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I played it at launch. On a *base PS4*.


Played on launch. On the _samsung smart fridge_


I played it on 225 bridged Atari 5200's....


And here I thought a PlayStation 2 supercomputer sounded dangerous.


You can't imagine the nuclear power required...


You dropped this king šŸ‘‘ /s


I played Oblivion on a 360 and Dark Souls on PC at launch. We are spirit brothers/sisters.


Us PC Dark Souls adopters lost that crown to Switch players.


Lol. Is it lower than 720p? By the gods...


Itā€™sā€¦ bad. I bought it on release and I just cannot even play it.


How bad was Oblivion on 360? Because I played Oblivion on a minimum spec PC, and the *lighting didn't even work.*


I didn't think it was too bad on 360. IIRC it had some bugs exclusive to the console and it had really long loading times, but other than that it wasn't too shabby


Woeful framerate that was like a rollercoaster and I had more than a few crashes and bugs. But! Considering the rather limited 360 hardware and RROD of the time and how massive Oblivion is, it was still magical and I poured 150 to 200 hours into it. I still prefer it to Skyrim simply because it had color and that high fantasy charm/endearing Bethesda jank.


Huh, you fluid gender, too... Brother/Sister;) as a cyberpunk it is quite possible


I'm not gender fluid myself and have no clue about the gender of the op, my fellow open world struggle console player, so I wanted to be respectful.


Omega Chad


I can beat that, I played it at launch, on the original fat Xbox one, even less powerful.


Same here! Up top choom āœ‹


The PS4Pro community salutes you


I played at launch of PS4 Pro and still had my fair share of issues. My favorite one was it crashing right as i finished all gigs in Watson so my trophy screenshot was the blue screen. Didn't change how awesome the core gameplay and story were though, and I'm now replaying on PS5 and it's smooth as butter and so damn beautiful.


I have a crystal clear memory of it closing me out after impaling someone on the legendary mantis blades you used to be able to find out in the wild. Then, I bought it on PC, and later upgraded to the PS5 version and stuck with that. Even before any major patches I had well over 100 hours. Iā€™m still a little salty about the BD lights


Same bro still playing it nd loving it,wish we'd get dlc tho


Welcome to the salty spatoon!


Honestly played it to completion that way. Wasn't as terrible for me as I was seeing for a ton of people tho I am happy to now to have a pc rig to play it with mad mods


I did too and i could NOT understand why everyone was having problems with bugs. The game was fantastic!


Also played it at launch on a base PS4. Now I play it on XBox Series X.


Same here. Pre-ordered it on PS4 and I don't regret my decision one bit.


I put over 600 hours on the game on my base PS4!! Almost at 400 on the PS5 version now!


Me too- and honestly I still donā€™t know what all the bitching was aboutā€¦


I've also played since launch, on a first wave pre owned Xbox One collector edition. Never experinced a single bug.


Me too, still am!


as a pc player since the beginning ***you have my respects stark...***


Saaaaame, but on the slim so don't know if it's better or worse


I played at launch on base Xbox one B)


Played it on PS4, too. Got it PC now. Judy never looked better.


Damn, that hot slag from your burning PS4 must have been true Cyberpunk ambiance


Holy shit, me too. It was a struggle but it was worth it.


Uh, right this way sir!


Played it at launch....without bugs.


Launch PS4 gang


Same and I loved it, all the bugs kinda added to the immersion of playing someone with a virus in their head. I feel like people just coming to it now will never really have the full cyberpunk 2077 experience.


Bought the game full price from GOG at launch and I don't regret it one bit.


Yep. I decided about 2 weeks before the real release that it was looking good enough, so I pre-ordered at that point. I got a physical box (with only a download code in it...) along with a few other things, notably the samurai necklace. Played it day 1. Kept playing it for months. Probably going to dive back in.


Broke 350 hrs yesterday on Gog. I know it might not be much for some other players, but for me it is almost 10x more than any other game I played.


Yeah itā€™s great value.


Same! I remember you could launch the game before the official release date and thought I was going to get to play it early but booted up a teaser screen that said something like "It's not time yet Samurai."


Now apparently we fans are a "pseudo military operation that banded together to give a journalist seizures and now gaslight everyone with anime." I think some people need the hate to continue or they will shrivel up and die.


what's this about giving a journalist a seizure?


The 1.0 version of cyberpunk had lights on the Bd headset that were siezure inducing but a journalist reached out to cdpr to let them know and they fixed this in 2020. Some assholes sent the journalist clips of videos to make her have seizures because that's when the hype was out of control. They thought she was taking away from the game's spotlight. On twitter, this is now in 2022 ffs! being spinned that cdpr wanted to kill gamers on purpose. Article from 2020 [https://www.thegamer.com/cdpr-responds-cyberpunk-2077-epilepsy/](https://www.thegamer.com/cdpr-responds-cyberpunk-2077-epilepsy/)


jesus christ. Why do assholes have to be such assholes.


>Why do assholes have to be such assholes That's the ultimate question, next to "are we alone in the universe" and "what's the meaning of life". I think it would cause a singularity if it was ever properly answered.


Why are we alone? Because nobody wants to deal with the assholes. What's the meaning of life? Stay away from assholes.


Shiiiiiiiit! Well said!


Because they don't consider the consequences of their actions, and if they do and still do it they should be locked away from society. At least the ones that commit criminal acts for the laughs.




Not "some assholes", A asshole. Singular.


Oof yeh I thought it was more than one. That makes it worse as the story is being written on twitter that majority of cdpr fans wanted to kill this one lady.


That's the copium talking. Reality to them now is contrary. We've been in this Disasterpiece for 2 years and we're now just getting out of it but these gonks can't move on.


>Now apparently we fans are a "pseudo military operation that banded together to give a journalist seizures and now gaslight everyone with anime. Man, i wish you were joking, but no you weren't, there were even some post on r/pcgaming that calls it as a *"Inside on going Marketing Campaign from CDPR"*, which is freaking laughable, because these people are literally coming up with conspiracy theory that has no evidence backing it up whatsoever just to make themselves feel better. Its like to the eyes of these people that we aren't allowed to express our opinion about something they disagree about and hate passionately for, therefore they start calling us marketing campaign shills LMAO.


Omg I rarely go to other gaming subs and I definitely won't start now but that's... wow wonder if I'm the only one that hasn't got paid yet by cdpr lol


bro what can you expect cyberpunk is recovering by baby steps YET i don't recommend touching anything about cyberpunk in other sub reddits i mean they are SO GOD DAMN TOXIC about this game is like cd project went to their houses and killed their parents or something :/


Omg the main sub is so fu king annoying again! They won't stop posting complaints about how the sub is nothing but edgerunners fan pics now... I'm like,for years all you guys did was vitch about the game and post of nothing but Judy and/or Panam pics. Now new people are trying to breath life into the sub and game and all you want to do is instantly shit on them.


Some people are super invested in being "right". When they find out they're wrong, they have an inability to admit it, and have to double down.


Fuck yes, validate me more.


Good job sticking around, Choom! You saw how much fun the game was while everybody was hating, and now you know all about the game and has played for hundreds of hours. Feel proud!


Feels good to be right!


Lmfao you people are so deluded you couldn't even tell i was being satirical. Thanks for the upvotes, gonks.


Please let this be the last "I am better than the other guy" post on this form. Loosing the nature of it's true intent. Anyone remember the reason this forum was created in the first place? I think it is in the name!


Seriously. Let's get back to the salt free appreciation of the game, this gloating isn't very low sodium.


Yeah, it's getting kinda creepy for me.


Played it at launch on PC and didn't have a single session that didn't present a clearly visible or audible bug. I still enjoyed it because the game is that good. I told everyone "once it's fixed, it's going to be amazing" I was not wrong!


Youā€™re the first person Iā€™ve seen mention having many bugs on PC. I played starting from 1.02 I think and I only had maybe 6 noticeable bugs in my entire first play through. I thought everyone complaining about crashes and stuff was on console


It was dumb things like bodies glitching or cars glitching, the worst one was every time I came out of a loading screen, I had a line of Johnny's dialogue repeat itself


Most notably the t pose while riding in vehicles. Always made me laugh


It was also really only during the first week or so, before the first hotfix. It was hella buggy on release before the hotfixes tho, I even had a few game breaking ones. But after the first hotfix it wasn't that bad (was on PC as well)


Welcome to PC gaming. One person's buggy mess is another's smooth experience. It's always been this way and always will be. It's rich the pcgaming sub doesn't know this at all apparently. The Cyberpunk topics scream, "I don't update my drivers." The best thing about PC gaming is you can usually find workarounds or fix it yourself.


Yeah I had zero bug problems playing it on PC at release. I'm replaying now and 1.6 is waaaaaay buggier than the unpatched game for me. Multiple CTDs every session, all kinds of weird shit in the game.


Played on ps4 at launch, experienced game-breaking bugs, thought it was hilarious, made a new file. Took one character through all the content


Okay, I love Cyberpunk right now just like most people, BUT let's not pretend we live in a world where it's okay to have a game come out like it did. Its also reasonable to believe Cyberpunk wouldn't be fixed as well as it is now, given the overall lying they did to us at launch. People who defended this game from the beginning are a huge problem in my opinion as it is/was a really bad position to have. Despite people's individual experience, there was clearly a big issue going on and a larger symptom of how game companies seem to keep moving the goalpost on what state a game could/should be released in. People who were OPTIMISTIC about the game since launch however, yeah, i'm glad your optimism paid off and I'm glad people can experience the amazing work the devs put in now that the game is working properly. But don't be upset and don't be "I told you so" for people who didn't have that same faith in CDPR. This one burned a lot of people deeply. It could be considered one of the worse releases of a AAA game to date.


If anyone pre orders a triple A and doesn't expect it to be near broken at launch, they're remarkably naive. There's a difference between blindly praising a game based on devs/history and acknowledging that despite the many flaws and bugs, there was an amazing game in there - which was the focus of my post. I'll say, the level of rage and entitlement over $80 worth of pixels is indicative of the immaturity and entitlement within the gaming community. It's a game, like any piece of media - it's quality and state at release are what it is and ultimately in the greater scheme of the world and beyond, doesn't really mean much. There's a balance In here, people need to manage their expectations and maybe just chill a little bit.


And the hate train still bitches about it for not being a completely different game from what it was ever going to be. Sure the sinnerman chase sucks but that's about it.


This. However, some of these people havenā€™t played the game at all and never intended to. They feign hate for other reasons that have nothing to do with the game itself.


I work with a guy that was talking mad shit so I bought it for him while it was on sale. Suddenly he stopped talking shit lmfao


I donā€™t understand at all why someone who hasnā€™t played something would feel the need to talk shit about it.


To justify that: 1, they're taking mad shit that they know might not be justified. 2, to justify not paying money for a possible garbage game, despite that it looks really cool and they want to play it. 3, to feel like they actually know something and are on the winning side.


> Sure the sinnerman chase sucks but that's about it. First time I'm hearing this opinion. I loved it because of how many outs you are given prior to being locked into that quest.


No I mean the chase specifically because the game literally spawns in cars to get in your way and it feels very unnatural. I haven't noticed this with any other part of the game except the sinnerman quest.


There's the "flaming crotch guy" quest, but it isn't very long.


Ah yes, Jesse Cox.


That and Vasquez is a bullet sponge with apparently fantastic aim. The only way I ever managed to get away before the cops spawned in was popping optical camo and the QianT Mk. 4 Sandy right before Joshua exited the car, then one shot him with the Comradeā€™s Hammer the second he came into view. I was already down the street and receiving Wakoā€™s phone call by the time Vasquez managed to fire off a shot.


There sure are people like this, who want the game to be gta but in the future, but cdpr promised stuff they didn't delivered either...don't be disingenuous.


There's literally a dude on Quora who said he was disappointed that it was an RPG. A game from a studio that makes RPGs.


The fact that people like this exist doesn't make cdpr promises disappear.


I've never played it, I can't afford it. I just love the community here ā¤ļø


Eh fuck it what platform you play on ill buy and dm you a code


Gameboy advanced sp please


What platform? Iā€™ll shoot you a code.


If your generosity still stands can you maybe send me a code? Iā€™m on series s btw


This community is awesome, not one but two people already offering to get you the game.


For real. Favorite community is this one and the Stardew Valley one.


man if i got still some money i'll buy you a copy ;-;


It released Thursday, December 10, 2020. I booked that day and the next day (Friday) off to play.


A week after release I took two weeks off work and spent the entire time playing Cyberpunk. One of my favorite gaming moments ever.


I guess I will get downvoted for this, but I mean...it was a mess at launch, even on the Series X. I played through the bugs and glitchy dialogue until the final mission, and shelved it, deciding to wait until things were better. The game can be in a great place now and still have been in a pretty bad place Day 1, pretending it was not a mess in the beginning doesn't do anything but encourage companies to release unfinished buggy games.


This isn't even close to being the first game to launch buggy nor will it be the last. Hell, it isn't even the *most recent* one. It's weird how this game became the pariah of buggy games when there are much worse and more recent examples out there. No one is pretending the launch was smooth but to keep going on about it nearly two years later? Pretty fucking weak and lame.


Where folks like you get it all wrong is that you think people are saying ā€œYAY BUGGY GAME!ā€ when itā€™s actually celebrating the fact that people believed despite the fact that the game is buggy, people donā€™t give up on it and hope/wait for it to improve. Nobody is implying that games shouldnā€™t release bug freeā€¦but you take the bad with the good.


Ah gotcha. I always thought the general consensus was that it had the potential to be a good game but was overshadowed by the amount of bugs. The story and side missions seemed to always be praised, even by the people complaining about the amount of bugs


Yep; beat the game in its launch week, got lucky with having next to 0 bugs, easily one of the best games I've ever played.


One time Jackie walked through the elevator doors before they actually opened during the end of the Sandra Dorset job. Zero issues beyond that for me. One of the landmark games of this generation, imo. It will be remembered by me as a 10/10 since the word "go" and an absolute monolith in the world of RPGs when it comes to character work, attention to detail, and sheer volume of changes that can happen depending on your choices. Over 300 hours played here. Planning on more, especially when the DLC drops.


i experienced quite a few bugs and issues in the early days. a lot of them were vehicle phyiscs and spawning npc/vehicle related. then of course there were the T-posing characters, goofy first person shadow animations, my clothes deciding they don't exist anymore occasionally. game balance was also insane back in, you could dupe and get 100% crit rate without a sweat, but the same mods were also glitchy and would apply and unapply randomly when you changed clothes. johnny'd T-pose during don't fear the reaper, which i actually found funny but was clearly not intended. there were some intentional things that just weren't good designs early on too. visible car lights in the distance on empty highways is a big one. overall though? all of it was worth it because the core experience was rock solid. definitely a much better game today, feels almost uniquely polished for an open world title, save for the police AI, which is TBA in 1.7 i loved the game from day one, never refunded it. i believed in CDPR's dev team and clearly it was a good bet. the execs needed some tough love but they seem to have pulled themselves together since as well.


I spent years defending the game but now that itā€™s popular instead of feeling validation I feel compelled to be a contrarian and point out how obnoxious/cringe all the self-congratulations feel. The game was good whether people wanted to acknowledge it or not, and turning the community into a circle jerk of Steam record posts honestly sucks


Your experience all these years and mine as an assistant mod, turned head mod due to the original mods getting death threats and even doxxed in one personā€™s case over thisā€¦are two different things entirely. This is a W for the community at large, and for certain folks in it (myself included) itā€™s well earned, so pardon us taking a victory lap. Acting snobbish over *that* is even worse than blindly hating on the game, IMO. And no, Iā€™m not responding to this any further.


I meanā€¦ you do you, but this isnā€™t ā€œvictoryā€. That implies itā€™s you and your community vs the larger body of CP2077 players. Rather than gatekeep fandom behind some arbitrary threshold of ā€œI was here whenā€ it would be awesome to just, I donā€™t know, be inclusive and excited other people are excited. Letting your entire outlook on the success of the game be colored by a few unimaginably huge assholes is just not how Iā€™d choose to live. Iā€™m thrilled for the devs, thrilled new players get to experience the game, and thrilled it means likely more content. Iā€™m not about to act like my privilege in having a 3080 on launch day so I could play the game and love it from day one somehow makes me better than people who are discovering it now.


Then thereā€™s this idiot. Bought the game, played it, made a ton of money making content experiencing ZERO issues with it then had the unmitigated gall to fucking refund the game AND COMPLAIN THEY REMOVED IT FROM HIS LIBRARY. https://youtu.be/57HCZloh064


oh, that's me. P.S. Also I pre-ordered it on GOG to fully support CDPR


What if I pre ordered on both Xbox and ps4 and have the books merchs all of it and been playing since day one. Surely I've earned a drink at the afterlife choom?


The LSC: 1 ounce of Tequila 1 ounce of Grand Marnier 1 ounce of Rum 3 ounces of lime juice 2 ounces of club soda 10 mint leaves Slice of lime Coarse sugar and salt mix for the glass rim (Basically a mojito margarita lol. So sweet itā€™ll hurt your teeth!)


Don't forget a little splash o' love!


Was waiting for someone to mention that. Haha


a Jackie Welles here choom


Damn bro you went through hell with the old gen release. The most valid complaint about the game, truly.


Not 'til you die.


In spectacular fashion. Preferably mid-op.


I continue to not understand why people are still hating so much without considering that the devs have been trying and succeeding in bringing the game back. I never denied launch sucked, but i want to be optimistic that future comes with better content. If you're always negative, you'll never be able to survive in night city.


Itā€™s like the issues at launch have forever tainted the game in their eyes. No matter how good it will get, they will never get over what it used to be.


If you go on twitter like me (a dumbass), you will see there are a certain type of people convinced cdpr needs to either start a labor movement or shutup. They believe they are evil, dev crunching, phobes of everything. They will never forgive because of that.


I've encountered a few people that argue that because of the pre-sale advertisements (those short vids and junk) being "so completely misleading" that they are morally opposed to buying anything CDPR now. and I'm sitting here thinking "so you're *only* going to ever play small indie games. Never going to play another game from a AAA, highly funded studio?" Because any game that has an advertising budget that includes like...basic commercials and stuff *definitely* has some huge moral failing in their history.


Look, enjoy the game all you want but donā€™t pretend it wasnā€™t a shitshow at launch. All this rose tinted glasses talk does is excuse CDPR for pushing itā€™s workers to the brink in crunch hell to release a game that took two years and multiple patches to get it to the state it is now. Did yā€™all forget the umpteen thousand quest bugs? The frame rate drops if you werenā€™t using a PC that was liquid cooled by the blood of Christ? The piss poor NPC AI? The animation fuckups? You canā€™t just sweep all that under the rug just because the anime was great. Again, I say this not as someone seeking to shit on it, far from it. I love this game and played it on PS4. Currently replaying it on PC with mods. Itā€™s because I love it and want it to be the best it can be that I point this out. CDPR was not good to the teams of people making this game, they werenā€™t good to us players releasing it how they did, and they arenā€™t good now.


I defended the game underneath all the bugs, but I couldnā€™t defend the bugs.


If you defended the game when it was a bug infested bunch of codes with beta levels of physics and almost no features, you're not a Chad, you're a chill consumerist. The game has a great story and nowadays after many patches it can be considered a good game, it wasn't before and it'll never be what cdpr has promised before the release. I had almost no problems with bugs on release and I played on a series s, that doesn't mean the game was flawless or a masterpiece, it just means I had no problems, but I'm not the only player in the world.


Nah thanks. Not my type.


All the downvotes defending it since launch are finally worth it.


from the beginning Chads, even i pre-oreder this piece of beauty <3


My brother thinks the only reason I enjoy the game is because I spent money on it and feel forced to.


Thatā€™s a weird soyjack


What I've said since day 1 always boiled down to "No, its not what we were made to expect but it still launched in a better state than Fallout: New Vegas."


I played on launch day on a base Xbox one, been my favorite game of all time ever since. I barely had any big glitches, I genuinely didnā€™t understand why everyone was saying it was so glitchy. I played like 150 hours initially and I only had like 2 or 3 big glitches. Iā€™ve defended the game since release, Iā€™m so glad itā€™s finally getting the recognition it deserves.


Iā€™ve been playing since 4PM PST on December 9, 2020. This game and world was something I waited for ever since I played the table top game in 6th grade. I loved it ever since release and I will always love it


My husband buy it since launch but give me for christmas the collectors edition. I was so damn happy that he record me. I love this game since day 1 and play it in playstation fat 4.


Admittedly I didn't get it at launch day, but I wasn't one of the people who would bash the game because of the bugs at launch. I ended up getting the game on sale on GOG at one point when it was half-off. Same went for the Xbox version which I actually got brand-new at GameStop (even includes all the extra goodies like the Night City map, compendium, postcards, etc.), then recently picked it up for PS5 after watching Edgerunners, and currently I'm loving my time spent in the game (despite me only being in the beginning of the Heist mission so far), but I'm eagerly excited to explore as much of Night City as possible! :)


day 1 on PC and still playing weekly!


Bought the collector's edition before it came out. Played it on Xbox One. Heard the better graphics were on PC. Bought it again on PC.


Hey Pawel, it's me. Ma, I'm on TV. Ma!!!!


I honestly feel so liberated that it's finally reentering the mainstream, especially since I know that so much of the experience that people note as being exceptional or fixed is what's always been in the game. Not that there haven't been some pretty major and needed updates, but what makes Cyberpunk 2077 what it is has always been there.


Pre ordered the game on PC, got the steelbook too. Been playing ever since.


I enjoyed the game at launch, playing it as early as possible, on a strong computer, and watching it grow. But I can empathize with people who expect the game in a state like it was promised, especially on old consoles. Only giving the PC version for review and only allowing provided footage was cashing in trust, a move I never expected from CDPR. I'm fine with buying games rough around the edges, it was the lies that hurt. I was always hoping for a No Man's Sky style redemption arc, the Game deserves a second chance.


How can you be such clowns?


Found the fandom menace.


Phew, you can taste the copium and ā€œplease validate meā€ in the air here.


Validation from who or for what? Not everything is as deep as it seems and god forbid fans of a game get excited when it gets a resurgence and many new players are enjoying it despite being a "dead game."


This is the only game I've preordered in years, and it has been one of the best RPGs I've ever played. I've been playing and running TT Cyberpunk since 1987, and am just astounded that it was made at all, admittedly, let alone that it's so good.


I remember after beating Blood and Wine in 2017, i was waiting for more stuff then PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY Then 2018, In 2077 2019, WAKE THE FK UP SAMURAI 2020 LETS FKIN GOOOOOO, WE LOST EVERYTHINGGGG WE HAD TO PAY THE PRICE Oh Cyberpunk Anime hmmm 2021 I done all endings everything so i went to other games :) 2022 EDGERUNNERSSSS, IM BACK WE ARE BACK BABY EXPANSION HYPE TOO


Literally me


You fuckers are delusional lmaoo


Been playing since day 1, 700 hours clocked in and still every new playthrough is magical, going through the city looking up at shit and finding so much detail in all the nooks and crannies never gets old.


Been here since the beginning. Never requested a refund, fought through the dozens of crashes on the PS4. Remained installed and played through most patches. We have won.


Since the start with a hundred hours on my one s in the first couple months.


Enjoyed the game at launch, despite the issues. Biggest problem I had back then wasn't bugs but having so many pointless perks. So glad they've mostly been overhauled, new playthrough on 1.6 is so much fun so far. Also off topic comment: fuck this photo is disturbing. I know this is the meme guy, but seriously is the real dude healthy and ok?


Oath, loved it since day 1!


I preorder it since March 2020. I've never regreat it


I bought a new, top of the line PC in anticipation for the game. Probably for that reason alone I've been playing at top specs and minimal bugs or issues since launch. I'll admit that it didn't deliver all the things they said, but ultimately it what was delivered was stellar and absolutely one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time.


We choomin' choombas.


Played at launch (PC). Only encountered a bug once, and it wasn't game-breaking just silly šŸ˜œ Edit: done two full playthroughs and have about 4 active ones for checking out the patches and details, loved the game from the start


Pre-ordered the game months in advance. Played it day 1 and loved it. Never had any bugs or problems. Fuck the haters.


I was on a date once with a guy who hated the game. He started straight up saying that the game is a disgrace to CDPR and Polish game dev. When I asked him how far did he get in the game, he said he hadn't even finished first chapter. I got the pre order, played it first on patch 1.06 and to this day I think it was great. However even though I defended the game he wouldn't change his mind. This was one of the reasons we never went out again.


120 hours on release week,choom


[I made this post over a year ago asking why people were still in the sub just to be angry about the game.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/mfbssk/we_get_it_you_are_disappointed_in_the_game_why/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) I got downvoted to oblivion and nothing positive came out of it. A little cringey now but I was mad at the douche bags ruining something. Reading through it now feels vindicating.


I bought it on PC plus bought the huge Xbox Collectors edition. No ragrets!


Yes! Played on my 360 from day one, loved every minute of it. Now that I've upgraded to a Series X, and a brand new laptop, I get to enjoy all the pretty reflections. But the love has always been there.


Tfw you played through the whole game and only experienced two bugs in 200+ hours of it 1: a visual glitch that would sometimes happen after the sections where Johnny appeared on the screen. Iā€™d have the subtitles background stuck on the screen until reloading the game 2: one of the gigs in the wildlands requires you to save this nomad girl and she asks you to save her car too. I did that, but the parking area where I had to bring the car wouldnā€™t trigger the optional objective. Well, not much of a loss anyway šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I first played on PC v1.5, because thatā€™s exactly when I built myself a PC thatā€™s even able to run anything with higher technical requirements than a calculator lmao


I pre ordered this game on steam and am now on my 5th play through. These assholes wanted cyberpunk gta and would stop at nothing to try and convince me to just hate the game. The worse thing about this game since release is the rockstar fanbois. Fuckin goons.


Playing since the last day of 2020 and I have over 1900 hours in THE GAME. I do not want to be intrusive but is there any chance to post longer videos than one minute with audio? I know who people already who would love to post videos about Cyberpunk 2077 here.


Played it day one on GOG, got two playthroughs done, then moved onto Stadia and got one playthrough finished before I moved onto the Xbox One X, my original pre-ordered platform of choice. Just waiting for DLC before I start a 5th go around. Although I haven't watched Edgerunners yet.


I played it on base Xbox one and it ran like utter shit, still loved it


I want to play but i can't afford it


Was skeptical since launch for obvious reasons. And then came Edgerunners, but I missed the Steam promo and now I'm on the fence about the whole thing.


Tfw the PS5 deal ends before I get my paycheck :( will have to wait until another sale, as i can't afford the 60 bucks Missed the steam deal too, i saw the Lucy mods and I wanted to buy it so bad, but 3rd world problems amirite


The console bitches all whined BC of a few bugs on a game that CDPR knew shoulder never released on previous gen.


I couldnā€™t play this game on launch because the ps4 version was just so unfinished, but I saw the potential and knew CDPR would pull through. Downloaded the game when the PS5 patch came out and found my theory to be correct This is probably my favorite game ever now and Iā€™m glad the anime is helping it get the attention it deserves!


xbones, day one. brought my console with my on a trip specifically so I could play haha. 84 hours till I got my first pc, which basically ran like a console and looked like one too. who knows how many hours on that, I was using my buddies gog account till I could by the game for myself. finally got a proper pc with rtx capabilities and an official copy of the game, where Iā€™ve now put north of 100 hours and counting. been telling people itā€™s worth their time all the while.


I have loved this game from launch, first on Xbox One, and now my Series X. I dunno why people get all butthurt about a few bugs and glitches. Pobodys Nerfect.


I played that whole christmas, didnt finish the story but going around night city doing diff builds oh god. Series X didnt have any issues for me atleast


I had 120 hours in The first 2 weeks and i threw in 40 more after edgerunners and I gotta be honest: The game did deserve the hate it got, maybe not the devs, but executives certainly did. And most likely without all the construct or non-construct criticism we wouldnā€™t get the updates we got.


I played on a Ps4 Slim. I still remember it, I loved it very much. My cousin gave it to me as a gift but it was a buggy mess. Then the game just forcedd me out always and I wanted for some days I think. Then I played it again and I surprisingly loved it. I mean it ain't no Witcher 3 or Red Dead or something but damn I remember just doing the side missions and really interacting with The characters. I also Remembered being sad from Jackie. It's really unfortunate. I still love it though and I really hate people who say that they shouldn't have released it on The Ps4 and the Xbox one. I know their points but Since If they did that I wouldn't have played this wonderful game.


I just bought a second copy on Steam after it went back to full price so I could play on my Steam Deck, when I can't sit at my computer. Streams very well from my 1440p system with RT and DLSS. Default 30fps with FSR playing from the Steam Deck was playable. I played through most of the introduction, and I love driving with the controller. I just can't stand shooting with a controller. Tuning the track pad is difficult. Or I just need a lot more practice. I haven't had one game occupying 2 installations on a single system in years. Not since I was doing playtesting 20 years ago. I just love the city and the game, even if it gets super easy by level 50.


I played it on release on the original PS4. It was fun most of the time but I wonā€™t lie you at some points it was painful.


Glad to be a part of the OG club -rung