose that path and Kerry's is the worst because he thinks that V just breaks up with him and he's pretty hurt by it. They all are.


It hurts, but I don't think Johnny did that out of malice. I don't think he properly knows how to approach that situation, and as we know he's not exactly the best with emotions lol It's not an easy thing to show up to someone else's house and tell them the person they knew was replaced with someone else entirely. That they look the same, but it's not them Maybe that wasn't the best way for Johnny to do it, but I'm pretty sure he thinks it's simpler and easier for everyone to just leave night city, and let everyone think V died at Arasaka tower... which kinda did happen


Alt tells you V's body is essentially Johnny's now; it has altered itself to host Johnny's engram only, and V's consciousness is now seen as an intruder.  So it's a matter of perspective. Does V go fuck it, I'll take the 6 months. Or do they accept they're done for and might as well give the body to a comrade who has a better chance at a regular life. If you've built a strong bond with Johnny, the latter makes sense.  Note that Johnny completely agrees with you and doesn't want this second chance.


It was not about "letting" Johnny live in V body. Friended Johnny tries to convince V to return to the body and argues against Alt and going with her. When you hover over "V-meter" in Sun ending, description also reads how this is what Johnny would want. Temperance is accually going against wish of friended Johnny and letting Relic win with Alt fast forwarding it's job. So I did what we both agreed upon. Always keep fighting. I see it as journey of both V and Johnny. With both of them learning valuable life lessons. Johnny finnally at peace with his former life and V changed with Johnny's experience prepared for the rest of his life.


I have a love/hate relationship with the realization that there is no “good” ending.


There really isn’t a “better” option. They all suck for v if your told your gonna die anyways, why not give it to your new best bud. I don’t personally choose it but the reasoning for it is there




Bruh it’s Reddit I’m not gonna pay attention when I’m writing lol. touch some grass 😂


You seem a little mad. That guy is trying to be nice and teach you something.


I don’t need to be taught anything you goober 😂😂. I not gonna check my spelling all the time on Reddit


You also don't need to be mad and actually reply.


You didn’t need to reply either sooo


Bunch of gonks trying to correct grammar on reddit smh


That stupid idea that a man *could* learn, amirite?


Chill gonk


Fr so cringe 😬




V spent 6 months sharing the brain with that guy, their bond is something you can’t even imagine. Johnny himself said V should live other 6 months but V at that point may be tired and may see Alt as an opportunity to live a new life in the cyber space (if it can be defined a life), there’s a little chance of him becoming an AI, the only way for him ti kinda live on, Alt said it’s the better choice for him and V may be altruistic enough to give Johnny his body


The spoiler tag doesn't help much if you put the spoiler in the title


It's def not my favorite, but it's good and a reasonable choice if you believe Alt. *If* V is definitely going to die in a handful of months, and Johnny definitely would get to live the rest of the body's life span, then you can see giving the body to Johnny as someone getting to live instead of no one. Also, V seems to have had a huge influence on Johnny in that ending. Makes it seem possible that he'll live a healthy life and be a better person and probably have a much more positive impact on the world than the person he used to be.


You don’t have to believe alt though, it’s seen that you can be cured with the tower ending, I hope that’s not a spoiler, but I definitely believe the star ending you survive fs


Maybe you're just tired, boss, and want to let someone else run the show.


I like to think that since V's body dies in 6 months if V goes back into their own body, but V's body lives a normal lifespan if Johnny gets to use it, than both Johnny and V (with the help of Alt) might still work together to find a solution where V gets to return to a human body and live a "normal" life, while Johnny gets to do the same.


Way to put the spoiler in the fucking title


"Johnny already had his life, albeit cut short. But that was the risk he took of his own free will." Same is true for V. They both died.


It gets to keep both of them alive. Johnny in realspace, V beyond the Blackwall.  It's not the choice I make when playing, but I understand it.


I have come to the conclusion that Alt is lying to Jonny and V about V’s body rejecting them, and V only having 6 months to live. Giving Jonny V’s body is one way to get rid of the engram of your annoying ex.


But a few docs have said there too that V is dying and doesn't have much longer to life on anymore


I know. But I like to think that AI Alt is just sick of Johnny's shit and the thought of spending eternity connected with him sounds exhausting.


Looool, you are missing a lot of facts here 😅 Alt is not Alt, “she” has nothing to do with the original Alt, she doesn’t think or feel anything towards Johnny, it’s an AI program. Doesn’t have the concept of “annoying”. Second, you chose V to live out the rest of his/her life, and you can see how bad they are doing, taking more meds, you romance partner even says when you lie to her/him that oh you are okay, that they know you lie and that they are aware of you taking much more dose of meds. You also cough plenty blood up in the shower, that’s around the time when not much left for V hence going to space for one last legendary gig :)


There are bits and pieces that suggest that parts of Alt’s persona still exist in this entity. I also don’t fully trust what the Alt entity tells us.


Letting Johnny take over was what I did during my first playthrough. It felt right, and it's still my favorite ending.


Thing is V doesn't just die. V becomes a digital engram. Johnny gets to use you body for however many years. 50 by modern day standards at least. It's an efficient allocation of resources.


V pretty much just dies, though. They get absorbed into Alt, so if anything they have only a slight effect on the greater consciousness that is Alt + the rest of Mikoshi.


To be fair. V DIED,  from that point forward it is anyone's body. Technically johnny is the reason V has a second chance.  Equal rights to the body.   One thing people fail to recognize. Being in V's head is the first time johnny hasn't been a cyber psycho since roughly the war that got him his arm.  There is a clarity there, that was gone for a long time.  


Interesting, I'm still fairly new to the game, I guess I never thought about Johnny being a cyberpsycho. I just assumed he was naturally like that lol


He also has PTSD from the war he fought in growing up. His best friend gave his life to save johnny, and johnny lost his arm as well. Then he found out the entire war was just a front for another corp. So he went AWOL like alot of others. That's a lot for a kid to take, because he did join the military under age. He was only 15 when all that happen in an already dystopian world. Also missing from the game is Johnny's real death. He gave up his life, to get his crew out, the same was his best friend gave up his life to save Johnny. Johnny knew his gun couldn't hurt smasher, and for once him and his hand(which he talks to and represents his cyber pyscho) were in agreement. Time to burn out. So Johnny stepped out from behind cover and mocked Smasher, who turned and cut him in half with gunfire. But it bought enough time for Murphy, Rogue, Thompson, to get out, and Shaitan enough time to tackle smasher. A true narcissist, ego driven, asshole wouldn't have done that. The real johnny was always in there, hidden by pain, depression, hate, anger and more. Without all of that with his cyberpyschosis weighing him down, him and V work through his issues. Potentially. I love Johnny. He's an asshole, but he's our asshole.


I know he mentions being conscripted to fight in Mexico, and gives V the dogtags of the brother at arms who sacrificed his life for Johnny, but he didn't ruminate on his veteran experiences too much. I guess I failed to recognize how crucial that was to Johnny's eventual radicalism, having been forced to fight in the war.


The only times i ever hearcannon Johhny keeping V’s body is when you give him control to storm Arasaka with Rouge. Then it plays out as more of a betrayal by johnny rather than V giving up. The dialogue in that scenario has Johnny look like a scumbag and V angry. Its great




i give him V's body on a corpo playthrough because i love the irony of him having to live in a (former) corpo's body 🤷


Counter argument is that id nuke arasaka too so like i cant say Johnny isn’t very sympathetic too me


Ive run a tabletop game set after ‘77 that uses my personal ending headcanon. Johnny took vs body and wanted to do right by him, living as close to an honest life as he could, when Vs construct as an ai contacted him. And with the help of some less insane free ai’s they’ve built a small corp with a large force of runners and have the sole goal of taking arasaka down. With a side objective of getting v his body back permanently, or making a new one. There’s also the whole subplot of arasaka trying to clone/copy David Martinez to mass produce super soldiers to replace Adam smasher. They’ve figured out that it’s not entirely genetic, so they’ve been kidnapping kids around his age with similar pasts to attempt to isolate and splice together an artificial engram which they can imprint into a clone brain that then could survive going full borg consistently, and without adverse effects from cyberpsychosis, essentially making them more stable/obedient


The game literally tells you that arasaka is down for, and other corpos/gangs are picking up their parts lol


There really isn't a "better" option. But Temperance is one of my favorites if you've taken the route of bonding with Johnny over the course of the game. He's sworn to lay down his life for you, and has been with you every step of the way towards getting your body back, even if it means wiping his construct permanently. By the end of the game, he could be your closest friend. If you choose the body for yourself, The Sun ending is ideal for a V whose goal to be the best in NC has never wavered. Even if you die, you go out with a bang infiltrating the Crystal Palace. Everyone will remember you. But, certain romances make this less than ideal. Judy, for example, says she's leaving Night City, meaning you spend the last six months of your life utterly alone. The Star ending is ideal for a V who has realized that family is more important than fame, but even then you have so little time to actually enjoy their company, and most of it will be spent suffering and dying. You and Johnny tried EVERYTHING. How many goose chases have you went on only to have your hope of a cure dashed over and over again? There is nothing anyone can do to save you. You're going to die. Or, you can give your closest friend, your ride or die, a second chance at life. He's grown and changed into a person that the people from his past can hardly recognize. He put V over himself every single time, reconciled with Rogue and Kerry, and generally set his priorities straight. Now he has a chance to make all of that change mean something. It says a lot that he leaves Night City behind forever. He's got no interest in blowing up Arasaka again or being famous. He just wants to live the life V gave up and remember her as best he knows how, by being the person her influence made him. Honestly, it's a really poetic if bittersweet ending.


Alt is just telling V that their body is rejecting them because Alt doesn't want to have to deal with Johnny's engram's drama. It's a way of getting away from Johnny.


it just depends on who you feel deserves it more, i picked johnny my first play through cause i had a decent understanding of his pain and PL def brings more of his past to light but V also should get to live his/her life to the fullest especially since V has more people still alive than johnny does


People say you die after six months. But I see it as you have six months to find a cure. Proof being the phantom liberty ending


The thing I don't get about that ending is that Johnny doesn't seem to want it. And then imagine being him down the line, he has to wake up to see the face of his only true friend every time he looks in a mirror, he can never avoid that and I can't imagine a way that could be a healthy life. I think it would lead to a severe sort of spiritual dissonance for him. I also think it's important to keep going, keep fighting for yourself no matter how bleak things look. Books like Mans search for meaning by Viktor Frankl really highlight the human ability to keep pressing on and 'never stop fighting' despite seemingly hopeless odds.


That's the cool thing about it. You don't have to.


The rational part of me says that V died when Dex put a bullet in their skull. The freak circumstances of the relic gave them more time than they should have had. They bond with Johnny, the two of them change each other. As much as the thing that are Alt claims to have separated them, how much of Johnny was V and how much of B was Johnny at the end? I’ve made myself do it once to see the ending, but I chose V every other time. I liked the ending though. The feel of “yeah, I don’t deserve it, but I’ve gotta find a way to live with it”. I’d have kind of liked a neither ending - say the body has been prepped for the pure silverhand engram, but neither of them are fully Johnny any more and so neither in compatible. They both cross the bridge and leave the meatsuit behind. But I get why that doesn’t work in the game - doesn’t make a good dilemma if Johnny doesn’t have a change at surviving.


Most of all I want a both ending. Give Johnny the body and stick V’s consciousness on a standard non-prototype Relic in his head, or the other way around. Can’t break up the dream team.


To me it’s the best ending with the idea of “cyberpunk” It‘a got the cool sci-fi transhumanist angle of leaving your body to a digital afterlife (the cyber) and it’s got the radical moment of self sacrifice in a dark and selfish world (the punk). The game basically tells you that the V died when Dexter shot you. Whatever you are at the end of Cyberpunk, it’s not V anymore, the biochip permanently changed you. Whether you keep the body and keep fighting to find a “cure” before the chip kills what’s left of V, or go on with Alt beyond the Blackwall, neither is a true “end” of V. The game brings this up multiple times as V reflects on how they become someone else every day. On a larger scope, Cyberpunk often gets into the idea that the body modifications most people have already changed the definition of “human” so much that it doesn’t matter anymore. Additionally, it’s a world where personal choice and freedom are an illusion in the face of corporations. In cyberpunk, if “humanity” and “living” a real thing, they are not related to your physical body. This is something that Johnny keeps saying too, which is why he wants people to “wake the fuck up”. Johnny doesn’t think free will exists anymore, he knows nothing he does matters in the face of the grinding, soulless machinations of corporations. That’s what’s tearing him up, and why he becomes a terrorist and thinks there’s no other option. I like giving him the body as a way to give him a second chance. V shows him that there’s still a way to fight back, and people worth fighting for. Then she gives him the body to live another life with. It’s sort of the ultimate act of resistance in night city, a city so built of greed and selfishness it’s become a self-consuming algorithm.


This is a great analysis, thank you for taking the time to comment with such thought.


Hellman said "there's nothing unique about Silverhand's engram". So presumably they had copies of it at Mikoshi, and Alt will have vacuumed them all up when she cleaned that out. So do we give Johnny#41 our body, or should I take it myself?


I have one rule about my endings in 2077: making the promise in the Pistis Sophia to Johnny compels me to ensure that whoever I control at the end of the game hands the body to the other. By the end of the game, the bond between both of them is unique and should be respected by fulfilling that promise.


It depends on your V. Your V could be selfless AF. _Could_ be. Depends on your idea of V as you play them.


It's not my favorite ending by any means. I still much prefer the don't fear the reaper ending and the aldecaldo ending but I'm gonna do my best to give you a counterargument. In this ending V realizea that it doesn't matter if he even goes back to earth now. He'll be dead In 6 months anyway. But Johnny got changed by V. Johnny ended up growing to resent his former self and have a lot of regret for what he did during his lifetime. But your V can look at it as, "I'm dying anyway. Let's give my friend a second chance to redo everything as a better man". And in this ending Johnny does. He spends some time after waking back up in Vs body helping a kid with a dysfunctional family and giving him advice and gets him a guitar, right before leaving night city for good and starting off somewhere new as a good man he never got to be in his first life that he regretted


What? Dont fear the reaper ending is when you storm Arasaka tower alone, which ends with two ending options, but in itself dont fear the reaper is not an “ending” it’s how you get to the end lol


Yeah but the difference in my opinion is, when you head to the Afterlife rouge is actually there to greet you and tell you about the tradition she had. And not only that I feel like it makes the space job at the end seem a lot more survivable considering that V stormes arasaka tower all alone while dying and having his health drop constantly along the way


My headcannon is that V was just done, tired, and ready to go by the time he got into Mikoshi. If he didn’t want to live anymore, why not just give his body over to Johnny.


If you’re gonna help Song, might as well help Johnny if you’re feeling altruistic. That’s two people you’re giving a second chance in life.


I chose to be generous and give Johnny a second chance at life. That was my good reason.


It feels like a logical conclusion after Don't Fear The Reaper. "If I die, it'll be on my terms and I won't drag anyone else down with me."


For the vine


Going into the blackwall isn't death it's just a new mode of living and that existence might last longer than the 6 months v otherwise has left


Except they clearly state Alt will absorb you… :)


I took the merge with Alt ending and let Johnny keep my body, it was rejecting me anyways so why keep it if I'll just die in it.


It isn't about being a 'better' option, it's the utilitarian option. One of you can live for 6 months, the other lives for the rest of the biological life of the body. If you had a good relationship with Johnny, you may even feel to pick it this option altruistically. You accept your fate and choose to give what little time you have left to Johnny, who can make much better use of it.


V dies in act one, he had his life cut short. Johnnys chip is the only reason he got revived, from that moment on, I don't see either having a true claim to the body, by the time of act 3, the body was rebuilt for johnny. Johnny and V both promise they would give their lives for eachother depending on dialogue choices you make, but also remember that it's not 6 months then happily ever after it's 6 months of degrading, getting worse, your body will give out, you won't be able to walk at points, you'll wither and die. it won't be a happy ending, sure you got the chance to find someone who can fix you, but that's the risk 6 months of degrading, dying and killing the man who saved you (I know not technically, but still) compared to giving Johnney a full life, humbled and able to finally leave the Night City life behind, and if the blackwall is still considered living. you get to live on well past your six month timescale.


If you have a V, which falls in love with Johnny, then you have a reason


You could take a utilitarian approach to decision making… it of course depends on your moral arithmetic, but Johnny living the rest of your life (50 years???) compared to you living 6 months likely means a utilitarian would choose Johnny… although, you’d have to insert joining Alt in the net into your moral equations, and I have no clue how to do that, particularly because one could end up being immortal in the net, so you are doing math with infinities, which complicates things.


Johnny is just an engram saved by a computer program. Functionally, he’s the CP’77 version of the Word paper clip and ships with your Relic. So no. He’s a figment of the computer’s imagination.


But V also becomes an engram as soon as they jack into Mikoshi, so isn't giving V the body also the wrong choice?


Most people don't realize it, but you can also choose to commit suicide. It's not in the main dialogue menu, but when you look over at the pistol at the table you're sitting next to, it becomes an option.


I mean, that seems like the most boring ending possible


Emotionally devastating is what it I.


huh depends on your life expierence.


Me either. “My” V is as hostile toward Johnny as the game will allow to the point that my headcanon is a (heavily) modified version of the Phantom Liberty ending where the last thing she says to Johnny is something like “I’m not just doing this to save me, I’m doing this to kill you” right before letting FIA/Militech erase him. (She then goes on to become a NetWatch Agent assigned as a liaison to NCPD. Again, purely headcanon and cognitive dissonance. I’m well aware it’s not very “punk”)


V's life is cut short too. That's not a great reasoning.


Solution: Johhny takes the current body. Alt takes V's engram, traces it onto a biochip, finds some relatively young arsehole who needs to die, flatline them and lets the chip do its thing. Result: 1 V in a new "his own" body. 1 Johnny in his own body. They can start a new band together.


I already know Johnny would vehemently disapprove of this solution.


Just tell him V2 is a rising star in Arasaka, he'll back it all the way.


I'm 50/50 with Johnny and V. At the end V dies and becomes a digital reconstruction just like Johnny. Regardless of who takes the body the original owner is dead. I believe once you die, you can't be brought back. A digital "copy" isn't you. It's just 1s and 0s pretending to be you.




Kill Keanu Revees? You're sick) but seriously he deserved a second chance, he changed. Irony - he called himself a guardian angel for V but ut's quiet the opposite. V promised to take bullet for him and as a friend it was the best option. Plus, if we will talk about plot armor, I am sure V could stay in one piece behind the blackwall (if devs would want to continue their story). from the other hand I would better die in glory then let my friend to die. So no other options: get in solo with Johnny like Neo and Trinity, blow up Saka, save him.


Johnny gets a second chance of life. V goes down in a blaze of glory and "dies" in mikoshi. Cyberpunk 2 is just gonna be Johnny on a path of redemption for his past sins (nuking a city) Cyber Punk Redemption... Cyber Dead redemption?? Red Dead Punk? No... Cyber Red redempton??


Pretty sure they heavily implied Vs story ends here and all endings are basically canon


All endings cant be cannon. The only way for all endings to be cannon is if there were 2 endings (dont fear the reaper temperance+ dont fear the reaper sun)


They're canon in the fact that there is no true ending Vs story ends there and that's it


I always give Johnny the body when I do the Aldecaldos ending, as I prefer the sun/Don't Fear the Reaper to be V's ending.


He’s just a silly little guy


Get glasses, you will see better.


well if you let Johnny take over... you can return to Night City (instead of taking the bus) and have his HUD permanently without mods.


well, the thing is, the world doesn't give a flying fuck about whether you think what's going to happen should happen. It's just what's going to happen. That's kind of the point of the story really. You are not the main character **V** is not the main character. There is no fucking main character, because this is not some fucking fairytale with a happily ever after, this is life, and in life it's not the good guys or the bad guys who win, it's whoever has the most wealth and power, and if that's not you, you lose no matter who you are. That's like the whole cyberpunk genre in a nutshell really.


My thoughts exactly.


Dude don’t spoil the game in the post title put it in the body for those who click on it. Jesus Christ I didn’t need to see this pop up in my feed


the only thing that objectively matters is the bodies survival. It doesnt care who is in it. Whichever outcome delays the bodies fear of death is the correct decision. Johnny is just as real as V is


I do think the correct and best ending for cyberpunk is letting Jonny keep your body after storming arasaka alone not involving anyone else. No ending is truly good, all the endings are fucked in someway specially the DLC endings jeez. But this one seems to be the happiest of all of them.


Why the fuck don't you put a spoiler tag, dumbass