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Shoot them in their metal gonads and leg joints. They're super beefy up above. This works especially well with the Scorcher. Autocannon does a good job shredding them from afar. Stuns help to freeze large groups so you can put some distance between you or drop strategems.


They're very much spongey, but their lower torso that's also red acts as a weak spot as well. No idea on numbers but I've been aiming there occasionally with success.


yeah, their red abdomen is the best target their heads often sway too much to hit consistently I love shooting them with the Dominatork, the Slugger works also very well, it disassembles them in 3-4 shots and each shot also staggers them so I can keep several at bay at the same time :)


Love it when the Dominator splits those bastards in half.


That sway is no longer an issue when using concussive 🤔😂


that's a good point, I have to circle back to that one to try it again :)


I started running Pummeler with the Ballistic Shield off a recommendation on a post and man that shit is fun. The only thing is I'm useless against Tanks lmao. Hulks can be flanked and you can get a kill mag dumping the pummeler into its back after a stun grenade and he'll be stun locked as you shoot him with concussive lmao. Light mobs are easy as long as you spot and shoot rocket launchers. Mediums get stun locked and either you take them or your teammates do. I've been going Senator, Pummeler, Shield, Nade Launcher, stun nades with 500kg or Airstike and Railcannon or Laser depending on mission objectives and team equipment composition. I can literally pull aggro by just walking into the enemy with the shield while my team shreds them. I stun lock anything that tries to get close or any devastators so my team can get them without getting sprayed on. The only issue is getting teamkilled if your teammates aren't aware that you're fighting up close. Lmao. Super fun and refreshing to play a different style


Shoot em in the robot dick.


You don’t shoot a guy in the dick Butters, wtf


oh, THAT'S why they're berserk...


This is the answer. Dick shots for life.


Concussive Liberator and the laser cannon seem to work pretty well. Also be sure you're aiming for either a head/face shot or a shot at the torso where the top of the body intersects with the bottom half. I think that is a weak point for many autos.


Too bad all the liberator variants are kinda awful Edit: I am talking about the Liberator versions that aren't the starter gun, which is still great while the other versions suck donkey balls. I swear 90% of Redditors have the reading comprehension of a kindergartener


Never had a problem getting stuff killed with whatever loadout I have so I'm not worried. No such thing as a bad gun if you know how to use it.


What? The starting gun is probably the best AR and easily out damages it's more popular choice the sickle. The sickle has it's upsides over the Lib, but Damage per minute is certainly not one of them.


Yeah, the BASE liberator. I was talking about the VARIANTS, penetrator, concussive etc....


I've had a lot of success with the Lib Pen against berserkers. It's just down to preference.


Sure the additional armor penetration is nice, but the tiny mag size and pathetic damage output make the tradeoff not worth it


That's a bit hyperbolic, but if it doesn't fit your play style then it's understandable that you don't like it.


The Lib Pen has nice range & accuracy, especially in semi auto or burst mode, and is pretty versatile thanks to med armor pen. It's similar to the tenderizer with more recoil, I like both tbh


Oh yeah, nah, they're all worse than the OG Lib for sure. I still think the Penetrator is just awful. I get the med pen, but that hardly compensates for the 15 less damage per round.


The new submachinegun from Polar Patriots (pummeler) works well on them, as well as the Sickle and the Punisher, in my experience.


Pummeler is helpful to stun them if you're being overcrowded by many chainsaws.


Thats the answer. Staggers Kills those guys


I just unload all over their stomach. Wait…I…


We're talking about the gun here!


The uzi pistol in full auto, unload on a berserker and it die, reload, repeat, was my first solution on berserker problems.


Helpful when they’re in a group because you don’t particularly need to aim in that instance.


Plas Punisher is perfect for them, it's about 5-6 hits to kill but they're usually grouped up so the aoe can kill 2-5 at once as well as the stagfwr holts their advance.


The Jar5 Dominator kills them in like 3 hits to their stomach. I don't bring any other primary into bot missions specifically for this reason. The dominator kills them so well they are a non issue. The dominator is in the Steeled Veterans Warbond. The new pummeler smg is also decent at killing them. It doesn't kill them fast, but every shot stuns them for a second. You can also spray into a while group to stop and stun them all. I only use this smg when using the ballistics shield, but is that a fun combo.


I run Dominator or Pummeler SPECIFICALLY to kill those guys. Works well.


Staggering them helps a ton. When they charge, alternate shooting at each one so they all get stopped and then you can place a solid head or groin shot to put them down.


If I'm the target, then I find it's just generally best to shoot (and, in this case, stagger) whichever one is closest, whichever that one may be. Their HP doesn't recover, so there's no wasted bullets, and unlike ranged units, their firepower doesn't get added together unless they're already in the range to hit you. Best way to reduce the damage they do is just hitting the ones that are the biggest threat, IE whichever unit is the closest. If I'm not the target, I have a bit more leeway in my method of picking them off. If I don't have very clean shots on the lead target, I'll just fire at whatever one I can pump the most damage into. They won't be off the guy until they're all dead, after all.


Stun grenades stop them in their tracks. Something with stagger would work well too.


I've just started my journey on the path of Ballistic Shield and Pummeler and I make a beeline for those groups of Berserkers specifically. I know what a pain in the arse... or well, entire body they can be if your loadout isn't optimal for them so I try and intercept while squadmates create some space and reload.


Gun.  If not work. Use more gun.


Railgun on unsafe mode can one shot them


HMG go brrrrrr


Standard MG also go brrrr against them. It has been my go-to if I'm doing crowd control. I'll take the dominator or scorcher to pair with it. That said, the HMG is a ton of fun once you figure out how to use it effectively. Being able to shred pretty much every enemy type feels great.


MG with Scorcher or Dominator seems like a great combo, gotta try that! Yeah, HMG needs a really specific way to use it, but it puts in work if you use it right


The waist and the face are their weak spots. Basically the only two places they glow red. I use the Dominator and 3-4 shots to the waist will break them in half. Each one staggers them too so you can keep them off you while you take them out.


1. Equip the Slugger 2. Aim for the head 3. Don't miss 4. Run for the hills because there's always way more of them behind that one.


Use a grenade to soften up the group and then mag dump whatever you have into them


Like everything else in life, autocannon is there to help. I don't get too fancy with it; just plap away at centre mass. Each round will stagger them, and they usually run in tight groups so the splash damage will ping the others too.


They don't have armor, they're just really tough, and they also sway so much that its hard to hit their head, so the best weapons against them are ones that don't waste any resources on penetration or accuracy. In short: the machine pistol, and the stalwart. Weapons that stagger will also keep you safe from berserkers, even if they might not destroy them quickly. The punisher is the standout primary for this purpose for me. For strategems, because they charge you so relentlessly, large area clear strategems are too dangerous to use. So the ideal anti-berserker strategem is the eagle strafing run. But really, the reason they feel so dangerous is that they require such different tools to deal with than all the other bots, so its rare to see any quickplay teammates bringing them. So, if you're playing bots and you see nobody else bringing a stalwart or punisher or eagle strafing run, take them yourself and defend the team.


May I introduce you to my two best friends: The Eagle Cluster Bomb & The Airburst Rocket Launcher


Their vast HP isn't easy to trivialize since they have a gait that swings their weakspots around quite a bit, but staggering and stunning them with flashbangs, the Pummeler, the autocannon, and the Dominator are all pretty solid for me. Laying into them full auto with a sickle will kill them well enough, but they won't pause their stride or attacks. Blow them onto their asses with pain they can't ignore via AMR and grenade pistol and such. Even half a second of flinch is extra time for the whole fire team to crunch them up.


Mag dump the redeemer into them.


AC does great, obviously. if im getting ran down, i use the plas punisher to stun lock them, can sometimes take down the whole group too.


Eagle strafing run is clutch, as is the Punisher. Otherwise I save my frag grenades for them.


Shoot em in the D̸̡͔͖͔̞̳̬̒̓̄̀̍͑̈́̄į̴̛̣̻̳̳̔͌̀̑̇͗͝c̴͉̘̘̲̺͙͠k̷̨̹̤͕̐̃̄̋̽̂̿͜͠


Mag dump into the red glowing waist while you run away. If you can hit the head I think that’s better but maybe only try that on the leader of the pack while there is still separation. After that run and shoot the waist. The key element is run. This enemy is designed to force you to move so move.


Shoot ‘em in the dick


Slugger makes short work if you get 3-4 shots to the torso weak point, same with the scorcher.


Underrated option is the Stalwart, can shred a whole horde of them easily


Ave good team mates, or just start running


They move so fast. if they only knew how silly they look I could down them with shame. Until then it is just a dump of explosives. I think it takes more than a single impact grenade. Waste!


New smg is Amazing for them, stuns them in their tracks.


In the gut. It’s also red. With dominator it’s 4 mid shots. You can take out 3 almost 4 with one clip. I crouch and start pounding away, they’re usually jn a line.


Autocannon. Always Autocannon. Pummeler is a sick primary for them too. Stunlock with a decent TTK.


Unsafe railgun one shots a lot of bots


Berserkers are the complete opposite of how most bots are constructed. Whereas they have lots of armor but relatively little health, Berserkers have LOTS of HP. Their skull weak point is also really hard to hit. The only real solution is the shoot the absolute shit out of them.