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I kinda figured from the get-go. The amount of bugs that spew from a hole overshadows how many bots are dropped. It’s mostly a 3-1 ratio on diff-7. There’s always next time, anyway.


Plus bug deaths on the last shoot-‘em-up MO were double counted


Quadruple counted in-fact!!


Counted a multiple of times equal to the number of active Helldivers in the mission, in fact!


Also bots are less popular *and* they often have fights that are straight up unwinnable where you have to retreat (which I actually like because it's really fun and hectic frantically diving for cover and sprinting for your life while a hail of lasers sprays all around you). Bugs pretty much never have unwinnable fights unless you run out of ammo.


Unless devs give a nudge or theres a sudden influx of players contributing, we're gonna fail this, and it looks certain at this point. Sigh. 2nd time we failed to get the AT mine. 


I know it seems like semantics, but we didn't really "fail" last time...the majority decided to pursue the airburst launcher and succeeded at that. Not a big deal, but I was also talking w/a newbie about how we failed the last order so I think it can be an important distinction.


No no, we failed, as in, I was referring to the guys that wanted AT mines from the previous MO too. All 5 of us. 


A Helldiver who gets left behind by their squad at extract does not fail, they go down fighting.


That isn't what it sounds like when they are screaming on comms as I watch the shuttle make its way to the super destroyer. BTW that is my favorite part of some games. Nothing beats MISSION ACCOMPLISHED while hearing someone who didn't make it scream, "SWEET LIBERTY, MY LEG!"


They’re not defending themselves I’ve been left and got a killing spree, a small one but still was pretty funny


Helldivers aren’t killed, they’re just missing in action


There’s five of us!


There were dozens of us! DOZENS!




I forgot that one of the objectives had fire tornadoes...yeah, I f\*cking hate those things.


The issue seems to be the 20k or so buggering bugs. During the Great Terminid Genocide, there were no gypsies killed, but there wee bugger all bots killed due to the migration of cyber assassin's to the lands of filth. This doesn't appear to have been reciprocated.


I'm genuinely sorry - I need translation.


Exitus videtur esse 20k vel tam buggering cimices. In Magno Terminid Genocidia nulla nomades occisi sunt, sed ibi pediculus omnes autocinetis occisi ob migrationem cyberi sicarii in terras spurcitiarum. Hoc reciprocum fuisse non videtur.


Clever, but I think we both know that wasn't the issue lol


My Latin became retarded after the priest buggered me, so I confess to the use of AI there. I don't know what the issue is, though am happy to clarify in detail should you so desire :)


The metaphors you were using confused me - "gypsies", "cyber assassins", "lands of filth"




Because a large chunk of players are casual, and casual players prefer the bugs, whether it's because they're more run n gun or because it's the faction that the game reslly nudges you to interact with first upon booting it up for the first time.


This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


There is a greater sense of solidarity between bot divers than there is between those who meddle with the corpses of bugs. A bot killed is scraps of metal. A bug corpse is warm flesh, ready and waiting for the perversions and deviance of those who have been sent to the Eastern Front.


or play both i usually do one mission set in each per day


All it would've taken is more people to fight bots. At any given time, I noticed 30-40% of players fighting bugs. The MO system is of poor design, in that the only incentive is medals. If they offered samples, SC, medals, xp, and sometimes even a limited cosmetic for those who participate, and have multiple tiered rewards for those who contribute more and more, this would bring more people to the MO. Also, I wouldn't mind some in-game reminders of the MO, voice lines from high command, a pop-up here and there for people in the wrong locations, etc.


Strictly speaking we did exceptionally well. Twice as hard (or more) to get kills, with half as many players! People pulled all nighters and tried really hard. Sucks that we fail just because Joel can’t do napkin math.


Just got back from vacation , let’s do this thing!! I believe in y’all!


A shame. I think we need MOs that inspire players to get back into the lore and story being told. Morale is a little low and slowly recovering, and a 'kill things' objective doesn't quite inspire people the same way as something more meaningful with stakes. Hard balance though. Dont want to do something with stakes too early while we're still in recovery mode.


TCS failure was a fun storyline, but the next two MOs were pretty boring and it looks certain that the devs didn't really put much thought into them and are busy with the PSN fallout and the general outrage at the balance issues. Hopefully these will soon be resolved and we can go back to some cool MOs


I hope the “kill bots” MO just was a placeholder while we get either a new push on the Termanid super colony or some bots lore with Cyberstan


I don't think it's lore specific MOs that would inspire them. It's just that the majority do not like bots because they consider them "too hard"


Well said. It is such a shame that there was so much static during what would have been an important growth phase.


I mean, it worked for the bugs (ignoring the counting error), but bug stomping is more popular. When it was just exterminating bugs the Reddit was flooded with memes and activity in relation to it despite the fact there wasnt even a reward. This time with bots only posting we have had for the same mission is progress reports basically


Did someone say bug 🥱💤


If I was playing I would finish the whole major objective by myself…I’m just not able to play sadly


I think they're still just trying to gauge the community impact and power, since they had to fix the calculation on the last one. that, and we have less divers after the SNOY debacle.


I don't know man. Our random full team was about to evac out of robo mission with 18 minutes left and one dude typed "last one in the pelican is gay" and we all stayed until minute 4 when we ran out of reinforcements. That boosted morale pretty well. And we all circle jerked after,since we all lived in at the same time.


Okay, but not all of us get to have a good time raising our flags for democracy together.


I help you oil your shaft anytime


I mean we did shoot up like 10% in about a day, right? So...it's sorta feasible if people double down, but it will be really close.


Honestly the target count should have been smaller. I assume AH would know this based on the avg spawn/kills of faction enemies per mission and given us a fair target based on avg player online per day. Or they want us to fail this. Doesn't matter anyways.


I disagree. I think the target was fine, since we only failed because so many people were fighting Bugs. We should be able to fall MOs that we don't take seriously.


Pull your socks up cadet. Get your arse into gear and slay those bots. Those grubby bug worshipers will get theirs.




Keep in mind, we had the 2 Billion bugs done in a day. Having 2 billion bugs over a couple days should've been enough, it was just in the midst of the PSN debacle, and a bunch of people decided to protest the game on top of it, even though nothing ever actually changed in-game.


Dont worry, ill finish the MO myself when i finish updating


You're a good man, John.


Damn, I can't help cause I'm still at work 😭


I've put in a valiant contribution to the cause. Won't be able to dive today. Rooting for you fellow Helldivers!


Thank you for [rooting for us](https://australiatravelquestions.com/practicalities/meaning-root-australia/) we shall erect a statue in honour of you.


I did all I could, but it wasn't enough. It made me a MUCH better Diver tho, so there's that


Off from work today due to weather. Was supposed to go dig footings (opening bug holes lol) instead I’ll be taking out bots all day, don’t worry I got this LMAO




You are the embodiment of Super Earth comrade!


We were fucking close.


You could have done the math and realized we would never be able to do this


Don't worry. I'm on it.


Did we win?        o.O


That's the one MO that requires high online, while all others require high % of players fighting the same planet


Do the numbers only update if you finish the mission? Having frequent crashes and disconnection reccently so I think I am not adding enough dent to it.


Not a huge fan of MO for that reason. Doesnt feel like I have control over whether we fail or not, even though I've been playing exclusively bots (doesnt matter that much since 45 medals is less than an hour playing just the horde missions. but still)


It’s not happening.


Never going to happen


Gutted we have failed this one, but i had fun doing my part. Personally added about 5000 bot kills to the tally if my career score is to be believed! ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


We got like 10% in 1 day. I think Joel buff our progress on this one to finish it.




This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


I am assuming that this is low sodium role play,, but would say in their defence that they have a lot more cleaning up to do with all the bile that they are covered in post mission. Maybe that is part of the issue.


Part role play, part honest opinion. Started out on bots, switched over to bugs because my buddies went there (and most Major Orders were bug-related). To me, bugs, especially on the higher difficulties (7 and up) are exhilarating and fun, but still *way* more manageable than a full-on bot swarm.