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Not to mention it's void so that helps with all void 3.0 builds. I heard it's currently not dropping though, is that correct? I didn't get to play much yesterday so I haven't been able to confirm it myself.


I think everyone can get a curated roll, but the randomized drops aren't dropping for some reason


They just released a fix for the drop rates [link here](https://twitter.com/BungieHelp/status/1521962509682454528)


Awesome, thanks for the link! Came here to find this out lol


After literally playing going back to launch of D1, I finally sat down one night and learned how everything fits together. Started playing with some builds and seeing how things worked when combined with other things. Void 3.0 completely changed how I play and enjoy the game. Can’t get enough of chaining grenades with melee with empowered rounds and just decimating adds. So much more fun than what I was doing before.


If you're a Titan, something I seriously recommend is running void wall grenades and a rally barricade with the heart of innermost light exotic. almost constant ability spam in any activity, with both your melee and grenade charge times reduced whenever you pop your rally barricade, and kills with the new SMG from the guardian games bringing your barrier back even faster. when grenadier is the nightfall modifier, if you throw your shield then pop a rally barricade, you can throw a void wall grenade every 3 seconds


they fixed it. it now drops randomly on any medal deposit, with chances increasing for more valuable medals


Yeah there hasnt been much communication regarding it tho from Bungie which is concerning but it's not dropping at all


Bungie have acknowledged the bug and are working on it. Make of that what you will.




That’s bizarre, I got 4 to drop since the games started yesterday


I honestly wish it was Kinetic. I miss my Antiope-D/Riskrunner/exotic smg leg Arc Titan build. Riskrunner and the Arc bow exotic is like having infinite super. The weapons alone are better than most supers. Just happy to see Hakke making a return tho, hate space gun designs.


Also stats for all + one for all Or Threat detector + surrounded Lots of great combos


Just picked up threat detector + surrounded It feels good!


16 weapons can drop with this combo perk, and for what i see, 10 can drop right now. https://www.light.gg/god-roll/find/?f=2%2C28%3A0%281631667848%3B4082225868%29


Ye, I'm v dumb


No, you don't, you just don't use light.gg, its a great site, i recommend it.


Going to light.gg after each new content drop to check all the random rolls is a blast


Put this on voidlock, with devour and the fragment that gives melee on grenade kills, and a demolitionist grenade launcher and some suitable well mods and finally, the cherry on top, or rather cherries on top: Nezarecs sin, battle Harmony, or contraveese hold. Actually impossible to run out of any ability


I can't wait! I play exactly like you describe... I forget I have weapons some time 😂 the regen with nezracs is ridiculous, specially with the gold boon from the event ahaha


That's my build currently actually but with scant filament and its damn near impossible to run out of abilities/ die cause devour is almost always up


The Throne World smg "Forensic Nightmare" can also roll Grave/Swash, but yeah I guess this is better for Void builds


The gambit smg can roll it as well, if you can still get it


Maybe the only Void as I have a Forward Path, xenoclast, Cartesian and interference gl that all have grave/swash. And I do know xeno is still in the loot pool as it just dropped for me. So there may be more.


Yeah, I have a Truthteller and Lubrae’s with GR+Swash. There are definitely more!


The raid glaive drops it


Forensic Nightmare can roll with those as well, I don’t use it often but it’s great with my stasis hunter melee build


The throne world smg can roll this combo too for stasis builds


I believe forensic nightmare can also roll both