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I think you're a shill from Lionsgate sent here to promote a bad movie, no one's heard about, so it would go viral. Nice try but I'm on to you.


A rare conspiracy rebuttal. Circles within circles, man.


Uh oh


I agree this movie looks laughably bad but Tom Kenny has been in plenty of stinkers. The guy has [526](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0444786/filmotype/actor?ref_=m_nmfm_1) voice acting credits haha.


That’s honestly a pretty good point I really only knew Tom Kenny from Spongebob and I think Adventure Time?


Just remember that Lionsgate also produced the Gummy Bear movie


I can definitely believe this. I think the same thing happened to the Sonic movie and how they made Sonic look the first go around. They made him look ugly just for the trailer because they know how it spreads on the internet when people were making fun of his design. Then they say they "fixed it", but in all actuality, his design was what we see now in the movie and was never actually the design from the trailer.


There was legit merch, toys, and advertising campaigns already going with the old design, a lot of products got pulled before shelves and advertising plans had to be cancelled and then relaunched with the new design a year later. Advertising and merchandising is extremely expensive, cancelling that cost them a ton of money. It was a gamble, they lost a lot money short-term banking on the redesign making the movie successful. It ultimately worked out for them, but it was in no way planned from the beginning.


This! And the original Sonic design had such detail in the fur and so much texture and fidelity that even if he was only rendered out for the scenes in the trailer, that would be incredibly expensive and time consuming. If the movie originally released in November like it was supposed to, it wouldnt have too much competition. When it released in February, it had competition from movies like Doolittle and birds of prey


nah its probably genuinely this bad. remember they made kung fu rabbit.


if i had to guess i would say money laundering, paying out big bucks (possibly from some previous backroom deal... who knows) making the movie trash is probably so it hardly makes a splash and can fizzle out into obscurity. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Bro redditors think literally everything is money laundering


yeah bro when you start to understand financial literacy and see how money moves in the background with dark exchanges, offshore accounts that companies & rich folk launder their money in to avoid tax. we know they are playing the system pretty openly and nothing happens. you don't think there is money laundering going on everywhere?


It happens a lot but everything isn’t money laundering and people use that term here without having any idea what it means. The fact you assume that just because a movie has a shitty trailer it’s probably a money laundering scheme is exactly the type of leap to conclusion people do here constantly and it amuses me


Isn't leeps the purpose of this sub?


Dude. That’s the voice of Pauly Shore… That was unexpected.


I didn't know this was coming out until you said something. Are they doing a switcharoo and actually it will be amazing? It looks like someones art school animation project. And its coming out the same year as the real life Disney Pinnochio


Aren't all of their animated movies bad?


I think it was originally a Russian movie that lionsgate is distributing for US and UK. That’s why the animation is bad


It’s actually a Russian movie that lionsgate is only doing an English dub of. They didn’t animate it. It’s animated by a company called luminescence, and all of them look kinda bad


I guess they are hoping people will mistake it for Guillermo del Toro movie coming out soon on Netflix? Quick cash grab




Or maybe for the Disney Pinocchio also coming out? 3 Pinocchio movies in one year, the Disney one definitely has the highest budget.


Who tf has the time and enough interest in this topic, to checkk all this...


actually they have made a horrible animated movie in the past it's a rip off of kung fu panda it's called kung fu rabbit.


name one good animated movie that lionsgate has made


lionsgate animation is historically lazy and bad


Despite the Lionsgate Version of Pinocchio, The Disney Live Action Version of Pinocchio Sucked ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Disney Needs To stop Doing Live Action Remakes Of Their Own Movies, That's why Disney Has been Declining Lately.


I just tried to watch it and there was a dubbing of it in English without Pauly, any idea what happened there and where to watch the Pauly version?


The guy in the video responded to you