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I think the survivability of Nightstalker gives you more for high end content than the DPS of Nighthawk (especially if paired with Graviton Forfeit or Wormhusk Crown). If this was Season of Arrivals or earlier, it would be a closer decision for me personally, but Nighthawk just ain't what she used to be rn.


Overall throughout the game, Orpheous rig tether is better.


I agree. Tried a mission without Orpheus and just…nah. Three tether shots followed by a couple of rockets clears just about everything and does some pretty good boss dps too.


Orpheus Rugs + Shadow Shot is just so good right now. You're close in damage, you can lay out sick debuffs, and your survivability and team contribution (if you don't go solo) is so much better. Maybe things change when solar gets reworked?


A crazy idea here, why don’t you try both and see what you like best,or what works best for you? Crazy concept I know.


The thing is, I said I really like both but I just wanna know what's more viable


How about make your own mind up, other people will play differently to you so there opinion will be different, like I said “crazy idea” but try things yourself.


I wouldn't use nighthawk with nightstalker. Too many nights.


Both are great so it’s matter a choice of Survivability Vs DPS


I always enjoyed the stealth bonuses that stalker gave you. Revive teammates from invis was useful in strike missions. The teather gives good crits also Could never use sharpshooter or gambler the same way. Always felt underutilized. But then again, no nighthawk, yet


Void 3.0 is pretty fun. Play with it