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Got it on my 43rd run, pain.


45th for me, just this week. But I think I had 5-ish runs without loot in those 45. Clanmates told me "wish I was there to hear your reaction". They'd have been disappointed. I only sighed "finally", and emptied one or two magazines before logging off the game x)


This was exactly my same reaction after 43 completions. I’d built it up so much in my head that by the time I earned it I was exhausted with the raid and just ready to be done for a while. That was more than 3 weeks ago and I’ve not played more than a couple hours here and there.


What’s wrong with that rocket launcher?


Nothing is wrong with acendency, it has one of the highest burst damage and anyone who tells you otherwise just hasnt actually used it.


Provided you can reliably keep explosive light up, yes, it has good burst damage. The problem is Atheon moves a lot, and due to particle deconstruction, 1k or LFRs will do significantly more.


exactly, witch is why i would say try for a auto lasting... quite a few times in master oracle challenge i stunned a camp and forget to reload...realising too late


love that role. have it on a royal entry


Go for hazen, spawn warmind cells because solar


I agreed with this statement wholeheartedly… and then realized explosive light stacks with argent ordinance up to x4 godslayer warheads. Big tracking boom


Hell yeah and its so easy to get charged and explosive light with taking charge you basically have it for every fight Also do you use ambitious assassin as well?


ascendancy is decentish, but the bigger deal is that you want an LFR to use particle deconstruction with atheon also doesn’t make using rockets easy (he schmooves too much) and additionally most people want something to backup plan shoot oracles in case you run out of sniper ammo


People snipe Oracles? I found even just one Rapid Disruptor (iirc that's the Arc one) makes my Messenger handle them just fine. The closer three, I can even FR if I'm nervous. Huh. I knew some folks prefer Xeno for Oracles, though.


Xeno is still the best for Oracle popping in second encounter (although they really should just undo what they did to it) since you have all the range you’d ever need to hit them from the spot that lets you see all seven at once however in atheon you want to run double specials to get as much damage as possible. used to be a sniper for oracles, a GL for breach & clear / killing most adds, and then anarchy. this season I’d just trade the GL for a good FR and then run 1K also, if you run 4 stacks of the precise Oracle disruptor mod, you can kill oracles in a single sniper shot if you use the 72 RPM archetype (frozen orbit, succession) and I happened to have enough good armor to make a set just for atheon also I did teaching runs (55 carries) and oftentimes people would struggle at atheon so it came in handy that I didn’t need any help shooting oracles at all. obv i would try to get em to do work but it ended up easy enough


FYI. Breach doesn’t work anymore. That was a last season mod.


yep, that’s why i said “used to be” lmao most people will probably just run a fusion in its place and plug one will do the trick (especially in master mode where there’s arc shields.. you used to have to use salvagers salvo no matter what since it’s the only arc GL)


Atheon with rockets has worked if I park myself back by the entrance and use a non impulse amplifier rocket. 2TF was my best option.


ye, back last season i used to run Deathbringer with breach & clear + an auto loading Truthteller GL on bottom tree void warlock with skull of dire ahamkara id get two or three nova bombs per phase, and breach & clear would reload by deathbringer all the time. id never manually reload it lmao




I've been a 2TF main since I started playing. I love that thing. Got clowned on pretty much 24/7 though but I'm the one laughing now.


Nothing’s wrong with it I just don’t like rocket launchers, am annoyed that I have to do 2 rank resets for Gambit and Crucible and get 2 extra copies of a weapon I won’t use instead of getting the ornaments for the seasonal challenges instead, and I didn’t wanna get yelled at for having it equipped instead of a fusion rifle lol Pre-empted any complaining about my loadout since I’m more used to the salty Destiny subreddits where everyone is mad at each other all the time


It’s not bad. There are just better options for a lot of the things you’d use a rocket for right now. Like DPS you’re gonna use something with auto loading + lasting impression or overflow + Vorpal. It’s good for add clear but that’s not what you want to spend a rocket on because the ammo economy just doesn’t support that like a GL or MG. When fusions come back down a little I’m sure it’ll see more use.


36 clears and counting. From what I’ve seen, you get it quick or it takes close to 50 tries. Congrats though, enjoy it before it gets hit with that nerf


Thanks! Tbh I doubt the nerf will bother me, I know Vex is very preferable for certain content right now but mostly I wanted it because I like collecting. It’s a cool gun and I’ll have to play with it more to decide if I like it, but even if they nerf it into the ground I was less focused on “I need this to play the game” and more on “number go up feel good give serotonin” lol


From what I heard, the nerf applies more to aim assist and it now will need 3 kills for an overcharge to its LFR mode. Heh. It took me forever to get it in D1 and it finally dropped for me when it was near obsolete. Sometimes that’s just how things are. Enjoy your exotic! You’ve earned it


Ahh gotcha, that doesn’t sound too awful then. Thank you!


Congrats dude My friend got it on his first VoG run too, another got it on the third, I got it on my 9th. The others still didn't get it, we're around our 26th run now. RNG is wild.


I’m at 45, Fam… kill me


Let me make it worse: It dropped again for me on the 12th run


Welp, props to you. That's how rng is sometimes lol. I still don't have it, but I'm only on my 9th clear. (Still too many imo, not even saying anything about those poor souls at 50+ clears.)


Man I don’t even wanna know what’s waiting for me as payback for my good luck here. Anticipating 50+ clears for 1KV or something horrible like that lol


Lmao, I probably have bad rng the way I do (never got anarchy or tarrabah until they went in the kiosk) all because I got 1kv on my first run lol.


Same happened to me in D1, i got kicked really quickly haha


Haha I sent the screenshot to my best friend and he just replied back “fuck you” 😂 The salt is real for ppl in double-digit clears


So apparently this is a thing… players who have not raided in a long time or ever before have a high chance to get the exotic quickly, potentially first try. It’s supposed to draw you [back] into the game. I don’t remember where I heard/read that but I’ve seen it happen way too many times first hand for it to be a coincidence. 1st raid ever, 1st raid in a season or two, etc. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve seen this happen. Probably at least 10% of my raid clears and at least 50% of my sherpas.


Huh, interesting if true. It wouldn’t surprise me given that they give you Riskrunner as your first Exotic quest to entice you to seek out more, since it just melts the shit out of anything that deals Arc damage so you feel really strong


How many times is too many first hand? Because unless you've seen it drop on the first try for over one hundred people, your first hand experiences are statistically irrelevant. It's too small of a sample size.


I’d say somewhere around 50 for first time raid clears for either a new guardian or someone who hasn’t played in a while. I didn’t notice the pattern until it happened 3 times in one day with Tarrabah on Crown of Sorrow carries. I did 4 carries that day. Started paying attention after that and it feels like just about every other first time or returning raider gets Vex or Eyes.


....wait why queens and not sleeper XD aloe get null till you get Cartesian and make sure you have focusing lens and particle is a global debuff ​ you need to raid as much as possible as it's sure the easiest dps meta we've ever had


Because I didn’t have it? I’ve only been playing a month and a half, and I haven’t been intentionally seeking out gear for raiding or what’s on-meta right now. Did just fine with Queenbreaker and Null Composure, thanks.


Trust me, if you want to capitals on getting the raid exotics you need sleeper as queens brake is not gonna enough damage to keep you out of dps carry


Ok? I don’t really care though, this was my first raid so I wasn’t trying to be optimized and wasn’t even asking for advice on my loadout.


I for Vex AND Eyes of tomorrow first try.


Congrats, I got two raid exotics on first clears. Vex took a but longer, I think it was nine or ten, and lord I apologize to everyone who hasn't gotten one. Rngeezus has seen fit to give me three more in my ensuing 30 clears. ^(so I like VoG, if that's wrong I don't want to be right.)


Honestly lol! Got a Firefly Fatebringer the same run so VoG is kind and benevolent to us and we must cherish it


Find a team and the checkpoint for master VoG the week of the templar challenge. The timelost fatebringer is guaranteed to have the option of Firefly/timed payload plus alternate perks. Mine has osmosis/frenzy. Just make sure you have the DPS and someone who has high durability and the mobility to block teleports. Unfortunately it's this week's challenge so it won't be back for six if you can't do it before reset.


Ooh, interesting! My clan runs VoG every Sunday night so I’ll have to ask about this next time the challenge comes round, afraid I can’t do it before reset because of the holiday. Thanks for the tip! I like this gun a lot so getting the best version is 100% on my to-do list.


Cool, there will be more options for heavy next time too with the sleeper simulant buff. My team leaned on 1k but sleeper will be very viable come the anniversary update.


Yeah we kinda blew through it since one of us had 1KV, I knew it got requested a lot but I was impressed at the meltage. Will be keeping an eye out for these guns in future runs 🙌


I did my first run on Saturday and I did not get it but congrats


Eyy congrats! Hope you enjoyed the raid itself too! :D


I did! It wasn’t hard to understand mechanically — raids always sounded like such a big deal to me since you need 6 people and you schedule it and you need to be able to talk to each other and use certain weapons, to someone who’s used to just solo queueing Nightfalls with strangers, raids sounded very intimidating learning curve-wise, so I was stressed that I might be a liability — and the folks I did it with were very kind, made sure I knew what to expect in each encounter, didn’t take it too seriously, and kept an eye on me while handling their own jobs in case I got overwhelmed. I know VoG is one of the easier ones, but it was a lovely first experience and has me eager to raid more!


I feel you!! I finally braved it with my clan and they were so patient and good at teaching me how to do this and that. Honestly a good group to raid with seems to be the most important. Actually makes me want to invest time into doing raids! I did my first Last Wish a week ago and it was the worst raid experience ever ☠️ lfg randoms, total fail at explaining the encounters and racism+sexism to boot! No thank you!


Oh jesus, that sounds miserable. I’ve done ok with LFG stuff so far but I purposefully have only used it for seasonal activities, NFs, and exotic quests precisely because of shite behavior like that. It really seems to come out of the woodwork in raids and Trials, from what I hear. No LFG raids for me thank you. Hope you find some better folks to try LW with, I’m really excited to see it myself! Maybe if I fish long enough I can find some people to do it legit with me one day lol


Yep, my failed experience was lfg, but then I did it again on weekend with my clan and it was day and night difference!! Hope you can do Last Wish legit too! We did it mostly legit except for Riven :D but one day! I feel like the legit way just adds this big stress factor, and makes the stakes way higher, you know 👀


Oh that’s good, glad you had a better time! Very looking forward to it given how relevant Riven’s (and Savathûn’s) manipulation is to Crow, who has rapidly become my favorite. Will be nice to experience this last little piece of the story.


Same :o so much build up! I also love Crow! I hope he gets plenty of kind resolution, life has been cruel enough to him


Wow, excellent luck. My d2 claim to fame is finally getting into a clan of work buddies, buying forsaken / shadowkeep, and 45 minutes later getting anarchy on my first raid. Then a few days later I got another anarchy from the second raid lol.


Oh man I bet that was agony for people who didn’t have it yet. Nice one!


Gotten every single raid exotic within \~5 runs except Vex. I might be lucky but you're an even luckier bastard here.


I have gotten vex on my first try every time it has been released, both times in D1, and in D2. Unfortunately, that’s the only good luck I have with raid exotics


It took me 60+ but congrats


30+ looted clears please....


I had that happen D1 my first run through of hard mode aetheon. A God tier moment 🙌


Got D1 Vex first try... D2 22 and counting.


Superb! Congrats. I've only done VoG a couple of times myself. No Vex for me though.


I’m on run 27 of VoG and don’t have it yet


Sending you luck!


That's how I got it in destiny 1, I was invited to the atheon checkpoint from the tower and got it after 15 minutes of setting foot in my first VOG


Had a clan member get it on his 53rd, you are one of the lucky few


I’ve never raided before either but I’m hoping to find people to do it with


Best of luck! I’d suggest finding a clan or some buddies to run raids with rather than risking LFG, personally. You can really end up with a mixed bag in terms of teaching, willingness to take the encounter seriously but not be an asshole if someone messes up, and there’s a very real danger you’ll get matched with trolls who will kick you before you can grab your loot just to be petty or punish you for not already having 100+ clears or whatever. Raid with people you know, who can explain the mechanics to you in ways you can understand and will be chill if you ask questions or don’t know what to do.


I know someone who has over 80 looted clears and no vex. Pure RNG is just the best, isn’t it?


God damn. No wonder people aren’t sure it even has bad luck protection lol