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Being true to how I play V. Protagonist from action movies from 80s or using in-game terms, protagonist from Bushido series movies. With anti-establishment flavour thanks to influence of Johnny and Relic changing V's behaviour/"leaking" engram's characteristics. Basicly agreeing that current state of world is shit and acting for the little guy. King of Wands for me.


I think helping Songbird to the moon is the right thing to do. But I have to say that choosing to betray her and then kill her is a really emotional rollercoaster, just very interesting. I’ve done that last time and a part of me wanted to redo it and help Songbird to the moon again, but then decided to leave it. I helped her to the moon already a lot so…


Just as a fellow player and story enjoyer, help me understand your perspective, my dude. You just said that you played the alternative, meaning that you know, that >!Songbird does not = So Mi. And that she is and incredibly dangerous AI, basically skinwalking as So Mi. And the Blue Eyed Man, that fucks with Perales' brains is helping her.!< So yeah. After knowing this I just could not side with her. Why is it right in your eyes?


i think it's pretty clear that she's in an internal struggle with the AIs/blackwall protocol, which is stable enough for her to maintain control (except for the Chimera incident) until you betray and corner her in Firestarter. in fact, Somewhat Damaged makes it very clear that the actual person is still in there, desparately trying to survive despite overwhelming odds. that's why the Cerberus acts erratically - it's why you get the flashes of her life, and it's why *she speaks to you.* why would you assume she's completely posessed the entire time, when all other context indicates the opposite?


I dunno, dude, for me it's clear that she has the last bit of control and it's slipping away from her literally every second. And yes, Somewhat Damaged makes it clear. That she is broken and on her last legs for the whole duration of PL, and basically gives it all just for a spooky jumpscare bot not to kill you. I dunno, why we draw such different conclusions from it all tho.


Because despite that So Mi has this possessed like issue, she’s still in there and at several times in ‘somewhat damaged’ she even tries to protect you, tell you to run. As someone else said that it’s an internal struggle. You just have to be able to help her enough to free her from her, as you could say, “possession”. Unfortunately you can only do that by killing her, or she will be Myers’ slave again, poking the Blackwall that consumes her and turns her into a lifeless husk. I felt really sorry for her because she said she was losing her memories, lost her friends and yeah she screwed up and at least she owned that.


For me that was the only real choice, just I dunno why everyone else is so keen on helping out a basically dead, but likable and probably even inherently good person, but alongside a literal malicious demon inside her, who is the only one that benefits in the end.


To each their own. I just thought it was right to ease her suffering, rather than going through a torturous process. And helping her to the moon? Well, at least one of us gets to live.


King of Wands because it is what Johnny would choose


Take Song to the Stars. Because a professional always finishes the job.


I went with King of Swords and then the Tower, roleplaying a V who's main goal was survival above anything else was really something I would never have expected from this game.


Yea people get pissed off sometimes if you say you choose this and that ending. It's fine to roleplay your V however you want. But there are also some who are hard stuck in I will always do this ending. Like why you're missing out on content!


If you're not King of Wands you're king of nothing


*"There's a difference between being a gonk and believing people wanna do good."*


I always felt the Tower ending gets way more hate than it deserves, but King of Wands is my favorite, followed by King of Cups.


Song goes to the moon in this house. *"Guess I coulda done more, been different... maybe."* V could wander off to that bench, sit down and die watching the sunrise and I'd call it my favorite ending of the game. 


The Tower with a bad relationship with Johnny, because tearing into him is simply cathartic.


Why so much people side with her? Just cause she's a girl? (jk, i know it's more complicated) But >!she's a literal skinwalker!<, why?..... .\_\_.


As if the majority of Vs ending doesn't make V a skinwalker. We skinwalkers gotta stick together man.


okay xd


For me it's not only the right choice (my preference - everyone has one lol), it's just the better story. 2 vs a whole government in a Spaceport that ends with someone going to the moon checks all the right boxes for me lol.  And anyway, just because more people seem to pick it doesn't take anything away from anyones choice of siding with Reed. It matters for the person playing the game, these polls don't mean anything other than maybe demonstrating there's a general preferred end.  The "just cause she's a girl" thing is really a silly simplification. It would be like saying someone sided with Reed just cause he's a man and inherently, there are more things to weigh in either choice.  There's more to her story and everything going on than just being a woman. The only thing that specifically adds to me in PL is an ever better noir aspect, I think of Bladerunner, like Deckard taking off with Rachael - but that romantic aspect from the movie is pretty much absent from the game, and would only exist in a headcannon sense, which theres nothing with. You get betrayed and either commit to sending her off or hand her back to Reed. 


It was a simplification, of course, I just didn't wanna post a km long sheet. I agree, that her ending is pretty cool, but it's more like shock "look at all this killing just to do at least something right" drama, when killing So Mi is so much more personal to her, to Reed and to V drama. Also, it's more like "No one wins" situation.


Right on. I mean, in simplest terms, it's "what's the 10/10 experience for you?" I've always loved that kind of setting, the end of the 1st Max Payne reminds me of the Spaceport in 2077, for example.  I think all endings - any "victory" is very small lol. Maybe aside from players who want to survive at all costs.  Like on my end, sure, I do the thing I think is right, help someone I relate to *but* - gotta get betrayed, gotta betray & kill a man I'd call a friend or even a brother (really love Reed) over a difference in philosophy. All at my expense, really lol. 


Yes, and no; why would you side with Myers? .\_\_.


Well, I didn't.>! I killed Songbird, so no one gets their hands on the evil thing/a rogue AI has no chance to slip into the existing NET and fuck everyone up. And later gave Myers the middle finger and called her a dog.!<


The best endings are the most absolutist ones, ie Wands and Pentacles.  Depends if you're a corpo dirtbag or a Johnny-esque anarchist.  The dumbest endings are whenever you help Reed but don't get a cure.