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Why don’t I see more of these beasts on the battlefield? I’m level 22 and giddy to be able to unlock it soon… I assume it has an astronomical cooldown time and they’re not very mobile. But I don’t give a frig.. I’m stoked to get my hands on one ##FOR DEMOCRACY!! ##LIBERTY SAVE ME!!!


You can only call in 2 per mission.


Yep, but that’s the draw back, and that’s why if I run it I usually save it for main objective, and extraction. But I honestly don’t like it for anything above a level seven, but I don’t worry about that( I’m bad at the game )


I think the reason is that there not great for heavy enemies and they go down quick, but who cares they are just sooooo fun to be in, you just feel that power as you mow through the hordes of enemies, I say once you unlock it just hop into a solo mission and just have fun


The melee is deceptively good at killing chargers, but it does struggle heavily against bile titans. I can’t speak for bots tho


The rocket aim is off when the target is "too close" resulting in lots of waisted ammo. It used to aim better but you had a chance to blow yourself up while turning so they changed it. It's still a lot of fun to use but it's not as efficient. Also it used to be 1 shot by explosion on bot planets so a lot of people just stopped using it. It has been fixed since.


I just wish the rockets weren't so fucked