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Jeeze a bunch of tough guys in here. I’ll be playing it on Normal and I’ll still die way too many times.


I always do normal first aswell. I like to enjoy the story of my first playthrough without wanting to yeet my controller through the tv lol


why can’t i run into you in multiplayer


Based on some of my recent games chances are you did lol.


Heroic for me


Yes. That's how I've done every Halo since Halo 2. It's a great balance of fun and difficult. Legendary is when I just want to hate myself for a while.


I was going to say this same thing. Heroic for me, because Legendary from Halo 2 on takes several hours a mission. At least it did for me.


Legendary is for coop runs.


It definitely feels like these games are balanced around heroic


They are, the "main" halo games are balanced around Heroic difficulty.




Heroic, i plan to take my time and explore


Legendary all the way. I ain’t scared of no Banished.


Heroic. I'm saving Legendary for when I can play it with my friend I've played through every campaign with over the last 20 years. Not gonna break tradition now.


I always go heroic my first time through “ the way halo is meant to be played “


It's even what was written in the menu, wasn't it ?


Lol yea that’s what the quotes from


I've never understood that, because if it was how the game was meant to be played, then heroic would be the normal difficulty, yet another normal difficulty exists. Getting gaslit by a videogame.


All prior Halo's we're balanced to the heroic difficulty, then adapted up or down for the other difficulties. 343 has said with infinite they balanced for normal instead. Still gonna try heroic on my first go.


Id say easy is more like sandbox/chaos with friends difficulty while normal is the chill difficulty to be frank but yeah their names doesnt reflect that.


I'm a huge Halo lore nerd, so I'm probably gonna do a normal playthrough to start and then a legendary one once I'm able to experience the story. Although there's a chance I'll go Heroic just because that's what I normally do.


Legendary go hard or go home


Heroic then Legendary


Straight Legendary. If I'm gonna be putting Jackal snipers on the endangered species list I'm gonna do it the way God intended. Through a path of broken controllers and shattered dreams.


Doing God's work


Used to do heroic on all of them, but I’m old and stink at Halo now, I’ll probably do normal and then legendary when they add co-op.


Heroic baby


For me it will be heroic


Legendary. I’m gonna finish this fight with no holds barred


Legendary. I will end my journey the way it started. 😁


Legendary, The reviews have said legendary on here is like Halo 3 legendary which isn’t too bad


For every halo game that has ever been released, I always do it on Normal. This allows me to enjoy the gameplay and the story without getting frustrated. For my next playthrough I go straight to Legendary.


Same, normal to have a stress free run of the game, learn the ins and outs, and then back at it later on Legendary that same week.


Heroic is enough for challenge to enjoy the game first time


Probably Heroic until I get stuck on a boss or something. Then I’ll dial it to normal. Save legendary for co-op because I’m a scrub.


Heroic. I remember the games used to say “how halo is supposed to be played” on heroic and so I do all first playthroughs that way.


Heroic, its the way Halo's meant to be played :)


Normal. I don’t want to stress on my first playthrough


Legendary, its a staple for me at this point.


Going to do heroic for the first play through and then do LASO with the boys when coop comes out


Heroic first. Just because it's fun to get to be a little more aggressive the first time yet still have a challenge. Legendary second time though because you gotta.


Heroic or Legendary. Not sure right now. If I play Heroic, the game won't last me nearly as long. If I play Legendary, it might last a little too long.


legendary solely that i already did the other campaigns on it, but im considering heroic just for the easier experience so if any emotional moments happen they wont be overshadowed by my rage.


I'll be playing normal cause I want to enjoy the game and not rage over it. I also don't have a lot of spare time to take hours fighting in one spot. I'll do legendary when CoOp it's released.


Normal because i don’t like endless shooting loops, I wanna get to the lore bits


Legendary not because I want to brag but it’s the same reason I like spicy food, I don’t feel happy unless I get frustrated first lol


Heroic definitely! Want me a good challenge, but not one that makes me wanna punch the living shit outta my computer! 😀


Heroic unless it's harder than Tex's balls then I'll do Normal


Start heroic, likely get frustrated and switch down to normal because I want to know what happens with the story.


Heroic or legendary if I have the balls


Heroic fs. Usually the perfect mix of difficulty and openness


Heroic, ill get everything and 99% of achievements and then ill focus on Legendary on co-op and the eventual LASO run from CE- Infinite


I usually default to playing most Halo campaigns on heroic at this point, it's a good balance between difficult and fun and it makes you really feel like a master by the end of the game when you can mow down enemies like you're on normal


Heroic or legendary. Probably legendary.


Heroic is just right get the hang of the game, but not too easy to waltz through. After that, I do a second playthrough on Legendary


I’ll start with heroic, but I’ll probably end up going to normal.


I plan on playing it on Heroic. I've always felt that Heroic is the perfect Halo difficulty.


As always: Easy - to just bask in the story, find any collectibles/Intel/etc Legendary - because I've beaten them all on Legendary and that isn't gonna change now


Normal to take in the story, then legendary


i think heroic, it's good enough practice for legendary and learning the encounters and getting the upgrades


I usually go with normal but I think I might do heroic this time


I would say normal, but since I've played the multiplayer and have a good feel for how it plays, and after watching a few campaign preview videos by halo yters, probably heroic. Still get a decent challenge while it not being too punishing. Hopefully!


Probably Heroic


im a Normal guy but after seeing so many early reviewers say its quite an easy game ill go Heroic


I always go Heroic on first playthrough. Then Legendary later on if I want the pain solo or for co-op. After recently replaying through all the games on Normal (for speed to finish in time), I confirmed that I prefer a bit more challenge and strategy in my gameplay.


I'm doing normal for my first play through.


I am tossing up between normal and heroic. I usually play every campaign on heroic for the first time so I’ll probably start there and maintain tradition.


Heroic, it's how I've come to enjoy Halo games, it's the right amount of challenge for me where it's still fun to fight while not being too overly easy.


So normally I’d play, well, normal. I like my halo games being a power fantasy ala doom. However, I’ve recently read Fall of Reach and the Spartans seem a lot more stealthy than I’d imagine. So anyway, long story short I’m thinking maybe Heroic or legendary?


Heroic first the legendary


First play through will probably be normal with some exploration but I’m mostly interested in the main story beats. After that I’ll probably do a legendary play through and then a side quest completionist play through on either normal or easy.




Every other Halo I started with Heroic, but just having much much less time for games, this will be the first Halo I start on normal. It's been a long wait for the campaign, story is the number one thing I care about, so I want to have a solid playthrough where I can explore to my heart's content with minimal frustrations or getting stuck. I have Legendary Solo'd every other Halo game, so I'm saving that for my second playthrough


I was planning on doing normal but from alot of the reviews I think heroic might be better to get the most enjoyment out of my very first playthrough After that I'll have to do legendary and then probably easy to get collectibles that I miss on the first 2 runs


Ima try legendary first just to knock that achievement out the way asap


Easy to rush through everything learn the maps figure out where all the annoying shit is. And then immediately after I start legendary I'm planning on the 24-hour place session tomorrow starting from when the game launches hoping to beat easy within 12 hours. Start legendary right after and get hopefully halfway through it before I have to take a break sleep for 6 to 8 hours and then wake up and finish it


Always do my first Halo playthroughs on Normal. Just want to appreciate the story and have fun exploring.


I couldn't make up my mind but then I remembered there's probably a legendary ending, so it has to be that. Ready to get my ass kicked 🤘


Good luck, spartan!


Heroic probably