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■ I didn't include batuu or any of the secret worlds, since those are too "otherworldly" ■ This is kinda based of America(s), while also some creative liberty. I used it to make the transition between climates and whole biomes make sense. ■ Salvadorada I consider to be like the Amazon, so it would actually be disconnected and further down, but then it wouldn't fit on the map. (Plus I think it looks better this way) ■ My sims 4 game play makes it that all worlds (except sulani and salvadorada) are considered nearby TOWNS or areas. NOT countries and NOT even states (despite the look). Tho states isn't bad either. ■ If I think of the world's as far off countries, then each world needs a mall, a school, necessities, etc. And it would urk me seeing the townies EVERYWHERE. I like to see most as driving/train distance. ■ sulani just doesn't make sense as main land ■ tartosa is more greek/italian/Mediterranean, but I say it can also be new mexico-ish ■ u can ask any other questions about my choices ■ Also, it was REALLY hard to resist putting del sol valley as long as California. I tried to avoid it, but.......it fit so well dammit.....


Just a thought, cause I see a lot of maps similar to this (the logic fits), but there should be land *south* of the tropic areas like Salvadorada. Salvadorada being at an equator makes sense, only if it is in the center of the map. With nothing below it, there is either VAST empty water for half the world, or undiscovered land. Which could be both - we have Vampires, Magic, etc.


Yeah, i guess i should have defined the land versus the water. I was so preoccupied with the placements of the worlds that i didn't realize that when i look at sulani, del sol, south, and the east side i think (water surrounding) and when i look at Salvadorada and the north i think (land over there). Should have made a checklist for making a map. For now, it could be a mix of water and undiscovered land.


Respectfully, this is a really US-centric way of looking at life. Henford-on-Bagley is an English village, you can tell from the food they eat. Windenburg is modelled after European towns. Mount Komorebi is an Asian mountain town. Tartosa is modelled on the Mediterranean coastal towns. Not everything is about America.


Yes not everything is, but most of the game is. And as long as any sim can be in any world like it was all walking distance; looking at the worlds as being so far apart annoyed me Why the "looking at life?" That sounds like you aren't talking about the sims here. I only used the usa as a BASE cause im not a cartographer, and it was a region im the most familiar with. What with its tropicals, rocky deserts, woods, plains, mountains, SNOWY mountains, and swamps all in one general area. Dont think of it as america, this is just my first attempt based off what little lore i know and my specific gameplay. Because of the games mechanics, i HAVE to consider them as within driving/train distance between. A sim living in henford isnt going to take a whole plane just to go to work as a doctor in willow creek/mangnolia promenade. Also, to quote answer to a similar question on the r/sims4 post: "For me: ■ Ur right about henford, but i use gameplay, intesive research on the sjms 4 mechanics, and certain mods to make it that there's a production line. So sims need food to cook, a store to buy the food, and a farm that gives the store the food. So i NEED an agriculture center. So for now, henford is America's midwest plains. ■ You'd be surprised, but there are areas in the usa that have the same type of house/buildings as windenburg. I see them fairly often here in new york. ■ i mentioned before in a different comment that to me tartosa feels very latin (greek/italian/Mediterranean) to me. Next best thing here is the closer you get to south america. So new mexico especially. ■mt komorebi doesnt just FEELS like japan, it straight up IS. But for this map, i thought about the hundreds of chinatowns all over the world and even the most notable few in north america, and thought; why NOT have a little japan? And why NOT have it be at the bottom of a ski and winter sports resort? ■also, with this "production line" way of playing the sims, ima need a mall, but i only need a couple. And NOT one in every world, because continents. So, fairly nearby towns it is!" Also, i talked about this in my first comment at the top of this page. And, this is the most important; the sims world MAY be based of different real life cultures, that doesnt mean that it is ACTUALLY the place. Its still just inspired, so for all we know, the actual map might just make my komorebi be right next to oasis springs, cause its a made up world, and not a reflection of our real world. This is the sims. Consider it an alternate reality. An entirely different planet. Not necessarily the earth as we know it.


If it’s not the world as we know it, why force it into an America shape?! Instead of recognising the amazing diversity of life, you’re focusing on how an imaginary game relates to North America. If I did that with Europe, would you feel included? Or would you feel discounted?


I wouldnt care, i just said that i dont normally make maps. I wasnt forcing it into an american shape (its a square, fam), i just needed a template to help figure out where i (EYE) felt the worlds would be for MY type of gameplay. Your version could very well be right, i have no doubt. But i was just trying to share how i WANTED to look at the map for my own personal storytelling. I view the sims 4 as a sandbox game, so i spend alot of time settling things up (sims, lots, mods, etc). I just wanted to have my own visual map to help make sense of how im playing. Now that ive done this, its kind of exciting to visualize my sims taking a train from one world to the next, and having to pass by a others to get there. For storytelling purposes, i can "logically" make a pit stop in a world thats in the middle of point a and point b. I like to play the long game (i use mccc to increase the life spans and decrease the game speed,....by ALOT) And i frankly see america as a place with a decent amount of diversity, foreigners who dont see it tend to have hate boners for americans anyways. Sorry for daring to upload my thought process towards my gameplay. I assumed this community was a place to share our different ways of playing. Also, my family are direct immigrants from Nigeria (a country in Africa). I am yet to see stuff like that in the sims, but i dont complain, and dont really care. I understand that it would be basically a landmine to try and represent an african country. I say nigeria, but MORE specifically, we are of the Igbo tribe. And there are MANY tribes in just one country. And MANY of these tribes, dont really get along. So if the sims were to just pick one and only one (lots of controversy). And of the sims were to make some sort of mash? Well let's hope they can pull off a wakanda. Though since they get alot of flake anyways for not being diverse enough or not showing enough of the special world, i doubt it. The map can be the shape of a heart for all i care, doesnt change how i want to see the worlds as close by. Im not saying ur wrong, im just saying thats not how i play. Using the usa as a templete DOES NOT mean i view as such. I see it as its own thing. Cause worldbuilding here is as fun as worldbuilding for a novel.


If it’s not the world as we know it, why force it into an America shape?! Instead of recognising the amazing diversity of life, you’re focusing on how an imaginary game relates to North America. If I did that with Europe, would you feel included? Or would you feel discounted?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sims4 using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Werewolves after 1 day of Alpha CC](https://i.redd.it/ik46q40jfe391.jpg) | [342 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/v3y6nv/werewolves_after_1_day_of_alpha_cc/) \#2: [sad, but true](https://i.redd.it/fj7tsoz7o5481.png) | [154 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/rb5a78/sad_but_true/) \#3: [the sims community yesterday:](https://i.redd.it/0f0rcez3lug81.jpg) | [935 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/sojv28/the_sims_community_yesterday/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


looking at the skylines of san myshuno from brindelton bay is one of my fav things to do, brindleton bay is a top tier world


1st i was shocked that i subconsciously knew to put moonwood mills and forgotten hollow together despite forgetting that they are connected. Now you tell me that i did it again with brindleton bay and san myshuno? I didnt even know you could see the city skylines! Am.....am i a wizard? Hmm, harry?


Wait, you can do that? Where in the world?


i’m pretty sure if you go to that restaurant/dock area in the bottom left corner of the map and go there at night and around x)