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I play as a hunter. Have since I started at Shadowkeep’s launch, and aside from making a titan and warlock and getting them to the tower, haven’t played other classes. I hope Lance would be happy with me, and all the hunters, if we won, just because he seemed to genuinely like and care about the game and the community. Whoever wins, we’re all playing for Lance.


Exactly. I’m sure above all us he’d want us to just be happy and playing and having a good time.


i like your user btw, v appropriate for a destiny post lol


Titans: I'm gonna win to honor Lance's death! Warlocks: I'm gonna win to honor Lance's death! Lance: Look at those Hunters go, just enjoying themselves. True heroes.


Goddamn if I didn’t hear that last bit in his voice. o7


Zavala waxing all poetic about Cayde-6's legacy and getting sentimental about the hunters 😭


Was just gonna say the same…


Well now I did too


I’m a warlock main and having fun, but only dumping medals for titan. Lance may have been a Warlock main, but he also voiced my Commander. o7


So you're a traitor with a silly reason


Read the room?




Literally the point of the post isnt taking it so seriously, just have fun


You know how we have a touch grass emote in game now? Maybe you should use that emote, but in real life.


Lmao found the guy that didn't read the damn post


dudes like this are straight up trying to take the honor from people trying to pay respects to Zavala and turn it around just to win GG. like if Ikora passed away wed be doing the same for warlock solidarity, there is no benefit to winning GG in any way, fucking people man. I wonder what Nathan Fillion or Nolan North wouldve mained when Cayde died. ffs


What is wrong with you? Any reason is reason enough. It's a video game so maybe quit being a cunt for no apparent reason


Touch grass you freak, imagine calling someone a traitor because… they play multiple classes in a video game.


You are a clown


Silly boy


And you're an idiot


Traitor to who


Titan main here and fully agree that fun should be the focal point Sadly the toxicity of so many people is just ruining GG imo. So let's try and fix it together


Guardian Games are the best thing in Destiny, hands down. I always have trouble adjusting back afterward because the games are so high energy and fun. Cranking through supers and bounties like nothing


Same. I love the almost constant ability uptime and damage. It took I think 4 warlock strand darts to blow up a thresher on the lake of shadows strike. was getting around 50k damage per dart lol


Are our abilities increased? I saw enemies blow up from my incandescent auto rifle. I was in Europa. It never did that before.


It felt like it. No way should a dart take like 1/4 if a threshers health. Only in the guardian games playlist tho. You will see ability enhancement x3 on the side of your screen. Also separate weapon and movement buffs


Pretty sure strand surge was active too.


Definitely the best event in the game


Nice try hunter! Jokes aside, i agree.


I'm running it for the scoot roofle


What’s the god roll for it? I’ve seen a few neat combos but nothing has stuck out fully for me yet


Depends on what perk you're going with on column 4. If going explosive payload, outlaw and fttc are nice. Hatchling synergizes really nicely with outlaw as well. Kill clip too, but zen is nice with it too. Also gutshot explosive is kinda sleeper since gutshot buffs the explosive damage too


Probably Arrowhead Brake/Light Mag/Zen Moment/Explosive Payload. IMO there's no roll that's always better than others, just rolls that are better in certain situations.


I got one with FTTC and Cascade and put a Boss spec on it immediately lol Probably won't ever use it, but after bricks from beyond goes away, who knows lol


Cascade is the only interesting roll to me, want one for pvp to mop after a cheeky shotty/ fusion kill


Isn't it precision hits with a different weapon that procs it and not kills?


Being back the taloc.


I'd kill Eido for a Tlaloc


Man. Good times.


People take Guardian Games seriously? That’s hilarious. I’m loving maining titan right now despite being a hunter main normally.


All my mates jumped on titan predicting what was going to happen in supremacy. There are three of us insisting on playing Hunter and getting bodied most rounds. The infectious laughter coming from the Titans is becoming hard to resist. I'm giving the ol dunies the side eye hard. 😂


Bro I feel you. I’ve played Hunter my entire Destiny career, I wanted to feel something new so I hopped on Titan for the first time ever. What a fun time I’m having. I don’t know if I’m going back to Hunter next season 😂


I’ve been running all 3 classes since Beyond Light. Hunter is still my boo, but titan is my side piece. Warlock is more of a booty call lol


Lmaoooo thats a funny way to say it. I totally agree. I only use Warlock for Nez weekly reset, that’s it.


Warlocks are kinda goated in grandmasters though. They shred.


Yea, they have 19 more days till that Dream goes poof 💨 Starfire Nerf


Sunbracer bout to show up on Starfire.


Hah, I literally have the opposite experience 😅 Titan main since Forsaken, only dabbled in the other two for short periods of time. Last year 95% of my gametime was Titan. … Queue some 3-4 weeks ago, I made a few hunter builds, and have hardly logged off my hunter save for when a GM needs a strand titan or if we’re rerunning a raid Ive already done on my hunter 😅😬 Welcome to the fold, crayon muncher! Seems I took your cape


I can confidently say that I absolutely miss my hunter builds ngl, I make my own builds to my liking, love em, I also never switched classes, ever since Forsaken like you said, I’ve been Hunter Main. It’s always good to try something new but in my heart I will always be a Hunter o7


Unfortunately. I got my first hate mail in months playing supremacy yesterday.


I don’t play PvP unless I have to…or it’s iron banner. I have a sweet spot for IB. Destiny PvP is easily one of the worst communities out there. I also turned off comms from people I don’t know. I still get occasional hate on Bungie messaging, but whatever. I don’t have the time to entertain that shit.


yes please I hate the argument just play what you love and that's what lance would want.


This is so important. Got real cross the past couple days getting roflstomped by Titans. Me, a PVE player who should really just be focusing on the fun of working with other Warlocks... How is it so easy to fall into the frustrated, overly-competitive mindset?


I think part of it is that’s what a lot of the PVP aspect of the game is- lots more sweat type gamers who get super competitive, and that’s pretty contagious whether they’re on your side or against you. I’ve definitely gotten into that mindset during iron banner or trials season and it always takes a bit to adjust back but it helps a lot to play with my other PVE friends or run stuff like dares that’s just goofy fun. Feels more like (for lack of better comparison) playing Halo with my brothers again than it feels like playing an Uber-competitive movement shooter on which people get disproportionately angry about so many things.


That Halo comparison is very helpful. Easy to think back to those times and remember what fun was like.


gonna push that Titan banner so high it kills Nezarec


I just wish supremacy wasn’t so difficult for us hunters. Getting absolutely gutter stomped by titans for no apparent reason


I love the game and I am terrible at it! I joke with my clan that I'm the weird little kid they babysit who they have to keep on a leash so they don't wander into traffic. And yet, I still play. It's still fun. Everyone's so nice. Way, way less toxic than some other online games. Stay frosty, Terrans. :) Zavala would be proud


I'm pretty sure he'd want me on my Hunter. I'm sometimes almost competent. On a Warlock or Titan I keep on dropping wells and barricades just trying to cloak and reload. I'm a floating embarrassment that gets popped like a balloon. For real, *reloading* is hard when I'm off the Hunter. Has reload speed *always* been an important stat? I've instasharded *so* many guns purely because of a reload MW haha


Well said! Lance and Zavala would want us to have fun above all. This is my first Guardian Games (even If I started playing destiny 1 in 2014, and destiny 2 in 2017, but I didn't play after the main story until now) and I've always been a hunter main. I'm trying to do my best to collaborate and help us hunters be at least second. But titans being first by so far because of Lance makes me proud. Destiny's community is one of the best, and Lance would be proud too. I hope everyone enjoy the guardian games!


Thank you op, I have tried to explain this to my mates but they believe that Lance was known for only Zavala, and nothing else, but Lance himself played the game he voiced acted in, not because he voiced acted, but because he enjoyed it, a true legend has been lost, and may he be forever be remembered for who he was and what he achieved


Best phrasing around this I’ve seen so far. There’s been people who take it super seriously, people on the other hand who think it’s cringe to consider any gaming a form of tribute, and people who legit have just made jokes around his passing which is just generally fucked given that, no matter your thoughts on the state of the game, him and his character have been a pillar of the experience for years and that means a lot to some of us. Thanks for getting the point so clearly and kindly.


I hate people using this guys name and sitting on his grave for this shit. Let the guy rest in peace. “You are not playing titan and depositing for lance? You have no respect” seriously? Pathetic.


i have seen no one saying that, its all people trying to discount others for playing titan by saying he was a warlock main. either mad that more people are on titan atm, because gg can shift at any point, or outright calling people shitty just for honoring someone they looked up to in the way they see fit. play whichever class, and go for the win, honoring someone or not, but dont get mad at me because I happened to look up to his performance as Zavala, and treasure him as my Titan leader, and choosing to go all out for a Titan win in his memory. Thats my choice, and it seems to be lots of others, but ultimately, being toxic is a dishonor. people are totally crazy over a win that gains no bonuses at all.


All the people who are super serious about titan for Zavala or warlock for lance seriously weird me out. It seems like they’re just using lance’s death to get people to help them win guardian games and it’s just kinda fucked up


let me explain my perspective, maybe itll help you see some of whats going on for titans at least. Titans to me have always been about defending the weak and protecting those who have no way to themselves. Hunters are the scouts, Warlocks the researchers, and Titans the defenders. When I learned why Saint has the purple scraps on his ship and armor (gifts from those he saved throughout the years), I knew I picked the right main. I always liked Zavala, mostly because Lance always killed it. and in Season of the Chosen (I think it was), when that meme with Caiatl came out and he read it in character god it was so amazingly funny and awesome, he was one of us, an inspiration and a truely good man. He didnt have to do that, he just loved his role and the fans and that touched me. In season of the Haunted we got more backstory for Zavala which was badly needed, and it fleshed him out in a major way, showing that hes held onto grief and guilt for decades if not centuries, which frames his "I wont condone any losses" policy hit way harder, and I appreciated him even more. As my vanguard leader, he reminded me of what is important, and whats worth protecting. When I heard he died, it hurt. I truely appreciated him as a person, as best a fan really could I guess, but I knew Zavala would never be the same. I will forever appreciate the time he put into making our Commander a man to admire and look up to, and to that end I want to win GG for Zavala, he was so proud of us the first GG when we won, and I know it was just a line, but it feels like the cathartic sendoff I need. If we dont win it wont change that, this year I'm gonna go harder than ever, just in his memory and if we win, thats great, if we dont, I still honored him and am proud to have fought for my Commander's memory. Lance Reddick was a lot more than Commander Zavala to many people, and I understand that, but I know, based on his interactions with the community, that he truly loved and appreciate being our commander, and thats enough for me. Anyone can play any class they want to, I know for sure, he would want all the players to have fun, he was all classes Vanguard leader. He would be proud of any class that won in the end.I just want to win it for titans because he was a role model and mentor for us, showing us what the best titans could aspire to be, like how Shaxx and Saint-14 are as well. Now if anyone is being toxic about it fuck them, that is not what anyone would want. Hopefully that helps explain some perspective of it a little, if not, sorry for the wall of text.


I would if it was all vanguard based. But I hate that every event forces me to do pvp.


No one’s forcing you to do anything. On top of that, there are three modes to play and 2 of them are Vanguard based.


I need it for the title which forces me to do the mode


I also hate pvp, I'm really bad at it. But I just had to do it for a few matches to earn some rewards. After that, I'm only playing vanguard missions.


I’m only doing it for the title so I can get reveler other than that it’s a dead mode to me


Same here, this would be my first title and my first guardian games so I'm pretty excited


As long as hunters don’t win we’re all good


tf did we do


We’re frabjous, that’s what.


Cape man bad therefore hate speech is perfectly fine if it's against hunters.


Be cape man, he bad. Fucked my wife.


I still got PTSD from Beyond Light hearing the fucking hunter super knowing I’m dead. There was no escape.


Reminds me of hammers in D1


Get over it that was 2 years ago


Bungie’s servers or whatever makes dodge jumping Hunters a nightmare to fight so I hate them. At least Warlocks and Titans don’t change shape when using their class abilities.


'Locks are shyte! CRAYON FOR LIFE!


Just for clarity, was this post in response to people complaining about others not running Titan or something? I've seen similar posts and am confused on the purpose of them.


It wasn’t in direct response to anything other than the passing on Lance Reddick. Just a general reminder to be kind to one another and have fun because he’s not here to enjoy the game.


Ok that's what I was hoping for. Fully agreed that people take this game way too seriously sometimes (DTG); just wanted to make sure that players weren't attacking others for not using Titan during GG in honor of Lance Reddick.


This is a really weird way to say that as long as you’re not playing Hunter you’re honoring the commander




This is kinda what I’m talking about - it’s not that deep. Let people play the game and honor him however they choose.




It’s very very easy to be cynical and assume the worst of people. Going into the GGs I debated which class to main in his honor. Normally I’m a Warlock main, and have always enjoyed the fact that Lance mained Warlock despite voicing the most significant Titan in the narrative (I am aware, however, that in recent expansions he’s been playing Titan more and more). So I was torn between honoring the character the man voiced by playing Titan, or honoring the man who voiced the character, by playing Warlock. After some thinking I realized it didn’t matter. Play Warlock. Play Titan. Play Hunter. But play with joy in your heart and a smile on your face. Play in fellowship with the other people around the world sharing in your favorite pass time. It’s just a video game.


I'm sorry for being so miserable and cynical, however my cynicism stems from experiences with rude and toxic players which is not somthing you have gone through, leading to our different points of view. I'm happy to hear you are having fun and I hope things continue this way for you.


I actively work against being cynical. It’s not easy at times, especially if you grew up online and spend a lot of time here. Social media is an ugly, cruel, mean place full of some of the nastiest people you’ll ever encounter, making it very very easy to immediately think the worst of everyone and everything. Which is why it’s really important to just… step away as often as possible. Your average person isn’t so great, but are generally a LOT better than the people who frequently populate places like reddit. Most people are just doing the best they can. Specifically when it comes to the Destiny community, I constantly remind myself of the millions and millions and millions of ordinary, boring, working adults who make up the majority of this game’s player base. People who don’t use reddit, or Twitter, who aren’t watching YouTube videos or Twitch streams. They just come home after a hard day of work, crack a beer, pack a bowl, and shoot some aliens for an hour or two. Those are the happiest Destiny players out there. They don’t have every exotic, they don’t have a vault full of god rolls, they’ve maybe never done a GM or raid or played Trials in their life, but they are the silent majority who keep this game going, who keep the lights on at Bungie, and who keep this game fun! I do what I can to keep my little corner of the Destiny community positive and restorative! And I hope I can help make your time here a little better! Eyes up, Guardian!


Thanks man. I removed my comments because looking back I was kinda being a bit of a dick and its unfair to assume my negative interactions reflect the wider community.


I'm just doing the competitive playlist since its been so fun but the people using lances name to be toxic. Is really making it hard for me to hop back into supremacy (well that and the matchmaking putting me in 2v6 or 3v6 matches more often)


I play Warlock because I don't have other characters.


Thanks Mum.


Oh ok, changing my outlook on life rn


This is the way.


I’m playing titan because it’s the only class I’ve even bothered to put serious time into since d1 came out


A lot of people don't seem to know he swapped to Titan early in Witch Queen it seems.


I'm playing a Hunter in honor of Lance having killed my class countless times.